Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 272 Jiang Fan’s Name

Everyone else sighed. The ancestor of the Jiang family appeared. Chu Yan was doomed today, but it was a pity that he lost a good seedling.

"Ancestor, save me!" Jiang Yu saw the ancestor of the Jiang family saying in horror. He was really frightened by Chu Yan. Although he was one level higher than Chu Yan, he didn't have any majesty at this moment.

Chu Yan got up at this moment and looked at the ancestor of the Jiang family coldly: "If you can't defeat the younger one, why don't you replace me with me? An emperor, taking action against me, an emperor? It seems that the Jiang family in the east of the ancient demon , nothing more than that, shameless!”

"Hmph, what a smart-tongued boy. I, the Jiang family, are not deceivers, but you have no grudges against my descendants, yet you committed such a murder. I will definitely make you pay the price today." The ancestor of the Jiang family said coldly. The way.

The emperor has imperial power and is inviolable. The emperor's realm is also a watershed in the journey of cultivation. Even in the six-domain galaxy, it is the supreme existence.

"It's ridiculous. Can he only kill us and not us?"

"No!" The ancestor of the Jiang family said extremely domineeringly, and a surge of imperial power suddenly enveloped him, causing Chu Yan to take a few steps back.

"Brother Chu!" The fat man was angry. He suddenly turned into a huge mouth and was about to pounce towards the ancestor of the Jiang family.

"How dare you make a mistake, rat!" The ancestor of the Jiang family turned cold, and his arm turned into a palm and flew out. The fat man's face turned cold, and he spurted out a mouthful of blood.

"You're looking for death!" Chu Yan's eyes turned cold, and his murderous intention was revealed. At this moment, everyone was shocked. They couldn't understand that Chu Yan was just a person from a despicable star, and he was in the realm of the emperor, and he dared to attack a person. The emperor said such cruel words?

The ancestor of the Jiang family was also stunned and looked at Chu Yan jokingly. In the eyes of the emperor, all the emperors were ants. He did not believe that Chu Yan could threaten him, so he raised his hand and struck out with a palm.

"Bang!" But the next moment, a seven-story iron tower suddenly erupted from Chu Yan's body. The iron tower transformed in Chu Yan's hands, forming a huge light curtain that actually blocked the emperor's attack.

"Huh? Boy, it seems that you have a lot of secrets. In that case, just follow me back to the Jiang family. I will check it out slowly when the time comes!" The ancestor of the Jiang family stared at the Haotian Tower, his eyes twinkling. A hint of greed.

"Senior Jiang, Chu Yan is a student of my Lihuo Academy!" At this moment, Chen Nichang strolled over. Today she was wearing a bright red dress, very beautiful.

"Miss Nishang?" The ancestor of the Jiang family frowned, obviously still a little wary of Lihuo Academy, and said lightly: "It's been a long time no see, if you have time, come to the house as a guest, Jiang Fan will leave from Tianyao Peak in a few days Come back, he is still thinking about you."

"Jiang Fan...hiss!" When everyone heard about Jiang Fan, they couldn't help but take a breath of air.

"Is that member of the Jiang family coming back..." Someone finally couldn't help but say, Jiang Fan of the Jiang family is a peerless genius, and a super genius that has not been produced in the Jiang family for a hundred years. What's more important is that he also has an identity as a demon disciple of Tianyao Peak.

Hearing Jiang Fan, Chen Nichang frowned lightly, but after a moment she smiled softly: "This is natural. I wonder if Senior Jiang can give me a favor today and let my two friends go? In addition, what happened today, he I will go to my house with my grandfather to express my gratitude in person."

Hearing Chen Nichang's words, the ancestor of the Jiang family frowned, and Jiang Yu growled from the side: "Ancestor, you can't let go!"

"Shut up!" The ancestor of the Jiang family roared. He felt that today's incident was embarrassing enough. Now that the trouble is getting bigger and bigger, it is not good for him. The most important thing is that Chen Nichang mentioned a person, her grandfather. The old dean of the Fire Academy.

"Since Miss Nishang has spoken, there should be no problem. However, this man is extremely vicious and has hurt the descendants of our clan. I will cut off his arm today. Even if Mr. Chen comes forward in person, I think it is not too much, right?" The ancestor of the Jiang family said calmly.

Chen Nichang's beautiful face changed slightly. The ancestor of the Jiang family did give her face, but he wanted to cut off Chu Yan's arm. Although she didn't have much contact with Chu Yan, she had experienced some in the past three months. With Chu Yan's temperament, If the ancestor of the Jiang family wanted to cut off his arm, then what happened today might not be easy.

"The ancestor of the Jiang family can naturally do this, but I advise the seniors to wait for some time. Don't forget that in three days there will be a fire pattern competition. When the time comes, the fire pattern will have no eyes. I can't guarantee that Jiang Yan will be in the fire pattern competition. You won't get hurt in the competition." Chen Nichang's tone gradually turned cold.

"You threaten me!" the ancestor of the Jiang family roared, but Chen Nichang still smiled calmly and said: "I don't dare, but I hope Mr. Jiang will think it over carefully!"

The ancestor of the Jiang family glanced at Chu Yan with a very cold look: "Very good, if that's the case, then I will give it up today. I will keep this arm for him. I will also personally participate in the fire pattern competition in three days." Come to the scene, the competition is over, it’s not too late to get it.”

After saying this, the ancestor of the Jiang family turned around and left, grabbing Jiang Yu as well.

