Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 318 Leaving Again

"Haha! It's true that a female college student doesn't want to stay in the middle. Don't worry, I won't embarrass him." Yao Jun snorted angrily. Only then did Chu Yan realize that Qing Yi had appeared behind him at some point and looked at Zi coldly. Dragon Demon Lord made Chu Yan stunned.

Tsing Yi said nothing and sat quietly aside, her green skirt fluttering gracefully, as if she was not in the mortal world and nothing in the world could disturb her.

"Chu Yan, this is for you!" At this moment, a sound suddenly came from the air, making Chu Yan slightly startled. Then a fire token shot out, and he reached out to grab it, only to see the word Xiahou engraved on it.

"This order is the ancestral order of my Xiahou family. Seeing the order is like seeing me. With this order, I can command the Xiahou clan. From today on, this order belongs to you." The ancestor of Xiahou said with a smile while stroking his beard.

"Senior, what do you mean by this?" Chu Yan asked in surprise. The Xiahou ancestor had previously stated that the Xiahou clan would not participate in the revival.

"Why, are you regretting it?" Xiahou Patriarch blew his beard and glared. Chu Yan was stunned for a moment, and then he smiled bitterly. How could this old man be more childish than himself?

"Chu Yan, in ten thousand years, the loyalty of the Xiahou clan has never changed, and their passion is still there." The Purple Dragon Demon Lord said seriously.

Chu Yan frowned, the core of the Xiahou clan has never changed, is the passion still there? If this is really the case, why did the Xiahou Patriarch say such words half a month ago?

"When we met in the past, my ancestor was just testing you. During these ten thousand years, Zhentian has chosen countless descendants, but no one can persist. Xiahou also has to consider his people, so you should not blame him. Now, he Giving you the Xiahou Ling is enough to show his intentions."

Chu Yan suddenly realized that the old man Mirror Image had given him a map with the old Zhentian Ministry on it. He also mentioned that it was not easy to unify the old troops. Over the past ten thousand years, there have been too many changes and many people have changed their minds. It's not surprising, but the Xiahou clan is still loyal, which makes him very happy.

"But Chu Yan, although Xiahou Ling has been taught to you, your strength is too weak this evening. I still don't want Xiahou's lineage to be exposed prematurely."

"This is natural." Chu Yan nodded without hesitation. Although Zhentian's old army is still there, it has been for thousands of years. Although it has a foundation, it is not strong. It may be able to overwhelm one party, but if you want to compete with the fifteen overlords, Still a far cry from that.

In addition, Chu Yan's own strength was weak. If Ji Huangji knew of his existence, he could kill him with just a thought. Therefore, Chu Yan was not prepared to use Zhentian's lineage unless it was absolutely necessary.

"It's best if you and I reach an agreement. In that case, Chu Yan, do you have any ideas about the revival?" asked the Xiahou ancestor.

Chu Yan pondered, and he really didn't have much thought about the revival. The reason was that Jin Xi was too weak, and everything about the revival was based on him becoming stronger. He now needs a chance to become famous in the Six Realm Galaxy. And slowly accumulated enough strength to compete with Ji Huangji.

"I feel ashamed to say it... Senior, do you have any suggestions?"

"Seizing the Sky Monument!" Ancestor Xiahou said with bright eyes and a hint of excitement: "Six regions of the galaxy, a total of sixteen Heavenly Monuments, grasping the opportunity, there are less than two years until the next Heavenly Monument battle, so Your strength is enough to participate. If you can win the Sky Monument in two years, you will become famous in one battle. By then, although you will not be able to compete with Ji Huangji, you will be very famous under the emperor. I will order Xiahou Leave it to you, some elders have no reason to object, and there is a secret in the Sixteen Heavens Monument. This is a secret that Lord Zhentian did not solve back then. You can try to solve it. "

Chu Yan listened, thinking in his mind, and suddenly showed a smile, "Capture the Sky Monument?"

Chu Yan had never thought about it before. In his opinion, the battle for the Heavenly Monument was just a false name. But today, after listening to the words of Patriarch Xiahou, it seems that the Sixteen Heavenly Monuments are not simple, and he really needs to become famous and seize the Heavenly Monument. , why not a way to become stronger.

"Two years later, I will give it a try." Chu Yan hesitated and finally nodded. Xiahou Ancestor's eyes were bright, and he seemed to be eager to see Chu Yan shine in the battle for the Heavenly Monument.

"There's one more thing." Purple Dragon Demon Lord suddenly said: "Qinghe is not Chen Tong. This time, Tianyao Peak will not be kind. Although they dare not do anything in the three demon mountains, it is not a long-term solution. So these days, you We need to leave the Ancient Demon Star Territory.”

Chu Yan frowned and left again? It was the same thing with Tiandaozong back then. He was forced to leave, and it's like this again now.

But Chu Yan also understands that the Purple Dragon Demon Lord is doing it for his own good. With his current strength, there are too many people in the Ancient Demon Star Territory who can kill him. He still needs to be patient and build up the foundation before he can fight back.

Qing Yi sat quietly aside, expressionless the whole time. Only when she heard Chu Yan was about to leave, she frowned slightly, but fleetingly, she recovered and continued to look into the distance.

"Okay!" Chu Yan nodded and agreed. At this moment, the Purple Dragon Demon Lord smiled and said: "There is no need to leave in a hurry. Among the three major demon mountains, Tianyao Peak doesn't dare to act recklessly. You can say goodbye to your friends recently. For a moment, think about it, which star field you want to go to next, I will send you there."

