Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 384: It hurts people so much

When Chu Yan said this, all the strong men in the tower were stunned. I want this Tianchi, you two, come together?

"God, where did this idiot boy come from? Does he know who he is talking to?"

"Shhh, he really knows how to pick people. The previous Beiming Sword Master and Jiutian Demon Master just left. Now here, the strongest are Brother Qiulong and Yin Yang Man. He actually said that he wants them to come together."

The people around him looked like they were watching the fun.

The sinister man practiced the magic attack of Yin and Yang conversion and was called Yin Yang Man. Now he is very famous here. The demon cultivator is the incarnation of Qiulong and is also a ninth-level Venerable. The two of them are very powerful. If there were no two extraordinary Venerables occupying the position before, the two would have taken Tianchi long ago.

But today, Chu Yan challenged the two of them as soon as he entered?

"Haha, it's really interesting." The Yin-Yang man sneered, and then he rushed out without any nonsense, leaning forward, and a sharp cold sword appeared in his hand. The sword was very sharp, and Chu Yan could feel his skin getting cold even from a long distance.

Chu Yan glanced at the Yin-Yang man, and he didn't waste any words. He raised his hand to display his magical power, and directly used the strongest method. Seven void swords appeared behind him, and rushed towards the Yin-Yang man to suppress him.

"Humble!" The Yin-Yang man laughed, holding the sword into the sword formation, and a strong aura was generated around him, and the sword tip stabbed directly.

"Your sword can't hurt me!" Chu Yan was not panicked. He stepped back, and the Seven Killing Swordsmanship continued to penetrate, but one blow was stronger than the other. Then he raised his big hand and grabbed the Yin-Yang man's sword with his bare hands. When he clenched his palm, the sword actually made a long painful groan, as if it was afraid.

"Are you a sword cultivator?" The Yin-Yang Man was shocked. Chu Yan did not respond. He exerted force with his palm and pulled the Yin-Yang Man in front of him. He blasted out with a palm, like a five-finger mountain, and suddenly imprinted it on the Yin-Yang Man's chest. With a thud, the Yin-Yang Man spurted out blood and flew out wildly, defeated.

"This..." There was a dead silence in the tower. In just a few breaths, the Yin-Yang Man was defeated?

"Is it true?" Everyone's mouth twitched.

"It's your turn. Fight or not?" Chu Yan looked at Qiu Long. Qiu Long's eyes changed slightly, and he looked quite solemn. Chu Yan was too strong. He defeated the Yin-Yang Man in a few moves. He thought he couldn't do it.

After hesitating for a long time, he still took a step forward. At his level, character is extremely important. Even if he knows that he may lose this battle, he will still fight, which is also a challenge to himself.

"Let's do it. I'm a demon cultivator. I'm not good at swordsmanship or knife skills. I only know brute force. If you can block three of my punches, I'll lose this battle. Tianchi, you go in first."

"Okay." Chu Yan readily agreed and stood there without moving, which made Qiu Long stunned: "You, don't need to prepare?"

Chu Yan smiled faintly and shook his head. Although strength is the strong point of demon cultivators, he has a second true self and four pure power bloodlines. He thinks he will never lose in terms of strength.

Absolute strength gave him absolute confidence.

"Hmph!" Qiu Long's face was not very good, and he snorted coldly. He felt that Chu Yan was humiliating him, so he didn't waste words. He put his hands together and used all his strength, then attracted endless demonic energy. Suddenly, he punched out, and his arm turned into a huge demon dragon arm, which even pierced the void.

"So strong!"

"What a terrifying power!" The people around were all moved: "Qiu Long is the king of the land. Although he is not from the holy dragon clan, he also has the blood of the dragon clan and is born with divine power. That kid should not be able to stop him, right?"

Everyone speculated that Chu Yan might lose. After all, Chu Yan used the blood of the sword to fight with the Yin-Yang man just now, relying on speed and dexterity, but did not show much advantage in strength.

However, this speculation was shattered not long after, and everyone opened their mouths.

"Second true self!" Chu Yan's expression was slightly condensed, and then his figure suddenly expanded, turning into a golden giant ten feet high. Four blood lights gathered. Instead of defending, he punched Qiu Long.

"Bang!" The fists and palms collided, and Qiu Long's face changed. He felt an invisible air wave rushing towards him, which made his body half shorter, and his dragon claws froze there. Then there was the sound of broken bones. He screamed and was violently knocked back and defeated.


"Who can tell me, this, this is not true..." Everyone was stunned. There are two unique skills in martial arts, which are also the foundation of martial arts, namely speed and strength.

In ancient times, there was a saying that the world's martial arts can only be defeated by speed. There is also a saying that one can defeat ten skills with one force, and four ounces can pull a thousand pounds.

But today, Chu Yan actually possessed both speed and strength at the same time? How can he fight?

"Two moves left." Chu Yan retracted his hand, and he was not too arrogant. He had fought with Mu Aotian before. In terms of strength, Mu Aotian's strength was definitely above his. That was the person who had the Heavenly Monument. He came to seize the Heavenly Monument this time. If he was proud of defeating two ordinary ninth-level people, he would not be able to go far.

