Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 1192 Shadow

Wu Meier talked about the eight future rising stars one by one, her beautiful eyes filled with yearning, especially when she talked about the first three.

If it is an exaggeration to say that the eight future rising stars represent the future of the Immortal Realm, after all, the eight people only come from the Western Region of the Heavens, but the top three are not an exaggeration at all. Whether it is Xiao Xiao, the young master of Red Flame Villa, or the second Ying Lie, the son of the Lord of Sky City, was a young man who had achieved great success and was extremely famous.

As for the number one descendant of the Sword Immortal, Jian Wuque, this person is very mysterious. Very few people know him, but he is the most powerful person in the Western Regions in the past few years. There is no doubt that if Chu Yan’s name is The Immortal Realm is resounding, and Jian Wuque's name is more popular than Chu Yan in the Western Region.

This person is even labeled as a prophecy. Some people speculate that the prophecy for hundreds of years will be him. Even if not, his future achievements will never be lower than that of the Holy Emperor, at least he will be a product of this powerful era.

Chu Yan listened quietly and wrote down the eight people one by one. The eight people who can be recognized by a top immortal emperor will definitely not be weak.

"The rumors are true. There are all geniuses in the Wushuang world. Even the people gathered in the Southeast Secret Realm this time are all extremely strong. I can't be too careless." Chu Yan thought, he has felt the power of Yuan Qing, which is better than Taiyi Immortal Lord. Much stronger, but only eighth.

Another strong man came from the distance, and countless people looked at him with respectful expressions.

"It's Ying." Wu Mei'er whispered, and Chu Yan also took a look, slightly surprised. Ying was actually a woman, wearing a black tight-fitting night clothes, with a waist as slender as a willow, and a black veil, giving people a A feeling, as if after hiding in the darkness, it will really disappear, like a shadow.

After that, another strong man came, and Yin Wudao also arrived. Unlike Huo Feng, he rode a dark dragon, which was extremely domineering. He stopped directly in front of Huo Feng, his eyes full of provocation.

"Yin Wudao was originally ranked fifth, but was overtaken by Huo Feng. In the past few years, he and Huo Feng have been tit for tat. However, both of them have improved a lot in the past few years. No one knows who is stronger and who is weaker." Wu Mei'er said.

Fourth, the Night Emperor, the shadow of the big demon kept appearing around him. Chu Yan looked up and couldn't help but be surprised, because the Night Emperor reminded him of a person, Ye Carnival.

Then Chu Yan remembered Wu Meier's introduction to the Night Emperor, the Night Emperor's beloved son.

"Carnival night, did you know?" Chu Yan said to Wu Mei'er.

Wu Meier looked at Chu Yan in surprise: "Ye Carnival is also the son of Emperor Ye and the brother of Emperor Ye, but he is already a top immortal. He became famous very early and is not in the same era as us, but it is said that the road of time encounters It’s a pity that something unexpected happened.”

"Sure enough!" Chu Yan smiled bitterly.

Xiao Xiao of Scarlet Flame Villa, Ying Lie, the young master of Sky City, and two of the top eight future rising stars have arrived. As soon as they arrived, an astonishing aura surged out of their bodies, making people afraid to look directly at them.

This is the charm of the second and third parties. It's not too fancy, but just their names are enough to make everyone retreat.

"Whoosh!" In the distance, there was suddenly another sound piercing the air, and then a sharp sword light was seen flying from the sky, which was very similar to the ancient saying, flying fairy from the sky, above the shadow of the sword, there was a figure standing upright, arrogant, His sword made his ears buzz, as if his sword was the only sword in the world, making all swordsmen in the world feel sad.

"Jian Wuque!"

"That sword is the Sword Immortal's Sword: Duanshui Wuhen, right? It was really passed on to him, which shows how much the Sword Immortal values ​​him." Someone praised, how famous the Sword Immortal's sword was in the Western Regions back then.

"Buzz!" The Evil Sword that turned into a giant hammer of stars behind Chu Yan buzzed, and it seemed to have the intention of competing. This surprised Chu Yan. You know, the Evil Sword is very proud, even if it is some of the Immortal Divine Weapons. He had never looked down upon swords, but he didn't expect that this fairy sword would actually arouse the interest of evil swords.

As if feeling something, Jian Wuque lowered his head and glanced at Chu Yan. The two looked at each other from a distance. Jian Wuque frowned and then nodded. Chu Yan also nodded. He didn't think Jian Wuque could see through the evil sword. , but there is still a feeling, it must be the attraction of the sword cultivator.

"Everyone is here." Ying Lie smiled freely and retracted the pair of eagle wings behind him.

"Now we just wait for the southeastern ruins to open." Someone laughed.

Everyone from all parties was not in a hurry and waited quietly. During this period, geniuses continued to arrive. Among them were many strong men from top forces with extraordinary combat power. However, the arrival of eight new stars in the future made them somewhat inferior and did not cause too much trouble. Many waves.

As time passed, the flame lotus bloomed even more. The central lotus root platform was held up by thousands of petals like a spirit, and the fairy pattern above it became more dazzling.

"It's about to open!" You Tianjiao's eyes flashed and he said.

The lotus root battle platform finally floated high in the sky, with thousands of petals entwining around it, forming an extremely mysterious formation.

