Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 341 Qing Yi's Talent [Three Updates]

On this day, inside the gate of Xumi Peak in the Three Realms, all eighty-one stone pillars suddenly lit up, causing a stir.

"Someone broke into Xumi Peak again? How could they light up all eighty-one stone pillars?" The Tianjiao flew out and headed for the entrance.

"So beautiful!" When they arrived at the entrance, everyone's eyes froze, and they saw a woman in green clothes there, as pure and beautiful as a fairy from Tianshan Mountain, but she kept people away from her. She had a peerless face, her green clothes fluttered in the wind, and her figure was tall and slender, which could be said to be flawless.

She stood at the entrance, and next to her was a rabbit-eared cat demon, pink and tender, looking harmless to humans and animals. At this moment, a little demon wolf suddenly ran over from a distance, pounced into the arms of the rabbit-eared cat demon, and let out a few low roars.

"What a beautiful woman, where did this woman come from?" Someone else said, the appearance of this woman was too amazing, one person and one move broke all the stone gates and lit up eighty-one stone pillars.

Everyone was even speechless for a while, when did eighty-one stone pillars become so easy? A month ago, it seemed that only one person broke it, but today, someone lit up all the stone pillars again?

"I am Lin Tao from Meteorite Pavilion. I don't know where you are from, this is your first time here, I will help you lead the way?" Lin Tao flew out.

Qingyi glanced at Lin Tao, still indifferent, and said nothing.

"Haha, Lin Tao, it seems that the girl doesn't like you." Suddenly there was another loud laugh, and a young man flew out. This young man was extremely arrogant, looking down from the sky, and said to Qingyi attentively: "Miss, I am the demon of the Mu family, Mu Ao. Are you willing to practice with me?"

"It's Mu Ao! He actually showed up too!" Everyone who wanted to come forward to please him stopped because of Mu Ao's appearance.

Mu Ao, the real prodigy of the Mu family, the peak of the eighth level of the Venerable, like Mu Feng, is a strong man who has been recognized to have locked a heavenly monument. He is also the eighth level of the Venerable. This person's combat power is rare among the Venerables.

Qingyi ignored everyone and looked up at the old man on Xumi Peak: "Can I go in now?"

The old man nodded, his eyes sparkling: "This year is good, two monsters came, plus the earliest one, it's the third one, interesting, interesting!"

Qingyi entered Xumi Peak, this matter shocked all parties, Qingyi's appearance was even more amazing than Chu Yan, no one even knew what her strength was, but as soon as she entered Xumi Peak, she disappeared, no one saw her, as if she disappeared out of thin air.

Chu Yan didn't know about Qingyi entering Xumi Peak, he was still under the waterfall to comprehend the previous flower demon's preaching.

"It's really amazing!" Chu Yan suddenly opened his eyes one day, his eyes sparkling, three days, he understood something, he saw him clench his fist, the power was integrated into the world, turned into flesh and blood on his fist.

"The second realm of the three major bloodlines, the ultimate! Only one step away, you can enter the third realm." Chu Yan said excitedly. The next moment he looked up and looked at the golden barrier, strolling away. This time, the barrier had no blocking power. He punched it and the barrier broke instantly.

After the flower demon explained, Chu Yan knew that the power of this barrier was the ultimate of the second realm of bloodlines. Unless it reached the ultimate, it would not be able to break this barrier at all.

After Chu Yan walked out, the wretched old man flew over and looked at Chu Yan with a satisfied smile: "Hey, not bad, it broke in three days? The boy is teachable!"

"Haha, I really should thank the senior!" Chu Yan gritted his teeth and said, the old man didn't care, waving his hand: "You're welcome, if you want to thank me, come and buy me a drink when I am crowned as an emperor."

"I'll treat your uncle! When I am crowned as an emperor, I will be the first to come back and beat you!" Chu Yan growled. This bastard has pitted himself miserably. First, he caused trouble for himself at the entrance, and now he has sealed himself.

The old man didn't care, he laughed and turned away. As for Chu Yan, he stayed there, but was speechless.

"Brother Chu!" At this time, the fat man came walking over. After a month, the fat man had improved a lot and broke through to the fourth level of the Venerable. Of course, he also gained weight.

"Chu Yan!" There was a woman next to the fat man. She smiled sweetly after seeing Chu Yan.

"Qiu Meng." Chu Yan also smiled. The woman was none other than Qiu Meng of the Ghost Girl Palace. Back then in the Eternal Forest, the Ghost Girl Palace betrayed under the oppression of the Sealed Monster. Only Qiu Meng insisted on standing by his side. He would naturally remember that kindness.

"Brother Chu, in a month, you have also broken through?" The fat man drooped his face: "I wanted to show off to you, but it seems that there is no chance."

Chu Yan smiled. Now he is the fifth level of the Venerable, plus the breakthrough of his bloodline. At his current level, it should not be difficult to fight the seventh level of the Venerable. If he goes all out, he can even fight with an ordinary eighth level Venerable.

Of course, Chu Yan also knew that even if he was at level 5 Venerable, he was still far from the Heavenly Monument Road, and there was not much time left for him. He had to work harder and break through to at least level 8 Venerable in a year and a half. Only then would he be qualified to compete with the real Heavenly Monument people.

