Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 383 Let’s go together

Everything happened in a flash of lightning. Chu Yan just raised his hand and defeated a member of the Han family, attracting the attention of many people around him.

Hua Zhixu, Fatty and others all looked at Luan Zhiyi sadly, and then looked at Han Xin: "He is such a waste. He was defeated by Chu Yan in the world a few years ago. Now you are the only one who will treat him as a piece of shit." baby."

"Let's go." Chu Yan said calmly, as if he had done a very trivial thing.

Everyone nodded and followed Chu Yan away. From the beginning to the end, the Han family stood there, no one dared to stop them. Han Xu's eyes were even colder, but he endured it in the end.

"How unreasonable!" Han Xin said angrily after the others left: "But after defeating Han Yu, do you think you can look down on everyone? You have no idea that this noble star of the Emperor's Star Territory dares to refuse the introduction of my Han family. It's simply ridiculous."

"He came out of a despicable star. He has this kind of fighting power, so he shows off with it. He doesn't know that there is a sky outside the world. What can he achieve if he is proud for a while?"

Han Xu also said lightly, still arrogant, he could kill Han Yu with one move, so he didn't think Chu Yan was so great. Of course, he had forgotten that Chu Yan could do what his ninth-level lord could do. I did it at the seventh level of the Venerable. There is a huge gap between the two realms.

"Zhiyi, don't worry. He just has higher combat power, but his status is humble and he still can't participate in this battle for the Sky Monument." Han Xin comforted Luan Zhiyi.

Luan Zhiyi nodded depressedly, feeling unhappy when he saw how powerful Chu Yan was: "Don't worry, I'm not someone who belittles myself. I will definitely work hard in this year's competition for the Sky Monument."

"Yeah!" Han Xin said with a bright smile and held Luan Zhiyi's arm again. As for Chu Yan, she didn't take it seriously at all.

A seventh-level venerable, participating in the Sky Monument? To her, this was a joke.


After Chu Yan and others left, they entered Tianbei Mountain. Tianbei Mountain looks like a mountain but not a mountain. Looking up from the foot of the mountain, it looks like a huge celestial monument. The height of this celestial monument seems to reach straight into the sky, which is eye-catching. No end in sight.

There is only one road under Tianbei Mountain, which is called the Road of Destiny. This road can be used to learn about destiny.

Now that the battle for the Heavenly Monument is about to begin, a huge crowd of people have gathered at the foot of the mountain. It is so dark that Chu Yan secretly sighs: "It's really spectacular."

"With so many people, do they have to participate in the battle for the Heavenly Monument? If this is a one-on-one fight, how long will it take?" Fatty said speechlessly. When the Ten Thousand Sects of the Shengtai Monument competed, a hundred people fought for more than a month. There are probably millions of people in front of us, right?

"Haha, Fatty, you are so interesting, one-on-one? This is the Battle of Heavenly Monuments, a place where the geniuses from the six regions gather. Who has the time to accompany you one-on-one?" A martial arts cultivator on the side said with a cheerful smile. , then looked at Chu Yan and others: "Is this your first time to participate in the battle for the Sky Monument?"

"Well, from a far away place." Chu Yan smiled politely.

"It's not surprising." The man nodded and glanced at Chu Yan. He had also seen the battle between Chu Yan and the Han family just now. He praised: "You have good fighting power, but it's a pity that your level is a little lower. Otherwise, I might I can’t help but challenge you.”

Chu Yan smiled modestly: "There is a chance."

"Okay, let's have a good fight in the next Heavenly Monument Competition. This year, the Venerable is at level seven. You can participate first and get to know each other better, so you can prepare for three years later." The man smiled. , but he didn’t mean to laugh at Chu Yan. The seventh level of the Venerable is not a shameful thing, it’s just that he was born at the wrong time. Who has not come from the seventh level of the Venerable, but the seventh level of the Venerable wants to seize the heavenly monument? Too difficult.

"Just now you said it wasn't one-on-one, are you going to have a melee?" Chu Yan asked curiously, if this is really the case and millions of people are fighting on the same stage, how tragic will it be?

"That's right. The fight has actually started now. Look up at that side." The man pointed and saw a peak in the distance with a suspended iron tower on top. The tower has seven floors, and on the top floor, there is a The huge pool of stars: "That is the qualification. Once the battle for the sky tablets comes out, sixteen towers will be opened. In the first round, it will be a battle in the tower. Enter the pool of stars, and judge your destiny through the sky tablets. Leave behind The Star Brand is the ticket.”

The man paused and then said: "Of course, if you are recommended by a big force, you don't need to take it away. You will be given a first-level star brand directly."

Chu Yan suddenly realized, no wonder Han Xu said just now that if there is no introduction, he is not even qualified to enter.

Thinking about it, there are sixteen towers, millions of people fighting for a pool of stars, and they have to withstand the test in the pool of stars, which shows how difficult it is.

"You shouldn't have rejected the Han family just now. The Han family is also the recommended family this year and can recommend ten people." The man said regretfully, and then comforted: "But it doesn't matter. The recommendation is only a first-level qualification. There are a total of 10 people in the sky monument. There are sixteen levels, which represent status. Each time you obtain a brand from the Star Pool, it is a first-level status. Two, it is a second-level status. As for the introduction, it is only an entry level, zero level. "

"What's the use of this level?"

