Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 411 The Storm Approaches [Three Updates]

Chu Yan was determined to leave and find the next place of inheritance, but that day suddenly there was thunder and light in the sky, shrouding the sky.

"Senior, since you are here, why don't you show up?" Chu Yan raised his head and looked at the rolling thunder clouds.

"Haha, little guy, very good." The old man flew out and landed here. Then he looked at Chu Yan and revealed a sharp light: "The person chosen by the king is indeed right. Your name has been engraved on Tianbei Mountain. ”

"Senior is ridiculous." Chu Yan said with a smile. The old man was also very kind: "Boy, there is no need to say a word of senior, my name is God Daotong, and I am in charge of the shocking punishment method. Since you are God's chosen one, if If you don’t mind, you might as well call me Grandpa Daotong.”

"Then let me help you, Grandpa Daotong." Chu Yan smiled, and Daotong nodded with satisfaction: "Old man Xiahou, have you seen him before?"

"Xiahou's lineage has been guarding and inheriting Zhentian. Now, the Xiahou Ancestral Order has been passed to me." Chu Yan took out the Xiahou Ancestral Order without concealing it.

Looking at Xiahou Zuling, the Taoist priests smiled excitedly and said: "Okay, okay, I heard that guy has entered the monarch realm? He did not insult the Zhentian lineage, but I was injured in a battle ten thousand years ago. This For thousands of years, I can only rely on the thunder pool to survive. For thousands of years, I have never been able to step into the threshold of that level, and I have lost Zhentian."

"Grandpa Xiahou, there is no need to belittle oneself. It is a blessing that the Zhentian lineage can still survive after ten thousand years. Now that you are also at the peak of breaking the emperor, it is only a matter of time before you become king." Chu Yan said with a calm smile.

"Whether I can join you or not, I have long been indifferent to it. The only thing I can't let go of is the arrogance of my lineage. When I followed Zhengtian and took charge of the criminal law, my lineage was so glorious. But now, it has been reduced to being invisible and buried. Just live. But seeing you today, I feel relieved that Zhentian has a successor."

After saying this, the Heavenly Daoist Order took out an ancient order and handed it to Chu Yan: "Yan'er, take this order. Remember, I, God's lineage, have never been timid or afraid. Our integrity, dignity , is still there, and has been waiting. From today on, God’s blood will be handed over to you to take over.”

Chu Yan smiled, this was a bright future. He was already about to leave, but he unexpectedly got hold of God's lineage. However, he did not refuse. He took God's criminal law and nodded: "Senior, don't worry, the ancient dynasty , will eventually be revived.”

"Okay!" The Supreme Daoist laughed brightly, and then a flash of light flashed in his old eyes, and he suddenly asked Chu Yan: "Boy, you haven't been crowned emperor yet?"

"Senior, I am dissatisfied. All my bloodline has entered the third realm, but I have not been able to become emperor for a long time. I don't know which step is missing." Chu Yan smiled bitterly. In the blink of an eye, the battle for the heavenly monument ended in one year. Everyone on the heavenly monument They have all been crowned emperors, but he still hasn't done so, which makes him feel a little helpless.

"Follow me!" God Taoism smiled mysteriously, and then he took Chu Yan to the place of thunder pond.

Looking at the violent thunder pool, Chu Yan was surprised: "What a terrifying power of thunder!"

"Well, this thunder pool is formed by the heaven and earth. It has caused thousands of heavenly calamities here. It is an extremely wonderful place to practice. If you can persist in it for one day, you will be able to understand the power of thunder. If you can persist in it for three days, you will be able to control it. Thunder, if you can stay in it for seven days, you will be able to cultivate the body of the thunder god. Now that you are the Venerable, if you can cultivate the body of thunder, it will be a blessing for you." God Taoist said with a smile.

Chu Yan was slightly startled. How could this thunder pool have such a magical effect?

But since it is useful for spiritual practice, Chu Yan will naturally not refuse: "Then I'll give it a try!"

"Yes." God Taoist nodded, and then showed a strange smile. For some reason, Chu Yan always had a bad premonition, but after hesitation, Chu Yan still stepped into the thunder pool.

"Hehe, brat, let's understand it well." God Taoism said with a proud smile. At this time, God Mei'er came to the side and was stunned for a moment: "You let him enter the Holy Land of Thunder?"

"Yes." God Dao Tong nodded, God Mei'er's jade face darkened: "What a nonsense, even if the Emperor enters the Holy Land of Thunder Pond, he may not be able to come out alive. He is now a Venerable, so just let him enter , if something happens to him, those few people who stick to the inheritance for Zhentian will overthrow the Cangdao."

"It's okay, don't worry. If he can't even achieve this level of difficulty, how can he be worthy of our following? King Zhentian, you will never misjudge the person." God Daotong smiled cynically, leaving God Mei'er speechless for a while, and simply No more talking.

Chu Yan entered the Holy Land of Thunder Pond, and the news immediately spread among the people of God. God Qing was even more angry. Therefore, he went to Shangguan Wan'er and asked: "Senior, why is he, an outsider, qualified to enter our Holy Land of God?" ?”

Shang Cang Mei'er looked at Shang Cang Qing and shook her head in disappointment. She thought she would be able to restrain herself during the last battle, but she didn't expect that it would go even further.

"Shang Cang Qing, don't you understand? His talent and strength are rare. The only way to follow him is to follow him. Don't provoke him again in the future." Shang Cang Wan'er sighed: "Now You are also on the verge of breaking through. You should devote your time to practice instead of being jealous of others. Otherwise, how can you achieve anything?"

