Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 213 Return to the Earthly World

There are evergreen trees in the jungle of all ages, but they have been without owners for thousands of years. Today, because of Chu Yan's branches and leaves, all things are alive, controlling the life and death of all living beings, and all the evil spirits in the six realms and galaxies have perished, and only the Li family and the Xuannv sect have benefited.

This news quickly spread throughout the six realms of the star sea.

On this day, in the Emperor's Star Territory, it was vast and endless, with thousands of stars connected, and a palace suspended in the center, forming a sky.

Ji Wufeng, Emperor Star Territory Emperor Sect, returned here, looking quite embarrassed. Sitting in the main hall was a middle-aged man, more than ten meters tall, like a giant. When he thought about it, it was God's will, and he looked at Ji Wufeng coldly. : "The Evergreen Tree has recognized its owner? Is this news accurate?"

"Back to Master, it's absolutely true!"

"Where are you from?"

"It's an inconspicuous star in the Four Directions God Star Region. I've searched thousands of years of history, but there is no record of this star. It wasn't until ten years ago that a trace of its outline emerged, but there seemed to be a seal on the outer circle, and no one above Po Emperor could step into it. "Ji Wufeng said.

"The stars in the world?" The middle-aged man nodded, and then closed his head: "It doesn't matter, the evergreen tree recognizes its owner, but it cannot be controlled by someone who is not a great king, and it cannot be taken away, so let's watch the fun first."

Ji Wufeng nodded, turned and left. This news caused quite a stir not only in the Emperor's Star Region, but also in the Six Regions of the Galaxy. In the Qinggu Star Region's Meteor Star Pavilion, Yi Shuihan knelt on the ground and trembled. There were several elders of the Meteor Star Pavilion who were unparalleled in their coldness.

"Send someone to the stars in this world to find this person!"

"Yes!" The Meteor Star Pavilion took action. In addition, someone also took action in the direction of Younu Palace, including the Mu family and the major demon mountain forces in the ancient demon star region. Strong men from all parties gathered and headed towards the Sifang God Star. Yu Yu rushed.

This is true for the Sifang God Star Region, the Eastern God Altar and the other three major god forces. The Sifang God Force dominates a star region and is the overlord of the star region. Today, the evergreen tree recognizes its owner and appears in their star field. Naturally, they are the first to reach it.

On this day, there was a wind blowing outside the dusty sky, and countless strong men came strolling from the mysterious realm of the starry sky. They were all immortals. They could cover several thousand meters in one step. They quickly shuttled through the star realm and finally came. Come to this side of the world.

"Is this the mortal world?" Suddenly a person from the Meteor Star Pavilion said. The elders of the Eastern God Altar looked at everyone and said, "Why do you come to our Western God Star Territory at the expense of a large army?"

"Gusu Yu, you don't have to be pretentious. The Evergreen Tree has appeared in this world. This is a major event for our six-region galaxy. We are here as the Evergreen Tree!" said an elder of the Falling Star Pavilion.

Gu Suyu glanced at the crowd and sneered in his heart: "These old foxes have never come to the Sifangshenxingyu once in ten thousand years. Now that the evergreen trees are blooming, they are all here! But it's okay, there is a seal in this star. , let these old foxes try it."

"Let's talk about it first. How will we divide the Evergreen Tree?" Gusu Yu said.

"Back then, the Fifteen Great Lords, together with the assassination of Lord Zhentian, took away the Evergreen Tree. It should be shared by our fifteen forces." Meteorite Pavilion Dayi Lingran said, Gusu Yu sneered. At that time, the Fifteenth Lords joined forces to assassinate Zhentian Lord. Heavenly Lord, in order to seize the evergreen tree, he still cannot control the evergreen tree after thousands of years. Otherwise, where would the fifteen forces share it?

Today, the evergreen tree recognizes its master again, and the Six Domains Galaxy is afraid that there will be a storm.

"Let's attack first." said an elder of the Falling Star Pavilion. Everyone nodded, and Haoran's army walked on the sea of ​​​​stars, gradually approaching the world of dust.

"Boom!" But at this moment, a big hand suddenly stretched out, a thousand meters away, and grabbed one of the elders of the Falling Star Pavilion. In a flash, that elder died.

"Who?" Gu Suyu and others were shocked, but at this moment, a majestic voice suddenly came out: "Go away, this is not a place for you to come."

"So strong!" Gu Suyu and others were shocked when a face appeared in the sky. That face was that of a middle-aged man, very charming, giving people a strange style.

"Chu Hanfeng!" A strong man from the Eastern Altar roared. Chu Hanfeng calmly raised his head and looked at the many strong men indifferently: "Three breaths, or you will die if you don't leave."

Everyone was shocked, and a strong man from the Falling Star Pavilion clenched his fist: "How can there be such an existence in this little star?"

"I don't know, but this person is not something we can deal with, retreat!" All forces were hindered and retreated quickly. This incident became silent, and it also made the fifteen forces know that there was a transcendent existence in the world that they could not deal with.

At this time, the world was wild. Chu Hanfeng closed his eyes and rested. There was an old man beside him. He looked at Chu Hanfeng helplessly: "Master, why did you take action? Now that you are exposed, those people will soon Got here."

Chu Hanfeng smiled helplessly: "I have not fulfilled my father's responsibilities in the past ten years. Before I leave, I should help him again."

