Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 298: The Shock of the Xiahou Family Woman

Everyone frowned when they heard Chu Yan's words. If you don't want to go, then you don't have to go? Who do you think you are? The other party is the son of the Corpse King, and the Yu family can't afford to offend him.

"Boy, what did you say?" Shi Tian's face suddenly froze, and his eyes were as cold as ice and stared at Chu Yan: "Do you know who I am?"

"No matter who you are, there are two choices, get out, or die!" Chu Yan's momentum also became tough, which shocked many people around him. Yu Leng sneered directly on the side: "It's ridiculous, but you are just a waste, pretending to be very imposing, but if you provoke the son of the Corpse King, you will only die."

Chu Yan looked at Yu Leng sadly, and was too lazy to speak, but a touch of gold flashed in his eyes, which directly shocked Shi Tian's mind.

"Emperor, Emperor..." Shi Tian's eyes widened and he began to stutter, but Chu Yan did not give him a chance to finish his words. He said coldly again: "I'll give you another chance. Get out or stay?"

"Sorry, I offended you before. I'm leaving now!" Shi Tian's eyes were strange, but he finally said to Chu Yan timidly and then fled, which surprised everyone.

"Haha, this is interesting. Shi Tian, ​​the son of the Corpse King, was intimidated by a small figure." People at the tables nearby laughed.

Yu Leng's face looked even worse. She couldn't understand why Chu Yan was just a waste with no cultivation. Shi Tian was intimidated by his words.

"Why is it your turn as an outsider to interfere in my Yu family's affairs?" Yu Tianyin witnessed all this with her own eyes. For some reason, she felt a little unhappy in her heart. She didn't know whether it was because of Chu Yan or because of Shi Tian. Anyway, she said in a bad tone.

"You don't need me to intervene. Why didn't you just go and drink with Shi Tian?" Chu Yan rolled his eyes at Yu Tianyin coldly. If Shi Tian insisted on taking Yu Tianyin away, he would not intervene, but Yu Sha couldn't.

"You are so bold!" Yu Tianyin shouted tenderly. Yu Leng also said in a bad tone: "That's right, Chu Yan, what kind of dog are you? Sister Tianyin is the proud daughter of my Yu family, and you can blaspheme her?"

"The proud daughter of heaven is just a guest of others." Chu Yan said lightly, and the Yu family members looked even uglier. Chu Yan's humiliation was not concealed at all, but what he said was right. Whether it was the Yu family or Yu Tianyin, they were just clowns and guests at this banquet.

"Chu Yan... I have implicated you today, but Shi Tian is not easy to mess with. He will definitely not let it go after being humiliated today. I will let my grandfather take you away. Go quickly!"

Looking at Yu Sha's anxious look, Chu Yan smiled calmly. His strength has recovered tonight and he has made another breakthrough. No one, including Mu Xingchen, is his opponent. Why should he be afraid of failure?

"Silly girl, it doesn't matter. I said that you are my friend, so no one can embarrass you today. You don't have to do what you don't want to do." Chu Yan smiled again, still calm and indifferent, making people unable to see through.

At this time, Shi Tian felt wronged after leaving. An old slave followed behind him and said with a hint of doubt: "Young master, that man is just a waste, why are you afraid of him?"

"Waste? Humph, what do you know? His strength may be even better than my father! You say he is a waste? Then what am I?" Shi Tian glared angrily, and the old slave next to him was shocked. Chu Yan was stronger than Shi Tian's father? The Corpse King is at the peak of the Emperor, and he has the ability to manipulate corpses. Even some junior venerables are afraid of him.

"Go, check it out for me. You must find out who this person is. I must find out!" Corpse Field ordered from the side.

"Yes!" The old slave then retreated!

At this time, there was a beautiful woman at a wine table in the distance, like a painting in a book, a brush of a fairy. She wore a purple veil and looked at Chu Yan meaningfully. There was also a housekeeper next to the woman, who said lightly: "Miss, this boy is extraordinary, and Shitian is not a good person. He can scare Shitian away with just one sentence. Something unknown must have happened in secret just now."

"Of course! Uncle Gu, go and help me check this person, and you must find out clearly." The woman said firmly, and the housekeeper nodded and gradually retreated. Then she looked at Chu Yan again: "Mysterious guy! Let me see what you are hiding."

Such a big thing happened, but Chu Yan acted as if nothing had happened. He ate and drank at the banquet. Yu Sha, on the other hand, was fidgeting on the side. Sometimes she really wanted to ask Chu Yan, have you grown up?

"The other party is the son of the corpse king, are you not afraid of him at all?" Yu Sha poked her chin curiously on the side.

"What is the strength of the Corpse King?" Chu Yan bit a fruit in his mouth and looked at Yu Sha. Yu Sha was speechless again. It seemed that Chu Yan didn't know who the Corpse King was?

"The peak of the emperor, if it were Mu Xingchen, he would be the first!" Yu Sha rolled her eyes.

"Fortunately, I can afford to offend him. Didn't I tell you that my original strength was a little stronger than your grandfather's?" Chu Yan smiled, rubbed Yu Sha's head and continued to eat. Yu Sha felt helpless, but seeing that Chu Yan was not worried at all, she was relieved a little bit.

But Yu Sha would occasionally sneak a glance at Chu Yan, and she couldn't help laughing. This fool sometimes looked quite pleasing to the eye. He was so handsome and so domineering.

