Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 223 Chu Hanfeng Farewell!

That day, with Chu Hanfeng's "no!", the world wailed, as if the sky was crying.

That day, there was a sadness that made everyone in the six-domain galaxy feel endless grief.

Unconsciously, Chu Hanfeng's eyes turned red. He was once a hegemon who dared to challenge the royal family and hold the day, but he failed to save Qin Ruoming. After that, Chu Yan hated him, and he silently endured it. For more than ten years, he never left the world, waiting here, watching Chu Yan grow up, fulfilling Qin Ruoming's long-cherished wish, so that Chu Yan could ask the sky one day, who is the master of the ups and downs!

Today, the cave opened again, and Chu Hanfeng knew that the time was almost up.

Chu Hanfeng finally left. On this day, Chu Yan was practicing in the wilderness, and Chu Hanfeng appeared behind him, watching him quietly. Chu Yan seemed to feel the person behind him, and he turned to look at Chu Hanfeng.

"Do you still hate me?" Chu Hanfeng said calmly. At this moment, he was still the majestic father.

"Hate!" Chu Yan responded neatly. When Qin Ruoming left, Chu Hanfeng did not take action. How could he not hate?

But after a moment, Chu Yan smiled again. In fact, he already knew the truth of everything that happened back then. After the fifth floor of the Nine Heavens Mysterious Tower was opened, he saw the history of the mortal world for thousands of years, and also the battle more than ten years ago.

The mortal world was in turmoil that day. Qin Ruoming turned into a phoenix to mend the sky and left Chu Hanfeng behind, just to let him take care of himself, hoping that one day, he could also fight in the eight wastelands and stand tall!

"I'm leaving soon!" Chu Hanfeng said calmly. Chu Yan looked at Chu Hanfeng in surprise, a little confused. He could not see the empty hole outside the sky.

"Where to go?"

"To do what should be done, the same thing as you!" Chu Hanfeng laughed heartily. Chu Yan didn't understand, so Chu Hanfeng continued: "Silly boy, you are my son. In the mortal world today, you can shoulder the Haotian Tower, travel thousands of miles, level the mountains and seas, just for Liu Qingcheng. I am your father, how can I watch your mother suffer? This road is impossible, but you have to do it!"

Chu Hanfeng's eyes rose with a strong fighting spirit, just like Chu Yan, if the sky is unfair, he will fight against the sky! This road, knowing that it is impossible, but he must do it.

Chu Yan was silent. For the first time, he found that he and Chu Hanfeng were in the same situation. A father and son, with the same experience, but he knew that Chu Hanfeng's journey would be more difficult. In the mortal world today, he shouldered the Haotian Tower, and he still had Tiandao Sect, Baicaotang, Qin Zixuan to help him, and Chu Hanfeng behind him, but what about Chu Hanfeng? How strong is the place he is going to? Who can support him?

"Where is that place?" Chu Yan asked in a low roar. He didn't say anything about going together, because he knew that he was still too weak, but he wanted to know where that place was!

"The most dazzling place above the galaxy!" Chu Hanfeng laughed heartily. Although he was prepared, Chu Yan was still a little shocked. It turned out that the place was so far away? The most dazzling place above the galaxy!

"One day, sooner or later, I will go to that place." Chu Yan said, looking at Chu Hanfeng, and suddenly smiled: "You, don't die too early!"

"Haha!" Chu Hanfeng laughed and nodded: "Remember, whose son are you? No one in this world can make you lose!"

"I know!" Chu Yan said, Chu Hanfeng continued: "I will leave silently, no one will notice, but sooner or later it will be exposed, so I will re-seal this sky, and then you will have to rely on yourself. You must know that a good man has the world as his home, and you should be self-reliant. No one can walk your way for you. You are destined to rely on yourself to see the sky that belongs to you. The hardships and setbacks you have experienced along the way are all the roads you must take, and then, leave your story in the world! This is also what your mother hopes for."

Chu Yan was silent, he understood what Chu Hanfeng meant, and Chu Hanfeng did not tell him what the so-called outside the sky was. Because it was too strong, if Chu Yan could become a king one day, he would naturally touch those.

Chu Yan also knew that if Chu Hanfeng was willing, he could leave him countless treasures, but that would not be good for him. The enemy he was going to face was too strong, and that must be the place where he could stand after experiencing countless hardships.

Above the galaxy, the most dazzling place!

Chu Hanfeng, once killed people there, fought against the eight wastelands, fought with the sky, and made the royal family tremble!

Today, Chu Hanfeng was leaving. No one spoke outside the virtual cave, but Chu Yan knew that there must be countless transcendent powers in the virtual cave. In front of those people, perhaps even the master of the Eastern Altar and the so-called ** Lord were just ants.

Chu Hanfeng, was an existence that could make those people afraid, and now he only dared to hide in the virtual cave and dared not come out. However, this person was Chu Yan's father, the king of the world, Chu Hanfeng.

Chu Yan felt a little proud of him, but this day was destined to be the day he changed his destiny. Chu Yan knew how far he had to go and that his strength was still too weak.

Chu Hanfeng left, and he left quietly without any disturbance.

That day, the world was sealed again. In the virtual cave outside the Six Domains Galaxy, there was a man in golden armor. He held a thousand-meter-long Zhantian halberd and stepped into the virtual cave. At that moment, the virtual cave trembled.

