Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 484 Obtaining the Demonic Bone

The earth trembled violently, and Chu Yan stood on the fire pattern stone plate.

At this time, the lightning around him had dissipated and turned into flames. He no longer relied on Yuan Qi as the foundation, but devoted himself to the carving of the fire pattern array, just like the fire god descending to the world.

For fire pattern masters, carving fire patterns requires a medium, and only high-level fire pattern masters can carve in the void.

However, the power of void carving is often limited, which is why Shen Long's fire pattern is vulnerable.

Chu Yan is different. His third soul is the fire pattern stone plate. He is a natural fire pattern master. He carves with the stone plate and waves his sleeves. Suddenly, the sky is full of stars, showing endless brilliance.

"How is it possible?" Beiming Shahuang was full of doubts. He couldn't figure out why he was defeated as the emperor of the dynasty and was born a superior person.

"Is this strength? It is too weak to say." Chu Yan said bluntly, not because of pride, but because in the past on Tianbei Mountain, the Beiming Dynasty was like Jian Wuya, and was in the same stream with Ji Longyu.

"I don't believe you can beat me!" Bei Ming Sha Huang was furious, the ground was shaking violently, he raised his hands, turned into endless wild wind, the wind was invisible, changed into countless wind blades in the air, and blasted towards Chu Yan.

"Try a few more times, the result will be the same." Chu Yan was calm, the meteorite wrapped around his body, and punched him on the head.

"Boom!" The earth suddenly shook violently, and countless cracks appeared. In a short moment, Bei Ming Sha Huang's storm was broken. Chu Yan took a big step forward. The speed was not fast, but every step was like Mount Tai, which made Bei Ming Sha Huang's heart heavy.

Until this moment, his eyes were red, he couldn't believe that he was a genius, how could he lose to someone who was two realms younger than him.

"What a violent battle!" Everyone in the audience was shocked. This battle was too strong, comparable to the battle between the emperors.

Chu Yan and Bei Ming Sha Huang were both extremely powerful. They could be said to be the top geniuses in the star sea, and the best in the three realms of the emperor level.

"That man is so powerful, with terrible fighting power and proficient in fire patterns. Shen Long is a disciple of the academy and the heir of the Shen family, but he is far behind him."

"Thanks to him, if it weren't for him, my Craftsmanship City would have lost face today." The academy disciple said excitedly.

The noise of this battle was too loud, attracting many academy disciples. Min Yue also came, blending in the crowd and not conspicuous. She did not recognize Chu Yan. Now Chu Yan is too outstanding, showing confidence everywhere, arrogant and free, so she dare not think that this person is the gentle and occasionally naughty brother Chu.

"This is the real top prodigy." Le Feng muttered softly, without any desire to compare.

Including the charming woman who was with Shen Long before, her phoenix eyes flashed with brilliance.

"If I can get his favor, I'm afraid he will be willing to do anything for me." The charming woman thought to herself.

Min Yue looked at the battle stage, thinking in his heart, maybe one day, his elder brother Chu will be as handsome as him.

The bricks and tiles on the battle stage were constantly swept away, the imperial power was released, Chu Yan approached, the fighting power was extremely violent, and then he punched out.

"This..." Everyone was shocked, Chu Yan was too strong, as strong as the North Ming Killing Emperor, but at this moment, he could only be suppressed.

"Stop!" A shout suddenly came from the audience, and then the powerful imperial power rose, turning into a giant, smashing Chu Yan's fire pattern with one punch.

The Emperor of the North Ming Dynasty finally couldn't stand it anymore and stopped Chu Yan.

The fire pattern broke, Chu Yan laughed sarcastically, but didn't continue to chase, but landed steadily on the battle stage: "Prince of the North Ming Dynasty? Claiming to kill all the emperors in the world? In the end, he is so humble."

The North Ming Killing Emperor's eyes were red, but he couldn't speak, just because he lost this battle, lost to a person who was two realms lower than him.

