Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 273 The day of the competition [Chapter 3]

Three days later, the day of competition finally arrived.

Only today did Chu Yan know that this competition was not an assessment of Lihuo Academy, but rather an election for the trial site. In addition to fire pattern masters, people with strong cultivation levels could also participate.

There are three competitions in total, facing the younger generation from the entire east, so Lihuo Academy is bustling with people early in the morning. In addition to people from the five families, there are also some casual cultivators and the eastern branch, all coming here.

Chen Nichang and Chu Yan came to the competition place early in the morning. Looking at the crowds of people, Chu Yan smacked his lips: "Is it so lively?"

"Today's competition is very important. It is divided into two competitions. One is the fire pattern test, and the other is the cultivation test. All the younger generation can sign up to win the opportunity to enter the trial place."

"Well, it's mainly fire patterns, because this time the trial area is full of fire patterns, which is called the ancient fire pattern road. If you don't understand the fire patterns, it will be difficult to move in it, so the fire pattern master is very important." Chen Nichang smiled. road.

Chu Yan nodded, any ancient trial place is extremely mysterious, and there is always a powerful person left behind. He had entered one in the mortal world, so he had the opportunity to brave the road of life and death, enter the eternal jungle, and gain a lot. He didn't know this What adventures would a visit to the Ancient Trial Ground bring him?

"Are you Chu Yan?" At this moment, a voice full of dignity sounded, and Chen Jingtian walked over with a straight face.

"Chu Yan, this is my grandpa! Grandpa promised that as long as you can get first place this time, he will protect you." Chen Nichang introduced.

"Chu Yan has met Senior Jingtian!" Chu Yan cupped his hands.

"Who is your senior? Don't get close to me!" Chen Jingtian said coldly, leaving Chu Yan speechless for a while. He didn't seem to offend this old guy, right?

"Grandpa!" Chen Nichang said coquettishly at the side, and Chen Jingtian couldn't help but laugh: "Haha, okay, I just won't tease this little brat. I'm not trying to scare him, so that he won't worry about it in the future. Bullying you?"

"Grandpa! That's not what you think!" Chen Nichang's pretty face turned red immediately, and Chu Yan also understood the dry laughter, this old and dishonest thing...

"Chu Yan, behave well, I will watch all this from below." Chen Jingtian said calmly, Chu Yan handed over: "I will not let my senior down!"

Chen Jingtian didn't say anything. Then the crowd gathered more and more. At this time, Chen Nichang handed a list to Chu Yan. He glanced at Chu Yan resentfully and said, "These are the people you asked me to check. It’s all above. But you have to promise me not to be impulsive in some things, otherwise I won’t give it to you!”

"Okay!" Chu Yan took the roster, his eyes showing a deep chill.

Several elders from Luojia, Luo Tianya, Luoyu, and Luojia. Liu family, Liu Jingtian, Liu family. These people were all involved in Liu Qing's death. The entire plan was decided by the head of the Liu family, threatened by Luo Tianya, and reached a consensus.

However, Chu Yan wants these people to die!

Chu Yan put away the roster, and in the next scene he looked up at the sky. Mr. Yuan had already strolled onto a high platform. The people in the audience immediately fell silent, waiting for Mr. Yuan to speak.

"Thank you all for coming from afar. I believe you all know that I am four months away from the start of the Fire Academy. This time is a test for the students, and it is also an opportunity for everyone in the East. Those who are selected will have the opportunity to represent our East Participate in the ancient trial. Let me stop talking and start the test. I am responsible for the fire pattern. All fire pattern masters come here." After Yuan Lao finished speaking, the crowd immediately divided into two groups.

"Look at that side." At this moment, someone raised his hand and pointed, and many people were shocked. They saw two people coming from the ancient demon star field in a wooden canoe of divine weapons, and stopped in the air.

The two large wooden boats were filled with shocking demonic aura, and there were several ancient figures standing on them, all of which were powerful ancient demons.

"It's people from Yaoshan Gate and Tianyao Peak. I didn't expect people from these two great monarch inheritance forces to come as well!" The east part suddenly burst into excitement.

Chu Yan and the others also frowned when they saw the two canoe forces. Then they saw a person on Chu Yan's canoe, and his eyes couldn't help but change. Tian Yaofeng: Chen Tong. In the past, Eternal Evergreen Tree and Feng Yao teamed up to target his people.

"Why do people come from Yaoshan Gate and Tianyao Peak?" Chu Yan immediately lowered his head and roared in a low voice.

Chen Nichang was stunned for a moment: "This time the Ancient Trial Ground was opened by the descendants of three great monarchs, so this time they are here to select people. If they perform well, they will also be selected by the two overlords. What's wrong?"

"No...!" Chu Yan felt helpless. Chen Nichang didn't tell him such a crucial thing, but thinking about it, Chen Nichang definitely didn't expect that he, a person from outside the stars, would actually interact with Yaoshan Gate and Tianyao Peak. The people have a grudge.

Chu Yan sighed, fortunately, only the outer disciples of the two demon sects came, and the only one who knew him was Chen Tong. Moreover, after not seeing him for two years, Chu Yan had changed a lot. Chen Tong did not recognize Chu Yan, otherwise he would really be there. Big trouble.

"Lihuo Academy, let's get started." An old man said calmly in the direction of Yaoshan Gate.

Mr. Yuan nodded, looked around the crowd and said, "Today's competition is also an opportunity for you all. Everyone knows about fire patterns. It requires mastering two major directions, comprehension and depiction. The first test is to understand the fire patterns."

