Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 309: The Immortal Sword Appears, Where Can You Survive?

When the sword comes out, the sky screams and weeps.

The strong wind was like waking up from a hibernation, tearing through the clouds in the eastern part of the ancient demon.

At this moment, whether it was Po Di Mei Yutong, Emperor Feng Chen, Gu Mu and others, as well as Hu Qiong, or the Xiahou people hiding in the depths, all of them felt the sword coming out of Chu Yan, and all showed a hint of fear. Come.

"What a terrifying sword power... What, what kind of power is this?" Everyone's throats rolled down as they were shocked by the sword power in front of them.

Chu Yan's eyes were cold. He gathered the power of immortals and gods from all directions and turned it into a sword. This sword had immortal power and could kill immortals with one sword. Everyone was shocked by it.

Chu Yan holds the Sun-Destroying Sword. His eyes are cold and his murderous intent is strong. Today is a certain death situation for him. Tianyao Peak, Yaoshanmen, Jiang family, Liu family, Luo family, and Du family all want him dead. He didn't want to die, so today, he used this sword, a sword that could kill immortals.

With one thought to kill the immortal, one sword comes out, but to kill the immortal, how strong is this sword? Chu Yan didn't know, but Chu Yan knew that with this sword strike, even Mei Yutong would die.

"Tianyao Peak, aren't you crazy? What about now? Do you want to die?" Chu Yan looked at everyone jokingly, then turned to Mei Yutong: "Aren't you going to take me back to Tianyao Peak? Why, Don’t you dare to take a step forward now?”

Mei Yutongfeng's eyes were cold, and deep anger flashed through her eyes, but she did not dare to step forward. This sword was too terrifying, even though she also felt a strong threat.

"How can you control such power when you are only a first-level venerable? This kind of power is not your power at all. If you use this sword, you will die!" Mei Yutong, as Po Emperor, also Although he is well-informed, he can tell at a glance that Chu Yan's sword is not an ordinary sword. This sword combines the power of immortals and gods from all directions. Although it has supreme power, it requires extremely strong endurance. Now Chu Yan ,Can not bear.

Chu Yan smiled. He felt uncomfortable in the sword light. Mei Yutong was right. This is the tenth inheritance of Lord Zhentian, the Immortal Killing Sword. However, this is an immortal technique. If an immortal wants to use this technique, he must first Kill yourself.

"My death alone has caused countless losses to your Tianyao Peak, Yaoshanmen, and Jiangliu families. I am satisfied! But today, you, Mei Yutong, the first master of Tianyao Peak, are afraid! Haha! How ridiculous! Extremely." Chu Yan laughed wildly without any fear.

"Bastard!" Mei Yutong clenched her fists, but she felt a little regretful in her heart. Today, Japan has nothing to do with her, just because she is greedy for the method of controlling the divine objects in Chu Yan's hands, as well as the ability to kill the bulls and sword marks. She has super bloodline, so she took action, but unexpectedly, she ended up here.

The immortal power from all directions is still roaring, and there seems to be thousands of sword intentions in the world, raging mercilessly.

"Jiang Fan, you carry the heavenly monument and say how strong you are, but now?" Chu Yan looked at Jiang Fan again.

"Hu Qiong, the same goes for you, Sky Monument Master? Now under my sword, you are just a rat in name only. Do you dare to take a step forward?" Chu Yan sneered.

Hu Qiong snorted and said nothing. In the current situation, no one wants to offend Chu Yan. Otherwise, this sword will probably fall on one of their heads. When the time comes, even if Hu Qiong is a heavenly monument , are equally vulnerable.

Chu Yan's condition is also very bad. His sword intention is too strong and his magical skills cannot be controlled by mortals.

Chu Yan was trembling all over, his internal organs were ruthlessly destroyed, and his limbs were broken off. The longer he endured the magic, the more miserable he became. At this moment, Chu Yan had long lost his human appearance.

"Brother Chu..." At this moment, a fat man wearing a bamboo hat suddenly roared in the crowd.

Since the last time in the Hundred Thousand Miles Demon Forest, he and Fatty Hua Zhixu got separated, and there has been no news about the two of them. Seeing Fatty today, Chu Yan breathed a sigh of relief. He smiled brightly and cleanly: "Fatty, today's Heavenly Way It’s unfair, everyone in Tianyao Peak, remember this! In the future, I will kill them one by one, and they will make everyone in Tianyao Peak restless!”

"The Heavenly Demon Peak will definitely be destroyed, it will definitely be destroyed!" The fat man roared with red eyes.

"That's enough!" Chu Yan smiled, and then he turned the edge of his sword and pointed it directly at the four families of Tianyao Peak, Yaoshanmen, and Jiang Liu: "I am here today, and you want to kill me, so today, I will Cut the sky with your sword, all of you, please stay!”

"Buzz! Buzz! Buzz!" The sword intention became stronger, and everyone's eyes were focused.

"Bang!" At this moment, one of Chu Yan's arms exploded directly, and the flesh and blood were blurred. The Sun-Destroying Sword was trembling, and it was vaguely about to break. This sword was too strong, even the eternal god of the Sun-Destroying Sword could withstand it. Can't live.

"Something's wrong, this guy is about to drop his sword, Tianyao Peak, everyone, step back!" Mei Yutongfeng's eyes narrowed, and she flashed very quickly, trying to retreat into the distance.

"Yaoshanmen, retreat!" Gu Mu also felt helpless. Today, Chu Yan was determined to make both Tianyao Peak and Yaoshanmen pay the price. Although he valued Chu Yan very much, Yaoshanmen must not be compromised here.

