Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 214: Re-Establishing the Haotian Tower

The episode in the Ancient Trial Ground ended, but no one knew the shock in the hearts of this group of disciples. Chu Yan was not dead, and he became so strong? He could suppress countless ninth-level kings in a single thought? Not everyone among the thirty-six geniuses could do it, right?

Chu Yan returned to the mortal world. At this time, a figure suddenly came walking over, passing through the sea and sky of the Ancient Trial Ground. He was dressed in white and was elegant. He stood there and looked at Chu Yan.

Chu Yan also condensed his eyes slightly when he saw the person coming, revealing a bit of seriousness.

"You are not dead!" The person who came was Lin Daoyan. He looked at Chu Yan with a strange look. In half a year, he could feel that Chu Yan's temperament had changed a lot.

"Are you here to attack me?" Chu Yan already knew that Lin Daoyan was a disciple of the Eastern Altar, so it was normal for him not to be afraid of the wilderness. However, the other party had entered the emperor level, so Chu Yan was now very difficult to deal with.

Lin Daoyan smiled calmly: "There will be a battle between you and me, but not in this mortal world. If you survive, leave here and find me in the Six Realms Star Sea in the future. Our battle should be there."

Chu Yan was stunned. He didn't expect Lin Daoyan to be like this, but he was also very calm: "I will find you!"

"I came here today to tell you something. You have been in the ancient trial ground for half a year. I am afraid you don't know about the grand event in the mortal world now? At the end of the year, Tianshan Sect will have an alien visitor. Liu Qingcheng will marry Gusu City!" Lin Daoyan said calmly, and Chu Yan's eyes suddenly changed, extremely cold.

"Half a year ago, it was rumored that you were buried in the ancient trial ground. Ye Xun, Qiu Yu and others were openly enemies with Si Gu. One day, Ye Xun was seriously injured and Tian Jian was destroyed. Liu Qingcheng escaped from Tianshan Sect in the past, but now she is under house arrest. Zheng Yutong has become a disabled person, and you have no helper. But now there is an elder from the Eastern Altar in Tianshan Sect. Gusucheng will marry Liu Qingcheng. Tianshan Sect, do you still dare to go!" After Lin Daoyan finished speaking, the evil people from all sides also came. They were sure that this person was Chu Yan.

Lin Daoyan asked Chu Yan, Tianshan Sect, do you still dare to go.

Chu Yan was angry, furious. For the sake of profit, Tianshan Sect actually let Liu Qingcheng marry Gusucheng and get married at the end of the year! Lu Xueting, she had betrayed the promise of Tianyong City that year!

In half a year, Ye Xun returned, but was seriously injured by Si Gu, and Zheng Yutong became a disabled person! Tianshan Sect, Liu Qingcheng was under house arrest!

"I have delivered the message. Think about it yourself." Lin Daoyan said, turned around and left, leaving the calm sea surface with waves.

"Tianshan Sect! I said that she was wronged. Even if there are mountains and seas between us, I will flatten these mountains and seas, and flatten your Tianshan Sect!"

The murderous intent continued to rise, and the disciples of various sects were shocked. They wanted to retreat in an instant, but at this time Chu Yan held the sword, and the wind and clouds changed with a thought, with endless murderous intent.

"Puff! Puff! Puff!" No disciple of each sect was spared, they all had to die! At this time, Chu Yan raised his head and looked at the distant place, which was the direction of Tianshan Sect. Tianshan Sect had strong men from outside the sky and was blocked by the four valleys. Did Chu Yan dare to go?

Chu Yan must go!

The news that Chu Yan was not dead spread throughout the world immediately. The four valleys and the ten thousand sects, this news spread like crazy throughout the world.

In the following few days, the world was in chaos. Wherever Chu Yan passed, there was a mess. The sixth-grade soul was suspended in the sky, and the monstrous sword intent swept across thousands of people. He walked in the air and crossed the black forest for thousands of miles, with the Sun-Destroying Sword in his hand. During this period, countless people from the Wanzong pursued him, but all at the cost of death. Among them were the evildoers of the ninth level of the king and the elders of the king.

However, Chu Yan was invincible like a king. One person was invincible in one realm. He held a sword and killed one person with one sword, and he would die.

In just a few days, Chu Yan caused chaos in the world. During this period, countless people spread that Chu Yan might be crazy. He really wanted to kill Tianshan Sect. With one person, he looked down on everyone along the way, and no one could stop him.

Sigu and Wanzong finally sent out emperor-level strongmen to hunt Chu Yan, but there was no news. After Chu Yan entered the inner circle, he seemed to disappear out of thin air.

On this day, a young man appeared in the mirror trial ground, and then all the grand platform monuments in the world lit up, attracting the attention of all the people in the world. They saw a young man floating there, and he seemed to have something to say.

"It's Chu Yan! He actually went to the mirror land, and the old man in the mirror opened a grand platform for him. He has something to say!" Everyone in the world was shocked.

All the people in the world raised their heads and looked at the mirror grand platform monument. Chu Yan's eyes were extremely cold, flashing with strong murderous intent. The next moment, a voice rolled in and resounded throughout the world.

"Tianshan Sect! Lu Xueting! You promised me in Tianyong City in the past, but now you have violated the contract. The mountains and seas can be leveled, but you can't live! I will find you! Tianshan Sect! I, Chu Yan, am here!"

"Boom!" The world was shocked, Chu Yan said, Tianshan Sect, he is here!

The world was in an uproar, and the next moment, a powerful emperor from Wanzong entered the mirror image, wanting to kill Chu Yan, but he couldn't, because Chu Yan had already disappeared, and none of them had seen Chu Yan again, and Chu Yan seemed to have disappeared from the world again.

