Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 5364 A Bigger Continent

The Ghost Sect's throats rolled.

Their eyes were filled with fear and shock.

They couldn't figure out who the person in front of them was.

At this time, Chu Yan walked in front of a person again. It is worth mentioning that the Ghost Sect did have a few stubborn people. Before he could speak, the person said, "You are dreaming!"

Chu Yan smiled slightly: "Okay."

He immediately clenched his palm.


The person died and the way disappeared.

Chu Yan continued to walk in front of the third person. He smiled lightly, and then before the third person could speak.


He slapped out with a palm.

The man's eyes widened, full of fear.


You, you haven't asked me yet.

If you ask me... I might tell you.

Chu Yan said lightly: "My patience is limited. I will give you one chance now. Whoever helps me contact the leader of the Ghost Sect, I will spare his life. If you don't want to say it, then prepare to die."

Hundreds of people's eyelids jumped.

But no one spoke.

Chu Yan waited for a while, and said impatiently: "Then let's go together."


He raised his palm, and with a click, the space around him twisted instantly. Then he slowly raised his five fingers, trying to crush the entire space.


At this moment, a man screamed: "Don't, don't kill me, I'll help you contact!"

The faces of the people in the Ghost Sect all changed.

Chu Yan raised the corner of his mouth and slowly put his palm down.

He walked in front of the man and said lightly: "Contact."

At this time, the man trembled and said: "Big, sir, I will help you contact, can you save me?"

Chu Yan said calmly: "I have said that I will spare your life."

The man said sadly: "It's useless. If I contact, you, you spare me. If the ghost master doesn't spare me, he can still kill me through my avenue!"

Chu Yan was startled, and suddenly reached out to grab the man's wrist.


Soon, a totem of an evil ghost appeared on the back of the man's hand.

Chu Yan frowned: "What is this?"

The man lowered his head and said: "Ghost Killing Mark!"

Cao Jianjia explained: "This is a special evil method of the Ghost Lord. He can use a method to inject a fierce ghost into the human body, and then use it to control the other party. Of course, this is also the practice method of the Ghost Sect."

After speaking, he continued: "So in a sense, no one dares to betray the Ghost Sect. If someone betrays the Ghost Lord, no matter where this person is, he will be wiped out from the air."

Chu Yan's eyes turned cold: "No wonder!"

He was just thinking, in such a chaotic place like the Void, there is actually a force that can be so united and strong?

It is because the Ghost Lord used another method to control them, making them more afraid of death.

Chu Yan thought for a while, and suddenly raised the Refining Heaven Sword to chop at the man.

"No!" The man's eyes widened.


The next second, a breaking sound was heard.

The man opened his eyes and looked for a while, and couldn't help but be stunned.

Because he found that Chu Yan's sword fell, but did not cut him, but cut on something special.

Then he suddenly lowered his head.


Suddenly, the evil ghost totem on the back of his hand dissipated little by little.

The man was suddenly surprised: "I, I am free? My ghost-killing mark is gone?"

The surrounding ghost sect people were all envious.

Chu Yan said lightly: "Let's contact now."

The man nodded excitedly: "Yes, yes, I will contact for you."

After speaking, the man suddenly turned and walked towards another ghost sect strongman.

The man's face changed: "Luo Chen, what are you going to do?"

Luo Chen sneered: "Of course, I will use you to contact the ghost master!"

After speaking, he grabbed the strong man's wrist and squeezed it hard.


A special force rushed into the sky.

Immediately, the ghost-killing mark on the back of this man's hand actually flickered.

After a moment, a deep voice came from inside: "Has the Demon Sword Continent been taken?"

When the voice came out, Cao Jianjia shivered beside Chu Yan and hurriedly stepped back: "It's the Ghost Lord, it's the Ghost Lord!"

The voice was also stunned when hearing Cao Jianjia's scream: "Witch Sword? You are back?"

Without waiting for Cao Jianjia to speak, Chu Yan slowly walked forward and said: "Are you the Ghost Lord?"

The voice was stunned and said lightly: "Who are you?"

Chu Yan looked at the ghost-killing mark and suddenly roared fiercely: "I, Chu Yan, wait in the Ghost Sect, I will go to take your dog head soon."

The Ghost Lord was obviously stunned, but before he could speak.


Chu Yan slashed with a sword and directly cut off the connection with the Ghost Lord.

The people around were stunned.

You went to the trouble to contact the Ghost Lord just to tell him that you are going to kill him?

Wouldn't it be better if you went secretly?

The Ghost Sect is there and won't run away.

Who doesn't know about nothingness?

You're sick.

Cao Jianjia also looked at Chu Yan with some surprise, then smiled, and was a little moved.

Because she knew that Chu Yan did this just to vent her anger.

Chu Yan looked around, and he was about to speak.

Suddenly, all the people in the Ghost Sect widened their eyes.

Everyone clasped their throats with both hands, becoming extremely painful.

Chu Yan frowned: "What happened to them?"

Luo Chen's face changed, and he said in a low voice: "It's the Ghost Killing Seal! The Ghost Lord found out that something happened here, so he used the secret technique to punish them directly. They are all going to die."

Chu Yan's eyes turned cold: "It's cruel enough!"

At this time, Luo Chen suddenly shouted in a low voice: "My Lord, be careful! These people will soon explode after being controlled. The ghost master is going to use them to kill you."

Chu Yan's eyes narrowed, and he grabbed Cao Jianjia and Luo Chen, and his figure flashed.


The next second, Cao Jianjia's palace exploded directly.

The whole royal city was shaking wildly.

Hundreds of giants exploded!

To be honest, this was more spectacular than when the two Weiwei Realm killed everyone in the universe at that time.


Instantly, Cao Jianjia's continent collapsed.

If Cao Jianjia had not been disconnected from the continent, I am afraid that even if she didn't die, she would be seriously injured by the destruction of the continent.

Chu Yan's eyes turned cold.

Cao Jianjia was shocked, and she rushed down in a hurry.

Chu Yan grabbed her: "Don't go, it's useless, there is no sign of life in the palace."

Cao Jianjia's eyes were red: "No! My nanny is still there, my nanny is still there..."

But Chu Yan kept pulling him.

At this time, Luo Chen was stunned: "Nanny?"

Chu Yan looked at Luo Chen: "You know?"

Luo Chen nodded slightly: "The Ghost Lord knew that the Witch Sword had always cared about someone, and that person was captured by the Ghost Sect at that time."

Cao Jianjia was startled and immediately surprised: "My nanny is okay?"

Luo Chen nodded slightly: "Probably not."

Cao Jianjia looked at Chu Yan.

Chu Yan whispered: "Don't worry, I will help you."

Cao Jianjia breathed a sigh of relief.

Then her face darkened and she said sadly: "Emperor Chu... I'm sorry."

Chu Yan frowned: "Why are you apologizing suddenly?"

Cao Jianjia lowered her head and said: "My continent is destroyed, I may not be able to help you."

Chu Yan was stunned, then chuckled: "I thought it was something, it's okay, won't we have a bigger continent soon?"

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