Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 412: Seven years of practice and finally becoming emperor

The lineage of the Heavenly God, the holy land of Thunder Pond.

Since Chu Yan entered the holy land, the thunder has been so powerful that it has transformed into countless mad dragons falling, making crackling sounds.

Outside the Thunder Pond, boys and girls come to watch every day, watching the thunder dragons penetrate Chu Yan's body, and everyone is guessing which thunder dragon will knock Chu Yan down.

But unfortunately, as always, Chu Yan is still holding on.

The Heavenly God Stone has always been there, staring at Chu Yan with his eyes shining, thinking in his heart: "It's been five days, and he has held on longer than Sister Xian'er!"

"Swoosh!" Shangcang Xian'er comes here every day to watch, and when she sees Chu Yan's strength, she smiles.

"Sister, do you think Brother Chu can hold on for seven days and become the body of the Thunder God?" Shangcang God Stone asked.

"I will definitely do it." Shangcang Xian'er smiled brilliantly, and then she looked at Chu Yan's handsome face, her cheeks a little hot: "After the baptism of Thunder God, he has become more handsome again."

"Bluffer, the Holy Land of Thunder Pond, even the emperor cannot practice the body of Thunder God, how can he, a mere Venerable, succeed?" A harsh voice sounded, Shangcang Xian'er looked unhappily, and saw Shangcang Qing appeared here, looking at Chu Yan viciously.

"Shangcang Qing, it seems that you don't take the words of the clan leader to heart at all. Chu Yan has a strong talent, and now he is the helmsman of my Shangcang lineage. We should be happy that he has become stronger."

"You lost the battle, you should learn a lesson and practice harder, instead of mocking others here. If you can't accept failure like you, even if you have a strong cultivation, how can you go far in the future?" Shangcang Xian'er snorted coldly.

"What a joke, Shangcangxian'er, do you really think that you are my elder just because you have been crowned as an emperor? When will it be your turn to teach me a lesson?"

Shangcang Qing looked at Shangcangxian'er, and then he sneered: "It's you, seeing that he is in charge of the Shangcang lineage, you are so eager to get close to him? You are pretty, if you get close to him, he might like you."

Shangcangxian'er's phoenix eyes flashed with anger, and she snorted coldly: "You don't know what you mean!"

Shangcang Qing did not explain, and looked at Chu Yan viciously. Since the defeat, his status in the Shangcang lineage has changed, so he has always believed that all this is thanks to Chu Yan.

"Chu Yan, I wonder how long you can jump, soon, it will be your death!" Shangcang Qing said fiercely in his heart.

On the seventh day of the Thunder Pond, Chu Yan attracted more than 9,000 thunder dragons and poured them into his body, making his skin red.

On this day, Chu Yan's soul appeared in his dantian. In the absurd ocean of vitality, a coiled thunder dragon emerged, roaring from time to time.

"This thunder pool is really overbearing. It can force the power of heavenly thunder into the body. Thanks to my practice of many body-building exercises and the body of the Vajra Buddha Dharma, I can't bear the bombardment of heavenly thunder at all." Chu Yan thought. This time in the thunder pool, he also gained a lot.

In seven days, his perception of thunder power has become stronger. The power of thunder controls the speed of heaven and earth, and the attack power is also extremely strong. It can also paralyze the opponent. If the thunder power is used unexpectedly in a life-and-death battle, it will definitely reach a terrible level.

"It's just that I don't have the blood of thunder, which is a pity." Chu Yan sighed and thought to himself, if I had known this earlier, I would have comprehended thunder in the blood of the third true self.

After all, the third true self is pure speed, and the power of thunder is also a blessing of speed.

"Although I don't have the blood of thunder, if I can integrate it into my sword blood, how fast will my sword be?"

Swordsmen are light and agile, and they are the best in the world.

The faster the sword is, the stronger the swordsman will be. Chu Yan suddenly got excited when he thought of this. He even had a bold idea. Since the power of blood can be integrated, why can't the magical skills be integrated?

Including the soul, if all these powers can be integrated together, how strong will it be?

For example, Chu Yan's mirror soul can open up a mirror world. If it is integrated with the power of thunder, can he create a world of thunder like this thunder pool?

When the time comes, he will control the thunder in that world, pull people into his own world, and directly bombard them with thousands of thunders. Who can resist such a terrible attack?

The third soul is a fire pattern stone plate, which can be used to engrave fire patterns. If he engraves it with the power of thunder, how lethal will the fire pattern array be?

Chu Yan was excited when he thought about it. He started to try. He first created a world of his own. In this world, he was the creator. He waved his hand and wanted thunder to appear between heaven and earth. Thousands of thunder dragons were formed immediately. As soon as he thought about it, thunder and killing came out.


The whole world was shaking. Chu Yan was excited. He was alone, like a roc in the clouds, soaring into the sky and flying wildly in this world that belonged to him.

This state lasted for an unknown period of time.


On this day, many people from the Shangcang lineage raised their heads and looked towards the sky.

On the Shangcang Island, the sky was originally clear, but suddenly it became dark clouds. In the dark clouds, a circling shadow could often be seen, like a furious thunder dragon swimming.

Everyone was shocked and looked up at Jiuxiao: "What is that?"

