Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 334: Insufficient Blood

After Li Xiaoyao finished speaking, everyone looked at Lin Jia and the Northwest Marquis in shock, extremely envious. The five clans now all looked embarrassed.

In the Northwest Marquis Mansion, the second marquis laughed at himself, and Lin Mengyun's last bit of pride was trampled and shattered. Kneeling on the ground, she looked at the distance, the boy she had been looking down on before, the other party seemed indifferent to everything, was he hypocritical? No, but with Chu Yan's current strength and vision, he can really do so.

The biggest gain for Chu Yan in the ancient monster trip was vision. He used to be shocked when facing the power of the fifteen great lords, and he would have fear in front of the emperor, but now, he can face it calmly.

Lin Mengyun, the pride of the Northwest Marquis Mansion, a foreigner of the Li family, was expelled forever just because she angered Chu Yan, but the Northwest Marquis Mansion did not die, because Lin Jia replaced her, but had a higher status.

"Let's go!" Li Xiaoyao looked at Chu Yan: "You have to pay back the wine you owed me back then. You can't run away."

"Okay!" Chu Yan also smiled happily. He and Li Xiaoyao met in the Wan Gu Bai Lin Forest. They had similar ideals. Although they didn't have much interaction, they were very compatible and became friends. In the mortal world, Li Xiaoyao also helped him with some things. Now they met again, it seemed particularly cordial.

"Today I'm holding a banquet in my clan. Brother Lin Jia, Lord, come together." Li Xiaoyao smiled, and the five clans looked at Lin Jia and Lin Zhiping with envy. The banquet of the Li family's aristocratic family, the people of the five clans usually had no chance to participate. Today, just because Chu Yan said they were friends, Li Xiaoyao warmly entertained them.

"Thank you, Master Xiaoyao!" Lin Zhiping said excitedly.

Chu Yan and others left, and the people of the five clans immediately regretted it, but there is no regret medicine in the world.

Now it is not important what Chu Yan's identity is. Li Xiaoyao stood up and identified him as his brother. In the Eternal Forest, fifteen great kings competed for the first place. Do we need to guess about such a person?

But it was such a person who made them laugh at him in the fairy forest before. Now he is the guest of the Li family. Instead, they have become a laughing stock.

Li Xiaoyao led everyone to leave the fairy forest, and the fairy forest became silent. As for this competition, there was no need to continue. The five tribes left in disgrace. However, this incident caused a sensation in the Li family.

Li Xiaoyao's brother? At the banquet that night, many direct descendants of the Li family attended, wanting to see the brother of Li Xiaoyao, this freak.

At the banquet, everyone looked at Chu Yan. A young man in the distance raised his glass and said with a smile: "Brother Chu, I have heard Xiaoyao mention you a long time ago. You are very famous in the Wan Gu Bai Jun forest. I finally saw it in today's battle. One person suppressed all the evildoers of the five tribes. It's amazing. Li Yin, I toast you a glass."

"The people of the five tribes are ridiculous. With the power of Brother Chu, Li Kuangsheng is only a foil in front of Brother Chu. It is simply humiliating to compare him with Brother Chu. However, the people of the five tribes are still humble in front of Li Kuangsheng, and they dare to offend Chu Yan with words. It's really interesting." Li Yun laughed on the side. Li Kuangsheng was the one who used Li Xiaoyao's name to show off his power before.

"They are all delicious food." The fat man said carelessly on the side. He didn't care. He and Li Xiaoyao had met before. He ate at a banquet again.

Hua Zhixu was also very elegant, chatting with everyone. Lin Jia and Lin Zhiping were a little reserved and could not get a word in. They were shocked. The people sitting there were all Li family's direct descendants and demon disciples, but they were all good friends with Chu Yan and the other two.

"What cultivation?" Li Xiaoyao took a sip of wine. After more than a year, he and Chu Yan did not feel strange at all.

"Venerable level 4, you are Venerable level 6, right?" Chu Yan saw Li Xiaoyao's realm at a glance and smiled. He didn't care. When they met in the Wan Gu Bai Jungle, Li Xiaoyao was three realms higher than him. With the foundation of the Li family, it was normal for him to be Venerable level 6.

Moreover, Chu Yan and his group of ancient demons actually delayed their cultivation because of the fire pattern and many trivial matters, and they had not had a complete time to practice. Otherwise, his current strength should also be Venerable level 6.

"Hehe, not bad, two levels higher than you, I'm worthy of pride." Li Xiaoyao laughed, and everyone laughed bitterly. When has Li Xiaoyao not been arrogant? Today, he was proud of being two levels higher than Chu Yan.

"But you are a level 4 Venerable. In the previous battle, you killed Lin Mengyun in seconds and suppressed the five clans alone. Your combat power should be more than level 4 Venerable, right?" Li Xiaoyao asked.

"If you go all out, it should be no problem to fight across two levels, but it depends on the person. As for you, I'm not sure." Chu Yan laughed. Lin Mengyun is level 6 Venerable. He tried it. Generally, if he takes the initiative, he should be able to win within three moves. But when he is with Li Xiaoyao, Li Yin, and Li Yun, he is different. The combat power of these people is not simple.

Especially Li Xiaoyao. In the Wan Gu Bai Jungle, he suppressed one side with level 9 King. Today, he should be even more terrible.

"Pervert! You still want to fight me, you are overestimating yourself..." Even so, Li Xiaoyao rolled his eyes. The gap between the two levels didn't seem obvious.

"Where did you go after we parted? I haven't heard from you for a year."

