Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 299 Who can bully others today?

"Why be so pretentious? We are all adults. You are unmarried, and Miss Tianyin is unmarried. What's wrong with becoming a fairy couple?" Chen Yu said with a hearty smile on the side, his words were irritating, but not polite.

"Your Excellency, are you Chen Yu, the evil son of the Central Chen family?" Yu Changqing stood up in a hurry.

"Hey, old man, do you know me? Haha, it's the boy." Chen Yu said politely, but there was no respect in his eyes. This is not surprising. In the world of martial arts, the strong are respected, and seniority is ranked according to strength. This Chen Yu is a A strong man at the sixth level of the Emperor, Yu Changqing couldn't even call Chu Chenyu "senior" too much.

Chu Yan saw everything in his eyes and smiled helplessly. This Yu Changqing was really interesting. He had no shame in selling his daughter for glory, but it didn't offend him anyway, so he didn't bother to care.

"Hey, Mr. Yu, is this man also a descendant of the Yu family? Have you ever been married?" At this moment, Chen Yu turned his eyes to Yu Sha, with a hint of admiration in his eyes.

"She is the unsatisfactory granddaughter of my Yu family. She is not married." Yu Changqing's eyes were filled with joy again. If he could join the Mu family and the Chen family at the same time, it would be great luck for his Yu family.

"The girl is very beautiful. Since we are not married, can we have a drink together? Let's get to know each other?" Chen Yu said with a frivolous smile.

Yu Sha frowned lightly, and her eyes lost color again. At this moment, Yu Changqing's face changed slightly, and she suddenly said sternly: "Yu Sha, it's your blessing that Young Master Chen has taken a liking to you. Come over! Let's drink with Young Master. One cup.”

Yu Wanqing's old face suddenly froze. He had long known that Yu Sha was beautiful and would be harassed today, but he didn't expect Yu Changqing to say such words.

Yu Sha struggled, but at this moment, Chu Yan's voice sounded faintly again: "Do you remember what I said?"

Yu Sha looked at Chu Yan with a trembling heart. Of course she remembered that you don't have to do what you don't want to do. But she was still hesitating in her heart. The Chen family was different from the Corpse King. The Corpse King was just a casual cultivator, but there was a venerable person in the Chen family. There was a huge difference between the two.

"Who is this?" Chen Yu frowned and flashed a sharp look when he saw Chu Yan, but he didn't show it.

"Hmph! Just a loser, living in my Yu family to eat and drink!" Yu Leng found an opportunity at the side and immediately snorted.

Chen Yu suddenly understood, and then he showed a cold smile: "Since we are not members of the Yu family, as an outsider, isn't it appropriate for us to intervene?"

"I don't care about the rest of the Yu family, but no, her business is my business." Chu Yan said lightly. At this time, he put down the wine glass, and a chill flashed through his eyes. Today There seemed to be a lot of flies, and he was a little tired of them.

"Arrogant! Chu Yan, my Yu family kindly took you in and gave you food, but you ruined my Yu family's good things over and over again. What's your intention? If you are like this, get out of my Yu family." Yu Changqing couldn't bear it anymore.

"Selling a girl for glory is what you call a good thing? Then today I really saw what shamelessness is."

"It's ridiculous. Yu Sha is lucky to meet a genius like Mr. Chen. Yu Sha, what are you still doing? Mr. Chen is an evil disciple of the Chen family, and he is just a waste. Do you really have an affair with him? What?" Yu Tianyin said in a cold voice.

However, at this moment, Chu Yan's eyes suddenly changed. Some things were his bottom line, and now his anger finally burned.

"Based on your words, I should kill you." Chu Yan said coldly, but at this moment Yu Tianyin laughed: "Does a waste think that saying a few crazy words can attract people's attention and become a blockbuster? ? You are just a clown. Do you know that anyone in front of you can crush you to death with just a move of his fingers? "

Mu Tingfeng's eyes also turned cold. Today is a banquet at Prince Mu's Mansion. Chu Yan is making trouble here. He will definitely not be happy. He said calmly: "Since you have some relationship with the Yu family, go away. You are not welcome at today's banquet." , Mu Xingchen will never have a place for you in the future."

"Go away, for people like you, if I kill you, my hands will be dirty." Chen Yu said even more contemptuously. At this time, many people looked here, and then they sympathized with Chu Yan a little.

"Chu Yan, why don't you get out of here? It's a gift to you that these two young masters won't kill you! If I were you, I would have no shame to stand here right now." Yu Leng also sneered at the side.

Yu Wanqing and Yu Sha were both angry at this time. Yu Wanqing clenched his fists. Chen Yu's face turned cold and he looked at Yu Wanqing: "Old man, I advise you not to think about taking action. Otherwise, I will keep one of your hands here today."

Yu Wanqing's heart trembled. Although he was a strong man in Mu Xingchen, he was still too weak to the outside forces. He could only accept his fate.

"What if I say no?" Chu Yan said lightly. Mu Tingfeng and Chen Yu were stunned, and then they both showed an evil smile: "Ignorant thing, since I let you live and you don't know whether to live or die, then today Die here."

"If this woman is willing to beg for mercy for you and become my concubine, I might spare your life." Chen Yu still glanced at Yu Sha greedily.

