Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 1169: Unparalleled World Opens

Now the Dragon Alliance is built on the ancient imperial mausoleum of Huaqing. In ten years, magnificent palaces have risen one after another, which is magnificent.

"What a beautiful fairy!"

On this day, countless people looked up below the fairyland and saw a flash of rosy clouds.

In the rosy clouds of the fairyland, there was a graceful figure walking with jade steps, with a bright smile on Qingcheng's cheeks, rushing towards the Dragon Alliance at full speed.

"Who is she...?"

"You don't know her? The direct disciple of Emperor Tianhua, the beloved wife of Chu Yan of the Dragon Alliance." Someone revealed the identity of the figure, full of envy: "Chu Yan's talent is unparalleled in the fairyland, and he is accompanied by peerless beauties like Liu Qingcheng and Qingyi. This is the match between heroes and beauties since ancient times."

The figure is Liu Qingcheng. Not long ago, the Brokeback City incident alarmed Emperor Chen and soon spread in the fairyland. Naturally, she knew about it. Thinking of that handsome figure at the time, she couldn't wait.

In the Dragon Alliance, now it is more lively than the Dragon Mountain in the past. Many leaders of the Holy Dragon Alliance will also come here to form a united front.

"Stinky boy, you still know how to come back!" In the Dragon Alliance, Li Chaoyang, Mo Wen, Bu Liuxing and others are all there. Chu Yan is back. Seeing him, they all smile.

"Brother." Chu Yan was also very happy to see a few people again, and smiled.

"How is it in the Supreme Demon Palace?" Li Chaoyang asked.

"Brother, don't worry, the Demon Emperor is very good to me. This time when I returned, I also sent the Longyang Demon Emperor to protect me secretly." Chu Yan said truthfully. The Supreme Demon Emperor was really good to him, otherwise he would not let him enter the Ten Thousand Demons Palace to practice, and pass on the immortal and demon legend to him.

"My Dragon Alliance owes the Supreme Demon Palace a favor. If the fairyland needs my Dragon Alliance in the future, just ask." Li Chaoyang turned and looked at the Longyang Demon Emperor, saying seriously.

Chu Yan was originally a disciple of the Dragon Alliance, but for the past ten years, it was the Supreme Demon Palace that protected Chu Yan, including the request of the Purple Sun Saint Emperor, which was also rejected by the Demon Emperor.

The Dragon Sun Demon Emperor nodded with satisfaction and said nothing more.

"Junior brother, the Wushuang Realm is about to open. Will you set out directly from the Dragon Alliance?" Li Chaoyang asked. He knew that Chu Yan would definitely not miss a place like the Wushuang Realm, but where to set out was a very critical question.

"Let's set out from the Dragon Alliance." Chu Yan nodded. Recently, the formation of the Wushuang Realm has become more relaxed, and there is not much time left before the opening.

At this moment, a beautiful figure suddenly flew over from a distance, passed through the Dragon Alliance barrier, and descended into the Dragon Alliance. As soon as she arrived here, she looked at Chu Yan, and her autumn eyes became red.

Chu Yan turned around and looked at the figure, revealing a gentle smile. This is the cruel world of cultivation. In the blink of an eye, it has been more than ten years of separation.

"Qingcheng...!" Chu Yan whispered. Liu Qingcheng pursed her red lips. She didn't say anything. She walked forward, opened her jade hands, and hugged Chu Yan deeply. It seemed that time had stopped at this moment.

Seeing the two of them, Li Chaoyang and others smiled: "Okay, give them some time alone. We're leaving."

Mo Wen, Bu Liuxing and others nodded, turned around and left, leaving this space alone for Chu Yan and Liu Qingcheng.

"Silly, are you okay?" Liu Qingcheng raised her head gently and looked at Chu Yan, tears rolling there, and her mind kept thinking of the battle that day, when Chu Yan turned into a big demon and was attacked by countless immortals and emperors.

"It's all over. I'm back safely." Chu Yan smiled and shook his head, his big hand passed through Liu Qingcheng's hair, lowered his head, and kissed her forehead.

"Yeah!" Liu Qingcheng responded. Nothing was more reassuring than seeing Chu Yan safe again.

"It's been so long since we last met, so are you going to make it up to me?" Chu Yan smiled mischievously, and Liu Qingcheng's cheeks flushed. She was very shy, but she still nodded.

Then, Chu Yan laughed, opened his arms, and hugged Liu Qingcheng.

This night was as gentle as water, and it was a night that belonged only to the two of them.


The news that Chu Yan returned to the Dragon Alliance spread very quickly in the Immortal Realm, especially among some Tianjiao. Many people were curious about how strong Chu Yan's combat power would be in ten years, and what realm he had reached.

Then, all kinds of news about him were dug out, such as the battle in Brokeback City, blooming more than ten kinds of color consciousness, killing a second-level immortal in seconds, etc., all over the place.

Of course, there were also some Tianjiao who were eager to try and wanted to know whether Chu Yan was really as rumored, so next, the Dragon Alliance was in a storm. Many Tianjiao who had risen in the past ten years came here to challenge, but they were all rejected by Chu Yan.

But this time, no one dared to underestimate Chu Yan. After all, his record was there. Although not much, each one was amazing enough. That was why more people began to look forward to the next Wushuang Realm.

Wushuang Realm was the gathering place for the real geniuses in the fairyland.

There, even ordinary immortals could only be like ants.