"According to ancient texts, it is said that lotus roots are inextricably linked and can shape the human body. In ancient times, there were top immortal emperors who used lotus roots to refine human-shaped puppets with unparalleled combat power. There are also some extraordinary figures who used lotus roots to possess their souls and reshape their bodies. This lotus root battle platform There is such power in the world. Anyone who wants to enter the secret realm of the southeast must go to the Lotus Root Battle Platform to accept the challenge. Puppet generals will be formed on the battle stage according to the realm of the challenge. There will be a total of one hundred generals, and their strength will continue to increase. Each time they are defeated, puppet generals will be formed. A puppet war general can obtain a lotus seal. The more war generals are challenged, the more lotus seals there will be. After entering the southeastern secret realm, the number of lotus seals will directly affect some things and harvests, and will also determine the order of entering the southeastern secret realm. "

Wu Meier sent a message and Chu Yan nodded secretly. This lotus formation is quite magical, and it is interesting to make puppets with fire patterns.

"Are there only a hundred generals at most?" Chu Yan asked curiously.

"This is what is recorded in the ancient books, but no one has ever succeeded. After all, the strength of the puppet will be shaped according to you. One hundred is a hundred times your own strength. It is too difficult to break through the limit." Wu Mei'er said, Chu Yan nodded. At this moment, he saw a figure leaping into the air. It looked like a ghost. It flew onto the stage with a clatter. It turned out to be a shadow.

As soon as Ying got on the puppet stage, the Immortal Pattern Array was operating and rules were born. Then he saw radiance flickering in the lotus root holes of the Lotus Root Battle Stage, and a puppet general with the same body shape and realm as Ying was born.


The puppet war general appeared, and in a flash, he turned into a ghost, leaving rows of afterimages on the battlefield and rushing towards Ying.

"Is this... the phantom step?" someone said sharply.

"This Lotus Root Battle Platform is worthy of being an ancient relic. It is indeed magical." Wu Mei'er said: "I originally thought that this Lotus Root Battle Platform would just imitate its own realm and body shape, but no, even the immortal techniques and consciousness you practice are not the same. Same, in this case, the challenge will be more difficult.”

"A complete copy?" Chu Yan was surprised. This is the same as the mirror world he is good at, but it is not as magical as the lotus root battle platform. But indeed, you must know that there is a saying in the spiritual world that the most difficult enemy to defeat is yourself, because it is too He is familiar with it, and the same goes for this puppet. He is familiar with all the tricks of the shadow.

The shadow also moved. With the same movement, he quickly met the puppet warrior. When he was about to collide, a dark phantom appeared in his hand. He rushed out from his delicate body and wrapped around the puppet warrior. Then with a click, the puppet warrior's The throat was cut off, and the phantom materialized and became the true form of the shadow. Her original delicate body had disappeared.

"The Immortal Art of Afterimage leaves an afterimage. The key is that this afterimage can still move for a short time, but I have already quietly hidden in the darkness, found the right moment, gathered momentum, and defeated the enemy with one blow." Someone praised. road.

"A natural-born killer!" Chu Yan also exclaimed in admiration. This shadow's moves are extremely tricky. They don't collide with others. Every move is just to kill people.

The first puppet general was defeated, and a lotus mark appeared between Ying's eyebrows. A brand new general immediately appeared in the lotus hole, and he was more powerful than the first one.

"King's combat power is pretty good. The puppets in front of her can't threaten her at all. The eighty lotus marks should be no problem." Someone said, and many people nodded in approval. The eight future stars are certainly not in vain.

As expected, all the first fifty puppet warriors were instantly killed by Ying with one move. The lotus seals above her also accumulated more and more, and now showed a faint halo, which was very eye-catching.

After that, there were twenty more puppet warriors. Shadow's speed at attacking the enemy finally slowed down. It was no longer an instant kill with one move. The puppet warriors who had reached this stage were already extremely powerful. They no longer fought mindlessly, as if they had souls. , can hide, and can also use some tricks.

When the seventy-seventh puppet war general arrived, Ying used the Immortal Art of Afterimage to sneak into the darkness and attack. Unexpectedly, the opponent had already left an afterimage on the spot, causing Ying's attack to miss. The puppet war general appeared from behind Ying with a sharp weapon. The sharp knife cut through Ye Xing's clothes, revealing her fair skin, and the bloody mouth was even more shocking.

Fortunately, Ying reacted very quickly, flipped around in the air, and used the opportunity to stab the puppet warrior's throat, winning the battle.

But because of this injury, every battle in the future was extremely difficult for her. Finally, when she was the eighty-fourth puppet warrior, she chose to give up and walk off the battlefield.

Even so, he is proud enough. The eighty-four lotus seals are considered top figures in historical records.

"Shadow is really strong, eighty-four to mark!"

After Ying retreated from the battlefield, he did not enter the southeastern ruins, but watched the battle from the sidelines. Wu Meier mentioned before that the challenge in the southeastern ruins has a time limit. After everything is over, the order of entry will be determined based on the number of lotus marks.

After that, geniuses continued to challenge, but the opening of the shadow made them feel a little sad. Some of them got more than fifty marks, but no one could reach more than eighty.

"I'm going." At this moment, a challenger was defeated. Yuan Qing stood up, wearing a flame armor, and jumped onto the lotus root platform with a clatter. This attracted a lot of attention, and many people were speculating. , the eighth of the eight rising stars, can he be as stunning as Ying, who has won more than eighty lotus marks.

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