Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 209 Li Xiaoyao joins the battle

"Haha, interesting, interesting!" Li Xiaoyao floated in the air, his eyes looking at Chu Yan with fiery eyes.

At this moment, Chen Tong's heart was chilled. He felt a huge pressure and could not help but growl: "Why are you standing there? Help me!"

"Swoosh! Swoosh! Swoosh!" At this moment, the people of the Ancient Demon Star Domain stepped out very quickly, and more than a dozen people surrounded and killed Chu Yan alone, causing Chu Yan to be severely suppressed.

"Puff puff puff!" In an instant, continuous sword energy fell, and Chu Yan had several bloody wounds on his body, but he still stood firm, standing there, staring at the place where the little wolf was, and growled: "Wait for me! Must wait for me!"

"Ah!" The little wolf let out another painful roar at this time. The monster kept approaching, causing the little wolf to suffer extremely. At this time, Qiu Meng's eyes were red. He wanted to move forward, but was stopped by Xuan Bingxin.

"You can't help it if you go up, the monster wants this little monster."

Chu Yan was even more angry, his eyes were about to burst, he and the little wolf had experienced too much, they had known each other since the back mountain of Tianyong City, and had experienced several life and death along the way, although the feelings had never been said, but they had already penetrated into his bones. Today, the little wolf is in trouble, Chu Yan wants to kill everyone in the world!

"You still have the mood to care about him?" Chen Tong sneered, and then he punched out, knocking Chu Yan back a step, but at this time, Chu Yan clenched his fist, he could not defeat Chen Tong and others today by himself.

"Bang!" But at this time, suddenly there was a graceful figure stepping out, the figure was wearing a blue long skirt like water lines, and a palm blasted out, fiercely hitting Chen Tong.

"Boom!" Chen Tong was shocked. The beautiful figure attacked too suddenly, leaving Chen Tong no chance to react. His body was directly blown away, and he vomited several mouthfuls of blood. Then he raised his head and looked at the beautiful figure, his eyes became cold: "Xuan Nu Sect?"

All forces were also slightly shocked. Xuan Nu Sect actually attacked Chu Yan at this time? Could Chu Yan have a relationship with Xuan Nu Sect?

The beautiful figure looked at Chen Tong coldly, revealing only a pair of autumn eyes, and a hint of murderous intent flashed across her eyes.

Chen Tong was shocked and stared at the beautiful figure: "This matter has nothing to do with Xuan Nu Sect. Do you really want to intervene in this matter?"

"The evil beasts of the Ancient Demon Star Region are not worthy of talking to my Xuan Nu Sect!" At this time, another group of women stepped out, all of whom were from Xuan Nu Sect, which made Chen Tong look unhappy.

Xuan Bingxin also looked at a woman headed by Xuan Nu Sect at this time, and her eyebrows were slightly frowned. The Xuannv Sect and the Younv Palace are both dominant forces in the Yunhai Star Region, and the woman is named Xuanqing, the eldest sister of the Xuannv Sect, a top demon.

At this time, the blue-clothed woman who took action first looked at Xuan Bingxin and said in a cold voice: "Younv Palace, you will regret your choice today!"

Xuan Bingxin was stunned, and then frowned: "Hmph, you are a person who hides his head and shows his tail, you are not worthy to say this to me."

The blue-clothed woman did not say much. She looked at Chu Yan, just a pair of autumn eyes, but at this moment it was filled with endless tenderness, with circles of tears swirling. Chu Yan also looked at the blue-clothed woman at this time, and was shocked. That woman actually had feelings for him? But who is she? Why would the Xuannv Sect help him?

But Chu Yan didn't have time to think about it. He was worried about the little wolf, so he stood up and wanted to chase after the little wolf.

However, at this moment, Yi Shuihan's eyes narrowed slightly, and he suddenly took a step forward, looking at Chen Tong and said: "Chen Tong, I will help you, the little wolf will be yours, and the boy's space ring will be mine, okay?"

If Chen Tong had not agreed before, he would not have agreed, but now that Xuannv Sect has joined the war, he hesitated: "Okay!"

Yi Shuihan hated Chu Yan to the bone. In his opinion, he was Chu Yan's benefactor, and he brought Chu Yan all the way into the Evergreen Tree. It was because of Chu Yan that he lost his space ring and was seriously injured, so he wanted to kill Chu Yan.

When Chu Yan saw Yi Shuihan's move, his eyes narrowed slightly: "I really should kill you!"

"It's a pity that you didn't, and you won't have this opportunity again!" Yi Shuihan laughed coldly, sacrificed his soul, and slammed a palm towards Chu Yan.

"Get out!" Chu Yan roared, and at this moment he slashed with a sword, and the sword intent was full of strong roars, killing Yi Shuihan.

Yi Shuihan was shocked. The sword intent was even stronger than Chu Yan's previous sword. The power of his bloodline made this sword powerful. Even he felt a hint of death: "Damn it! How can you be so strong?"

"If you dare to attack again, I will kill you!" Chu Yan growled. The double bloodline was fully developed, which increased Chu Yan's combat power again. Everyone was shocked. Chu Yan was too strong. In their opinion, Chu Yan was just an ant before, but now he showed such terrible power, which made everyone feel shocked.

"Yi Shuihan, you are no match for him, get out of here!" At this time, another loud laugh came from the sky. The people from the Four Gods Star Domain arrived, led by Chen Xiao. They looked at Chu Yan with a greedy look: "Chen Jian's surname is Chu, Chu Yan, I know who you are! The descendant of Chen Jian's wilderness, the mystery of Qin Ruoming lies in you."