At this time, the banquet began. A middle-aged man walked out of the Mu Palace. He was very strong and gave people a feeling of looking down on the sky. Yu Sha whispered on the side: "He is the head of the Mu family, Mu Wanghou. It is said that he has stepped half a step into the realm of the Venerable and is the first king of Mu Xingchen."

Chu Yan nodded, looked up at Mu Wanghou and didn't care too much. Mu Wanghou's strength was not weak, but he still couldn't threaten him.

"Haha, everyone is lucky to come to my Mu Palace for a banquet today. It is my honor. Everyone has worked hard. In this case, everyone will have fun today. In addition, let me introduce to everyone that there are many friends of Mu Xingchen outside. They come here to give Mu face. Everyone should accompany them well." Mu Wanghou said casually, and immediately ushered in a cheer from the audience.

"Tianyin, Leng'er, Yu Sha, you must seize the opportunity. Now is an opportunity. It is your honor to be able to join the forces outside the sky, and it is also the pride of my Yu family." Yu Changqing encouraged on the side.

Yu Tianyin and Yu Leng nodded. Yu Sha was not active in interacting with the dignitaries at the banquet. She stayed beside Chu Yan all the time. However, because of the corpse field, no one came to touch Yu Sha.

"Miss, I have checked it out." At this time, the housekeeper at the wine table in the distance came back and said respectfully to the woman in the purple veil.

"Tell me!"

"Miss, this person is called Chu Yan. He comes from an unknown star. He was the one who killed a disciple of the Demon Mountain Gate in the big earthquake in the east a while ago. Now he has a great reputation in the Ancient Demon Star Domain. Only people in lower-level stars like Mu Xingchen don't know him. The Demon Mountain Gate, Tianyao Peak, and the Eastern Jiang Family are all looking for him. He is also the controller of the Evergreen Tree." The housekeeper said one by one. To be honest, he was also shocked. He thought Chu Yan was extraordinary at first, but after checking, he found out that this person was so exaggerated. It seems that the things in the Ancient Demon Star Domain recently are all revolving around him.

"By the way, a while ago, Liu Feng from the Eastern Liu Family went to hunt him down but failed, but he kidnapped one of his brothers. Miss, guess who took action in the end?"


"The one from the Three Great Demon Mountains..."

"Broken Mark?" The woman was quite surprised, but the housekeeper immediately shook his head and pointed his finger upwards, which made the woman look even more moved: "Is it Qingyi?"

The housekeeper nodded with a wry smile. Although everything before was shocking, he was also very curious about how Chu Yan could have alarmed the two great monarchs and killed Chen Tong, but the next piece of news was something he could never have imagined. The strange woman in the Ancient Demon Star Domain: Qingyi, the object of pursuit by many people, the existence of many people in the Six Domains and Stars, but when did she take action for any man? However, she took action for Chu Yan.

The woman began to hesitate, and the housekeeper said, "Miss, do you want me to contact my family and subdue him? The treatment at Tianyao Peak and Yaoshanmen is very generous."

"No! Not only will we not subdue him, we will also help him." The woman said decisively, causing the housekeeper to frown. Chu Yan is now a hot potato. Helping Chu Yan is equivalent to going against the two major monarch forces, not to mention that Chu Yan also has the Eternal Evergreen Tree, which is what the fifteen major monarch forces of the Six Domains Galaxy are eyeing.

"Uncle Gu, you don't understand. Think about it, if we subdue Chu Yan, we can only get one benefit from the two great lords. But if we make friends with Chu Yan, we will be shocked. How much benefit will we get in the future? And even the two great lords failed to subdue him. Do you think our Xiahou family can do it?" The woman smiled mysteriously: "For a person like this, even if we can't be friends, we must not become enemies with him, otherwise, it will be a disaster for our Xiahou family."

Uncle Gu was silent: "Miss, do you want to bet?"

"Well, and can the person who can make Qingyi take action be a simple person? The two great lords want to kill him, but Qingyi alone is enough to keep him alive." The woman smiled. Qingyi is too special. Her existence is to break the balance. So a gleam of light flashed in the woman's eyes. She has made up her mind. She wants to be friends with Chu Yan and bet that Chu Yan can rise with the wind and have unlimited future.

The banquet began, and people from all sides made friends with each other. This is an inevitable phenomenon.

"Miss Tianyin, is there a chance to have a drink with you?" At this time, a young man also invited Yu Tianyin. This young man was the eldest son of Prince Mu: Mu Tingfeng. Yu Changqing was very happy about this. If he could get close to the Mu family, it would definitely be a happy event for the Yu family.

"Tianyin, nephew Tingfeng invited you, why don't you go and have a drink with him." Yu Changqing said. Mu Tingfeng was different from Shitian. Mu Tingfeng was a real genius. In addition, there were rumors that he was valued by the outer circle of the Demon Mountain Gate and was likely to become an outer circle disciple.

Yu Tianyin smiled shyly and stood up to raise the glass: "Thank you, Mr. Tingfeng!"

"Haha, Tingfeng, you really know how to enjoy yourself. Whose decent woman are you trying to hook up with?" At this time, another loud laugh came, which made Mu Tingfeng stunned for a moment, and then turned around and smiled: "Chen Yu, don't talk nonsense, Mr. Tianyin and I just met."

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