Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 513 Emperor's Road [Three Updates]

"Chu Yan, you are free here, but the people of the Demon Sect will go into the sea of ​​fire because of you. They will all die! And you will become the sinner of the Demon Sect!" Jian Wuya's disciple became more and more ferocious, and his smile was twisted.

Chu Yan's eyes were like ice, with murderous intent in them.

Dong slapped out with a palm, without any nonsense, the smile of Jian Wuya's disciple stopped, and was slapped to death by Chu Yan.

Chu Yan's eyes were like swords, piercing the storm in front of him.

Huo Feng and others looked at Chu Yan and frowned slightly.

Youyou said on the side: "Brother Chu, what he said may not be credible. From what we know about Shenzhu Mountain, the Demon Sect has a rich foundation in Tianbei Mountain. Although it is not as good as the Beiming Dynasty, the Beiming Dynasty may not dare to provoke a war between top forces, not to mention that Meng Ya is the heir of a local gentleman."

"He didn't lie." Chu Yan said in a deep voice. Just now, he sent a message to Meng Ya.

In normal times, Meng Ya would respond immediately when he opened his mouth and tease him, but this time, she didn't, and it fell into the sea.

The divine thoughts transmitted the sound directly to the mind. There was only one possibility for this situation, that is, Meng Ya was in trouble and the divine thoughts were blocked.

Beiming Dynasty!

After the Sixth Domain, Chu Yan's temperament changed a lot. He knew how to be patient and rarely got super angry. Although he had done some great deeds, they were not intentional.

For example, the descendant of the Sword King and the City of Craftsmanship.

However, this time, he was extremely angry. There was a roar of the ancient beast king in his body. The golden flame burned and flowed along the blood vessels around his body, making his eyes turn red gold and extremely bright.

The giant-faced monarch noticed Chu Yan's abnormality, and flew out to chase the car. The monarch suppressed Chu Yan with his majesty and held him down: "Boy, don't be impulsive, calm down."

Chu Yan was stunned for a moment, and the golden light gradually faded in his eyes and he returned to calm.

"What a little guy, what kind of blood is this?" Just a moment later, the giant-faced monarch was still frightened, and a burn appeared in his palm.

You know, he is a celestial monarch, a top existence in the sea of ​​stars, and his body has long been indestructible, but a flame in Chu Yan's body actually burned him.

Only he knew what he had just experienced. At the moment when he pressed Chu Yan's shoulder, he seemed to be drawn into an independent void, where there was absurdity. In front of him was a huge golden monster. The monster was as high as the sky, staring with a pair of huge golden eyes. Just one look made him have an impulse to kneel down.

This was when Chu Yan had no ill intentions. If Chu Yan had killed him just now, he even suspected that he might be swallowed by the golden monster.

"What a terrible power." The giant-faced monarch looked at Chu Yan strangely, and his heart was not so calm.

Although Chu Yan had been gorgeous and brilliant all the way in the six domains and under the ancient bell, those could only prove that Chu Yan was extraordinary.

But now it is different. Chu Yan's bloodline is like that of a demon king. That kind of bloodline can only be inherited. It seems that there is a top demon in Chu Yan's body.

"This boy must have an extraordinary background!" The giant-faced monarch looked at the young man in front of him for the first time.

"Thank you, senior." Chu Yan bowed with both hands and said to the giant-faced monarch after the violent blood dissipated.

It was a close call. Chu Yan knew that the blood just now would burn again. At that time, although his strength would increase greatly and he would defeat all enemies in the world, he would also lose his mind and fall into a state of madness.

He still remembered the last time and almost killed Liu Qingcheng with his own hands, which was a regret for the rest of his life.

"It doesn't matter. Although you are not from Shenzhu Mountain, you are the leader of Tiandi Sect. I can't bear to see you get into trouble." The giant-faced monarch shook his head.

"Senior, thank you for taking care of me all the way, but next, I may have to leave." Chu Yan said calmly with a firm look.

Chu Yan didn't say it, but everyone knew what he was going to do. If the Demon Sect was in trouble, he would not be immune.

"I'll go with you." The giant demon monarch hesitated for a moment and said.


"It's useless to say more. Let's go into the ruins first and see what happens." The giant-faced monarch interrupted. Chu Yan looked at him and was a little moved. He didn't refuse: "Okay, then I'll listen to you."

"First, like a storm!" The giant-faced monarch said. The disciples of the Tiandi Sect looked determined, as if they had made up their minds. Huo Feng took the lead and stepped into the storm.

"I'll go first!" Chu Yan took the lead. Huo Feng frowned slightly: "Master..."

"Since you call me Master, I'll take priority." Chu Yan smiled calmly and then stepped directly into the storm.

Stepping into the storm, a terrible wind blade suddenly formed inside and rolled towards Chu Yan. There was only one road ahead, and this road was full of thorns.

"Divine pattern formation!" Chu Yan felt the wind blade and slowly closed his eyes. Then his mind moved slightly and he stepped forward. With every step he took, the wind blade chopped at him, like a meat grinder.

Standing in the center of the storm, Chu Yan was very calm. Then his eyes lit up, and a fierce look suddenly flashed between his eyebrows. The storms stopped in an instant.

"My life is inherited from my parents. My mother is the best elixir in the world, and her divine pattern reaches the sky. How can you stop me?" Chu Yan said calmly, and then he walked out without paying attention to the countless wind blades.

Outside the storm, the disciples of Shenzhu Mountain were stunned because they saw a strange scene.

