Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 512: No One Left Behind

After walking a certain distance within the ruins, Chu Yan realized that the Heavenly Emperor Sect had occupied several large areas in the Divine Pillar Star Sea, and that there were many dynasties under the imperial command.

This time when Tianjun's relics appeared, Shenzhu Mountain sent people here. Many of the disciples were from the Tiandi Sect, so they were very polite to Chu Yan.

Chu Yan also treated them sincerely and found a sense of belonging from them.

Among them is a woman in red. She is very beautiful. When she smiles, her eyes are like crescent moons. Her curved eyebrows are so sweet that she is called Youyou.

"Brother Chu, Emperor Xuntian often mentioned you to me. He said that one day you ride the wind, and the roc rises with the same wind one day, and he will follow you. You must be good brothers, right?" Youyouyu held her chin in her hand, with big eyes. He looked at Chu Yan blinkingly.

"Yes, the best brothers." Chu Yan recalled that more than ten years had passed in the blink of an eye. The teenagers were always separated and reunited, but no matter the distance or time, they could not indifferent to their feelings.

"I really look forward to the day when Brother Chu goes to the Heavenly Emperor's Gate. I will definitely be very happy to find him then." Youyou said with a smile.

"I'm looking forward to it." Chu Yan nodded. He would have to go to Shenzhu Mountain sooner or later.

It's just that before, he had to stay in Tongtian Xinghai. This time he has made countless enemies, especially the Beiming Dynasty, which will definitely not give up. If he leaves, it may be okay, but the Demon Sect cannot.

For the Demon Sect, unlike the forces he had joined in the past, he felt a sense of belonging to the Demon Sect just like the Tiandao Sect, not to mention that he had an agreement with the ancestor of the Demon Sect.

"Be careful." At this time, the giant-faced monarch said seriously. The disciples looked up and saw a strong storm appearing in the front part of the sky.

It is more like a wind blade barrier than a storm, and the wind inside is as sharp as a knife.

"Senior, what's in front of you?" Chu Yan asked curiously.

"The real ruins." The giant-faced monarch said calmly: "We were only on the periphery before, but entering here is the real ruins of the Demon Lord."

"A real ruin?" No one was afraid at all, but a sharp light rose in their eyes.

Looking at the storm, Chu Yan was slightly moved: "It's been a while since we came to the ruins. Are we finally going to the real ruins?"

Rumor has it that this relic was created by a top demon king, so the chance of demon cultivators coming here is the greatest, but human cultivators will also have benefits, it’s just a matter of how much.

"This storm contains divine patterns, which will give different paths according to each person's realm, life soul, and body. However, it is not simple. Be careful. If you encounter danger in the storm, even I will not be able to do it." Save you." The giant-faced monarch said seriously, and everyone in Shenzhu Mountain nodded.

In front of the storm, a group of people gathered, including powerful men from all walks of life, all wanting to explore the depths of the ruins.

"Stop!" Someone saw Chu Yan and others in the distance, a swordsman with Jian Wuya yelling.

Faced with this person's obstruction, Chu Yan and others simply ignored it and continued to drive the car in the air. They saw the other party's eyes turned cold and sneered: "You are really arrogant. Since you won't eat the toast, get off!"

The swordsman raised his hand and struck out with his sword, which immediately turned into a flying dragon sword light and smashed down on the cart.

"Bang!" Chu Yan raised his arm and grabbed the sword light with his flesh palm. He held it in the air and the sword light shattered out of thin air.

"Some strength." The swordsman was stunned for a moment, and then he sneered still contemptuously: "This road is blocked by my Jian Wuya. If you want to go deep into the ruins, each person needs a thousand and seven levels of spiritual jade."

Hearing the other party's words, Chu Yan was stunned for a moment, and the corners of his mouth raised slightly, revealing a strange smile.

This is really... Enemies are on a narrow road.

He and Jian Wuya had already formed a deadly feud, and now he was with the people from Shenzhu Mountain, and the other party didn't go around, but he still wanted to rob them?

"The opponent has three Heavenly Emperors, including a ninth-level Heavenly Emperor."

The giant-faced monarch said calmly from behind. The sword could be heard and glanced at the giant-faced monarch. What kind of realm the giant-faced monarch is, even if he is a Tianjun, if he conceals his aura, no matter how much the swordsman detects it, he will not be able to detect it, so he just thinks that , the giant-faced monarch is an ordinary person who has practiced the supernatural power of spying, and said with a proud smile: "Yes, we are the disciples of Jian Wuya, one of the sixteen branches of the Heavenly Monument. The three emperors of Heaven, if we don't want to die, we should hand over our souls." Jade bar."

The ruins are here, and countless people come here to look for opportunities. Of course, there are also some who are self-aware and know that even if they enter the depths of the ruins, they will not be able to seize the opportunity. Fortunately, it is better to rob here.

This is the case for these disciples of Jian Wuya.

Chu Yan shook his head ridiculously, and then he looked at the Tiandi Sect disciples next to him, raised his palm slightly, and a stern look flashed in his eyes: "Kill them all!"

"Boom!" Chu Yan gave an order, and seven or eight figures immediately stepped out of the cart, including the burly disciple named Huo Feng.

"Huh?" Jian Wuya's disciple was stunned for a moment, and then he burst into laughter, as if he had heard a big joke. He held his rapier in his hand and looked at the disciple next to him: "Haha, did you hear what he just said? What? He said he wanted to kill us?"

"I really don't know how to live or die." The disciple next to him also said with an evil smile.

The swordsman at the beginning sharpened his eyes, and cold air suddenly flew out of his rapier, causing snowflakes to form around him: "Originally, I only need a thousand spiritual jade, but since you are seeking death, I want all your space rings!"

