Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 492: Cut it with one sword

Everyone looked at Qing Yi and couldn't help but express surprise.

"What a beautiful woman." Beiming Shahuang couldn't help but feel admiration in his eyes. He was a born prince, and when he sat on the throne in the future, the woman next to him would be the queen. Therefore, he had extremely high requirements for choosing a mate, and so far he has been able to like her. , but only a few people.

Li Xian'er from Wangxian Tower was one, and the woman in front of him was the second.

"Girl, I am the holy son of Beiming Dynasty. Why don't you marry me? I will make you official. One day I ascend the throne, you will be my queen of Beiming Dynasty, and my mother will honor the world." Beiming killed the emperor greedily. smiled.

Qing Yi looked at Beiming Killing Emperor coldly and remained silent. The blue light Xuantian Cauldron in his hand quickly rotated, forming a blue light storm, and an independent space suddenly appeared.

There seemed to be thousands of troops and horses in this space. Qingyi circulated his blood and activated the Qingguang Cauldron, commanding thousands of troops to kill Beiming and Kill the Emperor.

"Drink, she is still an ice beauty. Elders, please leave this woman alive and kill her quickly." Beiming Killer said calmly, taking a step back.

"The Azure Light Xuantian Cauldron can command the battlefield and summon the Azure Light Legion. I will now make you a general, and you can order them." Qing Yi said to Chu Yan crisply, and then a ray of green light descended.

Chu Yan was bathed in the green light, and a warmth flowed through his body. Then he clearly felt that the green light battlefield was centered on him, and countless generals with phantom blue light were listening to his orders.

"Yeah!" Chu Yan turned his eyes and looked at the previous top emperor with murderous intent.

"Kill!" With one word of kill, thousands of troops came out, turning into a roaring light. The blue-light warriors were in unison, just like real generals. In the void, the east wind blew, and the war drums beat and thumped.

The expression of the top emperor of the Beiming Dynasty changed with shock. It was another 10,000-year-old divine object, and its ranking was extremely high.

He couldn't figure it out. Logically speaking, divine objects were different from divine weapons. Divine weapons directly released attacks according to their level, but divine objects needed the strength of the user. The woman was only at the fifth level of the Emperor. Why could this divine object be so terrifying? Degree.

"It's blood!" The Po Emperor of the Beiming Dynasty stared at Qing Yi. At this moment, Qing Yi's slender arms stretched out and her long skirt fluttered, like a goddess from the Nine Heavens. A green light flashed in her body, igniting the blue light Xuantian Cauldron.

"The bloodline of these two people is not simple." Emperor Po said solemnly. Previously, Chu Yan used his bloodline to activate the Haotian Tower, making a sound like the roar of ancient beasts and tearing apart a seventh-level emperor.

Now Qing Yi's bloodline is even more exciting on the battlefield.

At this moment, everyone was stunned. The students from the Craftsmanship Academy raised their heads and looked at the brave young man in the Qingguang battlefield. He looked like a god general, commanding thousands of armies. A long halberd was dancing in his hand, and every stab of the halberd struck. With endless brilliance, it is like an invincible spear.

"So violent!"

At this time, Chu Yan blasted out a palm. With the help of the blue light battlefield, the combat power was superimposed. With a bang, an eighth-level Heavenly Emperor was knocked away and crashed into a huge valley in the distance.

"In the Beiming Dynasty, how many heavenly emperors and one broken emperor were unable to do anything to these two people?"

"In that battlefield, there seems to be a check and balance effect, which can balance the battlefield. Everyone's vitality will be evenly distributed, and finally a realm will be set." Dean Han stared at the battlefield. He had a high realm and could feel the strength of several Heavenly Emperors. The vitality is being weakened, Chu Yan's strength is increasing, and finally reaches a balance point.

"But even so, it is very powerful. Although Chu Yan uses the battlefield to command thousands of troops, his own understanding of Tao is not high, but several other Heavenly Emperors understand the secrets of the Heavenly Emperor. Even if they lower their realm, their understanding will not weaken, but But Chu Yan can't be cured."