The thousands of wind blades gave up the attack because of Chu Yan's words, but protected Chu Yan and sent him forward?

"Is this okay?" The disciples of Shenzhu Mountain were speechless for a while, and Huo Feng's eyes were bright: "The master is indeed an extraordinary person."

Looking at this scene, the giant-faced monarch trembled in his heart. Then he couldn't help but think of an ancient prophecy in Shenzhu Mountain, and stared at Chu Yan: "The sect master said that the world will be stained with blood, and the situation will change. Someone will emerge from the sky and become an emperor. Will that person be him? "

Chu Yan passed through the storm, followed by Huo Feng, the remaining disciples of the Tiandi Sect, and then Zi Longyang.

The storm is very strong and is a test by the Heavenly Lord. Non-monsters cannot enter it. Therefore, even among the disciples of Shenzhu Mountain, there are a group of people who cannot endure the storm and are eventually eliminated.

The disciples who failed to step into the storm showed disappointment. The giant-faced monarch said calmly: "Everyone has his own opportunity, so you can't force it. From now on, you should stay on the outside and don't cause trouble."

"I will obey my master's orders!" the disciple promised.

The giant-faced monarch nodded, and then he also stepped into the storm. His situation was the same as Chu Yan's, he used the storm to clear the way, and there was no obstruction.

When we came into the storm, we saw a huge mausoleum and a thick layer of black clouds in the sky.

The mausoleum is so huge that you can't see the end at a glance. It is piled up like a pyramid and integrated into one.

"Is this the tomb of Tianjun? It's simply terrifying." The disciples from Shenzhu Mountain exclaimed.

"Heavenly Lord has a lifespan of ten thousand years. He has accumulated countless treasures in his life and eventually fell. It is not surprising that he has these." The giant-faced monarch was the only person present who remained calm.

Zi Longyang looked at the giant-faced monarch from the side and said with a smile: "Master, you are also a heavenly monarch. The treasures in your hands should not be much less than this tomb, right? Why don't we go and you can give us some of the treasures?"

The disciples of Shenzhu Mountain's eyes lit up, yes, there is a Heavenly Lord beside them, so why bother looking for any relics?

The giant-faced Heavenly Lord glared at Zi Longyang: "I brought you here to receive training. You didn't think about how to improve, but you actually paid attention to me?"

Zi Longyang laughed dryly, and the giant-faced monarch said lightly: "Let's go, we are a little behind. It seems that they have entered the ruins."

Everyone nodded and followed the giant-faced monarch.

Along the way, Chu Yan was worried. He tried to communicate with Mengya several times, but there was no reply, which made him more and more uneasy.

When everyone came to the giant door, they saw the eyes of the two stone demons shining brightly, and they shot out a beam of light, forming two different paths.

"The emperor is on the left, the king is on the right." An ancient voice suddenly sounded.

Zi Longyang was stunned for a moment: "Next, will the emperor and the king separate?"

"The ancestors asked for directions." The giant-faced monarch explained at the side: "This senior seems to know that his tomb will be revealed to the world sooner or later, so he deliberately left two opportunities. The emperor is on the left and the king is on the right. I am afraid. Even if the emperor robs the opportunity of the emperor, it can be regarded as a blessing for future generations. "

After saying this, the giant-faced monarch looked at Chu Yan: "In this case, everything makes sense. The people in your sect should have encountered a crisis in the emperor's passage."

Chu Yan nodded, feeling relieved at last. Although Mengya was still in danger, it was at least easier to handle without a king.

"It seems I can't help you even if I want to." The giant-faced monarch laughed bitterly, and Chu Yan shook his head: "The seniors have already helped the juniors a lot."

"Huo Feng and the others are originally members of the Celestial Emperor's sect. I don't need to explain. I will also let the other people from Shenzhu Mountain follow you. There are many top Celestial Emperors among them. The existence of broken emperors has encountered trouble in the emperor's passage. They I might as well help you out," the giant-faced monarch said calmly.

"Senior, if you encounter someone from the Demon Sect on your journey, can you help me?" Chu Yan requested.

"I will try my best." The giant-faced monarch smiled and nodded, and Chu Yan handed over his hand: "Thank you, senior."

"Go, I guess the two paths will meet, and I'm looking forward to your style when the time comes." The giant-faced monarch smiled brightly. Chu Yan was not being pretentious, but there was one thing he couldn't figure out, that was the giant-faced monarch's manner.

Although the giant-faced monarch originally treated him well, at most he treated him like a junior because of his talent.

But after entering the ruins, the giant-faced monarch's attitude was different. He was much more polite, and there was even a hint of respect in his words, which made him feel strange.

Is it just because of Ye Xun? Chu Yan is not a fool. He knows that this is naturally impossible.

Ye Xun may be good in Shenzhu Mountain, but Zi Longyang also said that he has not yet become the Emperor of Heaven, he is just a talented young man, and he is not yet at the point where Shenzhu Mountain can help him.

However, Chu Yan didn't ask any more questions and silently wrote down this kindness.

"Master, we will follow you from now on." Huo Feng said respectfully, and Chu Yan nodded his head without pretentiousness. Although the emperor was separated and there was only the emperor in the emperor's passage, he still did not dare to be careless.

Without the ancient bell, he would only be at the fifth level of the Emperor. However, the Beiming Dynasty, Jian Wuya, Zi Lei Dynasty, and the Donghuang Clan all had top-level Heavenly Emperors. He needed this power.

"Let's set off." Chu Yan's eyes sharpened, and the group stepped onto the Imperial Road.

"Senior sister, wait for me!"

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