Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 220: No one in this world can make you lose

The forces from outside the world gathered together and descended on the earth together today. At this moment, a middle-aged man suddenly looked at Chu Yan and said, "I don't know what you think about killing my disciple of Yaoshan Sect. But today, I need Take him away!"

"Old demon leader, you are so calculating. He holds an evergreen tree in his hand. If you want to take him away today, I'm afraid you won't be able to!" Someone from all the forces said with a smile, which shocked everyone in the world. But now At this time, there were waves of power descending on Chu Yan, trying to take Chu Yan away.

“That tower is pretty good, I’ll take it from the Falling Star Pavilion!” said an elder from the Falling Star Pavilion.

Chu Yan looked at this scene and naturally knew who was coming. The Demon Mountain Gate where the demon was sealed, the forces of the Mu family, the Meteor Star Pavilion, and the Younu Palace were the inherited forces of the ** Lord. This made him laugh sarcastically: "The orthodox forces of the Great Lords of the Six Domains and the Galaxy of the Fifteen Directions came to my world today. It’s really ridiculous to surround and suppress my descendants. Is this the demeanor of the transcendent forces of the Six Realms Galaxy?”

A middle-aged woman from Younv Palace looked at Chu Yan and said calmly: "Boy, Qiu Meng told me that it is not bad for you to let her practice among the evergreen trees. Today, for Qiu Meng's sake, you will Hand over the control method of the Evergreen Tree, and I, the Lady of the Palace, can protect you from death!"

"It's really ridiculous. If you want an evergreen tree, why do you need to show off? In the past, in the White Jungle, Qiu Meng treated me sincerely. If I let her practice in an evergreen tree, what does it have to do with your Younu Palace?"

The face of the lady from Younv Palace changed slightly. At this moment, a man from the Mu family said: "Haha, Qiuyue, the other party doesn't appreciate your favor."

After saying that, the man looked at Chu Yan: "Boy, you'd better hand over the evergreen tree, otherwise, you won't be able to keep it."

Thousands of murderous intentions were coming at this time, and one after another power was approaching Chu Yan. Everyone in the world was shocked, and the same was true in the Four Valleys at this time. Now that the forces outside the world are gathering, they don't even have a chance to interrupt.

But more people are worried about how Chu Yan can resist the attacks of these extraterrestrial forces now.

Liu Qingcheng was extremely worried at the side. She had never expected that today's situation would turn out like this. She held Chu Yan's hand tightly.

Chu Yan also laughed. For the first time, he felt ridiculous. The evergreen tree has no owner for thousands of years and no one can conquer it. But now that he has accepted it, he is surrounded and suppressed by various forces. Why? Just because he is too weak. If he could be stronger, who would dare to bully him today?

But Chu Yan had no choice. He finally showed a mocking smile and took out the token of the Evergreen Tree. The reason was the same. He could fight against the Tianshan Sect in the mortal world, but facing countless external forces, he had no choice.

He is not afraid of death, but he cannot harm the world, Tiandao Sect, Baicaotang, and more people he cares about because of him. He spit out a mouthful of blood, trying to cut off the connection between the Evergreen Tree and him. At this moment in the forest, the Evergreen Tree let out a mournful roar, but no one could hear it.

"I will remember today's revenge, and pay for it with blood tomorrow!" Chu Yan roared in his heart and took out the token.

But at this moment, Chu Hanfeng's voice sounded faintly: "Have you forgotten what I said?"

Chu Yan was startled and looked at Chu Hanfeng helplessly. Of course he had not forgotten it, but now it was no longer the mortal world, but all the forces in the Six Realms Galaxy wanted to kill him. What else could he do?

"Do you know whose son you are?" Chu Hanfeng's voice sounded calmly again: "Do you know who you are?"

Chu Yan's eyes turned red. Chu Hanfeng asked him whose son he was and who he was!

"Tell me whose son you are! Tell me who you are!" Chu Hanfeng's voice sounded again. Chu Yan glared. He looked at Chu Hanfeng. This was the first time he felt this from his father. With a hint of majesty, he clenched his fist, and there seemed to be a transcendent power rising in his body. That power shot straight into the sky and dyed the blue clouds red.

