Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 210 Controlling the Eternal Evergreen Tree

Demon-killing Road, you can kill monsters. Monsters that enter it will be dead, not to mention people whose bodies are far inferior to monsters?

But at this moment, Chu Yan stood firm. He smiled calmly and looked in the direction of the little wolf. Dong, he took another step and said softly: "Wait for me, Master will come to pick you up!"

"Don't know whether to live or die!" Feng Yao's eyes condensed. There were more ancient monsters born on the Demon-killing Road, endless.

All the monsters were shocked. Li Xiaoyao also stopped his hand and looked at Chu Yan on the Demon-killing Road. He smacked his lips: "This kid is so cruel. He broke into the Demon-killing Road. He really thought his life was like a monster? I admire him, I admire him!"

Yi Shui looked at Chu Yan coldly and snorted: "He will never pass this Demon-killing Road. It will definitely cost him his life!"

Chen Xiao also said on the side: "Li Xiaoyao, it seems that you helped him in vain. He has no chance to treat you to that meal!"

Li Xiaoyao rolled his eyes at Chen Xiao and said nothing.

At this time, the seventh floor of the Evergreen Tree was filled with fighting spirit, and the evildoers from all sides gathered here. Everyone stared at the road to destroy the monsters. Chu Yan stepped in step by step, allowing the ancient monsters to crush him, leaving several bloody wounds on his body, but he still did not fall or retreat.

"Brother Chu..." The blue-clothed woman from Xuannv Sect, her autumn eyes turned red as she looked at Chu Yan, who looked like a bloody man, and tears rolled in her eyes. At this time, Xuan Qing patted the blue-clothed woman on the shoulder: "You tried your best."

But the blue-clothed woman did not say anything, just staring at Feng Yao, and said word by word: "If Brother Chu has any problems, I will kill him one day!"

Xuan Qing's delicate body trembled, and then she felt a little bitter. She also loved her little sister very much. She was brought back to Xuannv Sect by the master a year ago. It is said that she came from a small star, but she is gifted, and has the Xuannv Yin body, and masters the way of extreme Yin. It is a rare physique and is the focus of Xuannv Sect.

But Xuan Qing is different. Why is the little sister so obsessed with such a young man? Although he performed well, there are many monsters in the six-domain star sea, and they are destined to be from different worlds in the future.

"Ah!" Little Wolf growled and roared. Chu Yan could no longer stand at this time, and thousands of ancient monsters rushed towards him.

"Ah! Ah! Ah!" Little Wolf was almost crazy, but he couldn't break free from the suppression mirror. His eyes were red and his demonic energy was rising.

"Wait for me!" Chu Yan still said. Everyone was moved by Chu Yan's obsession. Qiu Meng of the Ghost Girl Palace had already cried and her face was red. Xuan Bingxin also frowned on the side. Chu Yan's performance was too much beyond her imagination. She couldn't figure out why a person from a small world could be so powerful.

"Chu, Yan! No, don't!" At this moment, there was a super strong demon thought that resounded through the world, and everyone was shocked. The demon wolf spoke! He roared. Chu Yan, don't!

Chu Yan was stunned, and his eyes turned red. Little Wolf spoke! Little Wolf spoke for the first time! There was a little childishness in his voice. He said, Chu Yan, don't!

"Ah!!!" The little wolf continued to roar, and everyone was shocked. The road to exterminating demons was trembling. The ruthless demon thoughts were suppressed. The demon wolf roared, as if it was the eternal demon king. He was angry and wanted all the demons of the ages to surrender!

Feng Yao was shocked, and a demonic aura was shaken out. Did the demon mirror break at this moment? Tengtengteng, Feng Yao was shaken away for several steps.

"Chu, Yan!" The little wolf continued to roar. He broke free from the demon mirror and rushed into the road to exterminating demons. There was the road to the destruction of demons!

"No!" Chu Yan roared. He wanted to save the little wolf, but today the little wolf actually entered the road to exterminating demons!

But the little wolf didn't listen at all. He rushed into the road to exterminating demons, attracting thousands of big demons to attack him. His body became huge in an instant, completely covering Chu Yan under him, and protecting Chu Yan tightly.

"Boom!" All the ancient monsters were killed. The little wolf turned into a blood wolf in an instant, with his skin and flesh torn apart. The little wolf's blood was special, which made the road to exterminate monsters even crazier!

Everyone was shocked by the little wolf's actions. He would rather die than protect Chu Yan! He said, Chu Yan didn't want to! He turned into a huge body and used his body as a shield! He could die, but Chu Yan couldn't die!

"Go away!" Chu Yan's eyes were red, and he roared, but the little wolf didn't leave. He looked at him tenderly, and showed a pale smile, saying childishly: "If I don't die, don't bully me in the future!"

Chu Yan's heart trembled again. How could he not die on the road to exterminate monsters if monsters entered it?

He walked all the way with the little wolf and forced the little wolf to become his apprentice on the back mountain of Tianyong City. The Qin family chased him, and the little wolf took a bullet for him. In the past, in the Haotian Sect, the little wolf used his flesh and blood as a shield. Today, the little wolf went against the demon-killing road for him and turned into a huge body, as long as he didn't die!

This love is rare in the world, and it moved everyone!

"This love, this life will not be betrayed!" Chu Yan was also angry, his eyes were burning, his blood was burning, and blood dripped on the Sun-killing Sword. Blood, three bloodlines are perfect, he wants to cut this demon-killing road!

"It's useless, this demon-killing road is the top demon-killing magic weapon of the Demon Mountain Gate, any demon who enters it will definitely die!" Everyone sighed, and some were moved, moved by the loyalty of the demon wolf.