"Who are you? Are you from the Craftsmanship Guild?" Bei Ming Sha Huang questioned.

"The Craftsmanship Guild is the top power in our Demon State. I am just a small person, so I am not one of them. I am just an unknown person." Chu Yan said calmly, but Bei Ming Sha Huang's face became even uglier. If Chu Yan was an unknown person, he would be defeated? And he is not even as good as an unknown person?

"Very good, I will remember you." Bei Ming Sha Huang said coldly, and then turned and retreated.

In the crowd of Bei Ming Dynasty, an elder said calmly: "Prince, this boy has extraordinary combat power. He is a level 4 emperor, and he has the combat power of level 6 emperor. He is also good at fire patterns. However, if it were not for the old man's interruption, the prince might not have lost. The old man took action just to prevent the prince from getting injured and affecting the next trip to the Tianjun Ruins."

"No need to comfort me. He can be like this, he must be an ordinary person. I will not belittle myself after a defeat. I will win the next battle." Bei Ming Sha Huang flashed a fierce look.

The elder nodded, secretly sighing that the prince had a good character, and then looked at Chu Yan meaningfully: "Prince, this person's aura is not from the Star Sea, but more like a star river. If he is not from the Craftsmanship Chamber of Commerce, our Beiming Dynasty can fight for him. If he is used by the prince, he will definitely be a helper."

Beiming Shahuang nodded. He was born a prince and learned power tactics, so he should understand this truth: "I will go to him after the fight is over. Life and death, it depends on his choice."

On the battle stage, Chu Yan turned and looked at the old man from the Craftsmanship Academy: "Senior, this is three thousand spirit jades."

Chu Yan took out a space cloth bag and wanted to hand it to the old man, but the old man smiled calmly and did not take it.

"What do you mean, senior?" Chu Yan frowned.

"This magic bone will not be charged. The excitement of this battle alone is worth three thousand spirit jades." The old man stroked his beard and smiled, and waved his arm, and the magic bone arm flew towards Chu Yan.

Chu Yan was stunned when he took the Demon Bone, but he did not refuse. After all, three thousand seven level spirit jades were not cheap. “Thank you very much, Senior.”

"My little friend is superior to me in terms of combat prowess and fire pattern. I can't afford to call me senior. My name is Guo Feng. If you don't mind, just call me Uncle Guo."

"Uncle Guo." Chu Yan didn't show any pretense and praised him with his hands. Guo Feng smiled and stroked his beard and said: "My friend, the way of fire patterns is so advanced. I have never seen it before. He must not be from Craftsmanship City, right?"

"I just came recently."

"Sure enough." Guo Feng's eyes lit up. He had been watching the previous battle. Although Chu Yan's combat power was amazing, it was not enough to attract him. However, a seventh-level fire pattern later made him pay attention completely.

What's more, Chu Yan is so young. He has never seen a seventh-level fire pattern master in his twenties.

"My little friend, are you willing to join our Craftsmanship Guild? If you are willing, you will be an elder." Guo Feng said, and the people in the audience were in an uproar.

The Craftsmanship Guild actually took the initiative to recruit people and directly promoted them to elders? This has never happened before in the Artisan Chamber of Commerce.

"The juniors are used to being at ease and don't like to be restrained. The seniors may be disappointed." Chu Yan did not agree. First, he belonged to the Demon Sect and it was difficult to agree. Second, he was a student in an academy, so why should he join?

"That's a pity, but if you are in need, little friend, you can come to the Craftsman Guild at any time, and I will provide you with warm hospitality. This is your status as a guest of the Craftsman Guild, so please don't refuse me."

This time, Chu Yan did not refuse, and Guo Feng asked again: "What do you call me, little friend?"

"Chu Shanshi." Chu Yan said, because Min Yue was there, he was not exposed.

"Okay." Guo Feng nodded, but he attached great importance to Chu Yan. After this battle, Chu Yan was directly named a guest of honor and enjoyed the best treatment from the Craftsmanship Guild.