"What a terrifying power of blood!" At this moment, everyone was shocked and couldn't help but take a step back. Chu Yan seemed to have raised a huge monster in his body. At that moment, the suppression of the Jiutian Xuan Tower was trembling.

"I was born in the wilderness. My mother is Qin Ruomeng, the king of pills, and my father is Chu Hanfeng, the king of the wilderness! I am the queen of the wilderness! Chu Yan!" Chu Yan almost roared, the sky was rusty, and everyone in the world was silent. .

He is the Queen of the Wilderness, Chu Yan!

"Then what are you afraid of?" Chu Hanfeng smiled, so free and easy: "Remember, no one in this world can make you admit defeat!"

Everyone was startled when they saw Chu Hanfeng's look, and King Mi didn't look too good. Although he knew that Chu Hanfeng was very powerful, there were countless extraterrestrial forces today. Even he, what could he do today?

"Hmph, you don't know how to live or die!" At this time, people from all star regions also sneered. They were so confident that in their opinion, they could destroy this small star at will.

"Everyone, what nonsense are you talking about in this land of rice? The blood in this boy's body is extraordinary. Let's take him away." A man from the Mu family said coldly. The next moment, he shocked everyone with a thought, as if he wanted to destroy the entire world. Destroy in general.

"Boom!" Chu Hanfeng took a step at this moment. He raised his head and looked at the countless people. He was still calm, but the next moment a divine voice sounded, making countless people pale: "It seems that in the past in the galaxy You didn’t remember the warning I gave you!”

"Boom!" Everyone was shocked. Gu Suyu's eyes narrowed at this moment. He looked at Chu Hanfeng and swallowed involuntarily: "Yes, it's him!"

Everyone outside the sky was shocked. They had all heard this voice. That day, various forces came to the mortal world and were blocked by a giant hand. And that person was actually the person in front of them, Chu Hanfeng in the mortal world?

"It's you!" More people noticed, and immediately felt chills running down their spines.

Chu Hanfeng had been standing there, so calm, but it made countless people feel fear. All of them remembered the palm he struck on Tianhe. That palm could destroy the sky.

"I originally promised your mother not to take action for you, but I do have a little selfishness. I think you, a bastard, will beg me once if you are going to die. Haha, but, you are very much like me, deep in your heart. You are so arrogant that you would rather die than beg me. That's all. I didn't give you anything as your father when you got married. Today, I can just make up for it." Chu Hanfeng seemed to be talking to himself. Emperor Qiu frowned on the side. He didn't know what happened outside Tianhe that day, and sneered on the side: "But a king of little stars is worthy of saying this."

After hearing Emperor Qiu's words, Gu Suyu's mouth twitched. He wanted to slap Emperor Qiu, but he didn't.

"Since you are here, you can all stay here today!"

Chu Hanfeng ignored Emperor Qiu. He raised his hand, and a huge bloody hand formed in the sky. The bloody hand penetrated directly through the sky and grabbed countless strong men outside the galaxy.

"No!!" Everyone was shocked. The originally arrogant people backed away crazily. Unfortunately, the huge blood palm was too fast. With just a thought, they were all imprisoned.

"Don't spare your life! I don't know it's you, this junior." Seeing the bloody palm falling, she begged in despair.

It's a pity that it's useless. At this moment, Chu Hanfeng's blood palm fell. No matter how strong you are, whether you are at the emperor level, broken emperor, or a powerful person from outside the world, you can only be killed under that blood palm. In the blink of an eye, you will be killed. In an instant, the thousands of miles of clouds were shaken away, and all the visitors from outside the world were massacred at this moment, turning into countless blood.

"All dead?"

Those people were all extremely powerful, breaking the emperor and above, but in Chu Hanfeng's thought, they all died!

