Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 308 Do you want to die?

Chu Yan watched Chen Jingtian lead the three people away. He heaved a sigh of relief. Then he looked solemnly around the execution table. Now, he was the only one left. What would he do next?

"Chu Yan, we have let him go. Now, it's your turn! Put away your magic weapons!" The ancestor of the Jiang family let out a low roar. He was already angry. Today, the Jiang family can be said to have suffered huge losses. Chu Yan failed to kill him, but was suppressed by Chu Yan again.

"When the divine soldiers come out, there will be blood staining the sky. How can we stop them!" Chu Yan said coldly. The next moment, his murderous intention became strong. At this time, everyone was shocked. They saw several emperors immediately coming from the Tianyao Peak in the distance. They walked through the air and walked, Feng Chen was among them, and quickly came behind Jiang Fan, just in case.

"Chu Yan, please think clearly, if you kill Jiang Fan, you will die, Chen Jingtian and the others will also die. Even the Xiahou family in the west will never be able to protect them!" Feng Chen said coldly.

Staring at Feng Chen and others, Chu Yan was silent. He finally did not choose to kill Jiang Fan. It was not that he did not dare. It was just that there would be too many troubles after killing Jiang Fan, and he would definitely anger Tianyao Peak. When the time comes, as Feng Chen said, He said that Xiahou's family might not be able to protect Chen Nichang and his family, so he didn't want to gamble.

But he also said that when the divine soldiers appear, there will be blood staining the sky, and today, the emperor will die.

"Jiang Laogou, do you still remember what I said in my letter?" Chu Yan suddenly roared, and everyone was startled. Chu Yan said, do you still remember what I said in my letter? What did he say in his letter? On the execution stage, kill Jiang Wuyi!

"Could it be..." Everyone woke up suddenly, thinking of something, and then their thoughts came true. At this moment, Chu Yan turned into a ghost and walked out. With a twist of his finger, at this moment, Approaching Jiang Wuyi.

The strong divine seal kept roaring and turned into infinite divine power. Jiang Wuyi was shocked at this moment. As an emperor, he felt a strong threat at this moment.

"Chu Yan, how dare you!" Jiang Wuyi was horrified. He was suppressed by the divine seal. Even though he was an emperor, he didn't even have the ability to escape at this moment.

"Jiang Wuyi, you tried to kill me many times but failed, and today you even threatened me with the lives of Nishang and others to come here, but unfortunately the retribution will not come true. Today, I will personally send you on your way on this execution stage!" Chu Yan With a cold snort, the next moment, the divine weapon turned into thousands of streams of light and burst out of the sky. He no longer had any hesitation. Today, Jiang Wuyi will die, and the emperor of the Jiang family will die.

At this moment, Chu Yan's fatal blow was launched. The world trembled, and everyone's throats rolled. It was too scary and too strong. As soon as the magic weapon came out, it seemed that the world was being destroyed, and only the ancient The void in the eastern part of the demon shattered and turned into a sword that could seize the sky and crush Jiang Wuyi mercilessly.

The power of the sword was countless. Jiang Fan's eyes were tearing up at this moment, but he didn't dare to move forward at all. This seventh-level magic weapon was too terrifying. It could kill the Emperor of Heaven with one strike. Today, this sword was struck.

The endless roaring wind was howling, and Jiang Wuyi finally showed a look of panic. He wanted to retreat, but he couldn't. The sword light suppressed him like a mountain, making it impossible for him to retreat.

"No!!!" Jiang Wuyi let out a scream. At this moment, he finally felt fear, or in other words, regretted. However, the next moment, he was pierced by the sword light. Everyone was suffocated, staring at this scene. Jiang Wuyi's body was shattered by the sword light, leaving a thousand-meter ravine on the ground, and the execution platform. It was shattered on the spot, but Jiang Wuyi's body had already disappeared without a trace.

At this moment, countless people's throats couldn't help but roll, as if they couldn't believe the scene in front of them.

The ancestor of the Jiang family...was beheaded?

Just as Chu Yan said, on the day of execution, will an emperor of the Jiang family fall?

Jiang Wuyi, one of the top beings in the Ancient Demon East, has been famous for thousands of years. His name has long been an immortal myth, but today, he was killed on the execution stage by a junior with a magic weapon? Is this true? No one could believe it.

No one expected today's situation. Jiang Wuyi used the excuse of executing Chen Nichang to lure Chu Yan to show up. However, he did not expect that Chu Yan did not die, but died himself.

Jiang Fan's eyes were also red, but more of a lingering fear, because the sword light previously suppressed him. Under that divine weapon, the emperor was as lifeless as a piece of grass, let alone his Yitianzun? Sky Monument Master, are you really worthy of being proud at this time?

If Chu Yan wanted to kill him, how could he survive? Of course, after Jiang Wuyi's death, more people looked at Chu Yan with strange eyes. This young man entered the ancient demon star domain for the first time. In four months, he disrupted the wind in the eastern part of the ancient demon during the competition. And today, Kill an emperor.

"Old, ancestor... is dead?" The Jiang family were all filled with disbelief. Their eyes flickered strangely, but there was nothing they could do. This was the fact. Jiang Wuyi disappeared without a trace.

"Chu Yan, I want you to die!" Jiang Fan roared immediately, and the ground trembled. The power of Tianzun was exerted to its extreme, and he strode out, as if shrinking to a foot. A thousand meters distance was covered by him with a few steps and a palm. Blast towards Chu Yan.