There was a chill in Shang Cang Qing's eyes, but he didn't say anything and turned to leave.

Everyone was extremely concerned about Chu Yan entering the Thunder Holy Land, and many juniors came to watch.

"How long do you think he can stay in there?" a young disciple asked.

The stubborn stone in the sky said: "Brother Chu Yan has unparalleled talent. The three souls are so strong. He will definitely be able to develop the body of a thunder god."

"You mean he can stay there for seven days? This is impossible. My father said that in the realm of respect, as long as he can stay there for three days, he is transcendent. In our clan, only Sister Xian'er has been respected in the past ten thousand years. He stayed there for three days. Could he be more powerful than Sister Xian'er?" someone said unconvinced.

For a time, there was constant discussion, and Goddess Fairy'er also came here from time to time. Looking at Chu Yan in the thunder pool, he smiled sweetly: "Let me see how many your limits are."


A brilliant star palace in the Qinggu Star Territory is like a giant dragon of stars. All practitioners who pass by this place will pay homage to it and express their envy.

In the sky above the Star Palace, there is a huge golden plaque, engraved with the three characters of Falling Star Pavilion.

Meteor Star Pavilion, the inherited power of Lord Star Meteor, has evolved over thousands of years and is now a powerful place. In the Qinggu Star Territory, many people dream of joining.

Under the Star Palace is a galaxy corridor that reaches all directions and is also the entrance to the Star Palace, demonstrating the majesty and inviolability of the Star Palace.

On this day, Shang Cangqing came to the corridor. He hesitated for a long time, and finally hesitated and walked forward.

"Who is coming? You are not allowed to come forward in the Holy Land of Falling Star Pavilion!" As soon as this person stepped forward, countless guards immediately stepped forward to stop him.

"I have important news to report to the Meteor Star Pavilion. It is related to Chu Yan, the number one person in the Sky Monument this year. I would like to inform you." God Qing said with a guilty conscience. He is of the lineage of the Lord, and he is also very afraid of the Meteor Star Pavilion.

The guard's eyes flashed.

"Wait a moment." Cang Qing, one of the guards, said, and then stepped into the Star Palace Holy Land. After a while, he returned again: "Follow me!"

Shang Cangqing nodded, hurriedly followed the guards, and then came to a star palace. It was all made of gold, stone and jade, and in the center stood an elder of the Meteor Star Pavilion.

"Tell me, why did you come to my Falling Star Pavilion?"

"Back to seniors, I know that Chu Yan has been wanted in the Falling Star Pavilion, and I can help you find him." Shang Cangqing said respectfully.

The eyes of the elder of the Meteor Star Pavilion flashed and he stared at Cang Qing: "Are you serious? This is the Meteor Star Pavilion. You should know what the consequences will be if you dare to deceive me!"

"Junior doesn't dare. Everything the junior said is true. As long as the senior is willing, the junior can present his news now." Shang Cangqing paused and then said: "It's just that the junior has a request."


"I want to join the Meteor Star Pavilion and become a quasi-celestial monument. Next time, I will win a sky stele for the Meteor Star Pavilion!" God Qing said, because Chu Yan is the number one in the sky stele, and he is worthy of getting involved in the sky stele. Let him Angry, so he also wanted to participate in the battle for the heavenly monument.

The old man glanced at Shang Cang Qing with cold contempt: "Your strength is not worthy of the word Quasi-Heaven Monument, but if the information you provided is true, I can agree to let you worship in the Meteor Star Pavilion for the next three years. How much you can grow depends on you."

Shang Cangqing clenched his fist, and he was laughed at again, but he did not dare to make a mistake, so he could only nod his head and said: "Then thank you senior, I will definitely live up to expectations!"

"Now tell me, where is Chu Yan?"

"Senior, Chu Yan is in my clan, on Shangcang Island." Shang Cangqing said without hiding anything, and directly told the news. The old man's eyes were cold, and a strong murderous intent flashed through his eyes.

This old man's name is Chen Lihuo. He also has an identity, that is, he is Mu Feng's master. During this year, he has been looking for Chu Yan downstairs, but unfortunately, he has not found it. Now he finally found it. He would never let Chu Yan go again.

"You can go back. If the news is true, you will be my disciple from now on." Chen Lihuo waved his hand. After Shang Cang Qing left, his murderous intention became even stronger, and he immediately rushed to the upper star palace, preparing to kill this person. The message is released.

"Chu Yan, you will definitely die this time. When the time comes, I will see how rampant you will be!" Shang Cangqing thought ferociously as he left the Meteor Star Pavilion.

In the blink of an eye, Chu Yan has been practicing in the land of thunder pond for three days. Just as the Taoism of God said, this land of thunder pond attracts lightning tribulations from heaven and earth. Each thunder tribulation is extremely strong. When it hits his body, Chu Yan feels severe pain all over his body.

But it also has a very powerful magical effect. On the first day, Chu Yan felt a trace of thunder power in his body. Now in three days, he can control the thunder, and the thunder and lightning hit the body, and it penetrated his Dantian, blood, and limbs. Hundreds of skeletons made his perception even better.

"The power of thunder is indeed powerful. It has absolute speed, can paralyze the opponent, and is both offensive and defensive. Now I have only mastered the power of thunder. If I can cultivate the body of a thunder god, how strong will it be?" Chu Yan couldn't help but think, and continued In seclusion, he didn't know it yet, but a hidden storm was approaching him, and where he was was the center of the storm.

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