Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 201 Northern Temple Ye Xun

Chu Yan ran wildly towards the ten-story world. Everyone was shocked. In the eyes of many people, it was a dead end. No one in the world could climb the ten-story world for thousands of years. What was the use of Chu Yan running there? ?

Yinghao and Yaotian both looked unhappy. They were threatened by Chu Yan just now. Chu Yan said that he would kill them in this life.

In the ancient trial site, in front of the tenth flight of stairs, a figure hesitated. He suddenly took a step and struck Chu Yan with a palm: "Chu Yan, you can't enter the tenth flight of stairs!"

"Yin Feng!" Hua Zhixu roared, and Yin Feng actually took action against Chu Yan at the last moment.

Chu Yan looked at Yin Feng indifferently, his eyes slightly condensed, and he said: "Get out!"

"Boom!" Yin Feng was shocked. In front of the tenth flight of stairs, a killing sword intent descended from the sky.

"No! Don't kill me!" Yin Feng was shocked. He thought that he only needed to stop Chu Yan, and when Lin Daoyu caught up, Chu Yan would die, but he never expected that Chu Yan's combat power would be so terrifying. , this sword intention can directly kill him.

"Yao Tong was kind to me in the past. Seeing that you are a disciple of the Yao Sect, I will only cut off one of your arms today. If I don't kill you, if there is a next time, you will die!" Chu Yan's sword intention turned and he slashed directly towards Yin Feng held one arm, Yin Feng let out a painful howl, and separated one arm and left.

Everyone was shocked again, Chu Yan cut off Tianjiao's arm with one sword! Chu Yan's combat power has become stronger again!

Yin Feng was full of regret. He never expected that the fourth-level king ant whom he underestimated outside the ancient trial site would cut off his arm with a sword today.

"Si Gu, Wan Zong! I, Chu Yan, have recorded today's revenge! If I don't die, I will take back today's revenge one by one!" Chu Yan roared, and then he looked at Hua Zhixu, Hua Zhixu, Xu nodded vigorously and patted his heart. He said nothing, but he understood what Chu Yan meant. Chu Yan wanted him to take good care of Fatty and others.

Although there was a blocking formation he had drawn in the ancient trial site, if Lin Daoyu failed to kill him, he would definitely break the formation with all his strength. At that time, Fatty and others would be in danger.

"If I'm here, they're here!" Hua Zhixu said via voice transmission. Chu Yan finally felt relieved and turned around to leap towards the tenth floor stairs.

"Boom!" At this moment, a divine light descended from the sky and enveloped the ten stairs, making everyone's eyes widen: "Inheritance! The ancient inheritance has arrived, descending on these ten stairs!"

"The inheritance of life and death starts from now on. Anyone who enters the ladder will suffer life and death! If he can enter the tenth level, I will open the door of inheritance for him. If he enters the Holy Land, if he cannot make it to the tenth level, he will die!"

Chu Yan was also shocked. The ten stairs turned into a path of life and death? If you enter the tenth level of life, you can step on the holy land. If you don't enter the tenth level, you will die?

All the geniuses were shocked, there had never been such a huge change in the ancient trials.

"This time the Ancient Trial is different from the previous ones! It's a true inheritance!" Mi Tong sighed. As expected, the ten steps are the real inheritance of the Ancient Trial. Those who enter the so-called Holy Land will be certain. There is a great opportunity, but unfortunately, who dares to take the road of life and death?

"You want to enter the ladder world? Do you dare to go to the road of life and death?" The words of the ancients resound throughout the ancient trials.

Everyone stared at Chu Yan. One step in, and it was a matter of life and death. Everyone was guessing whether Chu Yan dared to take this step.

Chu Yan raised his head and looked at the Shifang stairs. He suddenly smiled, and smiled proudly: "My name is Chu Yan, and I was born in the wilderness. Why don't I dare?"

"Boom!" At that step, Chu Yan stepped into the road of life and death, just to enter the world of ten directions, he wanted to enter the holy land!

"Kill!" At this moment, Lin Daoyu came after him. He was so swallowed up by the blood that he almost lost his mind and went straight to the tenth floor of the stairs.

At the ancient trial site, everyone was shocked. No one expected that Chu Yan would cause such a huge stir, and even one of the thirty-six geniuses would die, and another genius would have his arm broken. Two major inheritances were opened successively, including a true meaning inheritance.

People from all walks of life have strange eyes.

Mi Tong felt helpless on the sidelines. The cause of today's battle will forge the fruits of the future! But what the result will be, no one knows.

On the road of life and death, if Chu Yan can survive and enter the Holy Land, then who can stop him in the future?

"Boom!" But at this moment, the ancient trial ground suddenly trembled. On the tenth floor of the stairs, a ray of light descended, and a bloody shadow was shaken out in embarrassment.

"People with evil thoughts are not allowed to enter the Holy Land!" An ancient voice suddenly came, and Lin Daoyu's embarrassed figure hit the ground hard. He stood up, stared at the ten steps and immediately let out a roar: "Roar!"

"If you dare to enter the Holy Land again, kill!" The ancient voice sounded again, and Lin Daoyu's eyes were full of hatred. But the next moment, his eyes turned and fell coldly on Fatty and the others: "He doesn't care about your life or death. So today, You are all going to die!"

Hua Zhixu's eyes were slightly focused, and he finally regained his energy from Chu Yan's journey to life and death. There was a trace of determination in his eyes. This battle would be a battle to the death.

