Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 5365: Look down on me?

Cao Jianjia was stunned.

A bigger continent?

What does that mean?

But the next second, Cao Jianjia reacted, and her pupils shrank suddenly: "Emperor Chu, you... you are not talking about..."

Chu Yan nodded slightly and smiled: "Ghost Sect."

Cao Jianjia's mouth twitched.

Chu Yan smiled and asked: "Jianjia, do you know the Ghost Sect? Or have you been to the Ghost Sect?"

Cao Jianjia shook her head slightly: "No."

Chu Yan frowned.

At this time, someone next to him suddenly raised his hand: "I know, I've been there! Oh no, I lived there before!"

Luo Chen!

Chu Yan turned and looked at Luo Chen, then laughed: "Yes, I forgot about you. You are from the Ghost Sect."

Luo Chen was shocked and shook his head hurriedly: "No! How can you scold me, sir! I am not from the Ghost Sect, I am yours."

Chu Yan: "..."

Chu Yan rubbed his head: "Okay, stop talking nonsense, let's talk about business. Since you know about it, then tell me briefly about the Ghost Sect?"

"I have been to the Wandao Domain. The Lord of the Wandao Domain relies on a Wandao Tree to bind everyone. A tree can produce countless fruits, and each fruit is a Dao Lord. What about the Ghost Sect? What form is it?"

Luo Chen thought for a while and said: "Ghost Sect... Actually, I don't think it is accurate to call it the Ghost Sect. The real ability of the Ghost Lord is actually a puppet."


Chu Yan was stunned and asked in confusion: "What do you mean?"

Puppet... There are many kinds of puppets.

Luo Chen thought for a while and said, "The ghost master knows a way to refine a puppet. He can use this puppet to let some people inject the avenue and become his power... This is similar to the Wandao Realm, but it is not a fruit, but a puppet."

Chu Yan suddenly realized and nodded, "That's similar to what I guessed. The so-called leader of the alliance actually has a way to help people practice, either a fruit or a puppet."

Cao Jianjia nodded, "Both, otherwise why would ordinary giants join such an alliance."

Chu Yan tilted his head, "That's a good idea."

Cao Jianjia said, "What should we do now?"

Chu Yan looked at Luo Chen, "Is the Ghost Sect a continent?"

Luo Chen nodded slightly: "Yes, a very big ghost island!"

"That's fine."

Chu Yan suddenly became serious: "Let's go, let's take back the continent that belongs to us. The bastard ghost lord dared to occupy my continent, then he is finished."

Cao Jianjia: "..."

At this time, she hesitated and said: "Emperor Chu, are we really going to kill them directly? You just killed a lot of people from the Ghost Sect, and your identity was exposed. With the character of the ghost lord, he will definitely not forgive you."

Chu Yan chuckled: "It doesn't matter, I'm not going to forgive him."

After that, he said to Luo Chen: "Lead the way."

Luo Chen nodded: "Sir, just leave it to me."

Chu Yan didn't say anything, and the three of them quickly took off.

At this time, the Demon Sword Continent had been completely shattered.

Hundreds of giants exploded, the power was too great.

Chu Yan just reacted quickly enough, otherwise even he would be seriously injured now.

Soon, the three flew away.

As the three flew, Chu Yan asked: "Luo Chen, how many people are there in the Ghost Sect? How many of them are level three or above?"

Although he now has the Blood Pond and has unparalleled combat power, he has always understood that a lion will do its best to fight a rabbit, let alone he is not a lion yet.

If he had not returned to the universe that time, he would be really confident enough. He thought he would be invincible after opening the Blood Pond.

But when he saw the power of the Spirit of the Universe, to be honest, he had some doubts.

The Spirit of the Universe made him understand that even if he opened the Blood Pond, he was not invincible.

So he still had to understand it.

Luo Chen thought for a while and said, "There are many strong men in the Ghost Sect. If it is an ordinary giant level, there are at least more than 3,000. But there are not many people who have reached the third level. There may be only a dozen?"

Chu Yan was stunned: "So few?"

Luo Chen's eyes dimmed slightly: "Emperor Chu doesn't know that the Ghost Lord's method of cultivation is very special. He... can devour his own puppets. Once the puppets reach a certain strength, they will be absorbed into his body and become a part of himself. He made so many puppets, in fact, just to let others help him practice, and he will harvest them himself."

Chu Yan nodded slightly.

He has long been accustomed to this pig-raising model.

Many strong men will do this, letting the weak practice, and wait until they have reached a certain level to harvest leeks together.

Not to mention others, isn't he actually the same?

It's just that he won't harvest.

Chu Yan asked: "What about the Ghost Lord himself? How strong is he?"

Luo Chen smiled bitterly and said: "Emperor Chu...you think too highly of me. How strong is the Ghost Lord? How strong is it for me to know?"

Chu Yan thought for a while and nodded, yes.

And just at this moment...


Suddenly, the space ahead twisted.


Then the space split open, forming a special portal, and then an old man in white walked out of it, blocking the way of the three people.

The old man had a strong aura, and standing there gave people a sense of majesty without anger.

The old man looked at Chu Yan: "Are you from the universe?"

Chu Yan looked at the old man and nodded slightly: "Yes."

The old man sneered: "Are you here to die? You..."

Tsk - the voice stopped abruptly, because Chu Yan had disappeared.

The old man's face changed, and then he snorted and punched forward.


The next second, the fist was gone...

Yes, one of the old man's hands was chopped off on the spot.

The old man was startled, but then he immediately raised his other hand, snort-he hadn't spoken yet, and the corner of his mouth twitched.

Because his other hand was gone.

The old man panicked: "You..."

Snort-the next second, the old man's head was gone.

Chu Yan slashed three swords in a row, and then slowly put away the Refining Heaven Sword: "Noisy! Let's continue walking."

The two nodded, and Luo Chen said at this time: "Emperor Chu had better be mentally prepared."

"What?" Chu Yan asked in confusion.

Luo Chen said seriously: "You angered the ghost master, and he will definitely send many people to kill you now."

Chu Yan's eyes lit up: "So I will have a lot of money-giving boys next time?"

Luo Chen: "..."

But when he thought of Chu Yan's strength, he laughed and nodded: "There is nothing wrong with Emperor Chu's understanding."

Chu Yan was immediately excited: "Good! Let's go!"


In an instant, the three of them moved forward together.

The Ghost Sect is not far from the Demon Sword Continent. Of course, this is relative. Cao Jianjia said before that all giants in the void will have their own safe distance, not to mention a giant alliance.

So it still takes some time to get from the Demon Sword Domain to the Ghost Sect.


At this moment, when the three walked a distance, someone would appear immediately. But before the person spoke, as long as he was wearing the clothes of the Ghost Sect, Chu Yan rushed up and killed him with a sword on the spot.

After killing for a while, Chu Yan was a little annoyed and cursed: "Bastard Ghost Lord, can't you send a little stronger person? Are you looking down on me, Chu Yan?"

Luo Chen: "..."

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