"Zhixu has also broken through, and is at level 4 Venerable. He has been near the Doutian Ji these days." The fat man said, and Chu Yan nodded. This Xumi Peak is indeed a treasure land for cultivation. In a month, everyone has made some progress.

In the days that followed, Chu Yan continued to practice, and the fat man kept hanging out with the people from the Younv Palace and Xuannv Sect, enjoying the wine and meat every day, which was very happy.

Chu Yan enjoyed this feeling very much, wandering around the 81 Xumi Peaks, comprehending, and breaking through. Of course, he did not notice that there was always a blue-clothed woman quietly watching him in the dark. Every time he made progress, the blue-clothed woman smiled brightly and was sincerely happy for him.

"Why don't you tell him?" Xuan Qing came to the side of the woman in blue.

A hint of worry flashed through the phoenix eyes of the woman in blue. She lowered her head, do you recognize her? Will Brother Chu forgive me for what Yangu did at the end of that year? King Mi betrayed him twice, and she no longer expected Chu Yan to forgive her. Now, she just hoped that she could watch Brother Chu secretly and pay back some of her sins.

Chu Yan didn't know all this, and he continued to practice. However, another big event happened in Xumi Peak that day, which was caused by Qingyi.

Mu Ao pursued Qing Yi three times but failed, and finally used force. As a result, Qing Yi became furious and almost killed him. In the end, it was the old man from Xumi Peak who took action to avoid this disaster, but because of this, no one dared to provoke this person. An icy beauty, unless that person doesn't want to live anymore.

After Qing Yi entered Xumi Peak, she did not practice cultivation, but kept flying among the eighty-one peaks, as if she was looking for something, which made many people start to speculate.

"This woman seems to be looking for someone. Could it be her partner?"

"For such an outstanding person, I don't know who can be worthy of him. I'm afraid there is only one person in Sumeru Peak who can do it, right?" Someone suddenly said, and another name came to many people's minds, Mu Feng.

On this day, Chu Yan was not practicing. He was flying from the eighty-one mountains when he suddenly saw Qing Yi flying towards him. He couldn't help but be startled, then showed a bright smile and walked towards Qing Yi.

Many people were shocked when they saw this scene, and then they showed a hint of ridicule: "Ignorant boy, if you mess with that woman, you will not live or die!"

"I didn't expect that he is also a womanizer, but I don't know what kind of thing he is. That woman is so cold and ruthless. I guess he will become the next Mu Ao soon!"

Everyone laughed evilly, and Chu Yan felt everyone's eyes were startled. He didn't know what they meant, but he didn't care and strolled to Qing Yi's side.

"Looking for death! I don't know whether to live or die!" Everyone sarcastically said.

In the direction of Younv Palace, there was a couple standing next to Qiu Meng. The woman was Li Meng, a disciple of Xuannv Palace, and the man was Huo Feng, a meteorite Pavilion prodigy. When he saw Chu Yan walking towards Qingyi, he sneered: " Xuan Xin, do you know that person? He is too ignorant and ridiculous. That woman is so beautiful that someone like him can't compare to her?"

Qiu Meng rolled her eyes at Huo Feng: "A rat flow person? Huo Feng, you are so funny. Brother Chu Yan defeated Shi Wudao of the Shi family before. That Shi Wudao, even if you are at the seventh level, you can't do it." It's easy to win, right? If he breaks through to the next level, he can torture you. If you call him a rat, who do you think he is?"

"Qiu Meng, you are brave!" Li Meng said displeased from the side. Huo Feng was her pride, but now Qiu Meng is humiliating him like this.

"Senior Sister Li Meng, please give me some good advice. Be accurate when looking at people. People like Huo Feng are not worthy of you." Qiu Meng left one sentence, then turned around and left without saying more.

Huo Feng's eyes were cold, and then he snorted coldly and looked towards Chu Yan. The reason why he humiliated Chu Yan was for no other reason than that he had provoked Qing Yi before, but Qing Yi never even looked at him.

"Why are you here?" Chu Yan walked to Qing Yi with a smile.

At this moment, everyone was waiting for Qingyi to deal with Chu Yan the same way he treated Mu Ao. But the next moment, everyone was shocked. Qingyi smiled brightly, as if the iceberg had melted. She said happily: "I haven't seen you for a month. I was afraid you were in danger, so I came in."

"Aren't I okay?"

"Then, can I stay here? I'll just watch you and won't disturb you." Qing Yi hesitated and said.

Chu Yan was stunned for a moment, then smiled bitterly. This girl seemed to be dependent on him. He nodded: "Of course, you can light up the eighty-one stone pillars here. There are many treasured cultivation places here. You should also practice some." , don’t delay your practice.”

"Hmm!" Qing Yi smiled brightly. At this moment, everyone froze in place. The sarcasm on Huo Feng's lips had not dissipated, and they were just froze in place.

Qiu Meng snorted coldly from the side: "Rats? Ignorant people? Huo Feng, are you going to slap me in the face now?"

Huo Feng's eyes were full of murderous intent. He looked at Chu Yan and even felt that all this was Chu Yan's intention. Qing Yi stayed in Xumi Peak for three days and did not come out to see each other until he made a fool of himself. , he must have done it on purpose.

Of course, Huo Feng was all narcissistic towards Chu Yan. He didn't even know who Huo Feng was, so how could he deliberately humiliate him?

But today's incident caused a sensation in Xumi Peak again.

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