Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 222: This love, no matter what happens

In the world of mortals, the news about Chu Yan was still spreading like wildfire. With the end of the year-end war, the world of mortals also changed to a new era. The pattern that had not changed for thousands of years was broken, and the world of mortals became a new force.

The wildness was still the same as before, not participating in the world of mortals, but no one dared to ignore his existence. On that day, Chu Hanfeng made a statement outside the Tianshan Sect, became the king of the world of mortals, and sealed the land of the three alliances. That demeanor was also unforgettable.

The three alliances replaced the former three valleys, but ASEAN was a little special. ASEAN was in charge of the empress, and the existence of the empress in the world of mortals was too special. It was said that no one had seen the empress after the end of the year-end war. The empress did not even return to ASEAN. After a month, when someone saw the empress again, it was in a casino in Tongyunfang. The empress was drinking strong liquor. Because she lost money in gambling, she was very unhappy. She lost her temper in Tongyunfang, and then she disappeared again.

The Baicao League was still the same as Baicaotang, mainly engaged in herbal medicine. It is worth mentioning the Shenbing Guild. After Chu Hanfeng's canonization, the Divine Weapon Guild and the Herb Alliance reached an alliance to jointly operate divine weapons and elixirs.

Because of the special reasons of the two alliances, the Tiandao Alliance became a place for people to worship. Wanzong also changed. The Diyun Sect was disbanded, and Luan Zhiyi was said to have gone to the Eastern Altar. Sects that had always remained neutral, such as the Yao Sect, Daoyan Sect, and Heluo Ancient Sect, all surrendered to the Tiandao Alliance.

After the demise of the Tianshan Sect, Feng Xin never appeared again, but one day later, someone saw her in a school in the outer circle of the world. She quietly preached there for future generations, which was also a great merit.

The Tianshan Sect was gradually forgotten, but one day later, it was said that someone saw a crazy old man there. He took away a knife-wielding young man in the ruins. It was Chen Tianwang, who became famous a year earlier than Chu Yan. No one knew where the old madman took Chen Tianwang, but people in the world never saw Chen Tianwang appear again.

On this day, three months had passed since the end-of-year battle. Chu Yan and others had been practicing in the wilderness for the past six months.

There were countless secrets in the wilderness, all of which were unconditionally provided to Chu Yan's friends. The most shameless one among them was Hua Zhixu. He stayed in the wilderness completely and would not leave no matter who chased him away. He practiced in the wilderness.

In three months, Ye Xun, Qiu Yu, and Hua Zhixu all broke through the emperor level. It is worth mentioning that Fatty, who had inherited a bloodline from his ancestors in the ancient trial ground, actually comprehended a super bloodline, the devouring bloodline. This bloodline was in line with his image, which was to eat, mainly devouring, so he was ridiculed by Chu Yan and others.

Fatty didn't care. He had poor talent, so he worked harder and came from behind.

On this day, Chu Yan came out of retreat. He stood on the ground in a valley in the wilderness, feeling the vitality entangled, and smiled.

"Breakthrough?" Hua Zhixu flew over and was stunned when he saw Chu Yan's aura. Chu Yan nodded: "Peak of the King!"

"Pervert! Thanks to me for entering the Emperor level, you still can't beat me. Otherwise, it would be too embarrassing to lose to you." Hua Zhixu smiled, and then said to Chu Yan: "By the way, you owe me a favor."

Chu Yan was stunned, and then a woman walked out behind Hua Zhixu. The woman was very sweet. After seeing Chu Yan, she smiled charmingly: "Junior Brother!"

"Senior Sister?" Chu Yan said in surprise, and then he looked at Hua Zhixu: "You were the one who rescued Senior Sister outside Tianshan Sect?"

Hua Zhixu rolled his eyes at Chu Yan: "What do you think? Her meridians were destroyed, but now she is fine. My father personally refined pills for her. Now she has recovered and her strength is also at the King level."

Chu Yan was a little moved and remembered this favor. After that, Chu Yan found Liu Qingcheng again and went to the Savage Hall with Liu Qingcheng.

Arriving at the main hall, Chu Hanfeng sat quietly there. Seeing the newlyweds, he smiled: "Are you here?"

"Yes!" Chu Yan nodded, and Liu Qingcheng also said respectfully: "Uncle Chu!"

"You and Yan'er are already married, so you still call me uncle? Although I didn't attend the wedding, you can't treat me like this, right?" Chu Hanfeng smiled. Liu Qingcheng was a little embarrassed, blushed, and smiled from the bottom of his heart: "Dad!"

"Yes! Okay, okay! Good boy!" Chu Hanfeng laughed heartily, He finally waited for this day. He looked up at the sky. Like Chu Yan, he always looked at the place where the stars were: "Ruomeng... did you see it? My son, we have already got married tonight. I have fulfilled your long-cherished wish!"

"You are getting married. As a father, I don't have any betrothal gifts. Qingcheng, you can keep this necklace. It was left to you by Ruomeng back then." Chu Hanfeng waved his hand, and a blue necklace flew to Liu Qingcheng. The necklace was very beautiful, like the heart of the ocean, magnificent. Chu Yan was slightly obsessed with the necklace when he saw it on the side. He remembered that this necklace had always been worn on his mother's jade neck.

"Chu Yan, it's so beautiful!"

"Well! Take it, try it on." Chu Yan said with a sour nose. Liu Qingcheng's eyes were also red. She carefully took the necklace, put it on, and she smiled happily.

