Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 406 Six Regions Storm

Half a year after the battle of the Heavenly Monument ended.

Half a year is not a short time for the battle of the Heavenly Monument. After all, the battle of the Heavenly Monument lasts for three years. Now, countless young people in the Six Realms and Star Rivers have begun to fight for their dreams and are ready to show their talents in the next battle of the Heavenly Monument.

However, the battle half a year ago was still a sensation. In the Six Realms and Star Rivers, several overlords sent countless emperors and several great lords to the Heavenly Monument Mountain to kill Chu Yan but failed. In the end, Chu Yan borrowed the magic weapon to leave.

Because of this, the Emperor of Heaven Sect was furious. In half a year, the Emperor of Heaven Sect issued countless red flowers. The highest reward was even offered to Chu Yan at the cost of a seventh-level magic weapon.

But since that battle, Chu Yan seemed to have disappeared out of thin air and never appeared in front of people again.

In the Emperor of Heaven Sect, there is a holy land of the dynasty.

The Emperor of Heaven Temple, located on the ninety-nine-story black iron steps, reaches into the sky and is very majestic.

The ninety-nine steps of black iron are more like a world than a step. Each step is like a world, with jade buildings and cloud towers built on top. Fairies often dance, which is beautiful.

The temple represents the imperial power and is supreme.

Ji Huangji rarely practiced in seclusion, sitting on the throne where thousands of people worship and overlooking all living beings.

"Half a year, is there any news?" Ji Huangji said in a low voice.

The elders of the Emperor Sect below said helplessly: "Reply to the Emperor, now the bounty of our Emperor Sect has spread all over the six domains, including the ancient dusty land, and we have been keeping an eye on it, but we still haven't found any trace of Chu Yan, so we are wondering if he has left the six domains and gone to the outside galaxy?"

"Impossible, there are star realms between the galaxies, even ordinary emperors can't easily cross them without the help of the Shenzhou, otherwise they will be annihilated by the star realm, he must still be in the six domains!" Emperor Ji said coldly: "Keep looking."

"Yes!" Gu Lao and others retreated. In fact, many elders couldn't figure out why Chu Yan would make the Emperor so nervous. Although Chu Yan won the first place in the Tianbei and showed unlimited potential, he was still a young man after all.

After being crowned as an emperor, it is hard to say whether his talent can be maintained. Even if it is maintained, how long will it take to grow up? After becoming an emperor, every realm is as difficult as ascending to heaven. It is unknown how many years it will take for Chu Yan to become a great monarch.

However, it was not until many years later that Chu Yan, wearing a white robe and carrying a sword, stepped onto the Tianhuang Sect, that Gu Lao and others suddenly realized it was like a dream.

Of course, that was a later story. Half a year after the battle of the Heavenly Monument, although Chu Yan was no longer in the Six Domains Galaxy, his stories never stopped and were widely circulated in the Six Domains every day.

Big things happened every day in the Six Domains Galaxy.

Not only was the Tianhuang Sect offering a bounty for Chu Yan, but the Tianyao Peak, the Yaoshan Gate, the Younv Palace, the Meteorite Pavilion, the Mu Family, and the Shi Family. The six major hegemonic forces, all united, were bound to kill Chu Yan. It can be said that in the past six months, the hegemonic forces were often seen wandering.


Half a year later, Fatty and Hua Zhixu came to the Ancient Demon Star Domain quietly again.

Because of the two, a major event happened in the Ancient Demon Star Region. When night fell, the disciples of Tianyao Peak and Yaoshanmen were hunted one after another. Those who appeared were all wearing wolf head masks, walking in the dark, killing people and leaving without leaving any traces, which made the disciples of the two dominant forces panic.

Finally, one day, a big battle broke out in the eastern part of the Ancient Demon.

A trial site appeared in the eastern part of the Ancient Demon. Tianyao Peak and Yaoshanmen each sent 100 disciples to the trial site. As a result, when the trial ended, all the disciples of both sides were buried in it, and no one returned.