"I do!" Yu Sha agreed without hesitation. This scene made Chu Yan's heart move. He took a deep breath and looked at Yu Sha. Yu Sha's eyes turned red. She grinned: "Chu Yan, you did this for me. That's enough. If it weren't for you, I would have been taken away by the corpse field now. The Yu family sold me for glory, but I was born in the Yu family. It's me who is pitiful. I don't want to hurt you, so go away!"

Chu Yan sighed and shook his head helplessly: "That's all... I didn't want to make the matter bigger, so as not to cause more trouble to you, but now that we've reached this point, it doesn't matter anymore."

Everyone was stunned, and Yu Leng looked at Chu Yan ridiculously: "I don't know whether to live or die!"

"Pah!" But the next moment, everyone was shocked. Chu Yan walked out. Almost no one saw what happened. Yu Leng was beaten and flew out, vomiting blood continuously.

"Humble man, you don't even have the qualifications to participate in today's matter." Chu Yan looked at Yu Leng coldly. Wang Lu was immediately angry. No matter what, Yu Leng was his woman, but she was beaten and flew out by Chu Yan.

"Chu Yan, you are so brave!" Wang Lu said in an extremely cold voice.

"Today's matter was all provoked by you. In the end, you are the culprit. In this case, you should bear the price for everything." Chu Yan's eyes condensed, and then he walked out again. Everyone at the banquet stared at him, and saw his aura rising layer by layer, first from the mortal world, the moving world, the extraordinary world, until the king, and the brilliance on his body became more and more intense.

"Emperor, he is the emperor!" The people around him couldn't help but be surprised.

"Still climbing!" Emperor, Chu Yan's breath finally stopped, but even so, it has shocked everyone. Emperor, in Mu Xingchen, is already a prosperous existence. Even if you just enter the emperor, you are still noble and cannot be desecrated.

Yu Tianyin, she witnessed this scene with her own eyes. Chu Yan broke through the king and his strength was still above her, but what did she say just now? His life is like grass?

Now it seems that whose life is like grass?

"What do you mean, sir?" At this time, the Wang family in the distance finally couldn't sit still. Wang Lu was their clan member, and several emperors jumped out in succession.

"He humiliated me several times and was disrespectful to my friends. What do you think I should do?" Chu Yan looked at the Wang family coldly, but there was no fear in his eyes. Instead, the Wang family did not dare to act rashly for a while. Chu Yan was too strong, so they did not dare to say much.

"Wang Lu, go and apologize!" The Wang family was helpless. They were not afraid of an emperor, but Chu Yan was too young and his origin was unknown. They were afraid of provoking the people behind Chu Yan, so they could only admit defeat.

"Apologize? Are you kidding?" Chu Yan suddenly sneered, and the Wang family's face became even heavier. They gritted their teeth and said, "What else do you want?"

"I want his life!" Chu Yan pointed calmly with his hand. This sentence shocked everyone at the banquet. The Wang family's face became even heavier. They had said that they could apologize, but Chu Yan was still not giving up?

At this time, another person stood up. It was Wang Lu's father, who was also a third-level emperor. He said coldly: "What if I say you can't kill him?"

"I will destroy your clan!"

"Boom!" The banquet was shocked again, and everyone's throat rolled. Wang Lu's father said you can't kill him, and Chu Yan said I will destroy your clan! How arrogant is this?

Wang Lu's father's face became even colder, and he was murderous, and snorted coldly: "I'm afraid you don't have that ability."

Yu Sha was a little worried on the side. At this time, Chu Yan only showed the strength of the first level of the emperor, but there were three emperors in the Wang family, and Wang Lu's father was even the third level of the emperor.

"Father, kill him! And that bitch, kill them together!" Wang Lu roared.

"You are really looking for death." However, Chu Yan sighed, his eyes were slightly cold, and he walked out directly, approaching Wang Lu, attracting everyone's attention. Facing the three emperors of the Wang family, Chu Yan dared to take the initiative?

"Bold!" Wang Lu's father was also angry. Chu Yan turned his head and looked at him with icy eyes: "Do you want to bully others?"

"Yes, I am bullying others today, so what?" Wang Lu's father snorted coldly. Three emperors are enough to kill a first-level emperor.

"Okay!" Chu Yan nodded, and the next moment Wang Lu's father's eyes condensed, because he found that Chu Yan's breath began to rise again, rushing towards a higher level.

Emperor level 2, Emperor level 3, Emperor level 4... Finally, Emperor level 9!

"Emperor... Emperor peak! He is the Emperor of Heaven!"

Chu Yan's aura was too dazzling, and it shocked the entire banquet. Everyone looked at Chu Yan, including Mu Tingfeng and Chen Yu, and their mouths twitched unconsciously. The two of them were only Emperor level 6, the Emperor of Earth, and Chu Yan... was the Emperor of Heaven, the peak!

"Chu, Chu Yan..." Wang Lu rolled his throat. He was just a king, and Chu Yan's breath was enough to make him tremble.

Yu Sha looked strange beside him. She didn't know whether she was excited or something else, but she smiled happily and whispered, "Mysterious guy! It turns out you really didn't lie to me."

Yu Wanqing also shook his head helplessly. He knew Chu Yan was extraordinary, but he thought that he was just a king at most. But now, Chu Yan is too powerful. It can be said that he is the king of Mu Xingchen. More importantly, how old is he? Just in his early twenties, right? In his early twenties, the peak of the emperor? How many people are there like this monster even in Tianyao Peak and Yaoshanmen?

"Today, I want to see who can bully others by taking advantage of their power!"

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