"Thank you, Demon Lord." Chu Yan smiled and then turned to leave. However, as soon as he left, Qing Yi stood up and disappeared, unknown to where he went.

At this time, in the Demon Mountain Gate, Bai Sheng immediately announced his retreat after returning. Everyone thought that Bai Sheng had been hit and decided to practice well. But no one knew that Bai Sheng fell into a coma immediately after entering the room. This coma lasted for three full days.

During these three days, Bai Sheng seemed to be dead. When he woke up, he was sweating all over, as if he had been greatly frightened.

"It's too scary..." Bai Sheng murmured alone, and then he fell into memories of the scene on the battlefield that day.

Bai Sheng's ability is to spy. His third soul is the eye of heaven, which can see the destiny of people. On that day, he spied on Chu Yan, and what he saw shocked him. It was a painting. Above the nine heavens, on the top of the sea of ​​stars, Chu Yan stood alone. He had immortal vitality and a life span of ten thousand years. Behind him was an extremely huge palace. In the palace, Chu Yan was the king. Outside the palace, there were thousands of gods. Chu Yan wanted to fight against the heavens and fight fiercely.

This is why Bai Sheng decisively admitted defeat. He was not afraid of fighting, but just saw this terrible scene.

"Chu Yan, who are you?" Bai Sheng thought in his heart. He believed that he had spied on countless secrets of heaven, but this time, it was definitely the most terrible scene he had seen. It had transcended the secrets of heaven and was above the heavens. There was a blood in Chu Yan's body that was enough to fight for the sky.

Chu Yan didn't know what Bai Sheng had spied on. He had been busy practicing for three days since he left the back mountain. The battle with Qing He made Chu Yan realize something. On this day, he sacrificed the Haotian Tower and went straight to the seventh floor. He sat cross-legged in it, feeling the stars of heaven and earth, attracting the power of countless stars to descend on himself, turning his heart into eyes, vast and boundless, and quietly feeling everything.

After a long time, Chu Yan opened his eyes, exuding a strange aura all over his body, with one black and one white eye, like the pupils of yin and yang.

"Is this the way of yin and yang?" Chu Yan said to himself. After the second stage of bloodline, he realized yin and yang, and with the guidance of Qin Ruoming's divine thoughts, he finally realized something today. He waved his sword and formed a very terrible brilliance, like a bolt from the blue, turning into a two-yin sword light.

Watching the sword light split, Chu Yan smiled and nodded, and then there were a few more days.

On this day, a group of figures suddenly flew over. They were all Qin Shi's friends. They heard that Chu Yan might leave the Ancient Demon Star Region and came to see him off.

"Are you really leaving?" Chen Nishang pursed her red lips and said reluctantly.

"Yes, I'm going to go out and explore." Chu Yan nodded with a bitter smile. He didn't want to leave, but now in the Ancient Demon Star Region, he was afraid that he couldn't stay there. He could only leave and go to a completely new place.

"I'm sorry, if I hadn't insisted that you fight for the first place, there wouldn't be any later things." Chen Nishang lowered her head in self-blame. She knew that Chu Yan had just come to the Ancient Demon and wanted to practice in a low-key manner, but it was because of her words that Chu Yan won the first place in the competition, and then there was today's trouble.

"What does it have to do with you." Chu Yan smiled and rubbed Chen Nishang's head, and stepped forward to hug Chen Nishang.

"Nichang, all good things must come to an end." Chen Jingtian comforted her, and looked at Chu Yan with satisfaction: "Back in the East of Ancient Monster, I saw that you were extraordinary. Now with your strength, you should be indispensable in the next battle for the Heavenly Monument, right?"

Chu Yan smiled as a tacit agreement, and Chen Jingtian laughed: "Not bad, you have courage. In this case, I will wait for your story to come in this Ancient Monster Star Region!"

"Brother Chu, you must come back when you are free in the future." Yu Sha also stepped forward and hugged Chu Yan, feeling a little disappointed.

"Of course!" Chu Yan said with a smile, and then he looked at Yu Wanqing: "Senior, thank you for taking me in when I was in Mu Xingchen. I will remember your kindness for the rest of my life."

Yu Wanqing shook his head in self-mockery: "Stinky boy, don't call me senior. Now you have become a venerable. According to the way of martial arts, I am more than enough to call you senior. You can just call me Wanqing."

"Grandpa Yu, don't joke. You are Yu Sha's grandfather. I, Chu Yan, am a young man. How can I be disrespectful to you? You deserve this senior. Besides, the relationship between you and me cannot be counted according to the way of martial arts. You are my elder." Chu Yan said. Yu Wanqing was moved. Who could have expected that Yu Sha took in a person and now he has become a dragon and phoenix in the area.

If Yu Leng, Yu Tianyin and others had not looked down on others, the Yu family could have been on good terms with Chu Yan. Perhaps the Yu family would be the king of Mu Xingchen now. But unfortunately, because of a momentary mistake, the Yu family was ruined for life.

"Have you decided when to leave?" Qingyun asked from the side.

"I haven't decided yet. There is one more thing I must do in the Ancient Demon Star Region, but... it should be soon." A fierce light flashed in Chu Yan's eyes.

Hu Tong! The hatred of the past should be repaid. The trip to the ancient demon was just to kill him. Now that I am leaving, it is time to take his life.

What Hu Tong did to Liu Qingcheng and Qiu Mengxi in the mortal world was enough for Chu Yan to kill him thousands of times. It was because of the appearance of Hu Qiong that Hu Tong was able to survive, but now Chu Yan has grown stronger and he wants to collect the debt.

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