Among them was a quasi-heavenly monument from Tianyao Peak, a seventh-level venerable, so Tianyao Peak was furious and sent countless strong men to intercept Fatty Ci and Hua Zhixu.

The war was about to break out. Fatty and Hua Zhixu were both at the ninth level of the Supreme Realm, invincible under the Emperor. They swept across the realm and caused heavy losses to Tian Yao Peak. In the end, Tian Yao Peak launched the Emperor, but almost at the same time, people from the three major demon mountains also came. There was a woman in green, sitting on a pink rabbit-eared cat demon, stepping into the air alone, showing extraordinary imperial power, crossing two realms, and directly killing a peak human emperor from Tian Yao Peak.

Later, the three major hegemonic forces all sent their great monarchs, and the Purple Dragon Demon Lord also came strongly.

Tian Yao Peak wanted people, but the Purple Dragon Demon Lord refused to give them. The three parties could not reach an agreement at all, and finally a monarch war broke out directly. Ancestor Xiahou also participated in the war. Many people from all three parties died, and it ended in a tragic ending, and they all retreated.

But the gloomy breath emanated from the Ancient Demon Star Domain. This storm made people from all parties smell an unusual smell.


Wu Wang Star Domain, Li Family and Shi Family also fought. The Jiang family also got involved later. Jiang Tianwen and Li Xiaoyao joined forces to kill several Tianjiao of the Shi family.

As a result, a series of chain reactions occurred, and several overlords seemed to be no longer calm.

Li Xiaoyao returned to the Li family. This time, he made a big splash and became the youngest Tianbei in the history of the Li family. Naturally, he was also valued by the family, and they intended to train him as the successor of the Li family.

The Li family's monarch ancestors came out of retreat for this and trained Li Xiaoyao for a month. The teaching of a monarch is absolutely terrible. In just one month, Li Xiaoyao's cultivation has greatly improved.

Half a year later, a beam of imperial light rose from the Li family, soaring into the sky, forming its own imperial power, attracting the brilliance of the stars in all directions. Li Xiaoyao was crowned emperor and officially stepped into the ranks of emperors.

On this day, Li Xiaoyao was alone, and his only son leaned against a piece of wine forest. He didn't seem to be too happy about being crowned emperor, but seemed very melancholy, drinking a cup alone.

"Brother Xiaoyao, where is Brother Chu? Why hasn't he come to see Yanran for half a year?" Li Yanran sat aside and pouted: "Now Yanran has entered the ninth level of Dongchen. Brother Chu said last time that I have entered Juechen. Jingjing, just take me to play in the world where he is, liar!"

Li Xiaoyao raised his hand and rubbed the little girl's head. A flash of longing flashed in his eyes: "Yes, this bastard disappeared. He really disappeared. He dared not to see our little girl Yanran. Damn it. Wait until I Next time I see him, I must teach him a lesson and give him a good beating to help Yanran girl vent her anger. "

"Brother Xiaoyao, just brag, you can't beat Brother Chu!" Li Yanran said with a playful smile.

"Uh..." Li Xiaoyao's face turned dark and he glared at Li Yanran: "Damn girl, who said I can't beat him? Now your brother Xiaoyao is the emperor. Do you understand, no matter how strong he is, I will still be defeated. Hit him!"

After saying that, Li Xiaoyao raised his head, his eyes were a little red, as if the tragic scene half a year ago had reappeared: "This bastard, I won't tell you where he went. Many people are worried about you."

In the Land of Galaxy, there is a layer of war everywhere. In the Sea of ​​Clouds Star Territory, Xuannv Sect and Younu Palace are also not quiet. The two female sects are vaguely competing against each other.

In the past, few people died in trial areas or competitions. After all, they were all people with backgrounds. Defeat is different from death in battle. Once someone dies in battle, a deadly feud will be formed, so all parties in the past will Disciples were restrained from each other, but it was different now. In half a year, Younu Palace and Xuannv Sect competed in several trials, and some people died. Mi'er led thirty-six guardians to hunt down many people in Younu Palace.

