Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 340 The True Meaning of Bloodline [Second Update]

Sitting on the stone seat under the waterfall, this sitting lasted for a month. Just as Li Xiaoyao said, there seemed to be gravity in this waterfall. Every day, the force would increase exponentially, and the cold current hitting the body would be more painful.

In one month, the force of the waterfall increased thirty times, which shocked Chu Yan secretly: "This force is really strong. I have persisted for thirty days now, and every inch of my skin seems to be much stronger, but if this force continues to increase, I am afraid I will be injured. Let's leave first."

Chu Yan thought about it, stood up and decided to go out, but at this time, he just wanted to fly out of the stone seat, and suddenly a huge force came, making his body stiff. He was suppressed by a strong force and could not go out.

"Hmm?" Chu Yan frowned: "Can't leave?"

"Bang!" Chu Yan raised his fist again and punched at the golden suppressive force, but his punch was not enough to break the barrier, which made him angry: "Someone did it on purpose? Bastard!"

Just then, on a distant mountain, an old man sat there in a wretched manner, smiling: "Little guy, it's not easy to leave, so feel it well."

Chu Yan didn't know what the old man was thinking, and he had no time to think. This barrier alone didn't matter, but there was also the power of the waterfall here to temper it. He only discovered this barrier thirty days ago, and now his physical body has reached its limit. If he can't break through this barrier, he will be tortured to death by the power of the waterfall here sooner or later.

"Asshole, don't let me know who you are, otherwise I'll kill him!" Chu Yan cursed angrily, his eyes red, staring at the barrier, looking for a way to break it.

In order to break the formation, he used his strongest attacks, including the Seven Killing Sword Technique, Vajra Dharma, Second Self, and Dust-free Sword Technique, but they were all useless. He just couldn't break the barrier. He was tired and retreated to the stone seat.

While sitting cross-legged on the stone seat, thinking about the reason, he seemed to enter a strange state. The barrier was not unbreakable by his strength, but it was not enough. The strength seemed to have a very strange power.

"Shua!" At this moment, a beautiful figure suddenly flew over. It was the charming woman from before. Seeing Chu Yan in such a mess, she smiled happily: "Hey, little guy, aren't you very powerful? How come you are trapped here?"

Chu Yan glanced at the woman, and the corners of his mouth couldn't help twitching. He stood up and said respectfully: "Senior, there is a vicious person who trapped me here while I was practicing. Can you let me out?"

Hearing Chu Yan's words from a distance, the old man blew his beard in anger: "You bastard, you actually called me a vicious person!"

The woman was also stunned and smiled sweetly: "You want me to let you out? Okay, worship me as your master, and I will teach you how to break this formation."

The old man's face became even gloomier. This bastard woman actually took advantage of the opportunity to break in!

Chu Yan frowned, worship me as a master? He couldn't easily become a disciple, and the woman's words were threatening, so he wouldn't obey easily. He shook his head and said, "Thank you for your kindness, but forget it."

"Haha, hahaha!" The old man laughed triumphantly.

The woman glared at Chu Yan and said nothing. She suddenly took a step forward. Chu Yan was stunned. The barrier that sealed him seemed to be non-existent to the woman. She walked in directly: "You don't know what's good for you. Do you know how many people dream of becoming my master? Today I accept you as my disciple, but you refuse? Aren't you afraid that I will kill you?"

"Afraid!" Chu Yan responded directly. The woman said again: "If you are afraid, why don't you obey?"

"To reply to the senior, I have been practicing for five years. In these five years, I have encountered too many things to be afraid of. There are countless people who want to kill me, and there are also many people who are stronger than you. I am afraid every time, but do I compromise because I am afraid? If so, how can I achieve anything if my heart is not strong enough to seek martial arts? I am afraid that I will die the first time I am afraid." Chu Yan said.

The woman was startled. Chu Yan's words were so arrogant that she didn't believe them, especially the sentence that many people who wanted to kill him were stronger than her. But the woman looked at Chu Yan carefully. Chu Yan's clear eyes moved her a little.

"What on earth has this kid been through?" The woman thought to herself. Of course, she didn't know. Chu Yan was right. Chu Yan had encountered too many setbacks during his practice.

He was different from the disciples of the aristocratic families. The disciples of the aristocratic families were respected and well-fed. Even if they encountered danger, at most their families would help them resolve it. But Chu Yan didn't have that. When he was eight years old, he left the wilderness and was chased by wild beasts in the mortal world. No one helped him.

Later, the old demon appeared. Although he would save his life, he would not help him completely. After the incident in the wilderness, he felt the threat even more. At that time, the Red Moon Valley, the Blood Destruction Valley, the Sealed Demon in the Eternal Treasure Forest, the Demon Mountain Gate in the Ancient Demon Star Domain, and the Heavenly Demon Peak all wanted to kill him. He had no background.

Chu Hanfeng only helped him once, so he understood these principles better than any other aristocratic disciple.

"It doesn't matter if I'm afraid. Every time I'm afraid, it proves that I'm not strong enough, and it's also a belief that makes me stronger." Chu Yan looked directly at the woman and said seriously: "I also believe that there will always be a day when I will become stronger, so that there will be no one in this world that I'm afraid of."

The woman smiled brightly and nodded to Chu Yan: "I like having a temper. I will help you break this formation, and I won't accept you as my disciple, but you must practice with me for a month first, how about it?"

