Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 44 My name is Chu Yan

Seeing Su Muyan's voice full of disdain, Zhang Feng said coldly: "What a man who saved my whole family, I wonder how the Thirteenth Princess saved them?"

"Do you know who you were going to trample just now?" Su Muyan sneered.

Zhang Feng frowned and turned to look at Liu Mu and others. At first, he didn't pay attention, but after seeing Liu Mu and Ye Xun, he understood and smiled: "Who I thought it was, it turned out to be the descendants of the impoverished Liu and Ye families, but so what? If it was a hundred years ago, my Zhang family might still be a little afraid, but now the Liu and Ye families, ten of them can't compare to my Zhang family!"

Su Muyan sneered: "What an ignorant thing!"

"Muyan, let them go." Chu Yan smiled helplessly from behind. He didn't expect Su Muyan to suddenly intercept here.

Hearing Chu Yan's words, Zhang Feng became displeased and looked at Chu Yan with a hint of anger: "Boy, who are you? What's your business if I talk to the princess? I tell you, it's not your turn to decide whether I leave or not!"


But before Zhang Feng finished speaking, Chu Yan waved his hand and a strong wind blew Zhang Feng out. Now Chu Yan is also in the Dust-moving Realm, plus the Heavenly Star Absolute Dust Classic, Zhang Feng is no match for Chu Yan at all.

After slapping Zhang Feng, Chu Yan looked at Liu Mu helplessly: "Brother Liu Mu, I'm sorry, you don't let me cause trouble, but this kid has a face that deserves a slap. If I don't slap him, I feel sorry for his appearance."

Hearing Chu Yan's words, Liu Mu smiled bitterly, but didn't say anything. No matter how strong the Zhang family is, it doesn't matter in front of Chu Yan.

Fu Tao and Zhao Sanfeng cheered on the side: "Good fight, fuck! I've been annoyed with him for a long time!"

Zhang Feng got up at this time, he looked at Chu Yan angrily, his facial features were ferocious, as if he was ready to tear Chu Yan to pieces at any time, but at this moment, Chu Yan's voice sounded faintly, causing several elders of the Zhang family to frown suddenly.

"If you don't want to die, take him and get out quickly, otherwise today will be the day of your Zhang family's demise. Oh, by the way, let me introduce myself, my name is Chu Yan!"

The elders of the Zhang family rolled their throats and became serious in an instant. Several elders immediately dismounted and knelt on the ground: "It turned out to be Young Master Chu, it's my Zhang family that is blind, I hope Young Master Chu doesn't take it to heart!"

"Get out!" Chu Yan waved his hand.

The elders of the Zhang family gritted their teeth and pulled Zhang Feng back. They no longer had the previous momentum, but ran towards the imperial city like a stray dog ​​with its tail between its legs.

At this time, everyone was shocked. The students of Tianyong City looked at Chu Yan as if he was looking at an idol.

"Mr. Chu, you were so handsome just now!"

"Cool! The Zhang family hasn't suffered any loss in Changlong Country for many years. Hehe, today they were slapped and had to smile. It's so cool!" Fu Tao laughed.

After Chu Yan's move, even Zhou Qin, who had been silent, looked at Chu Yan, with a deep meaning in her almond eyes.

Ye Xun glanced at Chu Yan from the side: "How does it feel?"

Chu Yan glanced at Ye Xun: "Do you feel like pretending? To be honest, it's really cool! Haha!"

"Virtue, but you still have to be careful. This time you have a feud with the Zhang family. They dare not take action openly, but it's hard to say secretly. Tell the senior who protects you next to you not to let him leave you recently." Ye Xun reminded.

"Don't worry, I'm more worried about you. No matter the Zhang family or the Bai family, they dare not do anything to me. But you are different. When we enter the imperial city, you should follow me all the time and don't run around." Chu Yan reminded.

"Unless I'm an idiot, I won't run around. This imperial city is not the territory of my Ye family. My grandfather can't save me even if he wants to. By the way, do you remember that you promised me to go to the Bai family to find trouble?"

"I remember, then let's go today. After we settle down in the imperial city, we will go to the Bai family." A fierce look flashed in Chu Yan's eyes.

Bai Haohe, my Chu Yan's woman, is not something that anyone can get involved with. If you get involved, you have to pay some price.

"Brother Chu Yan!" Su Muyan stepped forward and smiled sweetly at Chu Yan.

After the incident with Su Xishuang, Chu Yan also softened his attitude towards Su Muyan and nodded: "I heard that you will also participate in Wanzong's recruitment this time?"

"Yes, my father agreed, so this time, brother Chu Yan, don't think of leaving me behind." Su Muyan smiled happily.

"Okay, then let's go into the imperial city together." Chu Yan nodded, and Liu Mu organized the team, and the group walked towards the imperial city.

"Roar--!" When everyone passed by the imperial city, Wanzong's mounts suddenly roared, staring at Chu Yan and his group, as if they had found some sweet prey.

"Ah--!" But in the next second, the little wolf howled to the sky, and the sound was so loud that all the monsters trembled, shrinking their necks and hanging in the air without making a sound.

