Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 319: Hu Tong's Traces

Chu Yan left. He did not use the power of the demon king, but chose to leave silently. With him were Fatty, Hua Zhixu, and Xiao Lang.

On the Three Demonic Mountains, the Purple Dragon Demon Lord turned into a spirit and floated in the air. He looked at the departing young man and showed a smile: "He left. I wonder what kind of style he will be like when he returns next time."

Tsing Yi was still wearing a long blue skirt, fluttering in the wind, standing there quietly, looking at Chu Yan's back, her nose moved, she couldn't tell what she was feeling, but there was a strong sense of loss in her eyes.

"If you want to go, just let him go." Purple Dragon Demon Lord looked at Qing Yi.

"Okay!" Qing Yi thought for a moment, nodded her head, and showed a bright smile. Then she turned into green light and disappeared out of thin air. Miao Miao lay lazily beside her, then suddenly stood up and let out a meow. The sound turned into a big demon and carried Qing Yi away.

Qingyun watched from the side and couldn't help but sigh and looked at the Purple Dragon Demon Lord: "Master, is there really no problem? Junior Sister Tsing Yi..."

"Don't worry, Qing Yi will be fine. Stay with me. Qing Yi's achievements are limited, but being with him is the right path for her. Her destiny should not be in this small star field." Zi. The Dragon Demon King shook his head, a glint flashing in his eyes.


In the middle of the Ancient Demon Star Territory, three young people were walking. One of them was holding a straw in his mouth out of boredom, and the middle one was holding a cute little wolf. The little wolf was sleeping lazily. It was Chu Yan and the others.

The three brothers left once and walked among the crowd. After leaving the three demon mountains, Chu Yan and the other three came to this central part for no other reason than because Hua Zhixu had bought the news before, and the fire pattern test was soon to be held. The Earth Refining Association begins here, and the Hutong Association represents the Tianhu clan in participating in this trial. Today, Hutong has already arrived in the middle of the ancient demon.

It’s just that Chu Yan has been thinking about how he is going to do it. Hutong must be protected by strong men from the Tianhu Clan and Yaoshan Sect. It would be easy to handle if it was just the Venerable, but once the Emperor intervenes, the seventh-level magic weapon is still in the During the cooling time, Zhu Xian must not be able to use it. How can he avoid the powerful men from the two major forces?

Half a day later, Chu Yan and the others finally arrived at a restaurant. According to reliable information, Hu Tong was in this restaurant.

"Is the information on the Fire Pattern Trial Road accurate?"

Chu Yan asked again, and the fat man nodded at the side: "It must be accurate. There is a barrier outside the Fire Pattern Road. Only Human Zun can enter, so no one is involved in Tianyao Peak and Yaoshan Gate. Hutong is here on behalf of Tianhu Clan. In addition, there are also people from the Xiahou family. After the trouble you caused in the east, only the Huo family is involved. In addition, Tianyao Peak and Yaoshanmen have announced that this time the ancient trial will take place. The first three can join the forces of the two kings and cause a lot of excitement."

"In that case, let's take action in the trial ground." Chu Yan's eyes flashed with murderous intent. The purpose of the ancient demon's journey was finally about to be achieved. Hua Zhixu also showed murderous intent at the side. What Hutong did back then Because, this time Hua Zhixu will repay Hutong one by one.

"Come on, let's go in." Chu Yan said, and the three of them entered the restaurant and opened a first-class room. It lasted three days. During these three days, Chu Yan and the others had been waiting in the restaurant, looking for opportunities to take action.

The opening of the Fire Pattern Trial Ground was getting closer and closer, and more powerful people gathered here. At this time, there was another handsome young man. The corners of his mouth were raised, giving people a refined feeling.

"Look, it's Xu Hao! Unexpectedly, he came in person. It is said that he is already an outer disciple of Tianyao Peak. It seems that he wants to pass this trial to prove his name, jump over the dragon gate and become a disciple. An official disciple of Tianyao Peak.”

"It is said that Xu Hao's strength has reached the peak of human dignity. In this trial, he is probably the strongest." People in the restaurant praised him one after another.

Everyone nodded, and at this moment another person strolled over. He was also a peak human being. When he saw Xu Hao, he smiled and said hello: "Brother Xu, I didn't expect you to come this time."

"Lu Gang, what, you want to fight for this fire pattern trial site this time?" Xu Haolang said with a hearty smile, and he also respected Lu Gang. This Lu Gang is from the Lu family in the north, and he is very powerful. .

"Yes, it is rumored that there is an ancient inheritance in this Fire Pattern Trial Ground, which existed earlier before Lord **. Of course I want to fight for it." Lu Gang said with a smile, sitting next to Xu Hao, and the two of them sat next to Xu Hao. Started drinking on the side.

Chu Yan and three others were waiting at a table nearby. In addition to the two of them, there was also a charming woman. This woman was like a demon and very stunning. When she came to the restaurant, she immediately attracted the attention of many men. Everyone looked at the woman. , they can’t help but burst out with blood.

"She is a member of the Feng family in the central part, Feng Beauty. She is recognized as the most beautiful woman in the central part. I didn't expect that she would also come to the ancient trial site."

"It's so beautiful." The fat man took another sip of wine and smiled.

The woman frowned slightly, then turned into a stern gaze and glared at the fat man: "Where did this despicable person come from? Come on, dig out his eyes."