"What can you teach me?" Chu Yan asked.

"Hmph! Watch out!" The woman was angry. She, the guardian of the Eighty-one Mountain, was questioned by a junior today, but she didn't waste any words. She kneaded her jade hands together to form a lotus, and slowly pointed towards Chu Yan's forehead. : "Don't resist, understand it seriously!"

Chu Yan was startled. The lotus flower seemed to be spreading out at the tip of his eyebrows and blending into his body.

"The power of blood?" Chu Yan asked. This was the first time he saw the blood of lotus. It was very magical. The most important thing is that this power can be integrated and pervasive.

"It's not a lotus. My bloodline is thousands of flowers. All flowers are under my control. You can also call me flower demon." The woman smiled, and then her aura changed slightly. Chu Yan's pupils couldn't help but shrink, because he got a lot of blood from the woman. I actually felt a touch of evil spirit.

"Senior is a demon cultivator?" Chu Yan said in surprise. He had seen many great demons in the ancient demon star field. It was not surprising at all, but this woman was different. She was a flower demon, a plant demon? This is the first time Chu Yan has seen it.

"Well, I am a lotus flower who cultivated Taoism and became a demon. Ten thousand flowers are my bloodline. Next, I will tell you some moral principles and you can understand them."

"Why did senior choose me?"

"You talk so much!" The flower demon glared at Chu Yan, who smiled bitterly and shook his head, but fortunately remained silent.

"Cultivation in martial arts is a path that goes against the will of heaven. This journey is a journey that goes against the will of heaven and is difficult. Of course, even so, there are different levels of difficulty. Humans are the spirit of all things, born with wisdom, the leader of primates, and have innate resources. , so most people practice martial arts.”

Chu Yan listened humbly. He knew that there were far more human cultivators than demon cultivators.

"Human cultivators have spiritual wisdom and are the favorites of the Creator. They have many choices. They can master all kinds of methods, create their own bloodlines, and cast souls. However, this may not be a good thing." The flower demon paused and continued: "Because of this, humans Cultivation is often more likely to encounter bottlenecks, shackles, and it is very likely that martial arts will cease at a certain point, and the inheritance of the power of blood is weak. Unless it is an ancient clan, the descendants of the gods may have blood inheritance, otherwise the blood of human cultivation will be difficult to pass on. , but the demon is different. The blood of the demon is very easy to pass on, and because the demon's practice is very limited, it is more proficient in a certain field. "

"Let me give you an example. Humans can walk on water, land, and air, and practice the Five Elements, but monsters are different. If you ask a big roc in the clouds to learn to fly without cultivating magical powers in the air, you have to let him go to the sea to practice the water attribute. This is unrealistic. Like me, I am a flower demon. I can cultivate wood, but I cannot cultivate fire, otherwise it will cause fire.

Chu Yan was shocked. His words were brief, but he had a profound understanding. Especially on the bloodline, Chu Yan seemed to feel a cracking sound, and he seemed to have found a breakthrough.

"The first level of bloodline is different from the second level. You should know that the first level of all bloodlines is strengthening. Speed ​​means increasing the speed. Strength means increasing strength. Sword means strengthening the sword. But in the second level, you can Understand the secret, your three bloodlines have reached the second level, and you understand the difference between the second level bloodline and the first level bloodline."

Chu Yan nodded, yes, the bloodline of the second realm was like a qualitative change. Qin Zixuan had told him back then that Qin Zixuan raised her hands like a hammer and almost killed him with a pair of fleshy palms.

Now that all his bloodline has entered the second realm, his power is the fusion of the power of heaven and earth, his sword is the sound of the sword, and his speed is even slower, all of which are deeper mysteries.

"But do you know what the third realm of the bloodline is like? What else is there to awaken the bloodline?" The flower demon smiled mysteriously. Chu Yan shook his head. Those things were too far away from him and he couldn't know.

"Watch!" The flower demon raised his hand, and his bloodline suddenly bloomed. At this moment, it merged with his own, and the two bloodlines were even compatible, as if a water channel had opened, merging with his whole body.

"The third level of bloodline, fusion! How can you block such a force?" The flower demon waved his hand, and the ground trembled, and thousands of flowers bloomed. Chu Yan was shocked. As for the barrier in the distance, it couldn't withstand this force at all. force.

"Okay, I've finished what I have to say to you, and I'm leaving!" After saying this, the flower demon turned around and suddenly turned into a shadow and disappeared?

"Fuck!" Chu Yan froze on the spot, didn't he say, take him out? Why are you leaving now?

"Want to go out? You can think of a way by yourself, I regret it!" The flower demon's voice sounded again, with a proud smile. Chu Yan's head was suddenly covered with black lines, and he felt like he was being teased, but this time he was not in a hurry. After breaking the barrier, he calmed down and listened carefully to the flower demon's words.

Every word is a pearl. Although Flower Demon's words are simple, the simplicity of the truth makes it more profound. Bloodline, what is bloodline, and the third realm, the awakening of the blood sea, all these made Chu Yan a little excited.

He continued to practice, but he didn't know that on this day, another big event happened on Mount Sumeru. Someone from the outside came, broke into Mount Sumeru, and lit up eighty-one stone pillars with one move!

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