Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 219 Threats from Extraterrestrial Powers

Hearing that familiar voice, Chu Yan trembled, but he didn't look back and just smiled like that. He knew who was coming.

Everyone frowned when they saw the middle-aged man who suddenly appeared. No one could feel the fluctuation of power from him. But he stood there quietly, making it impossible to ignore his presence.

"He told Chu Yan that he would not beg him even if he died? Could it be that he is related to Chu Yan?"

"Who is your Excellency? This man is despicable. He used a divine object to kill my son. I will kill him today at the Oriental Shrine. I advise you not to interfere!" Gu Suyu stared at the middle-aged man with red eyes. .

Gusu City was slapped to death by Chu Yan. No matter what today, he must destroy Chu Yan.

There was a person standing behind him. Chu Yan was no longer afraid. He took a step forward and looked at Gu Su Yu coldly: "In the past in Tiandao Sect, your son Gu Su was so arrogant. He could decide my life or death with just one word. Today His death at my hands made me despicable. When he was in the realm of heaven and was over thirty, why didn't you say he was despicable if one day I was over thirty? you!"

"Arrogant! I will kill you today, why are you thirty!" Gu Suyu glanced at the middle-aged man again, and when he saw that the man remained silent, he had murderous intent.

"Say it again and try it again!" But at this moment, the middle-aged man spoke, and a cold sound resounded throughout the world. The next moment, the sky dispersed, and countless providences descended, making everyone shudder.

Gu Suyu was shocked. He felt a strong force rushing toward him, trying to erode him. Even if that force was as strong as the Emperor Realm, he couldn't stop it.

"Try saying something again!" The middle-aged man said again, and Gu Suyu vomited blood wildly. At the imperial level, he knelt on the ground with a bang. He was shocked.

Everyone was shocked at this moment. The middle-aged man didn't say anything. He just said, "Try saying something again!"

But who dares to try? Gu Suyu clenched his fists, his eyes filled with fear, because at this moment he really felt death.

"Your Excellency, I am a goddess from the Eastern Goddess. I came to earth today not to cause trouble, but to preside over a marriage for my altar. But this man is ruthless, so why should you meddle in other people's business. Why don't you just watch the fun today and come back later? If you come to my altar, you will definitely be treated as a guest." Qingyin said from the side, she also noticed that this middle-aged man is not ordinary: "What's more, if you offend my Oriental altar, you won't be able to bear this anger, right?"

"You don't have the right to speak here today. I don't want to die, so I stand there and watch." The middle-aged man glanced at Qingyin, and in a moment of thought, he held his hand. Qingyin was shocked, and was actually blocked by a force.

"Princess, be careful!" Emperor Qiu was shocked at the side, but as soon as he took a step, the middle-aged man spoke again: "You also stand there and watch!"

Suddenly a thought of killing came immediately, making Emperor Qiu dare not take a step forward.

"How can this power be so strong!" Emperor Qiu looked at the middle-aged man in shock. As soon as the middle-aged man appeared, all the winds were changed, and the original situation was immediately reversed.

Chu Yan stood there, very close, but who could kill him today? But more people are guessing who this middle-aged man is.

Chu Hanfeng looked at Liu Qingcheng at this time, and there was a touch of love in his eyes. It was the love of elders for younger generations. He smiled lightly and nodded: "If Meng is not wrong, girl, you are very good."

Girl, are you very good? Everyone was shocked.

Liu Qingcheng was also shocked at this moment and looked at Chu Yan with a hint of confusion. Chu Yan suddenly smiled and grinned: "Qingcheng, he is my father!"

boom! With one sentence, everyone in the world was shocked. Chu Yan actually said, is that middle-aged man his father? In the world of mortals, the lord of the wilderness?

Qingyin Yumian could not help but twitch. She just said that she came to the Eastern God Altar to get a wife? And Liu Qingcheng is actually the other party's daughter-in-law? How ridiculous is this?

