Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 485: Cultivating Immortals and Demons in Troubled Times

Beiming's murderous intention to kill the emperor is even stronger. He is proficient in power and has long thought that if people like Chu Yan cannot be used by him, there will only be one result, which is to get rid of him.

But the Lord of Ingenuity City spoke, and he also knew that it would be difficult to take action now. Fortunately, he snorted coldly, looked at Chu Yan and said, "You will regret your choice today."

After saying this, Beiming Shahuang turned around and left through the crowd.

"Thank you, senior." Chu Yan bowed his hand in vain. He knew that since the Lord of Craftsmanship could use the fire pattern array to transmit sound, he would definitely be able to see the scene here.

"Little guy, that's great. The reputation of Craftsmanship City is thanks to you today. If you are in danger, I should help you. Don't mind. If you have time, come and sit in the city lord's mansion." He said with a hearty laugh, the city was boiling, the city lord Invite Chu Yan to sit in the city lord's mansion.

"I will definitely go if I have the chance." Chu Yan smiled, but did not show any excitement, just because of his different status. In the eyes of others, this invitation is a great opportunity, but he is a disciple of the Demon Sect, the ruler of the Demon State, and the Lord of the City of Craftsmanship is no more than the Lord of a city, so he will not be like ordinary people, being conceited and flattering.

After Beiming Killer Emperor retreated, Chu Yan returned to the Craftsman Academy and put away his cloak and wolf head mask.

Min Yue had been waiting for him in the room, and had prepared a dinner for him. She said with a smile, "Brother Chu, come and have something to eat."

"Okay." Chu Yan nodded. After spending some time together, Chu Yan got to know Min Yue better. She was an orphan since she was a child, but she was kind-hearted and never gave up on life, which was commendable.

After dinner, Chu Yan tried weapon refining for the second time. This time, he moved more skillfully, creating an exquisite half-moon bow with patterns engraved on it.

"What a beautiful bow." Min Yue looked on and admired.

Chu Yan smiled casually and put the bow aside without carving the fire pattern, but Min Yue had some thoughts when she saw this.

"Brother Chu really loves weapon refining, but unfortunately I have too little proficiency in fire patterns and am at a low level. I will be expelled from the academy soon. If only I could help Brother Chu stay here before I leave."

Chu Yan didn't know what Min Yue was thinking.

The next morning, Min Yue left early in the morning and came back around noon, but she didn't come alone, but with a very beautiful woman.

The woman was dressed very luxuriously, and she looked like she belonged to a wealthy family, and her face was quite charming.

"Brother Chu, let me introduce to you. This is Liu Yue, the daughter of the Liu family in Craftsman City. She is now a top level six fire pattern master." Min Yue was dirty at this time, but she was smiling. Happy: "Brother Chu, you can follow Miss Liu Yue from now on. She has promised me to accept you as a weapon-refining student. In this way, even if I am expelled from the school after the examination, you can still stay."

Liu Yue glanced at Chu Yan and said in surprise: "He is quite handsome, but his strength is not that good. From now on, you can follow me. Clean up and go to my weapon refining room to make iron first. Today I want to Refine ten swords and prepare them before night, otherwise you will not be allowed to rest."

Chu Yan frowned slightly, and Min Yue said hurriedly: "Brother Chu, go quickly, this is a good opportunity. Although Liu Yue is not as good as Shen Long, she has a chance to enter the top three this year. At that time, she can recommend someone to become Academy student. Stay here and waste your talents."

Chu Yan sighed. At this moment, how could he not understand that Min Yue must be begging Liu Yue for her. It would be fine if the two of them were friends, but looking at Min Yue's appearance, Min Yue must have sacrificed to help him. It cost a lot of money.

"Silly girl, this is the best, why should I leave." Chu Yan smiled and rubbed Min Yue's head, but at this moment.

After hearing this, Liu Yue's face became unhappy: "You don't know what is good or bad, it is your blessing to be my Liu Yue's apprentice, but you are not willing? You mean, this bitch is nobler than me ?”

"Be careful what you say." Chu Yan frowned.

"So what if I don't pay attention? Huh, if this bitch hadn't knelt down to beg me early in the morning and promised to be a slave for a year, how would I have agreed? If you are such a waste, I don't know how many people will come to me if I wave my hand. People pounce on you." Liu Yue said coldly, without any connotation of being a lady.

The coldness in Chu Yan's eyes became even stronger. This silly girl could not help but feel a little distressed for doing this to herself.

"Get out!" Chu Yan suddenly shouted, turning into a wave of air and shaking out. Liu Yue's face changed in shock and she hurriedly took a few steps back.

"You dare to scold me?" Liu Yue was furious. She was a daughter, how had she ever suffered such humiliation?

But her words stopped at the next moment, because Chu Yan's eyes were so terrifying, like a tiger, that she squeezed her jade hands tightly.

"Bitch, let's wait and see." Liu Yue scolded angrily and turned to leave.

Seeing this scene, Min Yue became even more anxious. She said anxiously: "Brother Chu, you shouldn't offend Min Yue. The Liu family is a big family, and Liu Yue will definitely not let it go. Please leave quickly."

"Silly girl, what will you do if I leave?" Chu Yan smiled bitterly, naturally he would not leave.

"I'm still a disciple of the academy, she can't do anything to me."

"The assessment will be over in a few days, and I will leave on my own, but now, don't worry, as long as I'm here, nothing will happen." Chu Yan rubbed Min Yue's head, and his love for the little girl became even stronger. Now , he really treats Min Yue as his own sister. It was for this reason that a look of determination rose in his eyes.

