Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 407 Shangcang Island

The Four Directions God Star Region is the most barren place in the Six Domains Galaxy.

After the battle of the Heavenly Monument, Ye Xun and Wang Feng returned. They announced their retreat one after another. Wang Feng was extremely talented and was the first to be crowned emperor.

On this day, someone came to the Southern Palace. Chi Junlin entered the Northern Palace. Gu Yu was sitting in the hall. Seeing Chi Junlin, he said calmly: "Junlin Guardian, is there anything you need to come here today?"

"Senior Gu Yu, the Six Domains are in chaos now. If the battle for hegemony begins, our Four Directions God will naturally not be able to stay out of it, so the Palace Master asked me to come and notify and discuss how our Four Directions Gods should stand." Chi Junlin bowed.

Gu Yu narrowed his eyes slightly: "Discuss? I'm afraid that my nephew Junlin has some ideas in his mind?"

"To answer the senior, I do have some ideas. In this battle of the Heavenly Monument, the Emperor of Heaven will definitely kill Chu Yan. In the matter of the mortal world, our Four Gods suffered great losses, but due to the existence of Qin Zixuan, it has been shelved for many years. Now that Qin Zixuan has been restrained, it is the perfect opportunity for our Eastern Altar. Why not use the art of war in the mortal world to seize the ancient dynasty." Chi Junlin said clearly.

"Seize the ancient dynasty?" Gu Yu's old eyes flashed. The ancient dynasty in the mortal world was once the place unified by Zhen Tianjun, so there were naturally countless treasures. But before, due to the existence of Qin Zixuan, the Four Gods dared not to take action. But after the battle of the Heavenly Monument, Qin Zixuan's actions were also restricted and could no longer act easily.

"Chi Junlin, you are really shameless. In the battle that year, you were driven away by my senior brother Chu in the mortal world like a stray dog. Now you have the face to go back?" Suddenly a mocking voice sounded, and Wang Feng walked out from the side.

Chi Junlin's eyes turned cold, but he still endured it. Now Wangfeng's identity is extraordinary, he is a generation of Tianbei: "Brother Wangfeng, everything I do is for the good of the Four Gods."

"For the good of the Four Gods? How hypocritical, I'm afraid your real purpose is to let the Four Gods help you revenge? But think about it, if I were you, I would probably be restless now. My brother Chu is not dead, and he is the first in Tianbei. His talent is better than mine. Now I have become an emperor, and he is probably already an emperor. With his combat power, it is only a matter of time before he kills you." Wangfeng sneered.

"Bang!" Chi Junlin was furious, and a burst of imperial power approached Wangfeng. He was also very helpless in his heart, because Wangfeng was right. When he saw Chu Yan again at Tianbei, he felt a strong threat.

Now three years have passed, and he has only broken through one realm, the first level of emperor, but Chu Yan is about to catch up with him. Chu Yan's reputation is even more terrifying, and he is the first in Tianbei, which makes him vaguely uneasy.

"Why, do you want to fight? I'll accompany you. I just became an emperor, and no one is here to practice with me!" Wang Feng's aura was not weak at all, and he went to meet Chi Junlin. He was straightforward and honest, and always regarded Chu Yan as a role model and senior brother, so he had long been unhappy with Chi Junlin.

"Wang Feng, that's enough!" Gu Yu scolded, and Wang Feng stepped aside. Then Gu Yu looked at Chi Junlin: "Nephew Junlin, please leave first. This matter will be discussed in the long run. It's a small matter to disturb the world, but there are many strong people around Chu Yan to help, including the Purple Dragon Demon King of the Three Demon Mountains."

Chi Junlin snorted coldly, did not speak, and finally turned and left.

"Waste!" Looking at Chi Junlin's back, Wang Feng cursed angrily, and then said to Gu Yu: "Master, Chen Jian cannot move. Now you have also seen the talent of Senior Brother Chu Yan. He is now the first in Tianbei. He will definitely be a hero in the future. You made a mistake three years ago, and you can't make the same mistake again."

"He is not your senior brother!" Gu Yu said in a bad tone, but he was also full of emotion in his heart. He did not attend the Tianbei battle this year, but he heard a lot about Chu Yan.

The young man he looked down on in Chen Jian in the past has now stood at the highest place in the six domains. Gu Yu even has a little regret. If he made another choice that day, would the first person in Tianbei now be his apprentice?

But unfortunately, there is no regret medicine in the world, so Gu Yu is even more worried. Although the Northern Temple did not participate in the battle in Chen Jian three years ago, he deceived Chu Yan after all. If Chu Yan retaliates, can he forgive him?

"Master, even so, don't you consider Brother Xun? He is now a Heavenly Monument Master. He is bound to be crowned as an emperor and has a promising future. The mortal world is also Brother Xun's hometown. Do you want to hurt Brother Xun's heart?" Wang Feng said unwillingly.

"On the path of cultivation, one should look up. If he always cares about the mortal world and is too soft-hearted, it will be difficult to achieve success. You don't have to say anything about this matter. I have cut off my heart." Gu Yu said, Wang Feng was speechless and had to retreat.


In the Qinggu Star Region, there is a vast lake with an island in the middle of the lake, which is quite famous.