At this moment, a middle-aged man flew out from Moyan Valley. When the elders of Moyan Valley saw the middle-aged man, they immediately respected him and said, "Valley Master!"

King Mi did not look at everyone, but looked at Chu Hanfeng with a strange look: "Brother Chu, long time no see."

Chu Hanfeng glanced at King Mi and said with some disappointment, "Back then, your talent was the limit, but when your life was approaching, Ruomeng kindly helped you achieve the imperial realm. I granted you a valley and granted you the title of Emperor." I thought highly of that girl Mi'er, so I sent Yan'er to your Mo Yan Valley for a while. We could have gotten married, but unfortunately, your King Mi was greedy and ended this relationship."

Everyone was shocked when they heard this. When King Mi entered the imperial realm, was it all Qin Ruomeng's help? King Mi's face didn't look very good either, but he recovered immediately. He looked at Chu Hanfeng coldly: "Those who know the current affairs are heroes. The barbaric era will eventually end."

Chu Hanfeng shook his head and said nothing. Then he looked at Chu Yan and said calmly: "Do you still remember what I said to you?"

Chu Yan smiled and nodded. Of course he remembers, I am the king of the world, why are you afraid of being killed?

"Then, let's do it." Chu Hanfeng smiled, Chu Yan also laughed, and everyone was shocked. What is Chu Yan going to do today?

Isn't this all over yet? Chu Yan turned his eyes and looked towards Lu Xueting. He wanted to kill Lu Xueting here today.

"No!" Lu Xueting was shocked. She looked at Xue Mie Gu with a hint of pleading: "Seniors of Xue Mie Gu, our Tianshan Sect is your subsidiary. You promised me that you would help my Tianshan Sect!"

The expressions of the elders of Xue Mie Valley changed slightly, but they were all silent and joking. Chu Hanfeng was standing there. Even several emperors of the Eastern Shrine were imprisoned. Who among them dared to take action?

"Lu Xueting, if you were sincere to Qingcheng, I should have called you senior and respected you, but you broke your promise and betrayed Qingcheng. Today, I am here to take your life!" Chu Yan walked out, Hao The Tianta screamed, and at this moment the sky turned into a huge bloody hand. With a thought, he grabbed Lu Xueting. Everyone looked at this scene with some chills.

That palm is too strong.

"No!!" Lu Xueting was frightened. She originally thought that Liu Qingcheng would marry into the Eastern God Altar and her Tianshan Sect would dominate the world, but she never expected that it would be like this today. What about Sigu? What about the Oriental Altar?

Today, Chu Yan wants to kill her, who can save her?

"Qingcheng! Please plead for me, I am your master!" At this moment, Lu Xueting was desperate. She knelt down on the ground and looked towards Liu Qingcheng.

Unfortunately, Liu Qingcheng looked at her indifferently, without any pity: "Back in Tianyong City, you forced me to marry Chu Yan and wanted to get closer to the wilderness through me. Well, I married. But then, you asked me to marry again. To Gusu City, why didn’t you consider that you were my master? When you destroyed Senior Sister Zheng Yutong’s cultivation, did you ever think that you were our master?”

Everyone sneered when they heard this, Lu Xueting was indeed pathetic.

"It's useless for you to beg anyone today!" Chu Yan thought, and the killing came, and the huge bloody hand struck down. Lu Xueting's eyes widened, and she was finally struck to death by a palm. Even before she died, she couldn't believe it, just like Chu As Yan said, her Tianshan Sect was supposed to be the largest sect in the world and her in-laws in the wilderness, but all of this was destroyed by her own hands.

Lu Xueting died. On this day, another woman flew out from the Tianshan Sect.

Feng Xin, the leader of the Tianshan Sect, glanced at the ruins of the Tianshan Sect, sighed, and looked at Chu Yan: "Chu Yan, Lu Xueting is dead, and the Tianshan Sect has collapsed. Let's spare the lives of the other disciples."