Several more fights followed, and Chu Yan sighed that they were all treasures. There were many seventh-level magic weapons, but they didn't have what he needed, so he didn't take action anymore.

Later, there was another battle, a custom-made battle between a seventh-level weapon refiner from the Chamber of Commerce.

Chu Yan needed three magic weapons and wanted to go to war. However, Guo Feng directly promised Chu Yan that after the war, the guild would personally refine them for Chu Yan, which saved Chu Yan a lot of trouble.

Chu Yan is not polite. He also understands that the other party is like this because of his own strength. If not, who will care who you are?

The fight ended in the evening, and everyone dispersed with their thoughts still lingering. However, the most talked about battle was still the battle between Chu Yan and Beiming Killing the Emperor.

That battle was so exciting that the subsequent battle for the Emperor of Heaven was overshadowed. Chushanshi became famous in one day and resounded throughout the City of Craftsmanship.

Chu Yan didn't care about this. After the fight, he got up and wanted to go back to school.

However, at this moment, a group of people suddenly blocked the way, causing Chu Yan to frown slightly and look at Beiming Shahuang.

"What? The Beiming Dynasty was defeated in the battle, so they wanted to refuse to admit their defeat, and then killed people and expropriated goods afterwards?" Chu Yan said calmly.

"I, the dignified Beiming Dynasty, would never do such a shameless thing, but that demon bone is of great use to me. Now I am willing to pay twice the price, are you willing to transfer it to me?" Beiming Killing Emperor is still arrogant, said.

Others were surprised when they saw it. They didn't expect Beiming Killing Emperor to be so persistent in the demon bone.

Chu Yan was also stunned. It seemed that this demon bone was not as simple as he thought, otherwise Beiming Killing Emperor would never be so persistent.

After all, he was a dignified prince. Defeat was already a shame, but even so, he could still stand up afterward.

In addition, some people looked at Chu Yan worriedly. After all, in today's battle, Chu Yan proved to the Craftsman City that they did not want anything to happen to Chu Yan, but the other party was the Beiming Dynasty, the Tianbei lineage, and the Demon Sect. , the land of Yu unified the state.

"No change." Chu Yan said bluntly. Beiming Shahuang's eyes were sharp and he said displeasedly: "You should think about it. If you think it's inappropriate, I can pay a higher price. Whatever you want, just ask, or This emperor can allow you to join the Beiming Dynasty and become my right-hand man. In the future, this prince will ascend the throne. In the Beiming Dynasty, you will be inferior to one person and above ten thousand people."

"Not interested." Chu Yan said coldly. This demon bone is also of great use to him. It is exactly what is needed in the troubled world of immortals and demons.

Beiming Shahuang's face turned cold. He was a high-ranking prince, and with his superior talents, how could he not be highly praised and respected by others?

But today, Chu Yan was not polite to him.

"Boy, when the prince asked you to be his right-hand man, he thought that he would be the right and left hand of our Beiming Dynasty in the future. Looking at the Demon State, this noble existence is a gift." An old man next to him said unhappily. Under one person, there are ten thousand people. Above, that position is much higher than he is now.

"Haha, it's really ridiculous. We've lost the battle and don't even know the shame. Now you still want me to follow you because of your righteousness? Then why not, I'll give you this demon bone. How about you follow me? From now on, will you be my dog?" Chu Yan Shaking his head, unable to understand the other party's thoughts, the prince of a dynasty? Is it very noble? However, he is also one of the sixteen lines of Tianbei, and he is also a disciple of the Demon Sect.

"You are so presumptuous!" The people of the Beiming Dynasty were immediately furious. Chu Yan dared to humiliate their prince.

"This is Craftsman City, the land of Demon State. You, Beiming Dynasty, are you sure you want to do this?" However, at this moment, countless fire-marked lights suddenly rose up in Craftsman City, making everyone frown.

"It's the Lord of Jiangxin City, and he actually took action." The people in Jiangxin City became pious.

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