There were thousands of strong men in the virtual cave. When they saw Chu Hanfeng, they showed a trace of vigilance. One of them sneered: "Chu Hanfeng, you are here after all!"

Chu Hanfeng looked at the man with contempt. In a moment, the halberd turned into divine light, and the man who was unknown at what realm was killed instantly.

"Chu Hanfeng! Qin Ruomeng's day of divine punishment is coming soon, but today's royal family, do you still dare to come!" Someone looked at Chu Hanfeng, and Chu Hanfeng glanced at the man coldly. He said nothing. Without saying anything, he just took such a big step and turned into a thousand-meter giant. He fought in the eight wilderness, fought his way out among thousands of people, and answered everything with his actions.

"The royal family is unfair, I, Chu Hanfeng! Today, I am back to kill you!"

On this trip, he was going to the royal family, traveling hundreds of millions of miles, making gods and demons cry, to pick her up.

No one knew about such a feat. The king of the earth finally left today and disappeared without a trace. No one knew where he went.


On this day, there was a faint sound of mourning in the wilderness, and the six-domain galaxy was shrouded in a sad emotion. The demon old man and many old men in the wilderness raised their heads. They were all natives of the mortal world. Thousands of years ago, it was that couple who came and gave them hope. When they saw good people, they preached humbly, and they were born. today.

On this day, the empress unexpectedly returned to ASEAN and lost her usual naughty appearance. She raised her eyes and looked into the distance. There was a bit of sadness in her eyes. Then when she closed her eyes slightly, a tear slipped down. She whispered softly: "Mom...he is gone. Yan'er will have me in the future. Although I will not ruin his path, I will never allow the world to deceive him!"

At this moment, some strong men who had quietly sneaked into the world suddenly appeared. Standing behind Qin Zixuan, most of them were old people. One of them sighed: "Princess, it's time to go!"

Qin Zixuan rolled her eyes at them and said coldly: "If you don't want to leave, you can go, I will stay here."

"Princess, this time the Void Cave is opened, I don't know when it will be next time. If you continue to stay here, I'm afraid it will be another ten thousand years!"

"So what if it takes ten thousand years? I will always guard Yan'er's road!" Qin Zixuan said, leaving countless old people helpless. Then one of them looked at Chu Yan, but felt embarrassed again: "How difficult is his road? It is as difficult as the blue sky. , why should the princess take risks?"

Qin Zixuan said nothing, turned around and flew out.

Chu Hanfeng left, but those who knew it did not know that because Chu Hanfeng's intimidation was still there, no one dared to touch the wilderness, which left Chu Yan enough time to practice.

Everything in the mortal world is going on as usual, the days are passing faster and faster, and half a year has passed in the blink of an eye.

It took half a year for Chu Yan's turmoil to gradually subside. At the end of the year, there was a feast of ten thousand sects, so all sects were busy. All major sects were preparing for this feast of ten thousand sects, and the disciples were also dedicating themselves to it. To practice.

The Feast of Ten Thousand Sects is definitely a grand event in the mortal world, because for the disciples in the mortal world, the Feast of Ten Thousand Sects is the only way they can come into contact with the extraterrestrial forces. When the Feast of Ten Thousand Sects is over, the extraterrestrial forces will come to select disciples.

This is a tradition. Of course, it may not be called the Feast of Ten Thousand Sects in other stars, but the nature is the same. After every Feast of Ten Thousand Sects, the forces of the gods from the four directions will come to the world and select elite disciples, so the disciples of each sect will I am practicing hard in order to one day join the extraterrestrial forces.

On this day, Chu Yan came to the Mirror Trial Grounds alone. On the stone platform next to the Shengtai Monument, there was a white-haired old man sitting opposite him. He was drinking wine. He looked at Chu Yan and smiled angrily. : "Boy, I brought dozens of bottles of wine this day. Tell me, what's the matter?"

Chu Yan was not polite and said with a smile: "I am about to break through to the emperor level. Your secret palace is not enough. Give me another secret palace, a higher level one!"

The old man in the mirror blew his beard and glared: "You bastard, what do you think the secret palace is? Did I change it casually? The secret palace I gave you before had a Creation Star Stone in it. You have squeezed it dry this year, and now you still have it? I want a secret house, no!”

"One hundred years of green bamboo leaves, one hundred pots!"

"I..." The old man in the mirror image was suddenly moved and swallowed his saliva, but he immediately became arrogant again: "No, still not, don't try to fool me this time!"

"Two hundred pots!" Chu Yan continued to adhere to the routine of using reason and luring people for profit. He had been stuck at the imperial level for some time. It was not that he couldn't break through, but his creativity was not enough, which prevented him from concentrating on it. A suitable life soul.

The old man in the mirror glared at Chu Yan, but couldn't resist the temptation and agreed. Of course, he valued Chu Yan very much. When he opened a secret palace for Chu Yan, Qinglong and the old madman appeared together, and the three of them gathered together.

Taoist Qinglong raised his eyes and looked at the sky outside the mortal world: "Paper cannot contain fire. Sooner or later, the news of Chu Hanfeng's departure will spread. At that time, there will be a difficulty in this mortal world."

The old man in the mirror also narrowed his eyes, showing a hint of chill.

The real wind in the world is just about to blow.

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