"Boom!" Mr. Yuan waved his hand, and a huge flaming bronze mirror immediately appeared on the high platform: "This bronze mirror contains countless fire patterns, which can be understood by you. Next, you will take turns on the stage to comprehend, until you can't comprehend it anymore, or As long as there are no more fire patterns in this fire pattern, let’s start next, I will tally the results for you.”

"Lihuo Academy really spent a lot of money this time. They actually took out the Fire Pattern Mirror. This is a fine fire pattern created by the predecessors of Lihuo Academy. It is rumored that it contains nearly a thousand fire patterns."

Everyone nodded. At this time, Huo Li took the lead and flew out. He looked at Chu Yan coldly: "Chu Yan, half a month ago I challenged you to a fight, but you didn't dare to fight me. Today I will defeat you completely and let you know that you are not qualified to touch Chen Nishang!"


The audience was boiling. Huo Li actually challenged Chu Yan to a fight, and Chu Yan didn't dare to fight him?

"I thought Chu Yan was quite powerful, but I didn't expect him to be a coward!" Someone in the audience said ridiculously.

"Stop talking nonsense. Huo Li is the third this year. He is a descendant of the Huo family and has comprehended 1,200 fire patterns. Although the family heritage cannot be used in today's fire mirror test, it must be comprehended by individuals, but he will definitely be very exciting."

"Yes, it is normal that Chu Yan does not dare to fight!" The world discussed, but Chu Yan was not in a hurry. He looked at the fire pattern bronze mirror under the stage.

"This fire pattern bronze mirror is so mysterious. There are thousands of fire patterns hidden in it, and many of them have been modified. They are very exquisite." Chu Yan couldn't help but admire it under the stage. Then everyone went on stage to comprehend the fire patterns.

"Huo Li comprehended 170 fire patterns for the first time. Very good, next one." Old Yuan nodded to Huo Li with satisfaction.

After Huo Li went up, the fire mirror suddenly lit up with 170 fire patterns, which made many people secretly sigh at Huo Li's extraordinaryness. Huo Li was the first to make a move and comprehended 170 fire patterns for the first time. This is definitely a good result.

After that, more people continued to come forward and comprehend the fire patterns on the fire mirror. After each fire pattern was comprehended, a fire pattern light would light up. In a blink of an eye, more than half of the area on the fire pattern was occupied by the fire pattern light.

In the following time, Chu Yan, Jiang Yan, Luo Yu, and Chen Nishang all took turns to come on stage and comprehend one fire pattern after another from the fire mirror.

Half an hour later, a total of 985 fire pattern lights appeared on the fire pattern bronze mirror. At this time, more than 90% of the students were eliminated because they could no longer comprehend new fire patterns from the fire mirror. The remaining fire patterns were very mysterious and secretive and needed to be cracked layer by layer.

But seeing 985, Chen Jingtian nodded with satisfaction: "This year's little guys are all very good, and they are about to break a thousand."

"Old Dean, how many fire patterns are there in this fire pattern mirror?" Some old men from Lihuo Academy were also curious.

"Haha, I can't say it, I can't say it." Chen Jingtian smiled and shook his head, and everyone was speechless. They had seen at most a thousand in the Fire Pattern Mirror, and now there were only the last fifteen.

"I can't find it!" At this time, Du Meiling also sighed and came down from the stage in frustration. Chu Yan looked at her and smiled comfortingly: "Don't worry, I will help you next time."

"Next!" Yuan Lao was not in a hurry. In a blink of an eye, seven more appeared on the Fire Mirror, reaching 992. Now there are only five people on the stage: Jiang Yan, Luo Yu, Huo Li, Chu Yan, and Chen Nishang.

"These five people are so powerful. They can comprehend new fire patterns?" The audience was boiling.

"Yes, it's almost a thousand, and it's going to reach the limit of the Fire Mirror." Everyone was boiling. Finally, at this time, Jiang Yan stepped onto the stage. He waved his hand again and comprehended a fire pattern from the gap between the Fire Mirror, which made the audience boil.

In the distance, an old man from the Demon Mountain Gate also stroked his beard and said, "This boy has a good ability in fire patterns. He can be accepted as a disciple."

On the side of Tianyao Peak, Chen Tong said, "This Jiang Yan is the disciple of Senior Brother Jiang Fan, right? He is really powerful."

"Yes, next one."

Old Yuan nodded to Jiang Yan. The next one was Luo Yu. He walked up to the stage, but he did not comprehend anything. Instead, he smiled at Old Yuan very calmly and confidently: "Old Yuan, this fire mirror has no fire patterns!"

"No more?" Everyone in the audience exclaimed. Old Yuan did not speak, but turned to look in the direction of Huo Li: "What do you think?"

"I think so too." Huo Li nodded. At the 993rd, he could no longer feel any fire patterns in the fire mirror.

"Nishang, what about you?" Old Yuan looked at Chen Nishang, only to see Chen Nishang waved her hand and grabbed another low-level fire pattern from the fire mirror.

The 994th! Chen Nishang, comprehended another one.

Luo Yu and Huo Li were stunned for a moment, but then they smiled without caring too much: "I didn't expect there was another one. I was careless. Miss Nishang is really extraordinary."

"Are there any more?"

"I don't know." Chen Nishang lowered her head humbly, and Jiang Yan smiled faintly beside her: "There are no more. What Nishang found was the last fire pattern. There is no more fire pattern in the fire mirror."

"That's right! There are no more!" Luo Yu and Huo Li nodded together, and Yuan Lao also smiled. He was very satisfied that the junior could do this.

"Buzz!" However, when everyone thought it was about to end, Chu Yan suddenly sneered. He waved his hand casually, and everyone was shocked. They saw another fire light rising in the fire mirror, evolving into a spear and rising into the sky, turning into a roc in the sky, looking down on one side.

"There are still more!"

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