Watching the Jiang family leave, Chen Nichang breathed a sigh of relief. After all, she was taking a lot of risks by doing this today, and her grandfather didn't know about it. As for her delay for three days, she also hoped that Chu Yan would shine in three days. At that time, after Lihuo Academy saw the value of Chu Yan, she naturally would not ignore it, and she also had reasons to persuade her grandfather to help.

"Are you okay?" Chen Nichang hurriedly stepped forward and Chu Yan nodded.

"You are too impulsive. In the Ancient Demon Star Territory, you can touch the other four families, but the Jiang family cannot. The Jiang family has an emperor, and that Jiang Fan is the peerless talent of Tianyao Peak, and he is now in full swing." Chen Nichang glanced at Chu Yan resentfully.

"Thank you for today." Chu Yan smiled nonchalantly. Chen Nichang was speechless for a while. She couldn't understand that Chu Yan was almost dead just now, but now he could still laugh.

But was it really Chu Yan who was dying just now? Don't forget, Chu Yan also has a seventh-level divine weapon to protect his body, which can kill an emperor with all his strength.

Chu Yan has long been prepared. If Chen Nichang does not appear, he will not hesitate to kill an emperor, and he will kill Jiang Yu today.

"The fire pattern competition will be held in three days. You must get the first place. I'll tell Grandpa that as long as you can get the first place, I am sure to protect you in front of the Jiang family!" Chen Nichang warned, Fatty Someone on the side laughed and said: "Miss Nishang, why are you so nice to my boss? You don't like him anymore, right? Let me tell you, he is a married man! Otherwise, would you consider me?"

"Who's attracted to him!" Chen Nichang's little face blushed, but for some reason, she felt a little disappointed after hearing that Chu Yan had a wife?

"What are you thinking about! I just valued his fire pattern talent, that must be it!" Chen Nichang shook her head and muttered in her heart, but will it be useful to deceive yourself about some things?

"Wait, let me solve some problems first." Chu Yan glanced at the mercenaries around him, and Xu Yu and Xu Jing trembled in their hearts.

"I'll leave it to you how to deal with them." Chu Yan said to the fat man.

"Poof!" At this moment, Xu Yu and Xu Jing were frightened. Not to mention the people from Lihuo Academy, Chu Yan alone could kill them all by killing the ninth level emperor instantly, so they were really scared. He looked directly at the fat man pleadingly on the ground: "Fat man, please let us go. We are temporarily obsessed with money. Please let me go for the sake of my relationship for these three months!"

"You really deserve to die!" The fat man's eyes were full of coldness: "In the past three months, although we have no love, we have gone through life and death many times and licked blood from the edge of the knife. Haha, every time we win a trophy, everyone drinks together, but today You actually want to exchange my life for wealth, but that’s it, you still want to kill me, Brother Chu, how can I let you live?”

"No!" Xu Yu and others' eyes widened when they heard this, and they wailed. They regretted it.

However, everything was too late. The fat man was no longer the fat man he once was. He knew that in this world of martial arts, if you are kind, you are cruel to yourself. There are certain things and certain people, so you must read and make an immediate decision.

Xu Yu, Xu Jing and other mercenaries were all dead. The fat man wiped the blood on his face and then smiled at Chu Yan. His smile was a little sad.

"Let's go, it's all over." Chu Yan sighed and finally left. Along the way, Fatty remained silent. After a long time, he suddenly looked at Brother Chu: "Brother Chu, in four years, don't you think we have changed?" How much?”

Chu Yan smiled bitterly: "It has changed a lot. We are no longer as stupid as before."

"I really miss San'er a little. At that time, we were hunted down, but the brotherhood remained unchanged. Brother Chu, do you think we will turn against each other one day? For fame and fortune?"

"No." Chu Yan smiled and said firmly, and Fatty also smiled: "I guess not, haha, our brotherhood will never change."

After returning to Lihuo Academy, Chu Yan began to practice in preparation for the competition three days later.

After Chen Nichang returned, she went to a secret mansion in the deepest part of Lihuo Academy. In the mansion, there was a white-haired old man. He was dressed casually, but his old eyes were sparkling, making people dare not underestimate him. He is Chen Jingtian, the old dean of Lihuo Academy, a truly extraordinary fire pattern master.

"Grandpa, are you looking for me?" Chen Nichang asked coquettishly when she saw the old man.

"I heard that you caused trouble again?" Chen Jingtian rolled his eyes at Chen Nichang and said lovingly.

"Don't blame my grandpa, the Jiang family bullies people too much. And this time I have really chosen a person for you. You must believe me, he is a very suitable candidate." Chen Nichang smiled brightly: "Grandpa, in three days you will Then you can see how powerful he is, don’t forget what grandpa promised me.”

"Okay, okay, if he really can be the first, it doesn't matter if we give him a spot in this trial. How about I just accept him as my grandson-in-law?" Chen Jingtian said with a kind smile.

"Disgusting!" Chen Nichang's pretty face turned red, causing Chen Jingtian to laugh. Then he raised his eyes and looked at the outside world of Lihuo Academy: "The opening of the trial site this time is just in time, is it the ancient fire pattern? , it seems that there is another battle, and a new era will begin in the Ancient Demon Star Territory.”

Chen Jingtian seemed to be extremely concerned about the next trial site, and his eyes were filled with anticipation. As for the quota for the trial this time, Lihuo Academy only has one leader and one assistant. Chen Nichang is naturally the leader. She needs someone with sufficient strength to assist her, so she must choose carefully, so there are three This time of competition.

"The ancient fire pattern can reach the sky in one step."

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