"The Immortal Sword has been released, how can we survive?" Chu Yan laughed, he laughed wildly, the entire eastern part of the ancient demon was ravaged by the sword intent, thousands of sword lights suddenly fell, at this moment, the sword light shrouded the The entire eastern part of the ancient demon formed an ultimate sword-light barrier, enveloping everyone within it.

"No! Chu Yan, my Heavenly Demon Peak admits what happened today! It's my Heavenly Demon Peak's fault!" Feng Chen said in horror.

"Do you regret it now? Is it too late?"

"Retribution is not good! Everything is over today! Jiang family, Liu family, Luo family, perish!"

Chu Yan laughed, and he laughed wildly. With a sword in his hand, he was very tired. He could not even feel the slightest vitality. At this moment, he finally turned into a sword. The sword was like a mad dragon roaring. Finally, at this moment, the sword fell from the air, no longer hesitating, and slashed towards the Tianyao Peak, the Yaoshan Gate, the Jiang Family, the Liu Family, the Luo Family, and the Du Family.

The fairy sword fell, and no grass grew.

"No!" Everyone was suddenly terrified. This sword was too terrible, like destroying the world. The earth was directly shattered. Everyone retreated frantically, but it was useless. The sword intent covered the entire eastern part of the ancient monster, destroying it very quickly with a directional direction.

"Boom!" The world trembled, and the ancestor of the Liu family showed a trace of fear, but the next moment the ancestor of the Liu family died. Under the sword of Zhuxian, the emperor did not dare to come out, let alone the Tianzun. They were killed instantly without a chance and disappeared without a trace.

The next one was the Luo family ancestor, and then the Du family ancestor. More people died. As Chu Yan said, the immortal sword has been released, where can they survive?

"No!!!" No one from the Du family and the Jiang family was spared. Jiang Dong was pierced through the heart by a sword intent. The Du family ancestor let out an unwilling and sad roar, full of regret before his death. They regretted their actions today and regretted listening to the Jiang family's words, executing Chen Nishang and attracting Chu Yan to appear.

It was too crazy. Everyone looked at Chu Yan. He was still waving the Sun-Destroying Sword. The power of the immortal sword enveloped the sky. At this time, he had already turned into a bloody man. Could it be that he, Chu Yan, was really not afraid of death?

"The Immortal Sword, if you want to use this method, kill yourself first!" Chu Yan murmured, and he showed a pale smile. Today, he must die. He no longer asks for more, but it is worth it to kill countless enemies.

In a short moment, the sword intent turned into a gust of wind, and the sky seemed to have awakened. Countless strong men turned into blood and fell mercilessly at this moment. Those people were all venerables and emperors, but no one could survive under the immortal sword.

Tian Yaofeng fled the fastest. Mei Yutong was a broken emperor. She was terrified. She kept attacking and sacrificed several seventh-level magic weapons in succession, but even so, one of her arms was ruthlessly cut off, and Tian Yaofeng lost most of its people.

Hu Qiong and Jiang Fan were both protected by people from Tian Yaofeng and Yaoshanmen, but even so, they were all seriously injured.

This battle was too tragic, and everyone who witnessed this scene could not help but feel sad.

In the first battle, Tian Yaofeng, Yaoshanmen, and the major families in the eastern part of the ancient demon sent countless strong men and elite people to kill Chu Yan alone, but they failed. However, Chu Yan destroyed most of them with a sword, and countless people were lost. Looking back on the past ten thousand years, I am afraid this is the most tragic battle in the ancient demon star field.

"No!" At this time, Fengchen was killed by the sword intent. His old eyes were terrified, but his throat was pierced directly by the sword light of Zhuxian. Today, an emperor died. Fengchen of Tianyao Peak, an emperor, died under Chu Yan's sword.

Fengchen also died, and the sword intent continued. At this time, everyone's eyes were fixed, shocked by this scene.

Suddenly, a thought came to everyone's mind.

The Eastern Ancient Demon was destroyed! The foundation of ten thousand years was destroyed, and the Lihuo Academy was also razed to the ground.

"It's almost there, the last point!" At this time, Chu Yan was exhausted, his vitality was declining, and his sword-holding hand was shaking. Now countless people have died in the Eastern Ancient Demon, but he still refuses to give up.

"He hasn't stopped yet. What does he want to do?" Everyone looked at Chu Yan, affected by that strong will.

At this time, Chu Yan looked coldly at Jiang Fan, Hu Qiong, and Mei Yutong. The person he wanted to kill today was still alive! He had to continue swinging the sword.

"Chu Yan, if you swing the sword again, you will die! Stop it!" Gu Mu said worriedly. Chu Yan's condition was visible to everyone. If he swung the sword again, the immortal sword would bite him back. At that time, Jiang Fan Huqiong might not die, but Chu Yan would die!

Mei Yutong's face was gloomy. Chu Yan's sword was too scattered, so he failed to kill her, but destroyed her countless level 7 magic weapons and broke her arm, which made him extremely angry: "Chu Yan, you can't swing the sword again!"

"Chu Yan, stop it quickly, I'll take you away!" Xiahou Guyu was no longer hiding. Today he witnessed everything with his own eyes. The level 7 magic weapon killed Jiang Di and used the sword to kill the immortals, so he was more certain of Xiahou Yuehe's idea.

If this child doesn't die, he will have a bright future. He may even be the king of the Six Domains Galaxy.

"No! Today, there are still people who deserve to die, who are not dead! Puff!" Chu Yan spat out another mouthful of blood. His eyes turned cold and finally fell on Jiang Fan and Hu Qiong. He smiled grimly: "Jiang Fan, Hu Qiong, you call yourselves the monuments of heaven. In the past, you said that my life was like grass. But today, you are all going to die!"

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