Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 365 You can't afford the price

At this moment, another emperor appeared out of thin air. They all came after hearing the news. They were from the Zhao family and the Tian family respectively. As soon as the two major families appeared, they immediately respectfully said to the burly man: "I have seen the seniors of the Emperor Sect!"

"Ling'er, what happened here?" An emperor from the Zhao family asked. Zhao Ling'er rolled his eyes: "Someone didn't care about life and death and hurt Brother Ji Dong!"

"Brother Ji Dong?" The Zhao family emperor's eyes lit up: "Ling'er, have you and Ji Dong developed some feelings? If so, you must seize the opportunity. If you can take this opportunity to join the Emperor Sect, you will belong to my Zhao family. pride!"

Zhao Ling'er smiled sweetly, as if she intended to cause this misunderstanding. However, the Tian family emperor on the side was also a little envious, but since he couldn't get along, he looked at Chu Yan and snorted: "You are really bold, you dare to offend someone. The Emperor’s Star Territory simply doesn’t know how to live or die!”

"Senior of the Tianhuang Sect, why do you need to take action against such an arrogant person? I will do it for you." The Tian family emperor sneered and stepped forward.

"Tian family, the emperor's power, do you think you are invincible? I'm afraid the king's power is not as arrogant as you, right?" Chu Yan was angry. The Zhao and Tian families wanted to use themselves to climb up to the Emperor Sect. ridiculous.

"Hmph, why do you need me, Your Majesty? Although my Tian family is an imperial force and not an overlord, I can still easily kill you, an unknown person!"

Li Xiaoyao stepped forward at this moment, and the face of the Tian family emperor suddenly sank: "Boy, who do you think you are? Get out of here!"

"Shut up! If you keep talking nonsense, your clan will be destroyed." Li Xiaoyao shouted fiercely, making the Tian family emperor startled. Then he looked at the man from Tianhuang Sect and said lightly: "Junior Li family, Li Xiaoyao, I’ve met the seniors of the Emperor Sect!”

"It turns out to be Xiaoyao's nephew." The burly man frowned slightly when he saw Li Xiaoyao. As a direct disciple of the Li family, he still had to give him some bad treatment.

"Senior, I was also involved in what happened today. It was just a discussion. Moreover, Chu Yan is now a distinguished guest of my Li family. Since Ji Dong is fine, senior, you might as well give me some sympathy and let this matter go?" Li Xiaoyao said grandly. , even facing the Emperor, he has nothing to fear. The Emperor is not from the Guangtian Emperor Sect.

"You can give the Li family face, but today he almost killed Ji Dong, so he still has to pay a price." The burly man said, and a golden scepter suddenly condensed in his eyes.

"Whoosh!" But at this moment, a meow suddenly came from the sky, and a figure in green clothes appeared out of thin air and immediately stood in front of Chu Yan.

This woman appeared extremely suddenly, as if she appeared out of thin air. No one noticed her at all, but she immediately attracted thousands of eyes.

"So beautiful..." Tian Qi couldn't help but say, Zhao Ling'er also felt a little jealous in his heart. This woman in green was so beautiful, and so proud and stunning, as if she could only be found in paintings.

"Qingyi? Are you here too?" Chu Yan was stunned for a moment. He hadn't seen Qingyi since they left Mount Xumi. Now that Qingyi suddenly appeared in front of him, he missed him a little.

"I've always been here." Qing Yi said crisply, and then she looked at the burly man again, keeping vigilant, as if she was going to fight him if he made a move.

Watching this scene from behind, Chu Yan was moved in his heart. This little girl was usually absent, but as soon as he was in danger, she would appear immediately, and she seemed to be able to do anything for herself.

"The Emperor's Sect is the leader of the six regions' overlords. Today's incident was originally caused by Ji Dong, and I was forced to take action. However, now that the senior has taken action against me on behalf of the Emperor's Sect, aren't you afraid of making the Six Regions laugh?" Chu Yan said lightly.

"Hmph, don't blame me. Why do you need the Emperor Sect? Today, in my own name, I will teach you a lesson. What can the others say?" The burly man sneered.