Chu Yan looked at the woman, and finally put away his bloody hands. He was not crazy. There were people in the Tianshan Sect who were kind to Liu Qingcheng, but he looked at the woman with a hint of order: "The Tianshan Sect is disbanded today. From now on, there will be no more Tianshan Sect in the world. Otherwise, we will be killed without mercy!”

Everyone lamented that the Tianshan Sect was really destroyed. Just as Chu Yan said, even though there are thousands of mountains in the world, there is no Tianshan Sect anymore!

A transcendent ten thousand sects finally collapsed in the hands of Chu Yan today. Everyone was shocked. Even if Si Gu took action today and there were extraterrestrial forces from the Eastern Altar, no one could stop Chu Yan.

He shouldered the Haotian Pagoda, traveled thousands of miles, leveled mountains and seas, even though the Tianshan Mountains were destroyed in the world for thousands of miles.

"It's over..." After a long silence, someone finally sighed. Countless people in the world shook their heads. Everything in the Tianshan Sect was caused by themselves.

Emperor Haotian's face didn't look good at this time. To be precise, it was gloomy. Chu Yan really did it today and destroyed a sect, and he couldn't help but think of Chu Yan's threat back then.

In the past, when Chu Yan was able to decisively fight against the Emperor Realm, he would bring his sword to the Haotian Sect to make him tremble in every valley.

Emperor Qiu, Emperor Yu, and Qingyin all stood in the distance. Looking at this scene, the corner of his mouth twitched. Emperor Yu's eyes were red and filled with murderous intent. Gusu City would not die like this, and he was not willing to accept it.

"Chu Yan, he really did it!" Someone couldn't help but say. On this day, Chu Yan could say that one person had disturbed the wind in the world. The road of thousands of miles of plains was his testimony, and this A road is destined to become a legend in the world that will be passed down through the ages.

At this moment, Chu Yan's eyes turned cold. He suddenly looked in the direction of the Eastern Altar and sneered: "Dongfang Altar, remember my words. If I, Chu Yan, are not dead today, then in the future, the evergreen tree will be the Eastern Altar. open!"

Everyone was shocked. Chu Yan actually threatened the Eastern Altar? Qingyin's jade face also changed slightly, and murderous intent was constantly revealed in his eyes.

"Boom!!!" But at this moment, a sudden wind blew up above the nine heavens, and a natural phenomenon appeared. A huge beast's face appeared and shrouded the world, shocking countless people: "Boy, I'm afraid you won't survive. It’s time to come!”

Qin Zixuan raised her head and glanced at the beast's face. It was this force that stopped her just now.

"Altar Master!" Emperor Qiu and Gu Suyu both raised their eyes with a look of respect. Feeling the suppression of that power, everyone in the world was a little frightened. The power was so strong that it could seal the imperial realm and make people There is a feeling of involuntary surrender.

"Is that the altar owner of the Eastern Altar?" Chu Yan looked at the huge beast's face and felt a little moved in his heart. The power was so strong. At this moment, he even looked at Chu Hanfeng with a little worry.

In Chu Yan's impression, Chu Hanfeng was just the king of the world, but the other party was the king of the ten directions.

But at this moment, Chu Yan turned around and couldn't help but be startled. He saw a confident and proud smile on Chu Hanfeng's face. He was standing there, still unremarkable, but as if everything was under his control. Stand there quietly.

Chu Hanfeng stood there like the king of heaven and earth. He glanced at the beast's face and said, "Since we are here, why hide? The rest of them should also show up."

After Chu Hanfeng finished speaking, everyone was stunned for a moment, but they saw the wind blowing in the mortal world, and countless transcendent powerful people came. Those people were all standing outside the mortal world, but they could still clearly see their figures. It's so terrifying. One thought seems to be God's will, and there are more than a dozen of them.

"Who are these people?"

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