Chu Yan looked at Chen Xiao coldly, with a hint of coldness in his eyes, but he was no longer impulsive. There were too many people from the Four Gods, and the Xuannv Sect was now fighting hard with Chen Tong and others. It was impossible for him to win over so many people alone. Now Chu Yan still needed a powerful ally. But he didn't have this ally, the Younv Palace? Chu Yan knew that it was impossible.

"Xiaoyao, help me fight, today I owe you, I will definitely pay you back if you need me in the future, how about it?" Chu Yan finally raised his head and looked at Li Xiaoyao at this time.

Li Xiaoyao didn't expect Chu Yan to speak, and nodded after hesitating: "A drink, and you have to compete with me."

After that, Li Xiaoyao joined the battle. He flicked his wrist, and a long spear stabbed out, pressing directly towards Chen Xiao and others. Li Yun was stunned when he saw this scene from a distance, and then shook his head with a wry smile: "Li Xiaoyao, you really live up to the name your parents gave you!"

"Haha, just be happy!" Li Xiaoyao laughed, and Li Yun also rushed up with a sigh. Li Xiaoyao represented the Li family and was the key person to be trained by the Li family. Li Yun would definitely not let Li Xiaoyao die.

Seeing Li Xiaoyao take action, Yi Shuihan frowned. You know, Li Xiaoyao didn't take action the last time, which was why he lost his space ring: "Li Xiaoyao, didn't you say that you and he are not brothers and won't help him? Why are you taking action now?"

Li Xiaoyao looked at Yi Shuihan with a smile: "It wasn't before, but now it is. He owes me a drink. If he dies, who will buy me a drink? Besides, who are you to guide me?"

"Bang!" Yi Shuihan was shocked and was immediately blown away by a spear light, spurting blood. Yi Shuihan's face turned purple at this time. He clenched his fists in anger and roared.

Unfortunately, Yi Shuihan had no choice. Li Xiaoyao was too strong. The eighth level king was a top monster. Now the Xuannv Sect and the Li family have taken action for Chu Yan one after another, which made him feel very uncomfortable. Originally, he was a disciple of the Meteoric Pavilion, and Chu Yan was just a frog in a poor well, but now Chu Yan has become the focus, and he has been humiliated continuously, and he is not even qualified to participate in the battle in front of him.

Chen Xiao looked at Li Xiaoyao with a bad face: "Li Xiaoyao, I will treat you to as much wine as you want after leaving here, why do you have to go against my Eastern Altar?"

Li Xiaoyao was stunned for a moment, and looked at Chen Xiao sadly, and when he spoke, the whole audience was shocked: "Are you stupid? Do you think I, Li Xiaoyao, look like a poor ghost? Do you need to treat me to a drink? Big idiot, I am willing to drink and there are people willing to treat me."

Chen Xiao's mouth twitched, and he said angrily: "Then you helped him because of a meal?"

"I am happy, and can't you see it? I just don't like you, do you want to beat you?" Li Xiaoyao laughed wildly, and the long spear kept shaking out, suppressing Chen Xiao tightly. Chen Xiao was completely angry, but at this time he had no way.

All the forces were shocked by this scene. One person couldn't help but say: "Li Xiaoyao is so strong, worthy of being the top demon of the Li family. The eighth level of the king is enough to suppress the ninth level demons of the kings from all sides. Moreover, he is really free and easy. Before, when Yi Shuihan asked him for help outside, he directly refused and said that he didn't know Chu Yan. At that time, there was only Chen Xiao and the Four Gods Star Domain. Now the Ancient Demon Star Domain and the Meteorite Pavilion are all involved in this battle. As a result, Chu Yan opened his mouth and he took action directly. He was not afraid of provoking these people at all."

"Yes, I have been free and easy all my life. I am free and easy, regardless of inside and outside, and I have no worries when I go back and forth. This Li Xiaoyao is really as the rumors say."

"Thank you!" Chen Xiao was suppressed by the people of the Li family. Chu Yan breathed a sigh of relief and said to Li Xiaoyao.

"A drink, I think it's worth it." Li Xiaoyao smiled, then looked at Feng Yao, who was now using the magic mirror to suppress the little wolf. The little wolf was already a little confused. Li Xiaoyao said, "The magic mirror can seal the monster's bloodline and take away the monster's power. Your little monster can't hold on any longer."

Chu Yan's eyes turned cold, and he stepped out with a sword, and growled, "Little Wolf!"

"Get out!" Feng Yao's eyes turned cold, and suddenly a demonic road blocked Chu Yan's way. Then, ancient monsters roared out and frantically attacked Chu Yan.

"Bang!" Chu Yan trembled violently, and his body suddenly shrank, and the next moment, several bloody wounds appeared on his body.

"The road to exterminate demons! I didn't expect that Feng Yao actually had this thing in his hands. This road is an ancient town. Even big demons will be exterminated if they pass through it. If people step into it, they will be crushed to pieces!" Someone growled, and at this time, the little wolf also regained some consciousness and let out a long howl. He looked at Chu Yan reluctantly, but shook his head at Chu Yan, not wanting Chu Yan to take risks for it.

Looking at the little wolf, Chu Yan suddenly smiled calmly. He smiled very calmly, and with a hint of emotion, allowing the endless demonic energy to pierce him.

"You have risked your life for me several times, and almost died for me several times! Today you are in trouble, how can I ignore it? You once saved me with your life, so today I will save you even if I have to bleed the country!"

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