Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 335: The Second Self

Chu Yan went into seclusion for more than a month. During this month, he was alone in seclusion in Li Xiaoyao's wine forest. There was fairy mist everywhere, which was quite fairy-like and very suitable for cultivation.

"Zizi, Xiaoyao really knows how to enjoy himself. This wine forest is a paradise on earth. Xiao Huazi, look at the maids over there, aren't they all prettier than Senior Sister Zi Yan?" The fat man lay in the wine forest, his eyes squinting.

Hua Zhixu rolled his eyes at the fat man: "Can't you forget it in your heart?"

"Bullshit! Fatty, I've been a playboy all my life, who cares? Besides, she's with Mu Bai, which makes me happy." The fat man glared at Hua Zhixu, and then he cried, crying loudly, crying so sadly that Hua Zhixu couldn't help shaking his head.

Is the fat man really not loyal? He just didn't say it. He has been following Chu Yan for the past few years. Does it mean that he has been moved? In the mortal world, Chu Yan was the descendant of a local overlord. If the fat man followed Chu Yan at that time, there was still a component of flattery, but the ancient monster trip broke all the criticisms.

The ancient monster trip, the three brothers were too miserable. Now thinking about it, they are still full of resentment. Those grudges must be taken back.

Chu Yan practiced in the wine forest, and his soul entered his body. Finally, on this day, he climbed to the sixth floor of the Nine Heavens Mysterious Tower. After entering the Venerable, he did not observe the sixth floor carefully. Now that he is at Li Xiaoyao's place, it is rare to have peace, so he came.

On the Nine Heavens Mysterious Tower, there are whirlpool-like water walls. Chu Yan's hand gently brushed over them, as if his body and mind were integrated into them. The divine objects here have been included in the thousandth of the God List.

"The Great Desert Universe, ranked 980th on the Divine Object List, once the divine object is out, it can turn the world into a loess desert. Awesome!"

Chu Yan couldn't help but exclaim in admiration, but he immediately turned his head. Although the Great Desert Universe is powerful, it is too far away from him, so he is not in a hurry. Now the most urgent things are two things, one is to forge a Dharma body, and the other is to find a weapon that suits him.

At the beginning, when he thought of killing the immortals, the Sun-Destroying Sword broke, and he has never had a suitable divine weapon.

But after searching for a while, he suddenly frowned. Although there are many divine objects left in the Six Domains Star River, most of them have owners, and those without owners are also in some extremely rare natural dangers. There are also few weapons. They are all auxiliary objects like the Haotian Tower and the Fire Pattern Mirror. It is obviously not suitable to use them as weapons.

Helpless, Chu Yan had to give up the divine weapon temporarily, and then ask Li Xiaoyao for a divine sword. There is no advanced one, but a divine sword of about level 5 should not be difficult for Li Xiaoyao.

Chu Yan didn't think much about it. His soul walked down the stairs and returned to the first floor to observe the Nine Heavens Remains. The Remains was like a mirror. There was a person who looked exactly like Chu Yan in the mirror, but the aura of this person was completely different from Chu Yan.

Chu Yan's original body, with the three bloodlines of strength, sword, and speed, took the light route, plus a hidden bloodline, quite a demon.

But the Chu Yan in the Remains was different. His body was clear, his muscles were well-developed, and his limbs were full of explosive power. When he clenched his fist, the sky collapsed and the earth split, like a barbaric god of war.

"The Nine Heavens Remains can create nine true selves. If you practice it to perfection, you can have ten true selves, and it is even more likely to create an incarnation. Although I only have one now, I can switch between them. It seems that it's time to focus on this one true self." Chu Yan said secretly. Of course, this is also a huge challenge for Chu Yan.

After all, ordinary people practice for a lifetime, one Dantian, one sea of ​​consciousness, and one path, but Chu Yan is different. If he wants to practice this method, he needs to spend ten times more time and work ten times harder to be the same as ordinary people. But he is also very strong, whether it is the foundation of vitality, blood, or life soul, they are all ten times that of ordinary people. If he finally becomes one, he will be extremely powerful.

When Chu Yan changes his blood, his body changes with it, his veins roll, and he punches out with a fierce and vigorous force, which makes Chu Yan show a satisfied smile.

"Now my second true self, the four power bloodlines have all entered the first realm to the extreme, now it depends on the second realm." Chu Yan is a little bit looking forward to it. This true self, the four bloodlines are all power bloodlines, gravity, earth power, strength, and the power of heaven and earth. A punch has hundreds of times the power. The four powers are constantly superimposed, which shows how terrible it is.

Ten days passed in a blink of an eye, and Chu Yan walked out of the wine forest. Hua Zhixu and the fat man were slightly stunned when they saw him. Chu Yan seemed to have become a different person. He was ten feet tall, like a little giant.

The corner of the fat man's mouth twitched: "Fuck...Brother Chu, don't call me fat in the future. Why are you fatter than me now?"

Chu Yan glared at the fat man with a frown, and then looked at Hua Zhixu: "Zhixu, let's spar!"

Hua Zhixu nodded, and without hesitation, he thrust out his long halberd, and immediately like a long dragon dancing, forming thousands of phantoms, covering Chu Yan in it, but after a moment, Hua Zhixu frowned slightly and looked at Chu Yan: "Why are you slow?"

