Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 45: Looting the Bai Family [Three Updates]

"Then I'll trouble you, Uncle Su, but I have a few friends who want to come with me." Chu Yan did not refuse Su Hao's invitation.

"No problem, the palace I prepared for you can accommodate a hundred people, haha, please come in, nephew."

Su Hao stroked his beard and smiled, then glanced at Ye Xun and nodded: "You should be the descendant of Ye Changqing, yes, you must behave well tomorrow."

"Junior greets Uncle Su." As one of the eight great families, Ye Xun was not humble even when facing the royal family.

"Let's go."

Then the group followed Su Hao into the palace, and everyone was envious, including Zhang Feng from the Zhang family.

"What a Su family, they really think they can be arrogant just because they are the royal family. If it weren't for my grandfather who helped them build the country, Changlong Kingdom would be where it is now. They dared not come out to greet me today." Zhang Feng said angrily, then he looked at Chu Yan and asked: "Have you investigated it clearly? Who is this little bastard?"

Several followers of Zhang Feng whispered: "Master, I asked, but I couldn't find out, but the master just sent a message. He said that you are not allowed to have a conflict with him under any circumstances. In my opinion... let's just forget it?"

"Forget it?"

Zhang Feng glared at a follower: "This young master was slapped by him, this matter can never be forgotten! I don't care who he is. When I join the Haotian Sect, I will make them all kneel at my feet."

At this time, on the other side, Chu Yan signaled Ye Xun, Fu Tao, and Zhao Sanfeng to enter the palace together. Originally, Chu Yan also invited Liu Mu, but he was an official and had to guard the imperial city overnight, so he didn't go with everyone.

Coming to the palace that Su Hao prepared for Chu Yan, it was a thousand square meters, with hundreds of maids alone. Su Hao even told him that whatever Chu Yan needed would be satisfied at any cost.

Fatty Fu Tao looked at the luxurious palace and said excitedly: "Brother Chu, this is so damn cool, such a big palace is much bigger than my escort agency."

"You dare to compare your small escort agency with the palace!" Zhao Sanfeng rolled his eyes at Fu Tao, looked at Chu Yan and smiled: "Mr. Chu, today we can live in the palace thanks to you. Although we may go our separate ways after Wanzong recruits new members tomorrow, with Mr. Chu's ability, he will definitely join the Tenth Rank, and we can only join a small sect, but if you say a word in the future, we will come thousands of miles to help!"

Chu Yan smiled and shook his head, without saying a word.

After everyone left and only Chu Yan and Ye Xun were left, Ye Xun approached Chu Yan and said, "Chu Yan, today, Su Hao was obviously trying to show his good will to you. What do you think of this?"

Chu Yan shook his head and said, "I don't understand. To be honest, because of my background, many people have shown their good will to me over the years, but Su Hao's behavior today was indeed a little strange, a little bit of showing his good will for no reason. Let's wait and see. I promised my sister that I would never hurt the Su family unless it was absolutely necessary."

"Empress Qin Zixuan? Is she related to the Su family?"

"No, it's another sister, Su Xishuang." Chu Yan said sincerely.

"Su Xishuang is your sister?" Ye Xun frowned, and his face became a little strange.

"What's wrong?"

"Nothing, I just heard that the war between Changlong Country and Xue Country was tense a while ago, and Su Hao seemed to intend to use her to marry Yunlong of Xue Country to resolve the conflict between the two countries. This time I didn't see her in the palace."

"No, I saw her in Tianyong City a few days ago, she shouldn't have come back yet." Chu Yan shook his head. Of course, he didn't know that Su Xishuang had already returned to the imperial city on the monster mount that day, otherwise he would not be so calm now.

Ye Xun nodded and said nothing more.

"Let's go, fulfill our promise." Chu Yan stretched, and then he sat up.

A fierce look flashed in Ye Xun's eyes. He naturally knew what Chu Yan meant, so he didn't say anything nonsense and followed Chu Yan directly.


Because Wanzong was recruiting new members, the Bai family also sent many disciples to the Bai Mansion in the imperial city. Of course, the main ones were Bai Haohe and Bai Ting.

Chu Yan and Ye Xun came to the Bai Mansion, and appeared directly outside the gate of the Bai Mansion in an open and aboveboard manner.

Outside the Bai Mansion, several guards immediately stopped Chu Yan and the others: "Who are you? This is the residence of the minister of the Bai family and Changlong State. All outsiders, please get out of here."

Ye Xun glanced at Chu Yan, who said nothing but nodded slightly. The corners of Ye Xun's mouth immediately rose.

"I haven't used my hands since I started to fight. I'll use you guys to practice today!"

After Ye Xun finished speaking, he took a step forward and slapped a guard of the Bai family.

"Pah!" As soon as Ye Xun made a move, a guard of the Bai family was immediately slapped and flew out, but it didn't stop yet. Ye Xun then quickly approached another guard and slapped him again. Two guards in a row were seriously injured by Ye Xun.

"How dare you hurt my guards of the Bai family? You're looking for death!" The guards of the Bai family were immediately angry, and they all looked ferocious.

"Get lost!"