"It's a long story..." Chu Yan was bitter again, but he didn't hide anything from Li Xiaoyao. He told him about the ancient demons one by one. When he heard some of the details, Li Xiaoyao couldn't help but tremble with fear and broke out in a cold sweat for Chu Yan.

"You are so daring. When Feng Yao provoked you, you killed Feng Yao. Now you have killed people like Hu Tong, Chen Tong, and Qing He. No wonder you, the ancient demon, can't survive." Li Xiaoyao said speechlessly.

"You want to seize the Two Years Later Heaven Monument?" Li Xiaoyao asked Chu Yan. Chu Yan did not mention the Xiahou family. It was not because he did not trust him, but because the Li family was also the fifteenth king. He did not know that the Li family Was he also one of the eleven great kings back then? If so, he didn't want Li Xiaoyao to be involved in this matter.

"Must!" Chu Yan said firmly.

"This is a little difficult. Although the Heaven-Seizing Monument is open to everyone in the six regions, in the past, those who could seize the Heaven-Seizing Monument were all those after the fifteenth prince, and they were at least the ninth level of the venerable. They were monsters and invincible under the emperor. After two years of existence, it is not easy to break through to the fifth level of the Venerable."

"It's not easy but you have to try." Chu Yan smiled bitterly. He knew that it would be difficult to win the Sky Monument, but even so, he had to try. After all, the Heaven-Seizing Monument must be too far away from reviving the earthly world. How can we talk about revival when we can't even achieve the Heaven-Seizing Monument?

"That's alright, then you stay here. I'll take you somewhere after a while." Li Xiaoyao smiled mysteriously, and Chu Yan didn't ask any questions, so he stayed at Li's house.

Li Xiaoyao didn't even find a guest room for Chu Yan, and directly let the three brothers live in his wine forest. With him, the four brothers could discuss their practice and practice, and most importantly, drink.

On this day, a middle-aged man from the top of the Li Mansion summoned Li Xiaoyao. This man's father, the contemporary head of the Li family, was a genuine and genuine emperor.

"Father, are you looking for me?" Li Xiaoyao strolled into the high platform.

"Here, sit down." Father Li nodded with a smile, and asked Li Xiaoyao to sit aside, and asked lightly: "Xiaoyao, your friend yesterday is the one who controls the evergreen tree as you said before?"

"Yes, that's right." Li Xiaoyao didn't hide anything, his eyes were shining with gold: "Father, this person is extremely powerful and his talent is definitely not inferior to mine. If the Li family can train him well and become a quasi-celestial monument, he will be comparable to a bunch of drunkards and rice sacks from my Li family. It’s too strong.”

"Li Xiaoyao, you are too confident. We are the monsters of the Li family, and can we be compared to someone from a lowly star?" In the main hall, there were also other members of the Li family, and a junior said in a deep voice.

Li Xiaoyao raised his head and glanced at the young man, and sneered: "Li Sheng, I really don't look down on you. You are now at the eighth level of the Venerable. If you were the sixth level of the Venerable, my brother could beat you within ten moves, and you." That brother has a ridiculous nature and actually uses my name to show off his power outside. You are not much better. For someone like you, I advise you not to fight for the Sky Monument, so as not to suffer a blow!"

The young man's eyes turned cold. Li Sheng, Li Kuangsheng's elder brother. What's important is that he is the Li family's key trainee for the Tiandu Monument this time. He is the sixth level of the Venerable. He will definitely be able to enter the ninth level of the Venerable within two years. Level, the battle for the sky monument, the front line of the First World War.

"It's ridiculous. Realm itself is also an advantage. According to you, those kings and emperors with good talents can't all participate in the battle for the heavenly monument?"

"I'm too lazy to talk nonsense with you, but Li Sheng, I will also participate in the battle for the Sky Monument. When the time comes, my ranking may not be worse than yours." Li Xiaoyao smiled proudly, and then he looked at Li's father: "Father, Chu Yan The talent is really good. The reason why our Li family can prosper from generation to generation is that we don’t exclude dissidents and deliberately target them, right?”

Father Li glared at Li Xiaoyao: "Nonsense! I don't think I know how to do it. Practice hard. If you have a chance, bring this son to see me."

"Yes!" Li Xiaoyao grinned with a bit of pride, then he glanced at Li Sheng and walked away without paying attention.

In the wine forest, Chu Yan sat cross-legged and meditated. On this day, another sword light rose into the sky in his body, turned into a golden sword, and finally fell silent in his dantian. Chu Yan showed a smile and opened his eyes: " Has the bloodline of the sword reached perfection? Now that all three of my bloodlines have been perfected, I am one step away from reaching the top of the second level. But I am different from others. Others have four bloodlines, but I am. There are only three, and that hidden bloodline seems to be sealed and sleeping in my body, and I can't wake it up no matter what."

Chu Yan sighed, as he practiced cultivation, his realm was the most impressive, but among the same level, his combat power would be affected by various factors such as blood, life soul, magical power, and physical body.

Nowadays, Chu Yan's combat power cannot be said to be extraordinary, but it is definitely not weak. But without one bloodline, he will still suffer a lot when he collides with a real genius. After all, three bloodlines are too difficult to fight against four bloodlines, and the power is spread too much.

"It seems that it's time to cast the second dharma body." A flash of light flashed in Chu Yan's eyes. The Jiutian Xuan Tower has nine floors in total. One fragment can cast a dharma body, and the final nine dharma bodies can be switched at will.

Now Chu Yan is ready to put his experience into this method, carefully understand these four bloodlines, and enter the second realm. In this way, he will have the power of seven bloodlines. At that time, the lack of blood will be able to make up for it.

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