As the opening time of Wushuang Realm approached, the fairyland became more lively. The several fairylands that had rarely contacted each other before had recently communicated frequently. Strong men kept crossing the void and descending to other fairylands.

Finally, on this day, cracks appeared in the barrier of Wushuang Realm, and the day of opening arrived.

All parties in the fairyland were in excitement. Many strong men gathered in countless top forces, and even many top immortals. These people who used to be high and mighty in the fairyland had a glimmer of excitement in their eyes.

"Let's go!"

All parties had a magnificent momentum. Between heaven and earth, various immortal lights intertwined. Their goals were very consistent, and they all flew to one place.

In the past, there were many relics in the fairyland, including Xunxian Realm and Shenglong Pavilion, but they were far inferior to Wushuang Realm.

It was because the implication of Wushuang Realm was too profound.

The barrier of Wushuang Realm was restricted to the Immortal Emperor, so everyone below the Immortal Emperor could enter, which meant that the achievements of Wushuang Realm represented the future of the fairyland. If you could become famous in Wushuang Realm, you would have a very high status in the fairyland in the future, at least you would be an Immortal Emperor.

On this day, the Dragon Alliance also gathered many people, led by Li Chaoyang, who personally summoned a golden holy dragon, and Chu Yan was among them, and they were all there.

"Let's get ready to go, let's go." Li Chaoyang said cheerfully, and then he jumped on the back of the holy dragon, and saw the holy dragon flapping its wings and rushing towards the sky.

Countless people also gathered in the direction of the Cantian Taoist Temple. The Taoist Cantian came out in person and looked at the crowd below with satisfaction: "Everyone, you represent the future of the Cantian Taoist Temple. Next, let the fairyland see your strength."

Xuantian Sect, Supreme Military Palace.

Southern Yu Nishang, Dugu Lineage, Western Jiutian Immortal Dynasty, Northern Changsheng Palace, Qingfeng Immortal Dynasty.

On this day, all the strong flew out, and all were led by the Immortal Emperor.

It can be seen how much the fairyland values ​​the Wushuang Realm.

To win from the Wushuang Realm is the real fairyland Wushuang.

The upper fairyland, Ziling Mountain, Ziyang Holy Palace, Supreme Demon Palace, Fentian Holy Sect, Tianyun Holy Kingdom, the fairyland demon world, all have people going there. In addition, there are countless immortal forces that have never appeared in the world. It can be said that this time the Wushuang Realm is a big gathering of the fairyland.


Wushuang Realm, located in a chaotic space in the center of the Immortal Domain, no one knows why this space exists, but only knows that since the beginning of the Immortal Domain, this Wushuang Realm has existed.

The key is that the rise and fall, success and failure of the Immortal Domain in each era will be affected by Wushuang Realm every time, it is like a weather vane of the Immortal Domain.

In this chaotic space, strong people continue to descend, and it has long been crowded, and each one is very scary. It is no exaggeration to say that this place is now full of Immortal Venerables.

Suddenly, a demon dragon pulled a sedan chair in the distance, crossed the Immortal Domain, and descended from nothingness. Inside the dragon sedan chair, there was a purple-clothed saint, proud and sky-high.

"People from the Purple Sun Palace are here!" Below, someone looked up and saw the saints on the dragon chariot showing a pious look: "That one, is that the Purple Sun Saint Emperor?"

"Well, it's worthy of being the Wushuang Realm. Even the Saint Emperor has come in person. The young man next to him should be Zi Daofeng, right? A 200-year-old immortal, it is said that he has now reached the intermediate immortal realm. He is a person who is very concerned about the opening of the Wushuang Realm this time."

"Someone from the Southern Feather Immortal Dynasty is coming." At this time, there was another phoenix cry in the distance, and a real phoenix was seen crossing. There was a sedan chair on the back of the phoenix. Through the bead curtain, a peerless woman could be vaguely seen sitting in it.

"What a beautiful fairy, I wonder who she is. If I can pursue her, it can be said to be a beautiful thing in the world." Someone laughed. The people present were all of high status, and since they were immortals, they naturally had no scruples when talking.

"You'd better be careful when you speak." But at this time, another Tianjiao next to him spoke lightly.

"Why, the Southern Feather Immortal Dynasty is so powerful, but even others can't talk about it?" The Tianjiao didn't think so.

"It's up to you, but I'm telling you, that person is Nanyu Nishang, known as the most beautiful woman in the fairyland. Although your Qianchen Palace has some status in this fairyland, if you provoke her, it is estimated that Qianchen Immortal Emperor will find it difficult to protect you." The arrogant said casually. Not to mention the gap between the two forces, Nanyu Nishang herself alone has the strength of a top fairy emperor, who makes Jiutian Immortal Emperor suffer.

"Is she Nanyu Nishang?" The arrogant was stunned for a moment, and then showed a touch of admiration and fear: "Then it's better not to provoke her."

"Another top-level person has arrived, many beautiful women."

"They are the fairies of Zhongzhou Yaochi Fairy Palace."

Just at this time, another gust of wind suddenly blew in the distance, and a group of extraordinary strong men came across the sky, led by a man with eyes like a blade, extremely scary, wearing a heavenly holy robe, giving people a sense of inviolability.

"Haha, there are so many people here." The majestic man arrived and turned to look at Saint Emperor Ziyang: "Ziyang, I heard that you suffered a loss at the hands of a junior not long ago?"

Hearing this, everyone took a breath. Although the battle ten years ago was known to everyone in the fairyland, who would dare to use such a thing as a topic of conversation? Are you crazy?

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