"Kill!" Lin Daoyu roared, turning into a blood demon and massacring Xiang Hua Zhixu and others. Even the countless blocking formations could not stop him.

"Boom!" However, at this moment, the ancient trial ground trembled, and a figure strolled over. Wearing white clothes, holding a black dragon spear, he pointed the spear, and a long dragon roared, passing through the void, violently suppressing it. Xiang Lin Daoyu.

"Boom!" Lin Daoyu's face was shocked. The power of the spear showed the intention of killing everywhere, which shocked all the geniuses. The power actually had a hint of superiority over them.

Seeing the figure in white, the fat man's eyes suddenly turned red, tears welling up in his eye circles. Then, he couldn't help but growl: "Brother Xun! Brother Xun!"

The person coming was Ye Xun. He ignored Mi Tong and glanced at the fat man, his eyes also a little red: "I'm late!"

"Brother Xun! Brother Chu has entered the tenth level of the stairs, the road of life and death! These beasts who were forced by them! They are not human beings!" Fatty roared. Ye Xun and Chu Yan came out of Tianyong City with Fatty. brother! Only in front of Ye Xun would the fat man behave like this.

Ye Xun glanced at the tenth floor stairs. Now the stairs have changed, and there is a calamity of life and death. Those who enter the ladder must experience life and death. If Chu Yan cannot break into the tenth level of the world, he will definitely die!

Mi Tong was also shocked. He had never seen this person before. He was less than twenty years old, but he had the ability to suppress the thirty-six geniuses: "Who are you?"

"You don't deserve to know. I will take Chu Yan's place today. Whoever dares to take a step forward will die!" Ye Xun's murderous intention was so clear that he thought that he was at the peak of the king. He had four major bloodlines, including a spatial bloodline, all of which were the result of the Great Perfection. The situation shocked the people of the ancient trial place.

"Arrogant!" A genius from Haotian Valley roared. He was also a ninth-level king, and he took a step forward.

"Bang!" A long dragon spear light directly took away the life of that person. The ninth level king killed him instantly!

The fat man was shocked on the side. Ye Xun had become so powerful, which made him feel a gap in his heart. Hua Zhixu blinked at the side and showed a smile: "There is such a monster around Chu Yan! It's amazing!"

Luan Zhiyi also witnessed all this with his own eyes and was shocked. He had seen Ye Xun in Haotian Sect that day. At that time, Ye Xun was just an ant, unable to even understand his bloodline, but when they met today, they were no longer on the same level.

Ye Xunzhiyan was not arrogant. In the past year, no one knew what he had gone through. He tried his best to break the formation of twelve stone pillars and change his destiny. Later, he followed Qin Zixuan to travel to many secret mansions in the world, and even some places outside the world. The Ye Xun of today is no longer the Ye Xun of a year ago.

"Boom!" At this moment, another figure strolled in from outside the ancient trial site. It was somewhat similar to Lin Daoyu, but it was elegant in nature and stood in the void, giving people an invisible oppression.

"Lin Daoyan!" Everyone was shocked. They were all talented people, but they didn't dare to make mistakes in front of this elegant young man.

"Brother! You came just in time, I'm going to kill these ants!" Lin Daoyu roared with strong blood and red eyes.

Lin Daoyan did not respond to Lin Daoyu, but looked at Ye Xun and said calmly: "Ye Xun! At the end of the year, one day, the elder of the Northern Temple came to the mortal world and accepted a retreating disciple in the mortal world, also named Ye Xun. That person is you? "

Ye Xun looked at Lin Daoyan, who was a little more solemn just now. Among the many geniuses present, he was only afraid of two people, one was Mi Tong and the other was Lin Daoyan.

"The ancient saying in the Northern Temple is my master!" Ye Xun said lightly. After hearing the conversation between the two, Mi Tong's expression kept changing. The Northern Temple... is as famous as the Eastern Altar, the true overlord who unifies the world in all directions. Super power!

The young man in front of me is actually a disciple of the Northern Temple?

"It seems that Qin Zixuan has really given you a lot of opportunities this year. You are no longer the rat on Wanzong Platform. But you think I want to kill you, can you run away today?" Lin Daoyan said lightly, Ye Xun Squinting his eyes, he felt a pressure.

But at this moment, another figure strolled over. He was dressed in purple and landed next to Ye Xun. His aura was not weaker than that of any genius.

"Qiu Yu?" Lin Daoyan shook his head, still calm, and saw his breath rising vaguely. When he reached the peak of the king, although his vitality was suppressed by the ancient trial and could not continue to improve, the emperor's momentum was very obvious. In the second realm of the four bloodlines, there are two blue lights above the head, both of which are fifth-grade king-grade souls: "Do you think that including you, the two of you, is enough?"

"Double destiny soul! The strength of the emperor, Lin Daoyan, has indeed entered the emperor level!" Although the geniuses had heard about it for a long time, they were still shocked when they saw it with their own eyes.

Qiu Yu glanced at Lin Daoyan coldly, and said with a calm smile: "I am not here to fight with you today. Your life will be taken away by someone else in the future! The Empress asked me to bring you a message. She is currently in your blood. I am a guest in the Valley of Destruction. If I don’t see you come back for three days, I will die in the Valley of Destruction!”

Lin Daoyan's mouth couldn't help but twitch, and all the geniuses were shocked. The Empress actually went to the Blood Mieguing Valley. Lin Daoyan didn't return for three days, so he was going to destroy the Xue Miegu? How domineering?

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