But the next moment, Chu Yan also made a move. He raised his foot and kicked a Bai family guard away. Then he looked at Ye Xun again: "In this Bai family mansion, take whatever you like. If you don't like someone, just beat them up. When you are tired, come to the main hall to find me. None of the elders of the Bai family will dare to hurt you."

"Okay, the Bai family has a set of body movement martial arts. I have been eyeing it for a long time. I will go get it later."

Chu Yan nodded, and then strode toward the central hall. Whenever a guard approached along the way, Chu Yan would directly take action and defeat the enemy with one move.

The Bai family was in chaos, completely in chaos. Several seriously injured guards in the central hall were kneeling on the ground.

"Master! Someone kicked the house, and all the guards in our house below the moving dust realm were seriously injured!"

Bai Song sat in the middle hall with a gloomy face: "How brave, elders, come with me and have a look!"

"Old man Bai, if you don't want your Bai family to perish, just let them all sit here honestly. When my brother is relieved, the grudges between me and your Bai family will naturally be wiped out." But at this moment, Chu Yan had already Arriving at the nave, he smiled at Bai Song.

Chu Yan suddenly appeared, and Bai Song was shocked. Killing intent flashed in his old eyes, but he immediately reached out to stop all the elders.

"Everyone, sit down!"

"Old master!"

"Sit down!" Bai Song's voice rose a little, and no one dared to do it again.

"That's why you're obedient." Chu Yan smiled and nodded. Then he didn't say anything. He carried a chair and sat in the middle hall, waiting quietly.

There was a strange atmosphere in the Bai Mansion for a while. There were all kinds of howling and banging sounds outside, but all the elders of the Bai family gathered in the middle hall, motionless. Chu Yan did not speak. Don't dare to speak either.

From time to time, people from the Bai family came to the central hall to report news.

"Master! The alchemy hall has been looted!"

"Master! The Shenbing Pavilion was also evacuated by Ye Xun's grandson!"

"Master! It's not good! Our Bai family's superior martial arts were taken away by Ye Xunquan, and all the remaining low-level martial arts were burned by Ye Xunquan."

One after another, servants came to report the news. Bai Song's facial features became ferocious, and all the elders looked angrily.

Chu Yan listened to the servants coming to report one after another, and the corner of his mouth couldn't help but twitch. This Ye Xun still wanted to kill everyone. Looking at the white pine-purple face, he didn't even doubt that if his background was slightly weaker. , it is estimated that the elders of the Bai family will all pounce on him and eat him.

Chu Yan promised that if he hadn't known that the old demon was nearby, he would have run away now, and no one would care about Ye Xun...

I don't know how long it took before Ye Xun returned to the central hall, dirty but full of smiles. He ignored the Bai family and looked directly at Chu Yan: "It's done."

Chu Yan looked back at the mess in the Bai family courtyard and couldn't help but gasp: "You are so cruel..."

"If a man is not ruthless, his status is unstable. After all, you are a descendant of the wilderness. What are you afraid of? I will give you some points when I go back." Ye Xun smiled.

Chu Yan really felt that sharing the spoils in front of Bai Song and many Bai family elders was a bit excessive, so he stood up and looked at Bai Song.

"Old man Bai, please remember everything that happened today to me, Chu Yan. If you are dissatisfied, come to me at any time."

"What are you talking about, Master Chu..." Bai Song almost squeezed out a few words through his teeth.

"You don't have to go against your will. I know you are unhappy, but if you want revenge, I, Chu Yan, will be waiting for you at any time. As long as your Bai family can afford it, I, Chu Yan, will be with you at any time. Oh, by the way, if Bai Haohe is not dead, help me. Tell me, Liu Qingcheng is my Chu Yan's wife, I will kill anyone who dares to touch her!" Chu Yan left this sentence before waving to Chu Yan and leaving the Bai Mansion.

When Chu Yan left, Bai Song showed a hint of ferocity. He looked at the messy Bai Mansion, which was almost empty, and he roared angrily.

"Chu Yan, our Bai family is determined to fight until you die!"

Not long after Chu Yan left, Bai Haohe and Bai Jue walked out from the back of the central hall. From the beginning, the two of them had hidden themselves in order not to be discovered by Chu Yan so that they could successfully participate in Wan Zong's recruitment tomorrow.

Bai Haohe walked out, thinking about Chu Yan's words just now, he clenched his fists: "Grandpa, this time Wan Zong accepts new people, I will definitely destroy Chu Yan, and Liu Qingcheng, I will not let her go!"

Bai Song sat on the chair old and nodded. Originally he was hesitant about cooperating with Chiyue Valley, but after Chu Yan's trouble today, he was determined.

"Haohe, Wan Zong accepts new recruits. Our Bai family will send some dead soldiers into the black forest. When the time comes, we must kill Chu Yan!"

"Kill Chu Yan, count me in." But at this moment, a figure suddenly appeared in Bai Mansion. This figure was none other than Zhang Feng, who was also from the Eight Families.

"I have a grudge against Chu Yan. This time Wan Zong accepts new members, and I will join forces with Brother Bai to kill Chu Yan together!"

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