Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 200 Feeding the Monster with Blood

Seeing Lin Daoyu's actions, Chu Yan's expression changed with shock, and his anger was self-evident. The rules of the battle arena dictated that he could defeat all the heroes with the fifth level of the King. He was so domineering, but now Lin Daoyu actually attacked Fatty, Zi Yan and others outside the battle arena. How could he not fight?

"If you dare to hurt them! I want your blood to disappear!" Chu Yan growled, Lin Daoyu looked at Chu Yan with disdain, and the next moment, he held his palm and boom! A line of blood filled the air and rushed towards Fatty and the others without hesitation.

"I have no enmity with you at all, but unfortunately, you are with the wrong person. Now he is hiding on the battlefield and dare not come down, so you can atone for his sins!" Lin Daoyu said coldly, the blood was everywhere, and he seemed not to be able to do anything. He was so anxious to kill Fatty and the others that they were extremely humiliated.

"Boom!" The faces of Fatty and the others changed drastically, and they spit out blood.

"Beast!" Chu Yan roared, his eyes were red, and he immediately wanted to take a step, but at this moment, Hua Zhixu suddenly growled: "Stand there, don't move! I'll handle it outside!"

"You handle it? You're not worthy!" Lin Daoyu glanced at Hua Zhixu, waved his arm, and as if a river of blood appeared in front of him, he ruthlessly suppressed Hua Zhixu.

Fatty, Zi Yan and others were extremely angry. Fatty clenched his fists so hard that his nails dug into his flesh and bleeded. He hated that he was not strong enough. At this moment, he could only hurt Chu Yan.

"You hide on the stage for one day, and I will kill one of them. After they die, there will be Tiandao Sect." Lin Daoyu continued, Lingfeng stepped forward in the direction of Tiandao Sect.

"Boom!" But with just one step, Yinghao, Yaotian, and Lin Feng stepped out and locked Lingfeng tightly. Lingfeng's heart sank and he felt endless pressure.

"Young Master Lin, there is no need to talk nonsense with him. I will take this fat man's life first!" Lin Feng smiled ferociously. He took one step forward and grabbed the life soul of the power of the moon towards the fat man.

"Boom!" But at this moment, a burst of extreme power suddenly burst out from the battle platform. The sixth-level king's ruthless sword intent turned into a thousand-foot sword light and slashed at Lin Feng.

"No!!!" Lin Feng's eyes widened, but when he turned around, it was already too late. Chu Yan came out. From the fighting platform, he held the Sun-Destroying Sword. The sword's intention was as he wished, and he killed Lin Feng with the sword.

"When I leave the battlefield today, I will definitely kill you even if I die!" Chu Yan roared, and the sword intent came. Lin Feng's eyes widened. He turned around quickly, trying to resist Chu Yan's sword with all his strength.

Unfortunately, it was too late. King Chu Yan at level 5 could compete with Lin Feng. A sword from King Chu Yan at level 6 was enough to kill the king at level 9. When the ruthless sword intent came, Lin Feng felt fear in his heart and said angrily: "Chu Yan , if you dare to kill me, you will definitely die!"

"Now that I step out of the battlefield, they will let me live? If they don't leave me a way to survive, then what scruples do I have!" Chu Yan smiled, with a touch of magic in his smile, and his long hair was flowing. At this moment, he was trying to kill people. Coming forward, the sword intent came, Lin Feng's eyes widened, and a half-foot blood mark was suddenly opened on his chest.

"Lin Feng, you claim to be a proud and unparalleled person, but today you were killed by my sword. Do you regret it?" Chu Yan looked at Lin Feng coldly. Lin Feng's eyes widened. He could not believe it until his death. Chu Yan In order to kill him, he even risked his life.

Leaving the battlefield and without the protection of rules, how can Chu Yan compete with the geniuses?

For a moment, the air seemed to be quiet, and the geniuses looked at Chu Yan with lingering fear. Chu Yan did it, reached the sixth level of the king, and furiously killed Lin Feng, one of the thirty-six geniuses. Doesn't that mean that Chu Yan is now qualified to be on an equal footing with them?

What's even more ridiculous is that a month ago, Chu Yan was a king-level ant who could be killed casually in their eyes.

Yin Feng's face didn't look good. He had seen Chu Yan with his own eyes outside the Ancient Trial. At that time, Chu Yan was still so weak, but now he can kill Lin Feng, and Lin Feng is still ranked ahead of him. One thing, that is to say, Chu Yan is qualified to kill him.

"You're still out!" Lin Daoyu turned his bloody eyes and looked at Chu Yan with bloodthirsty.

Lingfeng, Hua Zhixu, Qiu Mengxi, and others immediately gathered around Chu Yan. Hua Zhixu said helplessly: "Sorry! Lin Daoyu is too strong, I can't stop him."

"Brother Chu, you shouldn't have come out..." The fat man blamed himself.

"You are my brothers, my senior brothers and sisters. How can I watch him humiliate you like this on the battlefield?" Chu Yan shook his head, his eyes slightly condensed. He also understood that if he left the battlefield, he would lose all his advantages. , the next battle, without vitality suppression, will be a fierce battle, and what are his chances of winning?

"Ouch!" Little Wolf roared, turned into a ten-meter giant wolf, and lurked behind Chu Yan, willing to accompany Chu Yan to fight.

"Do you want to fight with me?" Chu Yan was stunned for a moment. This was the first time the little wolf changed into a ten-meter demon wolf, which actually revealed a hint of the sixth-level strength of a king.

"Ouch!" Little Wolf howled seriously, Chu Yan nodded: "Then, let's fight!"