"A natural phenomenon?" Many emperors in retreat from the Heavenly Clan stepped out of their residences at this moment and looked up at the sky solemnly, only to see a huge phantom rising above the Thunder Pond Holy Land.

The phantom seemed to be a hundred feet high, holding a thunder halberd, standing in the holy land of Leichi.

If he didn't move, the world would be at peace. If he moved, it seemed as if he would break the sky with a long halberd.

"What a terrible power, who condensed that phantom?"

Some people speculated that when there was a strange phenomenon, there must be a demon out of nowhere: "That direction seems to be the holy land. Chu Yan, is he still in seclusion there?"

The Shangcang Daotong also stepped out of the air and stood under the cloud. With his thunder body, he didn't dare to get close to the thundercloud. He laughed and scolded: "This kid..."

"Ancestor, his talent... seems to be even higher than Zhentian. He seems to be a venerable, right? This terrible power, if he is allowed to grow up..." Shangcang Mei'er said excitedly.

"Haha, for thousands of years, the thief has not died. How can we be at ease? Pass my order down. From today on, the Shangcang lineage will fully assist this child and help him to step onto the throne!" At this moment, the Shangcang Daotong changed its past morbidity, and the majestic light was fully sprinkled, which was very powerful.

Chu Yan, who was still in the Thunder Pool, was unaware of everything that had happened in the outside world. He was still integrating. This state was very subtle, almost selfless.

He created magical powers in his mirror world, drawing thunder from the heaven and earth. His sword intention, strength, speed, and three major bloodlines were all forged with thunder.

"Not enough, not enough, I want more!"

Chu Yan greedily demanded. The thunder in the Thunder Holy Land could not even satisfy him. This time, he took the initiative to raise his hand, stretched it to the sky, embraced the sun and the moon, and seized the stars. His palms turned into a huge attraction, taking countless thunder powers into his body.

In the outside world, the old face of the Shangcang Daotong turned black when he saw this scene: "This bastard boy... is he going to suck my Thunder Pool, which has been nourishing for ten thousand years, dry?"

Shangcang Mei'er laughed at the side: "Haha, the ancestor has shot himself in the foot this time, right? He wanted to hone him, but ended up putting his own precious Thunder Pool into it."

"..." Shangcang Daotong smiled bitterly, but he was very happy in his heart.

In the Thunder Pond, Chu Yan's evolution was stronger. Every time he swung his sword, it was thunderous. With a thought, he created a world of thunder, and the fire patterns were also full of thunder power.

But this process was also extremely painful. In the three days in the Thunder Pond Holy Land, he fainted seven times, vomited blood six times, and exhausted his vitality countless times, but none of these could stop him. He had lofty ambitions and dared to ask the heavens.

This day was Chu Yan's seventeenth day in the Thunder Pond. The people of the Heavenly Lineage were very concerned at first, but later, they even got used to it.

On the seventeenth day, all the records of the Heavenly Lineage were broken.

Chu Yan's Yuanshen practiced in the Dantian, and finally on this day, the shadow of the sky turned into a huge thunder halberd, which penetrated and fell.

There was a natural phenomenon, and Chu Yan's body underwent earth-shaking changes. He could clearly feel that he had a faint imperial power rising into the air, and then a shadow like a god of war appeared on his forehead.

That phantom, is it the soul?

"Has it broken through?"

After a long time, Chu Yan's breathing gradually calmed down. When he opened his eyes, he was a little excited. Half a month of practice in the Thunder Pool finally allowed him to take this step.

Above the Venerable, the Emperor emerged. After the seventh year of Chu Yan's practice, he finally transformed completely.

The day when the roc rises with the wind, today he is crowned as the emperor.

The existence that he had admired countless times before, now he has finally successfully stepped into it and officially crowned as the emperor from a Venerable.

Chu Yan felt a little excited. His seventh soul was also cast. To be precise, it was cast inexplicably. The luster was like a dragon and a phoenix. It was the seventh-grade holy soul.

Chu Yan had thought countless times about what to cast with his fourth soul. He wanted to cast a long halberd. In that case, when he performed the Doutian Halberd method, even if he had no bloodline, he could still be very powerful with the help of the power of the soul.

He also thought about forging a pair of magic shoes to match his swordsmanship, but at the moment of the real breakthrough, everything was smooth and seamless, with the Thunder Pool as the foundation, the Doutian Ji method evolved, and the body of the god penetrated.

"The fourth soul, the Thunder King statue." Chu Yan smiled brilliantly. After reaching the emperor, he could clearly feel that his perception was infinitely increased. His vision, hearing, and perception were all getting stronger. With a sweep of his mind, he could see the grass in all directions.

However, Chu Yan knew that the emperor was just a starting point for him.

In the past, when he was in the mortal world, how many people dreamed of being crowned emperor. Once crowned emperor, they could travel thousands of miles, seal a valley, and be admired by thousands of people. However, in the galaxy, the emperor is not so precious, not to mention that there is a sea of ​​stars above the galaxy, and there is a more vast world.

He didn't know what realm Chu Hanfeng was in, but in the past in the mortal world, Chu Hanfeng could destroy everything in the world with a wave of his hand. That kind of power was beyond the reach of the Great Lord. He still had a long way to go if he wanted to follow in his parents' footsteps.

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