Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 1191 Eight Future Rising Stars

Following a violent roar, there was deathly silence outside the secret realm in the southeast, and everyone's eyes froze.

Yuan Tian, ​​how powerful he was, was trampled and suppressed by Chu Yan several times in a row. The key was that there was still a huge gap in realm between the two.

Under the pressure of the huge gravity mountain, Yuan Tian knelt on the ground, his body was buried in the earth, and his face was pressed hard to the ground.

If it was just a defeat, he could still accept it, but now that he was defeated in one move, the strong sense of shame made him almost crazy.

"Let go!" Suddenly there was an icy cry, and a blazing fire whip was drawn from outside the void. Feeling the terrible temperature, everyone looked up and saw a fiery figure walking across the void. Come, when they saw her, countless people's hearts moved slightly: "It's Yuan Qing!"

"Bang!" The fire whip contained consciousness and heavenly law. It was extremely fast and directly broke through the void of a thousand meters. Even Chu Yan had no time to dodge. He just turned slightly sideways and was hit on the shoulder by the fire whip. His white gown burned instantly and there were many traces on his skin. A burning scar appeared.

"Master God Hammer!" Wu Meier said worriedly, stepping forward lightly.

Chu Yan's eyes froze slightly, and he raised his head to look at the fiery red figure. She was also a beautiful woman, but different from Wu Mei'er, she was wearing flame armor and had her hair tied up, which made her look more capable.

"Sister!" Yuan Tian shouted: "Kill this little bastard for me!"

Yuan Qing jumped down and looked at Chu Yan with cold beautiful eyes: "Let him go!"

"What if I don't!" Chu Yan said coldly, Yuan Tian wants to fight. Now that he is defeated, Yuan Qing will take action directly? Do you really think he is easy to bully?

"You can try!" Yuan Qing said coldly. She didn't know what happened here, but Yuan Tian was her brother, and she would never allow others to be humiliated like this.

"Haha, what a Yuan family sister and brother. I have no grievances with your brother, but when your brother saw me, he started to humiliate me. In the realm of Immortal Lord, he seemed to be invincible and unruly, but in fact he was a waste. He was killed by an immortal. You are cruel, now that you are defeated, will my sister come out? It doesn't matter, if you want to fight, I will accompany you!" Chu Yan said arrogantly, and the divine hammer behind him flew into the sky, blooming with golden light.

"Hiss——" After hearing Chu Yan's words, everyone took a breath of air. This guy actually wants to fight Yuan Qing? are you crazy?

Even if he can defeat Yuan Tian and has extraordinary fighting power, is it still not enough to compare with Yuan Qing? In this area, Yuan Qing has a great reputation. Yuan Tian is not on the same level as her at all, and she is also one of the eight rising stars.

"Master Shenhammer, a third-level Immortal Lord Yuan Qing, is also practicing Yuan Emperor's secret skills. Let's drop this matter." Wu Mei'er frowned and advised. She was extremely surprised to see Chu Yan's extraordinary combat power just now. This means Next, she will have a powerful helper in the southeastern secret realm, but if she provokes Yuan Qing, it will be very troublesome. Even if she comes forward, it will not help.

But hearing Chu Yan's words, Yuan Qing's eyebrows furrowed slightly, and the coldness in her body actually dissipated a lot. Her beautiful eyes looked at Yuan Tian with a hint of anger: "Is he telling the truth?"

"Sister, I..." Yuan Tian felt guilty.

"Pa!" Before he could finish his words, Yuan Qing snorted coldly, waved his slender jade hand, and the blazing fire whip turned into a fire dragon and flew out, hitting Yuan Tian hard. It can be said that this whip has no reservations at all. , used all his strength to leave a fire mark directly on Yuan Tian's back.

This scene focused everyone's attention. Yuan Qing actually took action against his own brother?

"What should I tell you before I go out? In Wushuang Realm, please don't cause trouble. Do you think that Immortal Lord is great? In this era, who can be invincible?"


"Apologise to this young master!" Yuan Qing shouted coldly, interrupting Yuan Tian's words. Yuan Tian felt sad in his heart, raised his head and looked at Chu Yan viciously. All of this was thanks to Chu Yan.

However, he did not dare to disobey Yuan Qing's words and lowered his arrogant head: "I'm sorry, I was wrong!"

Yuan Qing looked up at Chu Yan and said apologetically: "Young Master, I don't know what happened before, but he is my brother after all. Seeing that he was injured, I hurt you because I was anxious. If you have any resentment in your heart, , I can take it back, I will never hide, but Yuan Tian is my brother after all, he has been spoiled since he was a child, I hope you can spare his life. "

Everyone was moved again. Did Yuan Qing, the daughter of Emperor Yuan, want Chu Yan to compromise?

Chu Yan also looked at Yuan Qing in surprise. He practiced the eyes of the big world and could see through falsehoods, so he knew that Yuan Qing's words were all true and there was no trace of hypocrisy.

This woman is quite interesting.

Furthermore, Chu Yan was not an unreasonable person, so he didn't care about the other party's apology. Gong Gongshan took it back and said calmly: "I won't do it next time."

"I still haven't thanked you for not killing me!" Yuan Qing shouted coldly. As early as when he came to the Wushuang Realm, his father had warned him that times have changed. Don't look down on anyone at will. What about Zi Shengyang? Wasn't the emperor's son also beheaded by the Immortal Throne more than ten years ago? But this bastard still dares to do such a stupid thing.

"No need." Chu Yan shook his head. He didn't want to kill Yuan Tian, ​​firstly because Yuan Qing had a good attitude, and secondly because he already had enough enemies in the Immortal Realm and didn't want another top Immortal Emperor figure.