"Beiming Dynasty is in disgrace this time. Several great emperors hunted down two young people and killed two of them." Guo Feng sneered from the side.

Beiming Killer's face became more and more gloomy. He did not expect that a man in Qingyi would appear and turn the situation around.

"Uncle, you go!" Beiming Killing Emperor suddenly turned around and said to an elder beside him. The man frowned slightly. He was a prince of Beiming Dynasty and a great king. After all, he would take action against a junior in the First Emperor Realm. Somewhat embarrassing.

But when he thought of the demon bone arm, he shook his head again, took a loud step, and then released his royal power, and the endless green light was scattered by him.

The green-robed girl frowned lightly and looked at Chu Yan: "My power is not yet able to control the battlefield in the King's Realm!"

Chu Yan's face also darkened. He did not expect that the Beiming Dynasty would be so shameless that the monarch would take action against him. He looked at the other party coldly: "The Beiming Dynasty sent the monarch to kill one of my descendants. "Aren't you afraid of making people laugh?"

"The dying person." The elder snorted coldly and walked in the void. He was extremely fast, forming a yellow afterimage. His target was not Chu Yan, but to go straight to Qing Yi to kill.

Everyone knows that Qingyi is the key to this battle. Without the Qingguang battlefield, Chu Yan would not be able to stop the pursuit of several Heavenly Emperors.

"Be careful!" Chu Yan shouted hurriedly. Qing Yi raised her head, and the Dai girl frowned lightly. She quickly activated the green light Xuantian Cauldron, and the green light rotated around her, forming a terrifying body protection. However, the monarch's power suppressed her, making her originally His fair face became even paler.

"Pfft!" Qing Yi spat out a mouthful of blood, but she didn't move and still stood there without humiliation.

"Blessed by blood? It seems that your identity is not simple. If you are allowed to grow up, you will definitely become a threat to our Beiming Dynasty in the future. So, die today." The elder acted strictly, even if the Beiming Emperor wanted to keep this girl , he will not stay today.

"Old dog, how dare you!" Chu Yan's eyes flashed with sharp coldness when he saw this scene. He wanted to cast a thought to kill the immortal, but it was too late. Even if he could kill the old dog, Qing Yi would be seriously injured.

The next moment, there was terrifying light flowing in his body, and he wore a fairy and demon armor shawl.

Then everyone was stunned. Chu Yan did not go to Qing Yi, but turned around and took a step. The thunder wings behind him shook wildly, and he approached the direction of Bei Ming Sha Huang.

Everyone suddenly realized and immediately understood what Chu Yan was going to do.

"Want to kill me?" Bei Ming Sha Huang also showed a hint of playfulness, full of jokes. The last defeat was always his shame. Now there is another chance to fight, he immediately greeted: "The last battle was not decided. Today, I will fight with you again."

"Kill!" Chu Yan looked indifferent, turned into a ghost and forced towards Bei Ming Sha Huang. This time he did not hold back at all. The vitality in his body gushed out like a wave of air, rushing towards Bei Ming Sha Huang.

Bei Ming Sha Huang despised, and a golden sword appeared in his hand, flashing a dazzling light. Every time he swung it, he was like an ancient human emperor. In the blink of an eye, dozens of swords formed a sword curtain and a sword wind.

Chu Yan faced the sword wind with contempt, without any intention of dodging, and rushed directly into it. Then he waved his hand and used 7749 swords, seven killing sword techniques, seven superpositions, forming a terrible sword violence. The Tianlai sword rang, and with a thud, it broke through the sword wind and stabbed at Beiming Killing Emperor.

"Do you know why that old dog intervened last time?" Chu Yan roared heavily.

Beiming Killing Emperor stared at the approaching sword and his eyes froze, and then Chu Yan moved closer: "Because he knows that if he doesn't take action, you will die!"

