Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 5359: Stealing Money

Chu Yan turned around and looked at Cao Jianjia, wondering: "What?"

Cao Jianjia lowered his head slightly, his cheeks a little rosy.

The corner of Chu Yan's mouth twitched: "I'm telling you, it's okay to ask me questions, but don't ask random questions, and don't think nonsense."

Cao Jianjia rolled his eyes: "No!"

Chu Yan said: "What is that?"

Cao Jianjia hesitated and said: "Emperor Chu, you must love your wife very much, right?"

Chu Yan laughed and said, "Huh, I thought it was something. This is certain."

Cao Jianjia frowned: "But...can I know why? What do you love about them?"

Chu Yan turned around and looked at Cao Jianjia.

Cao Jianjia said hurriedly: "Don't get me wrong, Emperor Chu. I just have some unclear ideas. I have been living in nothingness. To be honest... I have lived for too long, and time has long been lost to me. Because of this, I I never understood it. When I was in the void, I was enslaved by the strong and used as a pet. Later, when I became stronger, I also started to enslave others!"

"This world has always respected the strong. As long as you have strength, you can have anything. But I didn't find out until I recently went to the universe that this doesn't seem to be the case."

"In the universe, the strong protect the weak, and the weak are not afraid of the strong... To be honest, this is nothing like the world I was exposed to before."

Chu Yan suddenly realized and chuckled: "Maybe... this is the charm of the universe? You want to know what love is, love... is actually a sincere exchange."

Chu Yan recalled: "Actually, I can't tell you in detail. How can such a beautiful thing be explained clearly with something as cold as words? I can only tell you my so-called feelings."

"When I was very young, I was respected and protected by others, so I also want to be a person who protects others when I grow up. This may be love."

Cao Jianjia was startled and murmured: "Are you being protected by someone?"

Chu Yan nodded slightly.

Cao Jianjia said again: "Then Emperor Chu, what if you are bullied? Although my time in the universe is very short, I have also investigated some things about you... Don't be angry."

Chu Yan smiled: "There is nothing to be angry about. My life has been open and aboveboard. I also hope that one day, my life can affect some people, even just a small part."

Cao Jianjia breathed a sigh of relief: "I thought you would be angry. In the void, it has always been taboo to explore the past of a strong person at will."

Chu Yan thought for a moment and said, "That must be because he has some bad past. If not, why bother."

Cao Jianjia's eyes darkened for a while: "The Emperor Chu is right..."

Because there was a dark time in his life.

Cao Jianjia continued: "The Emperor of Chu hasn't answered me yet, so what if you were bullied? I have also found out in your past that you have also been bullied. If others protect you, you will protect others. Then what if others bully you?" You, why didn’t you think of bullying me back?”

Chu Yan looked at Cao Jianjia and smiled slightly: "Is this the love you are talking about?"

Cao Jianjia was startled.

Chu Yan chuckled: "I am not a good person. I will take revenge on those who bully me. But my life and upbringing tell me that if others bully me, I will feel wronged. If I bully others again and make others feel wronged, it will be wrong." Something wrong. All I want to do in my life is not to be bullied by others anymore, instead of trying to become someone who can bully others.”

Cao Jianjia's delicate body trembled slightly.

Chu Yan chuckled: "Okay, don't think too much, how far is it from your continent?"

Cao Jianjia came to his senses and said softly: "It's still far away. The span of nothingness is very large. Even giants want to travel through it. It's very difficult."

Chu Yan frowned: "Then why did you come to the universe so quickly?"

Cao Jianjia laughed: "Because Bailingtang can provide some teleportation services, we are all teleported here."

The corner of Chu Yan's mouth twitched slightly, and he said speechlessly: "Then why didn't you tell me earlier?"

Cao Jianjia said innocently: "I thought Emperor Chu knew about it, because the cost of teleportation is very high. I saw that Emperor Chu didn't mention the matter of teleportation, so I thought Emperor Chu was reluctant to part with the money... and just wanted to leave."

Chu Yan adjusted his eyelids and said with a dark face: "Let's go find a Bailing Hall!"

Cao Jianjia nodded slightly.


Soon, the two found a continent.

He is not a giant, so he is the kind of force that can wander.

The two of them had just landed.


The entire continent trembled violently, and a figure immediately flew out from the center of the continent. It was a middle-aged man. Seeing the two people trembling, he hurriedly bowed and said: "See you two adults... I dare you to ask the two adults to come here." Is there a problem?"

This middle-aged man is almost scared to death.

Two giants...

Chu Yan has recently become accustomed to killing giants, so he feels that giants are nothing.

When he was not a giant, the first time he saw a giant, he was also a god-like existence.

Now, two giants have descended on a top power at the same time. It would be strange if the leader of this power is not scared to death.

Cao Jianjia glanced at Chu Yan, and immediately took the initiative to take a step forward. Her identity changed very quickly. Now that she has joined the universe, she is Chu Yan's subordinate, so she should do some things for her.

She looked at the middle-aged man and said calmly: "Don't be nervous, we are just passing by and borrowing the Bailing Hall here to teleport."

The middle-aged man breathed a sigh of relief and said hurriedly: "Sir, please come quickly. It is a small honor for you to take a liking to this place."

After saying this, he turned around to lead the way.

Cao Jianjia nodded slightly and followed Chu Yan.

On the way, she deliberately slowed down her pace and followed Chu Yan all the time.

And this scene made the middle-aged man even more frightened. Although he was not a giant, he recognized Cao Jianjia, the witch sword.

Not weak.

A level 5 giant, which is considered to be the innate one in the void, turned out to respect someone so much?

Who is this person?

Of course, he didn't dare to ask.

Chu Yan was helpless for a while, and sent a message to Cao Jianjia: "There is no need to do this."

Cao Jianjia chuckled: "You are the emperor now, this is what I should do."

Chu Yan sighed, and then didn't say much.

Soon, the three came to the Bailing Hall on this continent.

As soon as Chu Yan entered, a phantom appeared in the Bailing Hall.

The phantom saw Chu Yan with a strange look in his eyes: "You... have reached this step."

Bailing Hall has always been that phantom.

Chu Yan looked at the shadow and narrowed his eyes and said, "You have always known something?"

The shadow laughed: "Emperor Chu thinks too much, I am just a manager of Bailing Hall."

Chu Yan snorted coldly, not wanting to expose him, and said, "Okay, send us to teleport."

Cao Jianjia took out the coordinates.

The shadow took it and checked it, and said, "200 billion origin stones."

Chu Yan's mouth widened: "You...robbed money?"

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