But he didn't care about a false apology from someone who hated him.

"Thank you, don't come back yet!" Yuan Qing nodded lightly, and Yuan Tian went back dejectedly. Before leaving, Yuan Qing looked at Chu Yan again, with a profound meaning, wondering about her brother's fighting ability. It is very clear that although he is not amazing, he is definitely a talented person. If an immortal can suppress him, it can be imagined that Chu Yan's combat power is strong.

"See you in the secret realm in the southeast." Yuan Qing said softly, then grabbed Yuan Tian's body and jumped into the air. A flaming star actually burned in the void. She stood quietly above it. The flames would not burn her. He flew away in the direction of the distant fire lotus, leaving only a beautiful back to everyone.

Looking up, Chu Yan's eyes narrowed slightly. Although he had not fought against Yuan Qing, his temperament told him that she was very strong. She was also a level 3 Immortal, at least a few levels stronger than Taiyi Immortal. .

"The Immortal Realm is so delicate, it should not be underestimated." Chu Yan thought secretly. He once thought that the Immortal Realm only had five continents, but as his realm improved, he realized that the Immortal Realm was more than just the Five Continents, and the entire Five Continents were just five continents. In a corner of the north of the Immortal Realm, looking at the Immortal Realm, there are all the Immortal Realms. Now, any descendant of the Immortal Emperor has a strength that is not weaker than that of the disciples of the Towering Taoist Temple.

"You still need to be careful in the future." Chu Yan thought to himself, the Immortal Realm is too big, and the land of Five Continents is only the north of the Immortal Realm of the Heavens.

"Master God Hammer, are you okay?" Wu Meier stepped forward gracefully and looked at Chu Yan more importantly, surpassing Hua Feng and everyone else, which made Hua Feng feel unhappy, but there was nothing he could do about it.

"It doesn't matter."

"Then let's go there too." Wu Mei'er smiled charmingly and charmingly, making Chu Yan secretly cursed a goblin and then nodded.

The central fire lotus has thousands of petals, each one is 100 meters long and can accommodate many people. Chu Yan and others stepped on it and saw that countless people, nearly ten thousand, had gathered on the petals. They looked for them at will. He picked up a petal at the back and fell down.

Looking along the way, Chu Yan saw Yuan Qing's team standing on a flower petal in front of them. In addition to Yuan Qing, there were many extraordinary figures, standing proudly and extremely extraordinary.

"The Fire Lotus Formation hasn't been activated yet, but it should be soon." Wu Mei'er said softly. Chu Yan nodded and was not in a hurry. He just waited quietly like this. He didn't know whether this secret realm in the southeast was what Master Wushuang said. The place.

"Buzz!" At this moment, a crisp phoenix cry came from the distance, and a golden phoenix was seen flying across the void, flapping its wings and coming down. On top of the phoenix, stood a figure, a very young and handsome young man. After arriving, he did not descend. Instead, he let the fire phoenix hover above and stood with his hands behind his back.

"It's the Fire Phoenix!"

"I didn't expect that even he was here, so there should be more of the other seven people, right?" There was a commotion on the fire lotus.

Wu Meier looked at the handsome young man on the phoenix, showing a hint of admiration, and whispered to Chu Yan: "He is Huofeng, a disciple of Wutong Immortal Mountain. He practices the method of nirvana. It is said that he has vaguely explored the power of the intermediate immortal master. The threshold is reached and he is one of the eight future stars.”

"Eight future rising stars?" Chu Yan asked curiously.

"In the southeastern region, there are many forces in the west of the Immortal Realm. The Eight New Stars are actually a ranking, but this ranking is by no means an empty name. Each of these eight people has peerless talent and has been recognized by many Immortal Emperors. Since childhood, they have Sweeping all the geniuses, leaving behind their contemporaries, and becoming the strongest of the era, a top Immortal Emperor once said that the eight of them represent the future of the Western Region, and even the future of the entire Immortal Region. Meier said seriously.

"Of course, this may be a bit exaggerated. After all, there are also powerful people in other immortal realms, such as Chu Yan of the Dragon Alliance, Lin Daoyan of the Holy Academy, Yun Qiu of the Towering Taoist Temple, etc. Although they are hundreds of years apart in age, they There is no doubt that the strength of these eight people is strong. If these people gather together for an era, I don’t know how they will compete in the end. "

"Eight future rising stars?" Chu Yan raised his head and glanced at Huofeng. The pure flames around him were indeed very strong. It was as if there was nothing in the world that the flames could not burn. It was indeed very strong.

"Who are these eight people?"

"You've met both of them."

"You two?" Chu Yan asked in surprise, besides the fire phoenix, are there any others?

Wu Meier nodded with a wry smile, a hint of self-mockery flashed in her beautiful eyes: "Yuan Qing, one of the eight future rising stars, ranked eighth."

Although the eighth is only the last, but looking at the hundreds of millions of people in the Immortal Realm, being the eighth and last is enough to be proud of.

"It's ridiculous that I have always thought of myself as a genius. I am the same generation as Yuan Qing, but that position is not mine." Wu Mei'er shook her head gently, but then her beautiful eyes showed a touch of determination. This time, the secret realm of the Southeast, for her, , is an opportunity.

"Except Yuan Qing, the other seven are Seventh: Ying. Sixth, Yin Wudao. Fifth, Fire Phoenix. Fourth, Ye Emperor's beloved son, Ye Emperor. Third, the Young Master of Red Flame Villa: Xiao Xiao. Second, the son of Sky City Lord, Ying Lie. First... the successor of Sword Immortal, Jian Wuque."

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