Feng Yao's face turned blue. In order to tame the little demon, he couldn't help but pay for the demon-suppressing mirror, but now he couldn't subdue the little wolf, and roared: "You don't know how to live or die! Since you can't be used by me, I will kill you today!"

"Kill!" Chu Yan roared.

"Boom boom!" Everyone was shocked at this time. The Evergreen Tree... actually trembled?

Its branches and leaves spread out, covering the world. Everyone looked up and saw that a tree spirit had emerged from the Evergreen Tree: "What's going on? The Evergreen Tree has consciousness?"

"It's not consciousness, someone has awakened the Evergreen Tree!"

At this time, Chu Yan was also slightly startled. He only felt a burst of heat in his hand, and there was an ancient token. The token was the token that Xiaolang took him to get in the ancient trial ground.

At this time, the token gave birth to a pattern and turned into a huge ancient tree.

Chu Yan was startled. The pattern on the token was actually the Evergreen Tree? And the next moment, the Haotian Tower in his Dantian made a change. He was shocked. The fifth floor of the Haotian Tower was opened for him! ?

The fifth floor of the Haotian Tower can only be opened after entering the emperor level. Chu Yan wanted to force it to open in the Haotian Sect, but he was injured and vomited blood. But today, it took the initiative to open it for him?

"This is... the Evergreen Tree?" Chu Yan was shocked on the fifth floor of the Haotian Tower. He saw a divine object here, the Evergreen List, the Evergreen Tree!

The Evergreen Tree was actually a divine object on the Evergreen List? Ranking, one thousand! It is even better than Qin Zixuan's Broken Army Hammer, it dominates thousands of creatures, spreads branches and leaves, and can produce endless abilities! ?

Chu Yan was shocked. He never expected that the Eternal Evergreen Tree was actually a divine object, and the token he got from the Ancient Trial Ground was the key to open the Eternal Evergreen Tree.

Now, Chu Yan can feel the connection between him and the Eternal Evergreen Tree. This Eternal Evergreen Tree is his, and he can control everything here.

The branches and leaves of the Eternal Evergreen Tree quickly gathered towards Chu Yan. Everyone was shocked. Chen Xiao narrowed his eyes and immediately took a step back: "Something is wrong, this kid has controlled the Eternal Evergreen Tree!"

At this time, someone looked down at the tree, and those who had comprehended the inheritance in the branches and leaves below were all shaken away and were not qualified to inherit in the ancient tree.

"How is it possible? The Eternal Evergreen Tree has been ownerless for thousands of years and can be used for people to practice. How could it be controlled by a small outsider like him today?" Yi Shuihan, Feng Yao and others all looked gloomy.

Li Xiaoyao was even more stunned, then laughed, laughing heartily: "This is so damn cool!"

At this time, Chu Yan had an idea, he looked at Feng Yao, the murderous intent in his eyes was self-evident, Feng Yao's heart sank, he could feel the strong suppression of the Evergreen Tree at this moment: "What are you going to do?"

"You, damn it!" Chu Yan's eyes turned cold, and the endless branches turned into countless spears at this moment to suppress Feng Yao, and even wanted to pierce Feng Yao.

Feng Yao was shocked, he could never avoid the murderous intent of the Evergreen Tree, he immediately roared: "Chu Yan, if you kill me, the Demon-Destroying Road will definitely kill that little demon!"

"This thing?" Chu Yan glanced at the Demon-Destroying Road indifferently, the next moment, the Demon-Destroying Road was broken, and the Evergreen Tree directly crushed it, and the thousands of ancient demons were all pierced by the Evergreen Tree.

"No!" Feng Yao was shocked, the Demon-Destroying Road was destroyed? In Chu Yan's thought?

"Die!" Chu Yan's eyes turned cold, and the next moment he had a killing thought, and countless branches and leaves of the Evergreen Tree slammed down. The Feng Yao was shocked. He gritted his teeth and wanted to escape immediately, but Chu Yan was so indifferent. Run? The entire Evergreen Tree was under his control, where could he run to?

"Die!" Chu Yan's divine thought fell, and Feng Yao howled immediately. His body was pierced by countless branches and leaves, turning into a dead man.

Everyone was shocked. Feng Yao... died? In a thought, he was killed by Chu Yan.

Chen Xiao, Yi Shuihan and others were all shocked. Chen Xiao reacted the fastest. He immediately shouted to the people around him: "Run!"

"Can you run away?" Chu Yan said indifferently. He slowly stretched out his hand and grabbed Chen Xiao and everyone else. Everyone was terrified. Chen Xiao roared: "Chu Yan, you dare!"

"Chu Yan, if you kill me, the Eastern Altar will destroy your mortal world one day, and your so-called wilderness will be buried with me!"

Everyone was terrified. The monsters from all sides immediately retreated and flashed outside the Evergreen Tree. This scene changed too suddenly. Chu Yan controlled the Evergreen Tree. This was his battlefield. Here, he was invincible and could kill the monsters from all sides.

In the direction of Xuannv Sect, Xuanqing Yu's eyes were strange. Who was this foreign boy? Why was he so scary? The woman in blue suddenly laughed happily, crying while laughing.

"I knew that Brother Chu would be fine!" The woman in blue smiled sweetly.

"Run! Get out of here!" Yi Shuihan, the people from the Ancient Demon Star Domain, and the Four God Star Domain were all shocked at this moment, and they immediately fled, trying to leave this evergreen tree. The ruthless branches slammed down on them crazily, and each blow was so strong that they could hardly resist.

"Kill!" Chu Yan was very indifferent. He wanted to avenge today's vengeance with blood!

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