"What a shameless statement! Do you think that by killing Lin Feng, you are qualified to fight with us?" Lin Daoyu looked at Chu Yan greedily, with bloodthirsty color in his eyes: "The blood after the wilderness should taste very good, today , I will accept it!”

"Boom!" Lin Daoyu took a step forward, and a river of blood emerged, trying to swallow up Chu Yan. At this moment, Hua Zhixu narrowed his eyes slightly, looked at the hero next to him, and said to Chu Yan: "I will try my best to help him. You delay the hero."

"Leave Yaotian to me!" Lingfeng said, the three-foot green blade ignited, and his eyes were filled with fighting intent.

"Fight!" Chu Yan roared. He stepped out fiercely, with perfect sword intent, and kept approaching Lin Daoyu. But the moment Chu Yan just moved, the blood river began to roar, as if there were ferocious blood... Like a demon, it devours Chu Yan.

Chu Yan was indifferent, his sword light kept slashing out, and every sword was clean and neat. After reaching the perfection of the sword intention, he could communicate with the sword intention even better, as if he could understand the sound of the sword, making his sword even more elegant. .

Three thousand galaxies fell into perfection, causing the light of galaxies to appear under Chu Yan's feet, walking at extremely fast speeds on the river of blood.

Everyone saw that Chu Yan's Xinghe movement was slightly solemn, and some of them couldn't help but say: "With great speed and blood, coupled with this extraordinary movement, Chu Yan's speed can actually escape the pursuit of Lin Shao Xuehe! It should not be underestimated."

"You have some skills, but today this place can still only be your burial ground!" Lin Daoyu roared, his eyes filled with murderous intent, he turned into a blood demon, and faced Chu Yan with his huge bloody hand, and with a bang, the sword The collision of mind and blood meant that the two bloodlines reached perfection, causing the ancient trial ground to tremble.

"What a strong showdown! This Chu Yan really has the power to fight the geniuses now!" All the geniuses are afraid of the new students. As Chu Yan said, he is only nineteen today and is a sixth-level king, but he can fight against a ninth-level king. , if he reaches the ninth level of king in the future, who can defeat him at this level? Involuntarily, everyone thought of a word, the king is invincible!

The king of Chu Yan is at the ninth level, and the king is invincible!

"Fortunately, he is in a desperate situation today. If we let him grow up, I will die in Yangu." An old man beside Mi Tong sighed, but Mi Tong frowned. As he said, in the ancient trial place, he He will not take action again, but he will definitely not help Chu Yan. Even vaguely, he hoped that Chu Yan would die in the battle, because in that way, Moyan Valley could avoid disaster. But, will Chu Yan really die here?

"Death!" Lin Daoyu shouted coldly, and the bloody hand came, like a hand of destruction, but suddenly, he frowned fiercely. He saw with his own eyes the bloody hand slapped Chu Yan's chest, and Chu Yan spurted blood continuously, but faced He smiled strangely.

"Kill!" Chu Yan was seriously injured. He roared with blood. In an instant, thousands of killing lights erupted around him. Each one had the power to destroy the king, directly smashing Lin Daoyu's bloody hand, and another A murderous intention suddenly struck Lin Daoyu.

"Boom!" Lin Daoyu's bloody eyes widened, and he was suddenly buried in infinite murderous intent.

"It's the fire pattern array!"

"He has already carved the fire pattern array in this ancient trial ground!"

Hua Zhixu also looked at Chu Yan with deep meaning and said with a smile: "Carving fire patterns between heaven and earth, is this what you understood at the entrance to the ancient trial?"

All the geniuses were shocked. No one expected this scene. Chu Yan did not hesitate to take a bloody palm from Lin Daoyu, but also wanted to carve a fire pattern formation to bite Lin Daoyu back.

"Fat man, senior sister and brother, you each take ten steps back!" Chu Yan suddenly shouted. Fatty and others were confused, but they still did as Chu Yan said. When they took ten meters back, thousands of killing lights came out. Covering it, a huge fire pattern defense array appeared.

The next moment, Chu Yan turned around and rushed towards Yinghao and Yaotian. Wherever he passed, multiple blocking fire formations were immediately triggered, triggering thousands of murderous intentions to kill the two.

"Asshole! How many fire pattern formations did he carve in this ancient trial!" Yinghao and Yaotian were shocked and retreated. The fire pattern formations were no joke. Chu Yan carved them in advance, even if they were Don't dare to collide with it head-on.

"Kill!" But at this moment, a roar came, causing the ancient trial to tremble. Lin Daoyu stood up. He was quite embarrassed. One of his arms was directly shaken in order to block Chu Yan's sealing formation. He was broken into pieces, with only a broken arm left, but his eyes were more bloody and filled with endless killing intent.

"I want you to die today!" Lin Daoyu roared, and a blood demon appeared from his body!

"Lin Daoyu feeds the demon with blood! Damn it! This Lin Daoyu's first life soul is not a blood river, but a blood demon!" Hua Zhixu was shocked. The blood demon came, and Lin Daoyu's body shape was changing. It was very ferocious and wanted to devour Chu Yan.

"Chu Yan, run!" Hua Zhixu roared, Lin Daoyu's speed exploded to the extreme, and his momentum was vaguely intended to surpass Mi Tong.

Chu Yan's eyes turned cold. He didn't expect that Lin Daoyu would cultivate such a monster's life soul, feed the monster with blood, and create a counterattack. But now, he felt strong pressure. He finally gave up chasing Yinghao and Yaotian and looked at them.

"In this life, I will kill you!"

The next moment, Chu Yan turned around and ran quickly, aiming straight for the ten-story stone door.

"Lin Daoyu, if you want to kill me, we'll see you in the ladder world!"

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