Chu Yan's eyes were even colder, but after a moment, he calmly said with relief: "In this case, if the senior only represents his personal name, I advise the senior not to do this."

"Why?" The burly man couldn't help but frown, and then he looked at Chu Yan again, as if he couldn't figure it out.

"If this matter has nothing to do with the Emperor Sect, but only in my own name, I'm afraid you won't be able to bear the price, senior!" Chu Yan's voice suddenly became cold, and his words resounded throughout the street.

Everyone was startled. If it has nothing to do with the Emperor Sect, are you afraid that you won't be able to bear the price?

Suddenly, another person thought of Li Xiaoyao's previous words. There was no need to give him the Li family's face, but it was best not to inform the Emperor Sect about this matter.

Could it be that Chu Yan really has any background?

The burly man is a junior human emperor. Although his strength is not high, he is still young. He is only in his early forties and is considered a very young emperor, so he has a good status in the Emperor Sect.

There are many people who know him in the Emperor's Star Territory. Even if he provokes the Li family, he thinks he can resolve it, but now Chu Yan actually said that he can't bear the price?

But those who can reach the emperor, in addition to their talent, are also very shrewd. He was a little impulsive before, but now he calmed down, he found the clues after thinking carefully.

Chu Yan knew Ji Dong's identity, but he dared to kill him. Would he have nothing to rely on behind him? Obviously impossible.

It’s just that the man can’t figure it out. Although the six domains are vast, the Emperor’s Sect is unified. It can be said that the whole world is not the Emperor’s Holy Land. Even if Chu Yan has something to rely on, can it be stronger than the Emperor’s Sect? There is also a possibility that Chu Yan is the heir of the fifteenth prince. In that case, he will indeed be a little afraid. After all, those old guys also have extremely terrifying strength.

"Who are you?"

"Who am I? What does it have to do with you? If you want to know, go find out for yourself." Chu Yan was not polite. He had been angry about what happened today, but because the other party was an emperor, he could only endure it. However, he was not worried that the other party would take action. Qin Zixuan was not a pushover.

The burly man's face became gloomy. After a moment of silence, Chu Yan did not speak. He knew that the other party must be transmitting his voice in some way to check his background, and he also gave the other party time to check.

However, after a moment, the burly man's face suddenly froze, and he looked at Chu Yan with some shock: "Not long ago, the person who killed Mu Feng of the Meteorite Pavilion in Xumi Peak and led the two monarchs to rescue him was you?"

"Boom!" Everyone in the room was shocked. I'm afraid he was talking about this moment.

The Xumi Peak incident caused a sensation in the six regions, and the Zhao and Tian families also knew about it. It was a rare thing in the six regions for the two monarchs to take action at the same time.

The Tian family's emperor's face froze, and his legs softened. The other party had the protection of the two monarchs, and he just... said that he wanted to deal with him?

"He, he is that Chu Yan?" More people started to talk on the street, Tian Qi's face became more embarrassed, he even looked at Zhao Linger viciously, in his opinion, he and Chu Yan had no grudges, it was all because of Zhao Linger that they had this grudge, now, the other party is not an unknown person, but the most famous person in the six regions this year.

Thinking of this, Tian Qi's throat was dry, his legs were a little weak, and he suddenly knelt down: "Chu, Chu Shao... forgiveness."

"You are the eldest son of the Tian family, with unparalleled talent, and the eighth level of the Venerable. Li Xiaoyao, who is the focus of the Li family's training, is not as strong as you. What's wrong with you? Besides, I am just a seventh-level Venerable, an unknown person. I can't afford your apology." Chu Yan sneered, this world is still unpredictable.

The Tian family became more panicked, Chu Yan's words clearly meant that he would not accept their apology.

The Zhao family looked at Zhao Linger angrily. Since the battle at Xumi Peak, all the clans in the Emperor Star Region knew that Chu Yan would come to the Emperor Star Region, and they all warned their clansmen not to provoke this person, but today, Zhao Linger still caused trouble.

"Now, senior, do you still want to teach me a lesson in your personal name?" Chu Yan looked at the burly man and said lightly.

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