Chu Yan and the others were startled. This woman was so domineering. She wanted to gouge out the fat man's eyes just because he glanced at her?

Chu Yan frowned slightly and stood up at this moment. He glanced at this woman, who was also at the peak of human dignity, and said lightly: "Girl, my friend just saw your beauty and praised him, and you will gouge his eyes. I'm afraid Is there something wrong with this?"

"How dare you talk back?" The woman immediately showed displeasure. As the most beautiful woman in the central region, she was always high above everyone else. No one had to look up at her. Today, a wretched fat man dared to look at her straight in the eye, and another dared to talk back at her, which immediately made her angry.

"Ah!" Little Wolf roared, glanced at Lady Feng, and heard him say in a childish voice: "Snake-venomous heart! Chu Yan, this woman is not good, not as good as Qingcheng."

"..." Chu Yan's head was full of black lines, damn, he really missed the time when Little Wolf could not speak. This guy can speak now. He has not learned other skills, but he has learned a lot of skills to cause trouble.

"What a bold beast, come on, take them all down!" Lady Feng's tone was as cold as ice, and several human masters appeared around her at the same time, all of whom were members of the Feng family.

Chu Yan frowned. He had a special status and didn't want to cause trouble. But now this woman was too domineering, which made him snort with a hint of dissatisfaction: "She has a good appearance, but I didn't expect that she has no manners at all."

Xu Hao and Lu Gang looked at Chu Yan with interest at this time, revealing a playful look: "Where did this idiot boy come from? How dare he contradict Lady Feng? This time is really interesting."

"Little brother, why don't you apologize? This Lady Feng is from the Feng family in the central part, and she is also the daughter-in-law of the Demon Mountain Gate who is about to enter. You'd better not provoke her." The shopkeeper of the restaurant came out, feeling a little helpless.

Chu Yan suddenly realized that she was the daughter-in-law of Tian Yaofeng. No wonder she dared to be so rampant. People from Tian Yaofeng are really like this.

"Beauty Feng, you're going too far. Now the disciples from the five major regions of the Ancient Demons are here to participate in the Ancient Trial Ground, not to see you show off your power. If you have that mindset, you should think about how to get a good ranking in the Trial Ground." At this time, another faint voice sounded, which startled everyone. Another woman spoke in the distance.

Beauty Feng looked at the woman, her eyes suddenly became cold: "Nan Feng, you also want to interfere in my affairs?"

"I just can't stand your domineering look, and I'm unhappy." The woman named Nan Feng rolled her eyes. She was from the Nan family in the southern part of the Ancient Demons, the overlord of the south, and the same level as the Feng family in the central part. She also came here to participate in this trial.

"Hmph! Nan Feng, and the three of you should be careful. You will have a hard time in the Trial Ground." Beauty Feng snorted coldly, and then turned around and left without caring.

Chu Yan looked at Nan Feng and raised his glass to say, "Thank you for your help, young lady."

"It's okay. Are you three casual cultivators? Do you want to participate in this trial?"

"I'm ready to try my luck." Chu Yan did not deny it. Nan Feng glanced at Chu Yan and the other two. Chu Yan and Hua Zhixu deliberately concealed their cultivation to prevent being discovered, so Nan Feng naturally couldn't see it, so he kindly invited them, "You three are too weak. Why don't you join my Nan family and work with us? You can take care of each other?"

"Then I'll trouble Miss Nan Feng." Chu Yan hesitated and nodded in agreement. With the Nan family as a cover, his actions would be much more convenient.

After a brief chat, Chu Yan learned that the largest families in this trial are the Nan family in the south, the Huo family in the east, the Xiahou family in the west, the Feng family in the middle, and the Lu family in the north.

In addition, there are some casual cultivators, such as Xu Hao, who is a casual cultivator. Because of the opportunity, he joined the outer sect of Tian Yao Peak. This time, he hopes to take this opportunity to officially join Tian Yao Peak.

Nan Feng is quite strong, about the same age as Chu Yan, at the peak of the human respect, and is a demon disciple of the Nan family. As for Chu Yan and the other two, they deliberately hide their strength in order not to expose themselves.

In the blink of an eye, the opening day of the trial land came. Under a huge stone wall in the east of the ancient demon, a fire pattern appeared here.

The trial land was opened, and demons from all sides gathered together. Chu Yan and the other two walked with Nan Feng. Seeing this, Xu Hao frowned slightly and sneered at Nan Feng: "Nan Feng, you are really kind-hearted. You are willing to take in any kind of trash."

"Xu Hao, what I do has nothing to do with you. Shanshi is my friend." Nan Feng said unkindly. The Shanshi she mentioned is Chu Yan.

"Haha, it has nothing to do with it, but Nan Feng, don't forget the agreement between the ancestor of the Nan family and me. As long as I can get the first place in this trial land, our marriage will be confirmed. When the time comes, you will be my woman. Before that, don't do anything stupid." Xu Hao sneered.

Nan Feng's eyes were cold, but she did not refute. If Xu Hao could really join Tian Yao Peak, then the Nan family would definitely let her compromise and marry him so that she could get close to Xu Hao. This was why she wanted to participate in the trial in person this time.

"Boy, the trial ground is cruel. If I were you, I would definitely not participate. Don't seek death." Xu Hao looked at Chu Yan again, leaving a threat before leaving.

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