"Don't worry about me, use your full strength!" Chu Yan did not explain. His true self, all concentrated on strength, was naturally slow, but he was not in a hurry when facing Hua Zhixu's long halberd. He took a step forward, and with just this step, the ground shattered slightly. The next moment, he clenched his palm and punched out. The fist was full of dragon and tiger power, like a moving wall. With the aura of a punch, Hua Zhixu's long halberd was repelled.

“Bang!” Hua Zhixu took a step back and looked at Chu Yan in astonishment: “This power…”

"Hehe!" Chu Yan grinned. The four bloodlines of his second true self were finally completed. Now, as long as he switches at any time, his power can become a surprise blow. Of course, Chu Yan's second true self In addition to the bloodline, the true self has also condensed its life soul. The three life souls are all related to power.

The first life soul is Taishan Tower.

The second life soul is Beidou Jia.

The third life soul, Gravity City.

Chu Yan's third life soul, like Mi Tong, is a forged city. The important thing is that this city is filled with tens of thousands of tons of gravity and is inspired by the gravity mountains of the three monster mountains. In this case, Chu Yan uses this Life Soul is equivalent to opening a self-battlefield. Except for him, anyone entering this gravity city will have to withstand tens of thousands of tons of gravity.

Of course, this is also for low-level practitioners. Once their cultivation level is too much higher than that of Chu Yan, they can directly suppress Chu Yan's life soul with his aura, rendering his life soul ineffective.

There is a more important point. In one month, Chu Yan's three life souls all came from the seventh-grade life soul! Three major seventh-level souls, what is this concept? In other words, Chu Yan's current true self is much stronger than his true self.

Chu Yan is confident that even though they are both at the fourth level of Venerable, he can use his true self to abuse Li Xiaoyao without any problem.

"Brother Chu!" At this moment, a girl of thirteen or fourteen came from a distance and smiled brightly. This girl was Li Xiaoyao's biological sister, named Li Yanran.

This girl likes Chu Yan very much and thinks Chu Yan is clean-looking. But when she saw him today, she almost made Li Yanran cry. The handsome Chu Yan turned out to be a monster in her eyes.

At this moment, another elder of the Li family suddenly flew up from the sky. The man looked at Chu Yan with a somewhat overlooking look: "What kind of technique are you doing? It can actually change the physical body. No, your bloodline Has it also changed?"

Chu Yan frowned slightly. In the world of martial arts, there are many strong people. Since he can become a strong person, he naturally has some methods and opportunities of his own, such as martial arts and magical powers. Now this elder asks what his martial arts are. It is obviously not polite. thing.

However, due to the identity of the other party, Chu Yan still politely handed over his hand and said: "This is a law that is not passed down in the family. I hope you will forgive me, senior!"

"Unbridled!" At this moment, Li Sheng flew over and looked at Chu Yan indifferently: "Since you are in my Li family, and Li Xiaoyao also said that you want you to fight for the heavenly monument for the Li family, your skills should be comparable to those of my Li family. Family share.”

"Where did the uneducated wild dog come from? I'm talking to the elders of the Li family. What's the matter with you?" Chu Yan rolled his eyes at Li Sheng. After hearing Chu Yan's words, many people in the fairy forest were startled. This Chu Yan ,crazy? Talking to Li Sheng like this?

Li Sheng's face immediately darkened, and his murderous intention appeared. He had always been worried about the expulsion of his brother Li Kuangsheng. If he found the opportunity today, he would naturally not let Chu Yan go: "It seems that the rumors are true. He is indeed a madman." Disciple, elder, you have also seen what happened today. This son is in my Li family, but he is not loyal to my Li family and hides his skills secretly. In this case, I will let the Li family teach him a lesson today."

The elder frowned, but remembering Chu Yan's previous attitude, he snorted coldly and acquiesced without saying a word.

Everyone was shocked when they saw this, Li Sheng, the Venerable is at the eighth level, Chu Yan, the Venerable is at the fourth level? This is completely cruel. This battle is too unfair.

Li Sheng didn't talk nonsense. He took a step forward. He was a real god. With a flip of his hand, he turned into a huge force and crushed it down. He didn't dare to kill Chu Yan. After all, Li Xiaoyao was a madman, but the lesson was learned. After all, Li Xiaoyao had no reason when he arrived.

Chu Yan's eyes were cold: "If you don't have access to my skills, do you want to rob me? Are you doing this on behalf of the Li family?"

"Who do I represent? It's not your turn to take care of it. You must pay the price today!" Li Sheng's eyes were filled with anger. He squeezed his fingers and immediately turned into countless sword lights flying out. The sword lights were cut off immediately with a slash. Half of the sky turned into three thousand sword rains and shot down towards Chu Yan.

Chu Yan was even more angry. This Li Sheng was just here to cause trouble. He was unhappy, so he immediately transformed into his true self and returned to his true self. His sword intention was born, and all the sword edges of the three thousand sword intentions were in his eyes. Then his body Turn around and retreat sharply.

"Don't overestimate your own strength!" Li Sheng shook his big hand, and the light of three thousand swords merged into one, turning into a thousand-meter giant sword, whizzing down towards Chu Yan.

"Brother Chu!" Fatty and Hua Zhixu were furious on the sidelines, but this time the gap in realm was too great for Tianzun and Chu Yan to deal with, let alone the two of them.

"Bang!" Chu Yan gritted his teeth. He raised his hand and struck a sword. The sound of the sword roared, and he met the sword. But just for a moment, there was a sharp pain in his body, and he was penetrated by ruthless vitality, causing him to vomit blood continuously. With a bang, It hit a stone pillar behind.

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