This island is called Shangcang Island. It is rumored that there is a meaning of inheritance in the lake. It is open once a year. Those with outstanding talents can get the inheritance, and those who are destined have the opportunity to become disciples of Shangcang Island.

Although this island is not as powerful as the Mu Family and the Meteorite Pavilion, it is a well-deserved overlord in the Qinggu Star Region. There are even rumors that Shangcang Island just doesn't come out, otherwise it can even compete with the two overlords. As for the truth, no one knows.

This year is the day when Shangcang Island is open, attracting disciples from all directions to come and worship, wanting to enter the island and get the inheritance.

There is already a sea of ​​people outside the lake. At this time, there is a young man hiding in the sea of ​​people. He wears a cloak and carries a sword on his back, giving people a mysterious feeling.

"Shangcang Island is open. Those who can reach Shangcang Island in one stick of incense will have the opportunity to receive the inheritance." After a long time, a beautiful fairy flew out of Shangcang Island and smiled at everyone, "But I kindly remind you that if you die because of this, Shangcang Island will not be responsible."

"It's just a lake of 10,000 meters. Why does it take an incense stick? I can fly over in three seconds." A powerful Tianzun demon cultivator said arrogantly, and then he stepped on the lake and turned into a huge Kunpeng and flew towards the island in the middle of the lake.

But the next moment, everyone was shocked. The demon cultivator flew less than a hundred meters out of the lake, but suddenly lost control and fell into the depths with a bang, and died directly.

Seeing this scene, some people were shocked, and some people mocked.

"Idiot!" A handsome young man sneered: "Shangcang Island is a holy land, how can it be so easy for you to fly over? If it is so easy, there are tens of thousands of people competing every year, but only a few people get the inheritance?"

Everyone suddenly realized and looked at the handsome young man: "Brother seems to be very familiar with this Shangcang Island, I wonder if you can tell me something."

"This lake is the Weak Water of Shangcang!" The young man said proudly.

"Weak Water of Shangcang?"

"Yes, it is rumored that this lake is the tears of the crying of the heaven, full of sorrow, birds can't fly over, and feathers can't float. It's so difficult to cross it, not to mention ordinary practitioners, even the ancient dragons can't pass through." The young man explained.

Chu Yan listened to it and couldn't help being surprised that there was such a power in the world. Then he raised his head and frowned at the fairy flying on the lake: "Since birds can't fly over and feathers can't float, why can she fly on it?"

"The fairy of the inheritance island, of course there is a way." The young man said.

"Doesn't that mean that no one can pass this inheritance test?"

"Not really. Rumor has it that this weak water of heaven is the will of heaven. If you can make heaven pity you, you can pass." said the young man.

Make heaven pity you? Chu Yan was stunned and shook his head with a wry smile. He didn't believe such words at all. He must go to this heaven island. If heaven doesn't pity him, then he can't go up there?

Chu Yan raised his head and looked at this area. His perception expanded and he understood it carefully.

After a long time, Chu Yan found that there was no gas in this space. It was a vacuum place. Including the water, it was not real water, but an illusion. In fact, there was a huge vacuum field in front.

In the way of cultivation, the reason why the king can fly in the air after becoming a king is that people have a strong sense of perception and rely on air. But if it is a vacuum, they naturally cannot fly. The same is true for birds. This is why the Kunpeng fell to the bottom of the lake just now.

"I understand!" Chu Yan opened his eyes, and many people looked at him in surprise. Now that the incense was half burned, no one could pass the inheritance island.

"How shameless! We are all descendants of the Qinggu clan. We dare not say that we understand. How can you understand?" A burly man sneered.

"This weak water of heaven, birds can't fly over, and feathers can't float. This is the will of heaven. Unless you can make heaven pity you, you can pass. You actually said that you understand? Can you understand the will of heaven?" Someone else said.

"Where did the Heavenly Weak Water come from?" Chu Yan smiled bitterly and shook his head. The handsome young man frowned, and a hint of coldness flashed in his eyes: "Are you questioning me?"

Chu Yan glanced at the young man and shook his head: "Not questioning, this place can also be said to be Heavenly Weak Water, it's just a name. As for Heaven, it doesn't exist at all, and there is no pity for Heaven."

"How dare you!" The handsome young man took a step forward, and immediately showed the power of the ninth level of the Venerable: "You dare to question Heaven, I want to challenge you!"

Chu Yan was stunned, and then he shook his head. He just said the truth, but he didn't expect this group of people to be so obsessed. In this case, he didn't say anything, and the only son walked towards the lake.

"Hide your head and show your tail, I want to see your true face, and then see, what qualifications do you have to question the will of Heaven!" After speaking, the young man rushed out and grabbed Chu Yan's cloak directly.

"Sigh, you ignorant kid!" Many people around sneered, as if they were waiting to see Chu Yan make a fool of himself.

Chu Yan's face turned cold. Even though his back was turned, his mental power could sense it, which made him look a little unhappy. He raised his hand and suddenly moved his mind. A huge sword light floated in the sky, suppressing the young man, as if he was blocked by thousands of swords.

"How is this possible?" The young man said in horror. He was a half-step emperor. If it weren't for the fact that people who felt the emperor's power could not comprehend the heavenly tablet, he believed that he could take a piece of the heavenly tablet, but now, Chu Yan raised his hand to suppress him?

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