Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 366 Tianxing Sect

"Hmph!" The man snorted coldly. He had just sent a message to an elder of the Tianhuang Sect and applied to take action against Chu Yan, but the only response he got was, "If you want to die, go ahead." He now just hated Ji Dong for not living up to his expectations. If he could kill Chu Yan under the emperor, the great lord would not have taken action. Unfortunately, Ji Dong was not as good as Chu Yan and almost died.

"Boy, don't be too arrogant. In the Tianhuang Star Region, under the emperor, you are not invincible yet. There are many people who can kill you." After the man finished speaking, he grabbed Ji Dong's shoulders and disappeared out of thin air.

Watching the man leave, Zhao Linger and Tian Qi were shocked. The man they had underestimated before not only killed Ji Dong with one blow, but also made the emperor of the Tianhuang Sect suffer a loss. Behind him, there was a great lord sitting in charge. Compared with him, what was he?

Chu Yan ignored them at all. In Chu Yan's view, Yi Shuihan, Zhao Linger and Tian Qi had nothing to do with him, so he didn't need to care.

"Sister, it's okay." Chu Yan smiled and walked to Zi Yan, smiling brightly, as if the Shura Sword God just now was not him at all.

"Little guy, you have really become stronger." Zi Yan also smiled happily. She had been holding her heartstrings in the scene just now. Whether it was Tian Qi, Zhao Linger, Yi Shuihan, or Ji Dong, they were all people she dared not provoke. With their backgrounds, they could easily kill her with just one sentence. But now, Chu Yan can stand with them and not lose the advantage at all, which made her feel a little disappointed.

"Time flies so fast. When Tianzun took you back to Tiandao Sect, you had not yet entered the King level that year, and you were hunted down by countless emperors and venerables of Haotian Sect. In a few years, you have now reached the strength of Tianzun." Zi Yan smiled happily, but she felt more distressed. She knew more than many people how bitter Chu Yan's journey was, and how much the young man had paid to get to where he is today. Those were things that Li Xiaoyao and the others didn't know.

"If I don't become stronger, how can I protect my senior sister?" Chu Yan's casual words summed up too much.

"Where is Senior Brother Mu Bai? I haven't seen him for so long, his strength should be pretty good." Chu Yan asked with a smile.

"I'll take you to find him. He became a Venerable not long ago and is highly regarded in the Tianxing Sect, but I guess he will be sad for a while when he sees you. You are such a blow to me." Zi Yan smiled bitterly. She and Mu Bai are both Chu Yan's brothers, but when they were in the mortal world, Chu Yan surpassed them, and now the gap has been opened up infinitely.

"Zi Yan, it's great that you are okay!" At this time, Tan Yu came over, and her phoenix eyes kept turning on Li Xiaoyao and Chu Yan. Li Xiaoyao, she also knew, was the prodigy of the Li family. Although Chu Yan had never heard of him, she knew that he was definitely not weaker than Li Xiaoyao based on the battle just now. People like this used to be the ones they looked up to.

Facing Tan Yu, Zi Yan snorted coldly, her heart was full of indifference, and she didn't say anything. Everything just now broke Zi Yan's heart.

"Zi Yan, I know you were angry with me just now, but I can't help it. Yi Shuihan is too strong. I am also worried that you will be wronged. You also know someone from the Li family, why didn't you say it earlier." Tan Yu pretended to be wronged.

Li Xiaoyao saw this scene and shook his head ridiculously, human heart.

For people like Tan Yu, Chu Yan chose to ignore her directly. If she was not Zi Yan's senior sister, he would have slapped her to death just based on the few insults she had said to Zi Yan before.

A small episode ended like this, and Chu Yan and others followed Zi Yan to visit Mu Bai.

When Mu Bai saw Chu Yan, he couldn't help but sighed: "What a gap."

"Senior brother, you are also very powerful, but you just didn't meet a good person." Chu Yan laughed dryly. He also knew that his existence was a blow to Mu Bai, so he could only comfort him.

"Don't worry, I have practiced for many years, how can I belittle myself? Although I am not as good as you, I will continue to work hard." Mu Bai smiled bitterly, but he felt helpless in his heart. He had also won the first place in Shengtai Monument, but he was not qualified to participate in the current Tianbei competition.

In the past, no one paid attention to Mu Bai's residence, and the door was deserted. Although Mu Bai had good talent, he had no background and was born in a humble family, so few people would come to visit, but today there was suddenly a strong breath surging.

At this time, an old man appeared outside the door, stepping into the air, with a bright smile on his face: "Mu Bai, Zi Yan."

"Hello, Master." The two stood up one after another, and the old man also waved politely. Then he looked at Chu Yan with a fiery look, and said with a smile: "Young friend, you are Mr. Chu, right? Young and promising, it really opened my eyes."

Chu Yan was still sitting, and glanced at the old man. The old man was an emperor, but Chu Yan did not even stand up, but was very calm.

It's not that Chu Yan is arrogant, but now Chu Yan really doesn't need to give face to an ordinary emperor. Whether it is the Zhentian Jun lineage in his hands or Qin Zixuan behind him, they are all giants for Tianxing Sect.

"Senior, you don't have to be polite. Since you are my sister's master, I should call you senior. But why did I hear that my sister is not happy in your Tianxing Sect?" Chu Yan put down the teacup and said in a bad voice.

The corner of the old man's mouth twitched, but he felt helpless in his heart. How could he expect that a couple from the despicable stars would have such a junior brother?

"Chu Yan, the first disciple of Tianxing Sect has not been selected yet." Li Xiaoyao smiled intentionally or unintentionally.

The old man was very smart, so he naturally understood what Li Xiaoyao meant. He hurriedly said to Mu Bai: "Mu Bai, I have said that you have good talent. From today on, you will accept your fate as the first disciple of Tianxing Sect, and Zi Yan will be the second first disciple. Our Tianxing Sect will do its best to train you to impact the next battle for the Heavenly Monument."

After saying this, the old man's forehead was already sweating. Chu Yan and Li Xiaoyao were both people that his Tianxing Sect could not afford to offend. He looked at the two of them: "Young friend, are you satisfied?"

"Why do you need to ask me about your Tianxing Sect? If you think that my senior brother is not worthy of your Tianxing Sect's first disciple, you can just say it directly. I will take him away, but from now on, I will never step into your Tianxing Sect again." Chu Yan said lightly.

"No, no! Young friend, you are joking. The door of my Tianxing Sect is always open to you." The old man hurriedly laughed dryly.

Chu Yan nodded in satisfaction. At this time, Li Xiaoyao winked at Chu Yan. Chu Yan nodded, then stood up and smiled at Mu Bai and Zi Yan: "Brother, sister, in this case, I will leave first. I will come to see you again in the Emperor Star Region. If there is a chance, we will go back to the mortal world together!"

Mu Bai and Zi Yan also smiled bitterly. They also understood that they were not at the same level as Chu Yan now. In life, friends and relatives all have their own lives, so separation is inevitable.

They only hope that this young man who created miracles can still shine in the next battle for the Heavenly Monument.

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