Feeling Jiang Fan's murderous intention, Chu Yan's heart sank. He had used the magic weapon, and now he was at the end of his strength. How could he withstand the power of a deity?

"Jiang Fan, stop!" However, at this moment, everyone was shocked. They saw a void opening next to Feng Chen, and a middle-aged woman appeared. She was very charming and cold and arrogant. When everyone saw this woman, they all His eyes narrowed, revealing a look of respect.

"Master Mei Feng!" Feng Chen looked at the Jiang woman and said hurriedly and respectfully. Jiang Fan felt a strong sense of oppression and his heart froze, but he was still forced to stop.

The woman nodded calmly, and then looked at Chu Yan with a bit of arrogance: "Are you Chu Yan?"

Chu Yan looked at this woman, and was shocked. Although his mind could not sense the cultivation of the emperor, he had come into contact with countless emperors in the past four or five years, and had some understanding of the pressure of the emperor. This woman was different from ordinary emperors. That feeling was... breaking the emperor!

Emperor, tenth level.

"It's me!" Chu Yan nodded heavily.

"Well, it's really as arrogant as the rumors say. I already understand what happened today. You have a good talent. If you become my disciple, I am willing to accept you as my disciple, help you solve the current troubles, give you the name of the demon of Tianyao Peak, and help you take the Tianbei in three years. How about it?" The woman said calmly, but gave people a sense of Lingtian's power, as if she was high above.

Everyone was shocked when they heard the woman's words. This woman was Mei Yutong, a genuine broken emperor, the leader of the third peak of the seven peaks of Tianyao Peak, whose strength was even higher than Xuanshuangzi, but today, she actually said that she was willing to accept Chu Yan as her closed-door disciple? And she also said that she was willing to solve all the troubles for Chu Yan today?

"Peak leader, no! This boy killed my Jiang family's ancestor, and his sins are serious. How can you accept him as your disciple?" An elder of the Jiang family said anxiously.

"What? When do I need your Jiang family to guide me when I do things?" Mei Yutong said coldly. The elder of the Jiang family shuddered suddenly, his eyes were full of fear, and he dared not say more. Mei Yutong continued: "Today's events are all caused by your Jiang family. Do you still want to continue? If Jiang Fan dies, I will be the first to destroy your Jiang family."

"How?" Mei Yutong looked at Chu Yan.

Chu Yan also looked at Mei Yutong strangely, and said ridiculously: "I killed Chen Tong, and today I almost killed Jiang Fan, but you still want to accept me as your disciple? Tianyao Peak is really persistent and generous. But the more so, the more suspicious it is. Why do you want to accept me as your disciple again and again? I'm afraid that your purpose is not pure, right?"

Everyone was shocked. Chu Yan actually questioned Mei Yutong? Her identity is extraordinary. She is the master of a great peak.

"Indeed, I need your ability to control the divine objects, and a bloodline in your body." Mei Yutong smiled calmly, without hiding anything. This directness made Chu Yan stunned, and then he shook his head ridiculously: "What if I say no?"

"I will take you back to Tianyao Peak by force!" Mei Yutong's phoenix eyes changed slightly, and then she stretched out her jade hand, and suddenly there was an imperial power pressing down on Chu Yan. Chu Yan's face froze, and the heavy pressure made it difficult for him to resist. His body fell a hundred meters from the air and almost fell to the ground.

"If I'm not mistaken, your previous magic weapon should be both offensive and defensive. A full-strength attack can kill the Emperor of Heaven. As a defense, it can block the attack of the Emperor of Destruction. Very good. I want that magic weapon too." Mei Yutong said indifferently. Everyone was stunned and felt a little ashamed, but who could say anything? Mei Yutong was too strong. The Emperor of Destruction represented too much. The Emperor of Destruction was an extreme existence in the six domains of the galaxy.

Chu Yan was suppressed to death. At this time, his face was ferocious. He looked up at Mei Yutong and felt a touch of sadness in his heart.

"Dad, Mom, you were all transcendent in the past, and you could kill gods and demons and cry. Today, your son is suppressed in a small star field and is unable to refute. It's really a bit ridiculous." Chu Yan said ridiculously, but his eyes were determined. At this moment, he got up and looked coldly at Mei Yutong, Fengchen, Jiang Fan, and Hu Qiong. There were so many people who wanted to kill him, and they were all stronger than him.

He smiled, and at this moment, his smile was desolate, but at this moment, his eyes were extremely determined. Everyone's eyes were fixed, and then a horrified scene appeared. Chu Yan's body was burning with strong golden light, which turned into a thought that could reach the sky.

Everyone was shocked. Chu Yan closed his eyes and wanted to cut Qingtian with a sword that could destroy the sun.

Today, Chu Yan was going to start a great killing here. When he opened his eyes again, his eyes changed. He saw the galaxy between heaven and earth moving, and countless divine powers gathered, reaching all directions, all concentrated in Chu Yan's sword.

"I want to become an immortal, ascend to heaven in one step, control the immortal power of the sky, gather the galaxy to kill, reach the immortals and gods in all directions, and kill the immortals with one thought!" Chu Yan showed an evil smile. The next moment, the galaxy changed, and the power of the immortals and gods in all directions gathered in the sword. At this moment, everyone was horrified. Whether it was Fengchen and other emperors, or the existence of Mei Yutong Podi, they all seemed so humble under this sword. This sword is too terrible.

"Tian Yaofeng, this sword can kill the immortals! Do you want to die?"

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