"It has many uses. The road to fortune-telling heavenly monuments is divided into sixteen levels. The higher the level, the higher the energy represented after entering the battle of heavenly monuments. Priority will be given to entering and will be included in the final assessment of the ranking of heavenly monuments. , it’s the first test.”

After the man finished speaking, he said with some envy: "Contemporary Heavenly Monument Masters do not need to compete, they are sixteen levels, and have unique advantages. As for the past, those who can get the tenth level or above brand are all geniuses of the generation, and they are likely to win it. A monument to heaven."

"Is that so?" Chu Yan nodded, then raised his head, looked at the nearest tower, and said to Fatty and Hua Zhixu, "What do you think, let's go try it?"

"Otherwise, what should we do? We have all rejected the introduction of the 'Han Family'." Hua Zhixu smiled nonchalantly. Chu Yan also nodded, acting very casually. Then Chu Yan said goodbye to the man, stood up and walked toward the nearest Rush to an iron tower.

There are sixteen iron towers in Tianbei Mountain. If you want to seize the destiny brand, you must first be able to climb the seven-story tower.

But what is the concept of one million people and sixteen towers? There are at least hundreds of thousands of people gathered outside each tower. How difficult is it to climb the tower?

So Chu Yan was in trouble as soon as he came outside the first high tower. There were two entrances outside the tower. One of them was a long queue full of people, and the queue reached the foot of the mountain. The other one was a bloody road with corpses everywhere. , shocking.

"New here?" There was an emperor guarding the tower outside. He glanced at Chu Yan, then closed his eyes lazily, and said lightly: "The road to life and death under Tianchi, the road to life, line up for you, enter Tianchi. Calculating the time, we should be able to get there in seven days, so go get in line.”

queue? Seven days, or just good luck? Chu Yan shook his head with a wry smile, he didn't have time to wait.

"Where is the dead end? What are the rules?" Chu Yan asked.

The guard was startled and looked at Chu Yan jokingly: "It's a dead end, what's the rules? If you fight it, you will enter the Tianchi. But no matter who you are, if you die in it, you will only die in vain. No one will avenge you." "

"Are there no rules?" Chu Yan smiled and suddenly remembered the days when he was in Haotian Sect. When he first entered Haotian Sect, there were no rules. At that time, he was only a first-year freshman and was bullied by Lin Changsheng. In the blink of an eye, a few years later In the past, I didn’t expect to encounter a place with no rules.

Seeing Chu Yan's look, the guard thought Chu Yan was scared, and sneered in his heart: "Okay, let's make a choice."

"Dead end." Chu Yan said without hesitation. The guard couldn't help but be startled and looked at Chu Yan in shock: "What?"

"A dead end." Chu Yan repeated doubtfully, and the guard's mouth twitched: "A dead end, there are no rules, and your death will be in vain."

"I know, but I won't die." Chu Yan smiled confidently, leaving the guard speechless for a while, but the other party made a choice, so he had no choice but to let him go. Then he looked at Liu Qingcheng again and sighed, "It's a pity, such an appearance." Beauty, she wants to accompany a fool to death.

"Go in." The guard opened the blood door, and saw a strong explosion immediately coming from the blood door, and strong vitality shook out from it, shocking many people outside.

"I regret it now, but it's still too late." The guard said to Chu Yan again.

"Thank you!" Chu Yangong put his hand down, then turned around and smiled at everyone: "Let's go."

"Yes!" Hua Zhixu and others nodded, and then they all raised their feet and stepped towards the dead end, which made the guard completely stunned. Even if he was a fool, what happened today? Did you encounter a group of fools? Are all of them at the seventh level of the Venerable and on the verge of death?

"Crazy, all crazy!" The guard shook his head for a while, and the Blood Road Gate fell again at this moment.

Outside the tower, many people ridiculed when they saw this. The dead end is definitely a test. Even if you are a ninth-level master, you can often die inside. Now Chu Yan and his group actually challenged the dead end with a seventh-level master.

"Haha, I don't know if I can come out alive." Someone said sarcastically.

In the cul-de-sac, Chu Yan and his party stepped in, and immediately felt that the world had changed. The inside of the tower was not layer by layer as they imagined. Here, looking up, they could see that the Tianchi Lake was suspended in the sky. With just one step, they could step into it. .

It's just that there are hundreds of people alive in this dead end, and they all stare at the Tianchi. If they want to enter it, they have to ask the others for permission.

Anyone who can survive such a fight has extraordinary strength. Seeing Chu Yan and the others entering, they couldn't help but show amusement. One of them sneered: "Seventh level Venerable? Hehe, you are really looking for death."

"That's interesting. No one at the seventh level of the Venerable has ever walked into a dead end. How do you think you can play with them?"

"That woman is pretty good. She belongs to me. You can do whatever you want with the rest." Another man with a long face said with an evil smile. This man was as skinny as a stick and gave people a strange feeling of yin and yang. The power of yin and evil kept flashing around him. He must be practicing. What magic attack.

Chu Yan also looked around, seeing unfriendly glances, but he didn't care. He felt that there were two strong people surviving in the dead end. One was the man with strange yin and yang aura, who practiced magic attacks, and the other One of them is a famous demon cultivator. He has dragon tattoos all over his body. He is not weak in strength, so Chu Yan directly jumped into the air and said calmly: "I want this Tianchi. You two, come up together!"

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