Seeing this scene, everyone was shocked. Ye Xun glanced at the little wolf and smiled: "You are really the same as your master. Seeing your master pretending to be powerful and unwilling to be outdone, right?"

Everyone looked at the little wolf strangely. A little wolf who had just entered the world of movement could suppress so many ancient monsters. How terrible is the power of this bloodline?

At this time, there was an old lone figure above the imperial city. He seemed to be attracted by the long howl of the little wolf. There was a flash of surprise in his eyes: "Tianxing Lone Wolf? I haven't heard of it appearing for tens of thousands of years."

After saying that, the lonely figure glanced at Chu Yan again, with a hint of expectation in his eyes: "This little guy is finally here. It will be very interesting for Wan Zong to accept new people this time."

"Master, is this the goal of our trip?"

Next to Gu Ying, there was a girl who glanced at Chu Yan and curled her lips disdainfully: "What rubbish, one level of moving dust, five stars of life, not even half of Xing'er's strength, and still so much bigger than Xing'er Sui, why are we here just for a piece of trash?”

Lone Ying smiled and shook her head: "Don't worry, little girl, just wait and see. In three years at most, this little guy will definitely turn the world upside down, haha!"

"I hope he has this ability, our Tiandao Sect doesn't accept waste!" Xing'er said nothing and disappeared from the imperial city with Gu Ying.

At this time, Liu Mu and his party had entered the imperial city. The place was full of people and busy with traffic, and the level of excitement was far beyond that of Tianyong City.

Because Wan Zong accepted the new people, the people in the imperial city became excited. Because of the principle of being close to the water, the number of students participating in the recruitment of new students in the Imperial City is much higher than that in other cities. All the major families in the Imperial City send their disciples, hoping to try their luck, even if they just join a sect with a thousand members. That is also a matter of bringing glory to the clan.

Chu Yan and his party entered the imperial city, closely following Liu Mu. When they passed through a huge fan-shaped arch in the center, they were greeted by the magnificent imperial palace.

Looking around, there are bricks and tiles, beautiful buildings and jade buildings.

There is a vast open space in front of the palace. Countless boys and girls have gathered here. There are tens of thousands of them, hanging out in groups. They are all new students of Wan Zong this time, talking about The most important thing is naturally the luxurious configuration of this Ten Thousand Sects Ceremony.

In this open space, there are flags standing one by one. These flags are a hundred meters high. Each one is very solemn and majestic. Even the flags of the Imperial City are a little less elegant compared to them.

Liu Mu said to Chu Yan at the side: "Yan'er, these are the Wan Zong flags that Wan Zong accepted for the new arrival in Changlong Kingdom. Did you see the black flag with a coiled dragon in the center? It's Hao, the leader of Wan Zong. Tianzong, look at the world of mortals, a place where everyone is trying to get in. "

Ye Xun nodded aside: "The Haotian Sect is indeed very strong. Rumor has it that their sect master is expected to be crowned emperor this year. Once he is crowned emperor, the Haotian Sect may leap over the dragon gate and become an existence that surpasses ten thousand sects."

"I know, I have met Haotian Zun, the leader of Haotian Sect. I remember that he seemed quite respectful to me at the time and begged to accept me as his disciple, but I refused at that time." Chu Yan said lightly. said.

Hearing Chu Yan's words, Liu Mu and Ye Xun twitched the corners of their mouths, Haotianzun...the leader of Haotian Sect, how many people would never see him in their lifetime? But someone wanted to take Chu Yan as his disciple, but Chu Yan actually rejected him?

However, when they thought of Chu Yan's identity, the two of them felt relieved... Who could let someone have a good father?

Chu Yan glanced at Ye Xun: "There are so many sects, which one are you interested in? Let's join whichever one."

Ye Xun rolled his eyes at Chu Yan: "Do you think Wan Zong Naxin is a joke? You can join whichever one you are interested in?"

"It may not be the case for others, but it is really the case for me. You can choose it yourself later. If you can't choose it, then let several sects from Shiliu come out to draw lots. Let's go to whoever catches it." Chu Yan said indifferently.

Ye Xun smiled bitterly, but he was very excited in his heart. Joining the ten sects was what everyone dreamed of, and with Chu Yan here, he also believed that there would be huge gains from this trip.

"Nephew Chu Xian!" At this moment, a voice full of dignity suddenly came from the crowd, and the crowd immediately made way for a passage, and a middle-aged man walked towards them.

This middle-aged man was wearing a golden dragon robe, and his identity was self-evident, so everyone became curious about who the young man in front of them was, so that the current Holy Lord came out to greet him in person.

"Father!" Su Muyan hugged Su Hao happily.

Su Hao rubbed Su Muyan's head, and then his eyes fell on Chu Yan.

"Uncle Su." Because of Su Xishuang, Chu Yan was also very polite to Su Hao.

"I haven't seen you for fifteen years. You are more polite than before." Su Hao smiled and nodded. He still remembered the scene when Chu Yan pointed at his nose and cursed when he was three years old.

"Well, weren't you sensible when you were a kid? Don't be surprised, Uncle Su."

"Wan Zong Na Xin will not be officially launched until tomorrow. I have already sent someone to arrange a dormitory for you. Will you stay at Uncle Su's place today?"

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