Everyone in the world was shocked. Mi Tong looked at Chu Hanfeng with strange eyes. The same was true for everyone in the Blood Extermination Valley, including Feng Xin from the Tianshan Sect. She witnessed this scene with her own eyes, and a hint of ridiculousness suddenly appeared in her eyes. color.

She, the Tianshan Sect, has always hoped to seek protection from a force, but who knows, that force was once close to them, but was pushed away by them personally?

The people of Sigu, Emperor Haotian, Emperor Yan, including the people of Mo Yan Valley and Blood Destruction Valley felt uncomfortable. How could Chu Hanfeng be so powerful? What's ridiculous is that they have been saying that his barbarism is on the decline and the barbaric era will eventually end?

If Chu Hanfeng is willing, how many people can shake him, let alone the earthly world? Looking at the sky, how many people can shake him? At this moment, Luo Tianyi swallowed and spit in the distance. He suddenly remembered the Yao Lao's words. There is a difference between not wanting to change and being unable to change. Is it really impossible to change in the wild?

Of course, Chu Yan was also shocked. He was completely stunned. Even his son had never known that Chu Hanfeng was so scary? Just as Chu Hanfeng said, he is the son of such a powerful person, so no one in this world can let him lose!

Qin Zixuan smiled at the side, her phoenix eyes were also slightly red, she looked at Chu Yan: "When your whereabouts were exposed in Changlong Abroad, the Eastern God Altar sent countless emperors to kill you, but no one showed up. Did you know Why?"

Chu Yan was suddenly startled. Su Muyan told him that day that the Changlong Kingdom had betrayed him, and there were strong men in the Eastern Shrine who wanted to kill him, but no one showed up. Now, Qin Zixuan asked him, why?

Chu Hanfeng smiled and patted Chu Yan on the shoulder, and said with a smile: "Silly boy, you have grown up."

"Dad..." Chu Yan was a little green, and even this word was a little unfamiliar to him. In more than ten years, he had never returned to the wilderness once, and had never seen Chu Hanfeng once, but he didn't know that Chu Hanfeng was actually there. Countless times, I took action for him in times of crisis.

"It doesn't matter. A good man should be at home all over the world. He should strengthen himself and ask who is in charge of the ups and downs of this sky. His sword points to the sky and dominates the world. I don't blame you!" Chu Hanfeng said with a calm smile.

Now in the world, the only people left in the world are the people from the Eastern God Altar. The owner of the Eastern God Altar is just there, not daring to move. Chu Hanfeng glanced at Chu Yan and said lightly: "The master of the Eastern God Altar I didn’t kill anyone, that’s your future path.”

"Yeah." Chu Yan nodded. He was really happy at this moment. He originally thought that the next time he saw Chu Hanfeng, he would definitely defeat Chu Hanfeng. But today, he found that sometimes there were people around him. A father's love seems not bad.

"Go away and wait quietly. The day when the evergreen tree opens in your Eastern Altar, then I will become your nightmare." Chu Yan said coldly. Everyone in the Eastern Altar was twitching. Zai Qiu , Gu Suyu, and everyone else left.

Now that Chu Hanfeng is so strong, who among them would dare to stay?

Qingyin also glanced at Chu Yan strangely, and couldn't tell what the feeling was in her eyes. The person she looked down upon now actually had a more terrifying background than her.

At this moment, there was a sensation in the world. Everyone looked at the majestic figure in the sky. He was the king of the world. The strength he showed now made everyone hibernate.

At this moment, King Mi suddenly laughed, laughing at himself: "Hahaha, what a crime, what a crime!"

"Chu, King Chu..." King Mi was startled for a moment, and then he smiled bitterly. He didn't even dare to call out Brother Chu. He always thought that he and Chu Hanfeng had already agreed, but today he found out that he still It is the size of a grain of rice.

Chu Hanfeng glanced at Mi Wang and sighed: "Mo Yan Valley should demote itself to a sect and stop interfering in worldly affairs."

"Okay!" Mi Wang shook his head mockingly and turned away. He didn't even refute, and even got angry, because he knew, in front of Chu Hanfeng, was he worthy?

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