"That Chu Yan, might be crazy!"

Since then, rumors about Chu Yan in the world have never stopped. Whether it is the people of Wanzong or everyone in the world, they are curious about where Chu Yan has gone. He is just a disciple, how can he shake the entire Tianshan Sect?

Another day, where Haotian Valley is located, Haotian Tower keeps wailing, the sky is dark, and heavy rain is coming. The rain is so sad, as if it is grieving for someone.

On this day, a young man came with a sword. He blocked the formation step by step. Strong men below the emperor level did not dare to approach. He moved forward step by step, immediately shocking everyone in the world.

Chu Yan, he did not go directly to Tianshan Sect, but came to Haotian Valley first, trying to break into this valley alone!


The Haotian Pagoda has not been open for a year, and it is mourning today. He is mourning for Chu Yan. Powerful men from all sides arrived, and they were all shocked when they saw this scene. There seemed to be a subtle connection between Chu Yan and Haotian Tower, and a force kept descending on Chu Yan, making even the powerful men at the level of Don't dare to get close.

Everyone looked at this scene and couldn't help but think of Chu Yan here a year ago. Thousands of strong men wanted to kill him but couldn't. The Haotian Tower screamed in sorrow. Chu Yan wanted to fight the Haotian Tower again for the sky!

"Bastard!" Luo Tianyi jumped out, his eyes were extremely cold when he saw this scene: "All elders obey the order and kill this boy!"

"You can't kill me!" Chu Yan said calmly. The only thing in his eyes at this time was the Haotian Tower. The Haotian Tower screamed and thousands of strong men were knocked back. This time, the Haotian Tower seemed to be stronger. The seven-story The light illuminates the sky, and the powerful power of thought envelopes Chu Yan.

"You're here!" Haotian Tower let out a long roar.

"I'm here!" Chu Yan said calmly while standing in front of Haotian Tower.

There is actually a spirit in Haotian Tower, communicating with Chu Yan. At this moment, Chu Yan slowly reached out his hand. He grabbed the Haotian Tower with one hand and burned the essence and blood. Everyone was shocked when they saw this scene. The earth was shaking and the sky was roaring.

"What is he doing?" Everyone stared at Chu Yan, and countless people roared. But at this moment, the eyes of the elders from all sides condensed: "He wants to raise the Haotian Tower! Follow him!"

"The Haotian Tower has remained motionless for ten thousand years. He can't take it away!" Someone else said that more and more powerful people gathered inside and outside the Haotian Valley. People continued to gather in the Glacier Valley, Mo Yan Valley, Blood Destruction Valley, and Emperor Cloud. Strong men from sects and major sects kept coming here, but at this time, no one dared to take a step closer easily. The intention of the Haotian Tower was roaring, turning into a wind blade and covering hundreds of miles.

"Ah!!!" Chu Yan kept exerting force, and his veins popped out. He was going to build the Haotian Tower today. He was going to defeat the Tianshan Sect with this tower!

"On this trip, you are going to die!" Haotian Tower made another voice, shocking everyone. This Haotian Tower has a spirit. Does it know what Chu Yan is going to do?

"If I don't go, life would be worse than death!" Chu Yan continued to exert force, and the ground shook more and more violently, but the Haotian Tower still couldn't stand up, it was so heavy.

"I won't accompany you to die!" Haotian Tower said coldly. At this moment, Chu Yan was furious, boom! Chu Yan suddenly blasted out a palm, hitting the Haotian Tower: "You have never been able to afford it, and you are here to pay homage to the master of the Haotian Tower. The master of the Haotian Tower knew that he would die, but you still dared to fight against the sky! Tonight, I, Chu Yan, will fight against the sky, Haotian Tower, are you afraid?"

Everyone was shocked. Chu Yan actually slapped Haotian Tower and asked Haotian Tower, are you afraid tonight?

"In the future, you will have supreme power, and you will fight fiercely with the master of Haotian Tower in all directions! You laughed at me for being too humble and refused to follow me! I once said, I am humble today, how can I be humble forever? I said, If I come back here one day, I will fight you again! Today, I came to fulfill my promise, but you refused to get up, which is totally ridiculous!"

"You once hated the injustice of heaven and refused to open it for ten thousand years. You wanted to wait for someone to accompany you to defy heaven! Today, I, Chu Yan, will destroy this will of heaven. If your Haotian Tower refuses to rise, then what qualifications do you have to say: hate the injustice of heaven? ! If I become a king in the future, how can you fight against me in this world? If so, I look down on you!" Suddenly, Chu Yan let go of Haotian Tower, and everyone was shocked when they saw this scene.

No one expected that Chu Yan would come to Haotian Tower again and be so domineering. He said that he looked down on Haotian Tower. He would become the king of his side, and Haotian Tower was not worthy of fighting with him!

"Roar!" Haotian Tower seemed to be irritated by Chu Yan, and its aura was chaotic. The mountains and rivers were shattered, and the Haotian Valley was in a mess. Countless venerables were shocked and quickly retreated.

Chu Yan felt the strong suppression of power, and Haotian Tower roared: "Your strength is still humble in my opinion! How dare you look down on me!"

"Who is born to be an immortal demon? Although I, Chu Yan, have not reached the imperial level today, I am obsessed with fighting the sky. My sword will be able to cut the sky in the future, but you can't curl up. How can you call me humble!" Chu Yan Sneered, he came here today to take away Haotian Tower. Since Haotian Tower won't go with him, then he should abandon it!

"Boom!" Haotian Tower was angry, buzzing continuously, and its intention to plunder and kill became stronger.

"If you are obsessed with fighting against the sky, then I will let you see how you want to fight against the sky!"

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