Looking at Liu Qingcheng, Chu Hanfeng's eyes also had a hint of redness, and there was a ripple in his calm eyes. It was hard to imagine that someone like him who had lived for tens of thousands of years and possessed supreme power would be moved by such a small action.

"Qingcheng, in the past in Changlong Kingdom, although you and I were engaged, there was a misunderstanding. I never made any promises to you. But it is the same today. I want to save my mother in this life. This road may be extremely difficult. I can't make any promises to you, but my heart will never change in this life, and I will never give up in this life!" Chu Yan looked at Liu Qingcheng excitedly. The pair of fateful mandarin ducks had never looked at each other as affectionately as they did today.

Liu Qingcheng was also moved. In Tianyong City, she didn't want to marry Chu Yan because she had some concerns. But when all the misunderstandings were resolved, she really liked him.

"The ancients once said: Morning is like clouds, dusk is like earth. Even if you are beautiful, you will be sad. You are born on the same day and die on the same day, but you are deeply in love and don't live long. I hope you and I will be together in life and death! This love does not depend on heaven!" Liu Qingcheng's eyes were red and she smiled sweetly. She said to Chu Yan, "This love has nothing to do with God!"

What is God's will like along the way? Who is God’s will? Chu Yan asserted that if the sky is unfair, I will fight against the sky. Today, this couple has an agreement here: if you show off your strength, you will get hurt? Love is too deep to last forever? No, the two of them agreed that this relationship will not depend on God!

Chu Yan was also moved. His brief words were a lifelong bond.

Chu Hanfeng looked at the two teenagers and smiled. Suddenly, there seemed to be a trace of recollection: "Ruomeng, it has been more than ten years, and now these two children are just like you and me, living and dying together, and their fate is bumpy. You How can you bear to keep me here for more than ten years? Now, the time is coming, I am coming, you have to wait for me, keep waiting for me! "


A few days passed in the blink of an eye, and the days in the wilderness were always so pleasant and without danger. But Chu Yan and others did not give up their practice.

During this period, Ye Xun left and returned to the Northern Temple. It was said to be the birthday of the Northern God, so as a disciple of the Northern Temple, he had to return. Chu Yan didn't stop him, because he knew that the world was too small, and if he wanted to develop, he would have to leave here sooner or later and go to a more distant place.

Chu Yan has been practicing, and he is not in a hurry to break through to the emperor level. Instead, he keeps consolidating. During this period, he also participated in several mirror trials and exercised his creativity in the secret palace of the trial place.

However, there was never a single calm word between Chu Yan and Chu Hanfeng. Both father and son seemed to intentionally avoid this topic, and no one mentioned it.

On this day, a strange phenomenon suddenly appeared in the Six Realms Galaxy, which attracted the gathering of supernatural forces from fifteen directions. A huge void appeared in the sky above the galaxy, as if it could swallow all living beings, and many powerful people from the Six Realms Galaxy gathered here.

However, this void hole was so terrifying that the people from the Fifteen Directions Great Lords' influence did not dare to approach it after studying it, so they had to leave one after another. No one knew where this void hole led to.

In the mortal world, in the wild wilderness, the old demon appeared behind Chu Hanfeng and sighed: "Master, the Tianhe has opened, I'm afraid the time is running out. Someone will be here soon! Aren't you ready to tell the young master?"

Chu Hanfeng took a deep breath. At this moment, he couldn't help but fall into memories.

That was more than ten years ago, and it was also here. Similarly, a void hole opened in the Six Domains Star Sea.

In the wild land of the world, there is a couple. The man is wearing a golden armor and holding a war halberd. Although he does not have a peerless appearance, he has the spirit of a king. Standing there, he is worthy of the sky and the earth. The halberd asks The sky.

Beside him was a stunningly beautiful woman, wearing colorful phoenix clothes. She was so gorgeous and noble, but her eyes were full of watery tenderness as she looked at the man. The man is none other than Chu Hanfeng, and the woman is Qin Ruomeng, the Dan King of the Earth.

"Ruomeng, are you afraid?" Chu Hanfeng's first question that day was to ask Qin Ruomeng. His wife Ruomeng's response was so familiar: "I don't care about this feeling!"

Chu Hanfeng smiled flatly. He looked at the endless void cave, as if he were a god from outside the sky. He laughed loudly: "You were originally the empress of the temple, and you also dominated the eight wastelands. You were able to seal a lifetime of glory and determine the world. But you are actually accompanying me tonight. It will be painful for you to sink into this star!"

"Who isn't? Back then, you fought out among thousands of people and killed the gods. You knew you couldn't do it but you did it. You were worthy of heaven and your heart. You shook the royal family with your halberd just to tell them your thoughts. Tell me, This kind of love has nothing to do with God!" Qin Ruomeng smiled sweetly. That year, they were also young. That year, they were even crazier. He broke out among thousands of people, killed the gods, and caused chaos. Desolation makes the royal family tremble.

Chu Hanfeng smiled proudly. At that time, he looked to the far side, where Chu Yan was, and he smiled: "Then today, I will fight again and fight with the sky!"

However, at this moment, a god descended and turned into a divine phoenix all over the sky. The sun was shining brightly, and he had a pair of gentle hands that gently brushed Chu Hanfeng. He hugged her and said quietly: "This time, I don't want you to fight for your life." ! Hanfeng, Yan'er, I'll leave it to you. In the future, he will definitely fight like you and ask the royal family who is in charge of the ups and downs of this world!"

Chu Hanfeng's eyes widened and he roared: "No!"

But it was no longer useful. Qin Ruomeng transformed into a divine phoenix and blocked the empty hole with thousands of rays of light, sealing off the road for thousands of miles!

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