Qiulong got up and looked at Chu Yan strangely. He thought that Chu Yan was humiliating him at first, but after the confrontation, he realized that it was not the case. Chu Yan was not prepared, and he really didn't need to prepare. The strength of the two was not at the same level at all.

"No need to fight, I lost! No matter how many more chances you give me, the result will be the same. Tianchi, you go first."

Everyone around took a breath. Qiulong, is this considered as admitting defeat? Just one move made Qiulong give up the fight?

"Thank you!" Chu Yan also smiled politely and clasped his fist to Qiulong to show his respect.

Chu Yan lowered his body, and the group of them stood up and walked towards Tianchi. However, no one dared to stop them along the way, and they all gave in, allowing Chu Yan and others to come directly to the front of Tianchi.

"Can this Tianchi brand be soaked for a while?" Chu Yan looked at Qiu Long and asked.

Qiu Long was speechless for a while... In summary, you don't even know how to use Tianchi, so you come here to fight for it?

But Qiu Long still responded: "The Tianchi will bring you baptism, which is also a kind of resource. Then you need to understand a trace of the remaining power of the Heavenly Monument from it. If you can understand it, you will be recognized and leave a mark in your body." "

"Is the Sky Monument still powerful?" Chu Yan nodded, and then said to everyone: "I'll come first, you guys wait for me."

Naturally, no one had any intention. Chu Yan walked into Tianchi calmly. As soon as he entered it, Chu Yan felt a magical power.

This Tianchi is actually not water. If you soak in it, your clothes will not get wet. Instead, it seems to be wrapped by an invisible force. That force is very pure, as if it is purified, driving away the impurities of the vitality between heaven and earth. , extremely pure, which made Chu Yan secretly surprised.

"What a pure power. If you can practice with this, your realm will be very stable." Chu Yan thought, during the process of practice, the energy of heaven and earth is introduced into the body, breathed in, and absorbed. However, because the energy between heaven and earth has impurities, it needs to be Strengthen the realm bit by bit in the body.

But the vitality in this Tianchi is different and extremely pure, so there is no need to consolidate it at all.

In Tianchi, Chu Yan calmly comprehended. He vaguely saw a huge stone tablet from a distance. Chao Chuyan suppressed.

Every suppression hit Chu Yan's soul directly, but when these seemingly powerful attacks fell on Chu Yan, he was not only unmoved, but even more excited.

"How can this place temper my soul?" Chu Yan faced the sky stele of suppression without dodging. He was even afraid that any of the sky stele wouldn't hit him, so he still bumped into it.

"Guess how long it will take him to realize it?" Many people in the tower speculated.

"I don't know, but the Tianchi here is a suppressive force. It is a kind of will training that will endlessly destroy your will. If you are not strong-willed, it will be difficult to understand."

Liu Qingcheng put her jade hands on her chest outside Tianchi and prayed silently.

But at this moment, everyone was startled. A bright light rose in Tianchi. Chu Yan stood up and showed a smile: "Go and try it. This Tianchi will crush your will. If your will is immortal, then Comprehensible.”

"Okay!" Hua Zhixu nodded and entered the Tianchi for the second time.

"It's over?" Everyone looked at Chu Yan. He seemed to have only been in for a few seconds, right?

"Did you fail and didn't persist?" Everyone speculated. Qiu Long was also very curious and came to Chu Yan: "Why are you so fast?"

"It's too fast, doesn't it count?" Chu Yan didn't know it yet, and then a mark of a heavenly monument appeared between his eyebrows, which made Qiu Long speechless for a while: "Forget it... you monster, do you know that no matter how many overlord forces come here? It took the fastest person half a minute to realize, but it only took you a few seconds. I really don’t know who you are.”

Chu Yan suddenly realized that he also felt a little pity and said: "That monument is good, it can temper my soul, but it is a pity that it will be gone after I understand it."

"..." Qiu Long felt that his world view had been overturned. He didn't want to talk to Chu Yan and silently stepped aside, but he was full of curiosity about Chu Yan.

After a while, Hua Zhixu and others also understood the first-level brand. Chu Yan just clasped his fists at everyone as a farewell, leaving everyone speechless for a while. Some people even couldn't help but whisper: "He should win the brand this year. In the end, he will win the brand." It’s fast.”

"In less than five minutes..." Everyone smiled bitterly, entering the tower from Chu Yan, defeating the Yin Yang Man and the Horned Dragon, and seizing another Heavenly Monument, all within a matter of breath.

Chu Yan and others left, and the guard outside the tower suddenly opened his eyes, as if he had seen a ghost: "You guys made it out alive?"

"Yes." Chu Yan smiled at the guard and said, "I would also like to thank senior."

"..." The guard was speechless for a while, and the people in line were all shocked. Is this still a human being? Is it so easy to break into a dead end?

Thinking of this, countless people in the queue changed their original intentions and rushed directly to the dead end. One person cursed unhappily: "Just listening to the guard's scare, even a seventh-level monk can break into the dead end. What am I doing in this queue?" Shit team!”

However, he was beaten so badly in the dead end that he almost lost his life and was directly carried out.

The guard was speechless for a while and rolled his eyes at Chu Yan: "You are doing a lot of harm to people!"

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