Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 491 The Crisis Comes

Chu Yan flew across the city of Craftsmanship on his sword. He was in a good mood because of the three magic weapons.

But he didn't know that someone had secretly targeted him the moment he flew out of the Craftsmanship Academy.

In a restaurant in Craftsmanship City, Bei Ming Sha Huang was there. Soon after, an old man came over: "Little prince, it has been confirmed that Chu Shanshi's name is Chu Yan, but he is actually a disciple of the Demon Sect. He has been recognized by eleven Demon Palaces, and he is also the successor of the Sword King who caused a sensation in Qingfeng Sword City not long ago."

"The extremely arrogant successor of the Sword King who passed the assessment of my seven major veins alone?" Bei Ming Sha Huang was quite surprised.

"That's right." The old man nodded: "He has now left the Craftsmanship Guild and is heading towards the direction of the Demon Sect. What should we do next?"

A hint of coldness flashed across Bei Ming Sha Huang's eyes. In the past, he invited Chu Yan, but was rejected by him. He has always been resentful, and the magic bone arm made him want to kill.

"Send someone to keep an eye on him. The people from the Dynasty will be here soon. No matter what, kill him before the Demon Sect and take back the Demon Arm." Bei Ming Sha Huang ordered.

"Yes!" The old man responded, and then several phantoms flew out of the restaurant.

At this time, Chu Yan was still unaware that there was a huge crisis approaching him.

"Little guy, where are you?" On the way, Meng Ya sent a message.

Hearing Meng Ya's address, Chu Yan felt helpless. He was in his twenties, right? How could he be very young?

But when he thought of Meng Ya coming to pick him up in person, he felt warm in his heart.

He had also communicated with Wang Feng before, and learned that the Demon Sect had many trivial matters at the end of the year. Meng Ya was a senior sister, and Meng Ya's identity made her very busy, but after receiving his message, she immediately put everything aside and came to the Artisan City to greet him in person. This affection alone was enough.

"Let's get out of the city."

"Okay, I'm in a tavern outside the city. You can see me when you come out of the east gate." Meng Ya finished speaking, and then smiled playfully: "I'm already drunk. If you want to do something to me, I won't refuse."

"..." Chu Yan was speechless for a while, laughed dryly a few times, and continued on his way.

The Artisan City is very vast, but with Chu Yan's speed, he also reached the periphery after an incense stick.

But at this time, Chu Yan frowned, he felt several very powerful imperial powers descending on him, making his face gloomy, and slowly stopped.

"Since you are here, why don't you show up?" Chu Yan said bluntly, he could feel that these people had murderous intentions towards him.

"Swoosh! Swoosh! Swoosh!" As Chu Yan spoke, the void split open, and a strong man stepped out. They were wearing the same clothes, with the word Beiming in the center.

The Beiming Killing Emperor also came and stood in the center.

Chu Yan scanned the crowd and finally landed on Bei Ming Sha Huang. His eyes flashed with a fierce look. He had guessed that Bei Ming Dynasty would retaliate, otherwise he would not have sent a message to Meng Ya, but he did not expect that the other party would intercept him in the city.

"So your name is Chu Yan." Bei Ming Sha Huang licked his lips, his expression scornful: "I will give you another chance, follow me, hand over the magic bone arm, and I will bypass you for your talent, otherwise, you will die today."

"Is this Bei Ming Dynasty? Can't afford to lose?"

"Since ancient times, which emperor did not trample on countless corpses and walk up with blood on his hands? You don't have to tell me this. The winner is the king and the loser is the bandit. If you die today, maybe someone will spit on me, but one day I will sit on the throne and have power over the court and the country. Who dares to question it?" Bei Ming Sha Huang did not care and said calmly.

Chu Yan clenched his fists. The current situation was extremely pessimistic for him. If it was just Bei Ming Sha Huang, he would not be afraid, but the other party also had seven emperors, including one who broke the emperor realm.

Chu Yan believed that he was no match for such a lineup. He wanted to secretly send a message to Meng Ya, but found that the surrounding space was completely blocked and his mind could not be released at all.

"To kill me, you really don't care about the price." Chu Yan said coldly.

"It seems that you are not ready to hand it over." Bei Ming Sha Huang said tirelessly, then he stepped back and waved his sleeves: "If you delay, something will happen. The people of the Demon Sect should also be nearby. Let's do it!"

Chu Yan's eyes sank. The other party even knew the whereabouts of Meng Ya and others, which showed that they were prepared.

"Boom!" Suddenly, a huge imperial power pressed down, and Chu Yan's body trembled wildly. In the hands of the seven emperors, he could not exert all his strength.

"Roar!" Chu Yan roared, and then his body turned into a fairy and demon light, forming a fairy and demon armor, but in just a moment, cracks appeared under the emperor's power. A huge palm blasted out from a distance and slapped Chu Yan fiercely, causing Chu Yan to spit out a mouthful of blood.

The sudden riot caused shock. Countless people in the Craftsmanship City looked up, and then some people saw Chu Yan and Beiming Sha Huang, including some disciples of the Craftsmanship Academy.

"The Beiming Dynasty actually attacked Chu Yan, seven emperors!"

"Swoosh!" Guo Feng and Dean Han rushed over from a distance, and saw Chu Yan being surrounded and suppressed.

At this time, another ancient shadow appeared. The Craftsmanship City Lord actually came here in person. He glanced at the battlefield and said coldly: "Little Prince, this is the Demon State. Does the Beiming Dynasty want to break the rules?"