Min Yue frowned, but she couldn't defeat Chu Yan, so she had no choice but to do this, but she was prepared for the worst. If the Liu family really came to find him, she would beg Liu Yue to protect Chu Yan even if she was a slave for the rest of her life.

The news spread quickly, and the disciples of the Craftsmanship Academy laughed at Chu Yan for not overestimating his abilities. Not only did he not cherish such a good opportunity, he also offended Liu Yue.

Min Yue's guess was correct. Liu Mansion did come to make trouble once, but the strange thing was that the people from Liu Mansion did not succeed and were stopped by the people from the Academy Chamber of Commerce halfway.

No one knew the reason, but Liu Yue was even more unwilling, so he decided to embarrass Min Yue and Chu Yan during the assessment.

Days passed day by day, and it was getting closer to the end of the year.

Chu Yan had not been out these days, and had been in the Craftsmanship Academy, occasionally refining weapons and practicing.

He was surprised to find that refining weapons was also very helpful to his practice, especially the control of fire patterns. Now he has a stronger sensitivity to fire patterns and his carving is also very exquisite. With the help of the fire pattern stone plate, his fire pattern realm has a faint sign of breakthrough.

Among the fire patterns left by Qin Ruoming for her, he also comprehended several extremely strong fire patterns, including a monster fire pattern. This fire pattern borrows the power of monsters. After carving, it can make oneself borrow the power of monster gods and transform into a unicorn arm, a Kuiniu foot, and a roc's wings.

"This demon god fire pattern is so powerful." Chu Yan was moved: "The way of cultivation is indeed the unity of all methods. When the fire pattern is cultivated to the extreme, isn't it a terrible method?"

Chu Yan secretly exclaimed, then opened his eyes and took out the demon bone arm.

He once turned into an evil demon and descended to the world. He was a demon for three years, which made his team have a strong understanding of the demon. Many years later, he read the chaotic world of immortals and demons again, and felt that this method was more powerful.

In the chaotic world of immortals and demons, he turned himself into a demon and caused chaos in the world. In a moment, immortals and demons were in chaos, and the people were afraid. It can be said that he was overbearing.

It's just that it's very difficult to practice this method. It requires devouring demon spirits and comprehending demon bones, so Chu Yan has never practiced. Now that he has a demon bone arm, he must practice.

In a blink of an eye, another three days have passed. Chu Yan has been immersed in practice. On this day, two rays of light flowed in his body, one golden and one dark, and the two beams of light intertwined with each other, giving people a very wonderful feeling.

If someone else were here, they would be shocked and suspect that Chu Yan was possessed by a demon, but only Chu Yan himself knew that he was in an extremely mysterious state.

In the chaotic world of immortals and demons, one thought can make you an immortal, and one thought can turn you into a demon.

Immortals and demons come out together to suppress the universe.

"Puff!" Chu Yan opened his eyes, and suddenly there was a hint of momentum roaring. His eyes turned into two colors, one gold and one dark, very strange, and there were two dragons entwined around him, extremely domineering, and his body was actually powerful to a terrifying degree.

"So strong." Chu Yan sighed. Now that he was full of immortals and demons in the chaotic world, his body was so terrifying. The immortal and demon armor was just beginning to take shape. If it is fully developed, it will be even stronger.

"Senior Sister Meng Ya said that the remains of the Heavenly Monarch that appeared in the Beiming Dynasty this time may be an ancestor of the Demon Sect, which means that it may be a demon cultivator. At that time, I hope to find more demon bones and demon spirits." Chu Yan thought, then he narrowed his eyes slightly and thought of the Beiming Killing Emperor again.

"The remains of the Heavenly Monarch appeared in the Beiming Dynasty, and the Emperor of Beiming was the young prince. He would not miss such an opportunity, but he appeared in the Artisan City at this time. Is it a coincidence?" Chu Yan whispered in his heart, and then he looked at the magic arm in his arms.

"The Emperor of Beiming was eager to get this magic arm. Could it be that this magic arm was related to the remains of the Heavenly Monarch?" Chu Yan suddenly had a bold idea. This magic bone arm might be related to the remains of the dynasty. In this case, everything would make sense.

"It seems that we need to be careful. If it is really as I guessed, the Beiming Dynasty will never give up." Chu Yan thought of this, and used his divine thoughts to send a message: "Senior Sister Mengya."

"You still know how to pay attention to me." Not long after, Mengya's voice full of resentment came, which made Chu Yan smile bitterly. He practiced these days, and Mengya often sent divine thoughts to him.

It was just some meaningless things, teasing him, so he simply didn't reply.

"Senior sister, I offended someone from the Beiming Dynasty. They were looking for a demon bone, and I got it." Chu Yan told Meng Ya the whole story.

"Who is the other party?"

"The Killing Emperor of Beiming."

"..." Meng Ya was speechless for a while, and suddenly sent a voice after a long time, and with a bit of seriousness: "Where are you?"

"Jiangxin City." Chu Yan responded directly.

"Wait for me, I will rush over as soon as possible, be careful." Meng Ya responded, and then she stopped thinking, which moved Chu Yan a little, and then continued to practice.

At this time, in the Demon Sect, Meng Ya's residence, she was wearing a red loose long skirt, lying on the bed, showing perfect lines.

After she stopped thinking with Chu Yan, her delicate cheeks looked strange, and the corners of her mouth raised a little: "Interesting little guy, actually beat the Killing Emperor of Beiming."

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