"Do it!" Chu Yan's palm fell, and Huo Feng was the first to bear the brunt. He took a step and the ground suddenly shook.

Huo Feng also practices pure power. He claims to be able to lift the sky with both hands. He roared like a wild beast and punched the swordsman's blade. Suddenly the air shattered and turned into a hollow cannonball that hit the swordsman.

The swordsman's face darkened, and the power of the punch made him feel death approaching. He hurriedly raised his sword to resist, but with a click, his sword broke. The punch was invincible and unstoppable.

"How is that possible?" The swordsman's facial features were distorted under the strong wind pressure.

"Jian Wuya's trash dares to scream here." Chu Yan said contemptuously, strolling out, and then the sword on the ground trembled, broke out of the sheath, and floated behind Chu Yan.

"Broken!" Chu Yan moved his fingers and moved his sword as he pleased. The sky was like a rain of swords, shooting at countless Jian Wuya disciples. Killing them with swords was definitely a humiliation to Jian Wuya disciples.

"Brother Chu is so awesome!" Youyou blinked her almond-shaped eyes at the side. She is also the fifth level of the Emperor. She thinks that she can sweep through people like Jian Wuya at the sixth level of the Emperor. But the Emperor of Heaven is different. It is still difficult for her to cross a huge realm. confrontation.

But Chu Yan was different. He was dressed in white and so chic. With every sword shot, the seventh-level emperor was no match for him.

The remaining disciples of the Tiandi Sect looked at Chu Yan, their eyes flashing: "The sect master is so strong!"

"Boom!" In the distance, Huo Feng punched hard, sending the swordsman who spoke first into the air, spurting blood in the air.

"Who are you?" The man finally realized that they had kicked an iron plate, and there was a hint of fear in his eyes.

"You don't deserve to know." Chu Yan said contemptuously, and the swordsman said unwillingly: "We are the people of Jian Wuya, a lineage of Tianbei Mountain. You can't kill me. If you kill me, Jian Wuya will never let you go." Pass you!"

"Threatening the sect leader, death!" Huo Feng took a step forward and turned into a giant foot, as terrifying as the ancient East China Sea mythical beast Kui Niu.

"Bang!" The swordsman was trampled to death on the spot. The rest of the disciples couldn't help but trembled and looked to the sky in panic. Suddenly someone shouted: "I know you, you are Chu Yan, are they from Shenzhu Mountain? "

When his identity was revealed, Chu Yan was stunned for a moment. Then he looked at the disciple. Fortunately, he didn't hide anything. An imperial aura rose up and he said calmly: "Yes, I am Chu Yan!"

Jian Wuya's disciples clenched their fists and felt extremely regretful. Chu Yan's name had long been spread throughout the ruins, and even the emperor dared to kill them, let alone them.

"Chu Yan, you have committed countless crimes. Beiming Emperor Zhengxinghai is wanted. If you kill us again, Jian Wuya will not let you go. At that time, you will have no way to go to heaven and no way to go down to earth." Jian Wuya. Wuya's disciple said angrily.

"If I don't kill you, will Jian Wuya let me go?" Chu Yan smiled mockingly: "Jian Wuya and I have no enmity at all, but Jian Wuya is greedy, Changfeng wants to take away my skills, Jian Jun takes away my ancient bell , incompetent, was killed by me, you will be the same, will die today!"

"Master, what should we do?" Huo Feng and others gathered around Chu Yan.

"Leave no one behind!" Chu Yan didn't show any emotion at all. He gave the order and all of Jian Wuya's disciples looked ashen and full of despair.

"Chu Yan, you will not die well!" Jian Wuya's disciple cursed before he died.

One of the disciples looked at Chu Yan ferociously: "Chu Yan, you will not end well. Mengya and Mo Sect will also die because of your ignorance."

Hearing that voice, Chu Yan's face gradually turned cold. At this moment, Huo Feng's iron fist had already blasted out, forming a flame when it rubbed against the air, engulfing the disciple.

Chu Yan strolled out, a thousand meters away, and arrived in the blink of an eye. He appeared in front of the disciple. Huo Feng's face changed with shock, but when he wanted to stop, the fire fist had turned into a mad dragon.

"Boom!" But when everyone was amazed, Chu Yan raised one hand and grabbed Huo Feng's fire fist. Two terrifying auras filled the air, eating away the fire fist and blocking it.

"This..." Everyone was shocked, and Huo Feng was equally shocked. He was an eighth-level emperor and could destroy the top emperor of heaven with one punch. However, at this time, he was blocked by Chu Yan with his flesh palm.

"What did you mean by what you just said?" Chu Yan didn't pay attention to their looks and his voice was extremely cold.

The disciple was startled for a moment, and then he smiled even more evilly: "I'm afraid you don't know yet, the Demon Sect disciples are being hunted down deep in the ruins, with countless casualties, and that Mengya will soon become a Beiming Dynasty’s crotch toy, and all this is because of you!”

"Demon Sect, Meng Jun, would you let them do this?"

"Haha, you are too naive. This time you are punished by the wrath of the gods. Do you think the Demon Sect can still protect you? Mr. Meng? He is afraid that he cannot protect himself." The disciple said ferociously, as if he knew that he could not escape death and accepted his fate. , but it also caused Chu Yan pain.

Chu Yan took a deep breath, and a terrible chill flowed under his eyes. Although he had known for a long time that the Beiming Dynasty would anger the Demon Sect, he was still wrong. In order to kill him this time, the Beiming Dynasty would not hesitate to fight with the Demon Sect. Zong went into full-scale war.

It was him who brought the Demon Sect into trouble.

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