"No!" Beiming Killing Emperor screamed, and with a thud, he was cut off the chest by the sword energy and vomited blood continuously.

Everyone's eyes froze. In the last battle with Doumaixing, Chu Yan couldn't win by fighting alone, but this time, he killed instantly.

"Beiming Shahuang, you are really weak!" Chu Yan stood with a sword in his hand. His voice was cold, but it was like a huge hammer hitting people's hearts. Beiming Shahuang's face was pale. He didn't believe that he was a peerless genius and a future emperor, but he could be killed by Chu Yan's sword in one second?

"Next, you will die!" Chu Yan said, and a hint of murderous intent flashed through his eyes.

"You want to kill me? Do you know who I am?" Beiming Shahuang felt the murderous intent and said in surprise.

"No matter who you are, if you want to kill me and dare to hurt Qingyi, I will kill you with a sword!" Chu Yan's sword energy was restrained, and a flash of fire suddenly rose between his eyebrows. Beiming Shahuang was in great pain and covered his heart.

Candlelight burns the heart, and can burn the enemy's heart.

"No! Uncle, save me!" Beiming Shahuang screamed.

The elder had already killed Qingyi at this time, but when he heard Beiming Shahuang's voice, his expression changed. He looked at Qingyi again, stopped reluctantly, and turned back to kill.

"You dare, thief!" The elder was furious.

"Too late!" The flame between Chu Yan's eyebrows could form a lotus fire seal, which shot directly towards the heart of Beiming Sha Huang: "Pay the price for your stupidity."

"Bang!" The next moment, Beiming Sha Huang howled, and the fire in his heart burned his bones, destroyed his internal organs, broke through his skin, and ended his life. Not even a complete corpse was left, only a pile of ashes drifted away with the wind and scattered in the city.

The onlookers were all trembling. This battle can be said to be extremely tragic. Some people thought that Chu Yan would die, but now this ending, no one expected it.

"He actually killed him." Guo Feng's mouth twitched, and he was speechless for a while.

Beiming Sha Huang, the little prince of the Beiming Dynasty, was extremely spoiled. In recent years, his reputation in Xinghai has been very popular. Even many people speculated that the throne will belong to him soon. However, now he is dead, and his body burned by Chu Yan is gone.

This will definitely cause a storm in Xinghai.

Everyone couldn't help but sigh in their hearts. Just as Chu Yan said, no matter who you are, if you hurt the people around him, you will be killed with one sword.

"He is in big trouble this time." Dean Han sighed, Min Yue frowned on the side: "It was Bei Ming Sha Huang who wanted to kill Brother Chu first, how can they be so unreasonable?"

"Little girl, you don't understand. In the world of martial arts, where is the reason? Bei Ming Sha Huang died in battle, Bei Ming Emperor will never stop fighting." Dean Han sighed bitterly. He just said that Chu Yan was similar to Mo Wangchen, and now Chu Yan killed Bei Ming Sha Huang.

"Thief, I will kill you!" The elder in the Jun realm was extremely angry, with endless Jun power. He rushed towards Chu Yan frantically, turning into a huge shadow, wanting to kill Chu Yan.

Chu Yan felt the threat and felt powerless in his heart. He had guessed this result long ago. If possible, he didn't want to kill Bei Ming Sha Huang, but there was no way. Sometimes, life is a little more passionate and impulsive. Qing Yi was in trouble, and he was angry.

He sighed and looked at Qing Yi: "It seems that the result has not changed."

Then the next moment, a terrible sword storm surged around him, whistling, with the Tianlai Sword in hand, attracting immortal power from all directions, frantically converging towards Chu Yan.

"Enough!" But at this moment, a very majestic voice suddenly resounded through the sky, and a huge hand appeared outside the nine heavens, crushing Chu Yan's sword energy. As for the great monarch of the Beiming Dynasty, he was also shocked and looked solemnly into the void: "Demon Sect!"

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