Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 5360: Demolishing Bailing Hall

He was stunned.

200 billion Origin Stones?

What's going on?

Even if he has some money now, he won't spend it like this.

The shadow laughed: "The coordinates you two want to teleport to are very far away, and it takes a lot of energy."

Chu Yan's mouth twitched, and he turned to look at Cao Jianjia: "Do you live in the suburbs of the Void?"

Cao Jianjia: "..."

Cao Jianjia said helplessly: "Emperor Chu, I said, the Void is really big..."

Chu Yan's eyelids jumped, but asking him to pay 200 billion Origin Stones is definitely unrealistic.

He has been like this for many years, don't even think about taking out the money that goes into his pocket.

Suddenly, he looked at the shadow and smiled: "I have a solution."

The shadow's mouth twitched: "What bad idea has the Emperor Chu come up with?"

Chu Yan smiled and said: "I want to sell information."

The shadow was speechless for a while: "What information will the Emperor Chu sell this time?"

Chu Yan said: "You know that nearly 400 giants died near the universe, right? I know the details, I will sell it to you."

The shadow's eyelids jumped: "I, Bailingtang, have already found out about this matter, so the Emperor Chu doesn't need to sell it."

"No!" Chu Yan shook his head: "You must sell it, not only that, I also want to sell my strength. Now there must be many people in the void who are curious about my combat power, I will sell it together."

The shadow's mouth twitched: "Emperor Chu, you are really cruel and even sell yourself?"

Chu Yan was speechless.


If I don't sell it, where can I get 200 billion.

However, regarding Chu Yan's fighting power, the shadow thought for a moment and said, "If the Emperor Chu really wants to sell, my Bailing Hall is willing to buy it for 100 billion."

"No, 200 billion, I will tell you my strength." Chu Yan said.

The shadow's eyelids jumped.

He had seen people bargaining, but he had never seen people bargaining when selling things.

He was silent for a while and said, "I can't make the decision on this matter. I need to report it to the higher-ups."

Chu Yan's eyes lit up, and he knew that reporting would be a good thing, so he nodded and said, "Go ahead."

The shadow disappeared for a while, and when he appeared again, he said, "My Bailing Hall is willing to pay 200 billion to buy the current strength of the Emperor Chu."

Chu Yan smiled and said, "A first-level giant."


The middle-aged man next to him almost couldn't stand and stumbled back a step.

First level!

This is already the top existence of the void, right?

The legendary I am the only one who doesn't come out, that is an invincible existence.

Even if two first-level people meet, it is highly likely that they will not be able to kill each other.

The shadow frowned: "Emperor Chu should be more than one level, right? Recently, several level one people have fallen in the void, and it seems that they are all called by Emperor Chu. And they are all level one, so they should not be able to kill those of the same level."

The middle-aged man behind him opened his mouth completely.


At this time, Chu Yan touched his chin and said: "That is Wei I? I don't know, anyway, I am very powerful. If someone comes to you to buy information, just tell them not to mess with me."

Shadow: "..."

Chu Yan said: "Okay, send it to me."

Shadow smiled bitterly: "Emperor Chu, you are too ambiguous in selling this information."

Chu Yan narrowed his eyes slightly: "What? You want to refuse? I said, I am very powerful."

The shadow was stunned and laughed: "Emperor Chu, you are not going to do it in Bailing Hall?"

Chu Yan kept staring at the shadow.

The shadow looked straight ahead without any movement.

Soon, Chu Yan retracted his breath, but he was more and more afraid of Bailing Hall.

This person knew that he could kill a level one, but he was not afraid.

Chu Yan laughed and said, "You're kidding. I'm a member of Bailingtang. How could I do this here?"

The shadow sighed, "Forget it. I'll give Emperor Chu a favor this time."

Chu Yan nodded slightly, "Thank you."

The shadow said, "Come on, take Emperor Chu and the Witch Sword to the teleportation platform."

Soon, a maid came to greet them.

Chu Yan and Cao Jianjia left together. As soon as they left, Cao Jianjia couldn't help but said from behind: "Emperor Chu, did you tell Bailingtang about your strength?"

Chu Yan nodded: "Yes, is there a problem?"

Cao Jianjia's mouth twitched slightly: "Is there a problem? It's a big problem! Emperor Chu, shouldn't everyone hide their strength? If you expose your strength now, won't it make it easier for everyone in the Void to target you?"

Chu Yan chuckled: "Oh, you are talking about this, it's okay, my strength changes every day, it's like this when I sell it to them today, it may be another tomorrow, if they are willing to buy it tomorrow, I will sell it again."

Cao Jianjia: "..."

She was immediately shocked.


Cao Jianjia had only one idea about Chu Yan in this matter!


Infinite confidence!

What if I sell the news? What I sell today is my strength today. Tomorrow, I will not be this strong. Even if you dare to buy my information, I will always be ahead of you and you will never catch up with me.

Cao Jianjia was envious.


What she didn't know was...

Chu Yan's own idea was... I sold level one today because the Blood Pond was open...

Maybe the Blood Pond will be closed tomorrow. At that time, I will not even be level three. What can't I sell? If Bailingtang really promotes me now, maybe people will be afraid of me. Otherwise, if I really wait until the Blood Pond is closed and a level one comes to me... I can't beat a level two, let alone a level one.

Now it's better to build more momentum while the Blood Pond is open.

If Cao Jianjia knew... she would probably be speechless.

Chu Yan didn't think it was a big deal.

Because he knew very well that his current combat power was very complicated.

He was very strong, but most of the power did not belong to him.

Instead, it came from the Blood Pond.

But who knows how long the Blood Pond will be open? Maybe it will be closed one day.

Or it will be exhausted?

It's good to use the tiger skin as a banner while it's still there.

At this time, the two followed the maid for a while and soon came to a huge teleportation array.

The teleportation array was a stone gate. When it was not opened, it looked very ordinary, but it had special ancient patterns on it.

The next second, the maid took out some special energy stones and threw them into the door.


In an instant, the ancient patterns on the stone gate lit up one after another, and then began to operate, turning into a huge beam of light that rushed into the sky.


As the beam entered the air, the surrounding space suddenly cracked, and then formed a teleportation channel leading to an unknown space.

The maid turned and said to Chu Yan: "Emperor Chu, the teleportation array is ready."

Chu Yan stared at the maid for a long time, his eyelids twitched: "Are you all scammers in Bailingtang? You are just a group of black-hearted businessmen!"

Where is the huge consumption?

Where is the 100 billion origin stones?

Chu Yan clearly saw that the maid just threw a few stones... If you say it is expensive, it is actually very expensive, but at most 20 billion origin stones are definitely enough!

Ten times the profit!

Ten times!

Suddenly, Chu Yan stopped teleporting and turned around and walked back to the phantom of Bailingtang.

Cao Jianjia was startled: "Emperor Chu, where are you going?"

"Tear down Bailingtang!"

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