The old man didn't say anything, but his eyes were red and he clenched his fists: "In the past, I fought against the demons and immortals in the world, and was so powerful that I was so powerful in all directions. When did I ever suffer such humiliation? Master, do you have to do this?"

"What I have not done, someone will do it for me. My time in this world... is probably running out." Chu Hanfeng sighed, his eyes sharp, and there was a deep chill: "My Daughter-in-law, if someone is chosen by Meng, would anyone dare to snatch her away?"

"Master, do you want me to go directly to bring the young lady back?"

"No need, this is the boy's obstacle. Ruomeng and I also went through many hardships back then. Let him go on his own. If he comes back to beg me, I will help him. If he doesn't beg, it proves that he still has some strength left. I believe He, even if he loses, my son, Chu Hanfeng, will not lose too badly and will shock the world." Chu Hanfeng said with a smile, which is a sign of trust and love for his son. He never taught Chu Yan how to practice, but he had his own way of training Chu Yan.

Among the six realms of the galaxy, there is an extremely secret place with a powerful force. This group of people are constantly conveying power to the world, but these powers are extremely secretive, and even Chu Hanfeng has not discovered them. But these strong men have done nothing and have been lurking in the world, as if they are protecting someone in the dark, and no one knows.

There is also the Qintian Pavilion. On this day, in the Qintian Pavilion in the mortal world, there is a star observation platform. The Twelve Star Lord is here. The Great Star Lord looks at the star platform and it is a little hot: "The time is almost up."

Of course, Chu Yan knew nothing about the alarm in the Six Realms Galaxy and the arrival of thousands of powerful men outside the mortal world.

In the Evergreen Jungle, Chu Yan was helpless for a while. He originally wanted to take the Evergreen Tree away, but this big tree ignored him at all, so he had to give up temporarily and leave alone.


At the end of the year, the world is extremely lively, because it is another year of the Shengtai Monument War, but this year's Shengtai Monument War is a little deserted, with few people paying attention, and more people are focusing on another place, so It was the Tianshan Sect, where a grand wedding banquet was taking place.

On this day, a young man walked out of the ancient trial ground in the world. He was dressed in white and held a sharp sword in his hand. He was dragging it gently on the ground. The corners of his mouth were raised, with a hint of enchantment. Strange smile.

Standing at the ancient trial site, the young man took a deep breath, with a touch of excitement in his eyes: "I'm finally back."

"Whoa! Whoa! Whoa!" But the next moment, a group of young people arrived and surrounded the young man. Many people were sizing up the young man's identity. They were of extraordinary origin, each of them had the strength of the ninth level of the king, and were wearing thousands of clothes. The costumes of each sect.

Ever since the road of life and death appeared in the ancient trial land, this place has been valued by thousands of sects. Now Chu Yan suddenly saw Chu Yan walking out of it and immediately surrounded it.

"Who are you, kid? Why did you come out of the ancient trial ground?" said one of the leading disciples.

"People from Haotian Valley?" Chu Yan raised his head, glanced at this young man, and showed a hint of contempt. When he was at the ancient trial site in the past, he felt that the ninth-level kings were very strong, but today he has broken through to The king is at level eight, and the ordinary king at level nine is vulnerable to him.

"Although the place you are in has enmity with me, it has nothing to do with you. I don't want to cause any harm today, so you can go away." Chu Yan said calmly, but many strong men were stunned. Chu Yan actually told them to go away?

At this moment, a disciple from the Glacier River Valley suddenly sneered: "You are an eighth-level king, are you worthy of saying this?"

"Don't talk nonsense to him, just quit and see if you can get some questions from him about the ancient trial ground." Another disciple said impatiently.

The members of each sect were filled with murderous intent, and they sacrificed their souls one by one. They were all second- and third-grade souls. Looking at their souls, Chu Yan shook his head. This time he saw external forces, which made him realize more deeply how terrifying the powerful people outside the stars are, and how ridiculous the so-called geniuses in the world are compared to them?

"What nonsense are you talking to him about? Just destroy him!" A disciple of the Emperor Yun Sect shouted and immediately took action.

"Boom!" But at this moment, with just one step, Chu Yan stepped forward, and suddenly a huge force came down, causing everyone's expressions to change. No matter whether they were the ninth level king or the top king, they were all defeated by Chu at this moment. The rocks were shaken to death, and there was a sword in the sky above them. One sword could cut the sky.

"So strong!" The disciples of all the sects were shocked. They thought what Chu Yan said was a joke at first, but now that he made a move, they were all frightened.

"You, who are you?" The disciples of each sect asked in shock.

"I said I don't want to kill you, so why do I have to die? I will cut off one of your arms today, and I will die if we meet on the battlefield in the past." Chu Yan did not answer them. As soon as the sword intention came, the disciples of each sect screamed. , everyone had an arm broken off.

As for Chu Yan, he had already strolled away, dragging a sword in his hand and walking easily. After a day of practicing in the jungle, he finally reached a state where he was almost invincible.

Wan Zong's disciples were stunned. The young man was too strong, so powerful that they didn't even have the strength to fight back.

"I, I seem to know him!" At this moment, a disciple suddenly swallowed his mouth and couldn't help but think of the figure of a person who killed the genius with the sixth level of king in this ancient trial place in the past.

"He, he is Chu Yan!"

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