Finally one day, Xuan Bingxin was killed, which completely angered Younu Palace and triggered an imperial war.

The only peaceful place is the Qinggu Star Territory. Instead of enmity between the Falling Star Pavilion and the Mu family, the two sides have become more harmonious and have a vague intention of joining forces.


However, when the six realms fell into chaos, in a mirror space, there was a young man who was always practicing cross-legged.

Half a year ago, Chu Yan turned on space teleportation. After he left, he expected that the Emperor Sect would definitely want him, so he directly turned on the mirror image, so as long as he did not want to be exposed, no one could kill him.

In the mirror image, Chu Yan has been stabilizing his cultivation in the past six months, and now his eyes open, revealing a flash of elite light.

"Is the realm of respect the ultimate?" Chu Yan chuckled softly.

"Ouch!" Xiao Lang looked at Chu Yan lazily and then continued to sleep on his stomach.

"You lazy guy, I have been practicing for half a year, and you have slept for half a year!" Chu Yan rolled his eyes.

"I can't help it. Who makes you a mediocre person? I am indeed a genius. You have been practicing for half a year before you become a master. I slept for half a year and now I have become emperor." Xiaolang said proudly, and then used his little paws to strike again. He patted Chu Yan on the shoulder, pretending to be very mature and said: "But don't be discouraged. After all, geniuses like this are rare in the world. Although you are not as good as me, the important thing is to persevere."

"Get out!" Chu Yan punched Xiaolang again angrily, but was speechless for a while. He practiced hard and couldn't be crowned emperor yet, but Xiaolang was lucky enough to be crowned emperor first.

Chu Yan continued to practice, and when he looked inside his body, he saw that the golden blood was still flowing, like a sleeping ancient beast. He was sleeping peacefully, but no one doubted that once he woke up, he would definitely erupt with a very terrifying force. strength.

"That day on Tianbei Mountain, Ji Huangji attacked me. This bloodline turned into a giant beast to protect me. Even the emperor could scare away. Ji Huangji said, this is the bloodline protection, it is my parents who are protecting me. "What?" Chu Yan thought, this bloodline was awakened in the Ancient Demon Star Territory, and he felt a fire burning in his body that day, which was very powerful.

"It's a pity that this bloodline can't be used by me. Qing'er said that this is ancient bloodline and my power is too weak to use it." Chu Yan shook his head regretfully, but he is not a person who aims too high. Qin Ruomeng once asked He has practiced patience for ten years, and his character has already become incomparable to others.

In the blink of an eye, another three months passed, and Chu Yan vaguely felt that he had touched the threshold of the imperial realm, because his bloodline broke through one after another, the third level of sword bloodline, the third level of power bloodline, and the third level of speed bloodline.

You must know that the third level of bloodline power is already the symbol of the emperor. After all, every realm has limitations, such as the Juechen realm. In the Juechen realm, it is impossible to condense the soul of life, because, the qualifications not enough.

The same goes for bloodline. It is impossible to fuse bloodline without joining the emperor. But the strange thing is that Chu Yan did it. He was very sure that he did not become emperor because he had not attracted the emperor's power and had not cast the fourth Life soul.

But his bloodline has truly made a breakthrough, and now his sword intention can be integrated into the world and borrow the power of the world.

"Is it because of the Nine Heavens Dharma?" Chu Yan thought. He is different from ordinary people. He has practiced three true selves. In other words, his practice is more than three times that of ordinary people. Now, he has the third true self. The second true self and the third true self have both reached the peak of respect, and all bloodlines have entered the third realm.

However, Chu Yan is not in a hurry without being granted the title of emperor. Although speed is crucial in the journey of cultivation, it does not mean everything. Otherwise, Hu Qiong and others will not be so strong that they will not go to the title of emperor for three years, just for a heavenly event. The battle over the monument.

But he vaguely felt that he was close to becoming the emperor. The emperor, the height he once looked up to, was now not far away from him.

"Calculating the time, it's been half a year. I just don't know how everyone is doing. It's time to go out." Chu Yan thought, and finally he flashed and turned into a ray of light and left.

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