Beiming Sha Huang glanced at the Craftsmanship City Lord and sneered: "Old man, you are not qualified to intervene in today's affairs. I don't want your Craftsmanship City to be razed, so I watched from the side."

The Craftsmanship City Lord's face turned cold. There was actually a strong man behind Beiming Sha Huang, who faintly revealed a touch of royal power.

The royal figures all appeared. Beiming Sha Huang was determined to put Chu Yan to death today.

"Dong~dong~dong!" Explosions continued in the sky, and the Heavenly Emperor of the Beiming Dynasty frantically attacked Chu Yan. Chu Yan roared, his eyes turned red, and suddenly the Heavenly Sword, Taishan Giant Hammer, and Lyre Bow flew into the sky.

In addition, there is a seven-story iron tower, a huge fire-patterned bronze mirror, and countless magical weapons and artifacts flying into the air.

"Ancient divine object?" Seeing the Haotian Tower and the Fire Pattern Mirror, the Beiming Emperor became greedy: "They are all good treasures."

Ancient divine objects are different from divine weapons. The prerequisite for being a divine object is that it has a spirit, and the divine object will become stronger with the strength of the caster. It will not be limited to fire patterns and levels like divine weapons.

Since ancient times, there have been very few divine objects.

Now, there are two.

"Kill!" Chu Yan thought, and the Haotian Tower became extremely huge, as high as a hill. Then he lifted it up with one hand and looked at a seventh-level emperor with a ferocious look: "Go to hell!"

The opponent wanted to kill him, but Chu Yan would not hold back at this moment. He burned his essence and blood, urging the Haotian Tower to turn into a bloody hand, and with the help of divine power, he violently shook the seventh-level emperor.

The seventh-level Heavenly Emperor's eyes condensed, and he suddenly felt an endless threat when facing the bloody hand.

"Are you crazy?" The seventh-level emperor screamed, and then he wanted to retreat, but it was too late. Chu Yan seemed to have gone crazy, and his bloody hands violently blasted out, tearing the seventh-level emperor into pieces.

"Who wants to kill me!" Chu Yan roared, and then a terrifying light curtain appeared in the fire pattern mirror, and a thousand and one fire patterns formed a killing formation.

The people of the Beiming Dynasty looked gloomy. Seven emperors surrounded and killed one of their descendants. Not only did they not kill him, but they also killed one of them. This was a shame.

Suddenly a top Heavenly Emperor stepped out: "With the help of divine objects, you can display top combat power, but how many times can you withstand the load?"

Chu Yan smiled contemptuously. In the final analysis, the other party was still afraid, and the seventh-level emperor did not dare to step forward.

"The top Heavenly Emperor will follow me and kill this son." Another top Heavenly Emperor stepped out.

"Boom!" The power of Emperor Fa Mi Tian, ​​the top Heavenly Emperor, and the Po Emperor was too terrifying. The light curtains seemed to shatter the world, and they struck Chu Yan's body, and Chu Yan vomited blood one after another.

In a moment, he looked like a bloody man. Every step he took left bloody footprints in the air.

"Brother Chu!" Min Yue also arrived at this time. She shouted in pain and wanted to rush forward, but was stopped by Dean Han.

Now Chu Yan is facing the Beiming Dynasty, which is too powerful. Even they cannot influence the situation of the battle.

The Po Emperor looked at Chu Yan and sighed secretly. It was a pity that he had not seen such a talented person for many years. But just because of this, his murderous intention became even stronger. At that time, the Jiuyou Dynasty was because of Mo Wangchen, he Beiming The dynasty does not want to follow in its footsteps.

"Die!" Po Di formed a big hand seal, as if there was golden light rising into the sky, turning into a ruthless sword blade and slashing at Chu Yan brutally.

Chu Yan is unwilling to give up. Will he die here in the end? He took a step back very quickly. He glanced at everyone indifferently, and there was a vague sword in his hand, buzzing and trembling.

"Since you won't let me live, then you will be buried with me! One thought, Zhu Xian!" Chu Yan growled, and the sword in his hand became thicker.

"Don't use it!" But then, suddenly there was a crisp voice, and a green light descended from the sky. The green clothes were still so cool, like the Mysterious Lady of the Nine Heavens, quietly appearing in front of Chu Yan.

She raised her head and looked at the Po Emperor in the distance. She didn't know when a terrifying blue tripod appeared in her hand. The tripod rotated, and immediately a green light rose into the sky, as if the sky had changed.

"Qing Yi!" Chu Yan couldn't help but frown. He didn't know that Qing Yi was following him during this trip, but he didn't expect that at the last critical moment, Qing Yi still appeared.

"I can deal with them." Qing Yi said crisply, looking at Chu Yan.

Chu Yan was stunned for a moment, and then he looked at the tripod in Qing Yi's hand, and his heart trembled. The tripod was actually an ancient divine object, and it was an ancient divine object ranked within a thousand meters.

Azure Light Xuantian Cauldron.

Although she had already guessed that Qing Yi's identity was extraordinary, and even the Emperor Sect suffered at her hands in the Six Realms Galaxy, she never expected that she would be so powerful.

As soon as it was released, it was an ancient divine object ranked within a thousand.

"I will fight with you." Qing Yi thought for a moment and then said suddenly. After Chu Yan hesitated, the sword intention in his hand finally dissipated. Although the essence and blood in his body could withstand the residual power of Zhu Xian with a single thought, it would still cause damage to himself. It's huge, so he really won't use it unless absolutely necessary.

"Be careful!" Chu Yan warned, and Qing Yi suddenly smiled happily and nodded lightly: "Yeah!"

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