Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 1168 Confrontation with Emperor Chen

In the fairyland, the fairy emperor is always the supreme existence, admired by all living beings.

Now that the terrible imperial power has descended, everyone in the suspended battlefield frowned and showed surprise.

Did even Emperor Chen get alarmed by today's battle?

Chu Yan looked up and looked at the noble figure crossing the void in the distance. The power of heaven and earth was surging. Chen Yuan Jianzun stood aside and clenched his hands, getting nervous.

"Meet Emperor Chen!"

"Father Emperor!" When Emperor Chen arrived, everyone in the Chen clan knelt down in submission, showing an extremely pious look. At the same time, Chen Duanyang's eyes flashed with a cold look.

Chu Yan's strength made him feel a strong threat. You know, Chu Yan is only a fairy now, but he has comprehended more than a dozen kinds of color consciousness. Once such a person grows up and reaches the emperor realm, there will not be many people in the fairyland who can kill him.

At that time, what will be waiting for his Chen clan?

Emperor Chen descended, and also looked down at Chu Yan. He had seen the scene just now from thousands of miles away. The immortal realm, with more than a dozen color consciousnesses, made him pay attention to it.

He had never thought that one day, he, a dignified immortal emperor, would so eagerly hope that an immortal realm would die.

"Everyone thought you were still in the Supreme Demon Palace, but I didn't expect that you would quietly return to Zhongzhou." Emperor Chen whispered.

"I didn't expect that even the high and mighty Emperor Chen would be interested in a battle for the immortal realm." Chu Yan said calmly.

"Emperor, kill him. This boy has a monstrous talent. Once he grows up, my Chen clan will be in danger!" Chen Duanyang opened his mouth and scolded. When the people of the Dragon Alliance heard this, they became nervous, especially Chen Yuan Jianzun, who clenched his fists. If it was just Chen Duanyang alone, he would still be sure to do everything he could to save Chu Yan.

But now that Emperor Chen appeared, a supreme immortal emperor, in front of such a person, let alone saving Chu Yan, even he himself was like an ant.

"Emperor Chen, we have a fight. Senior Chen is a top figure in the fairyland. Please consider your status. Moreover, if Emperor Chen attacks my Dragon League disciples, the Dragon League's Immortal Emperor will never let it go." Chen Yuan Jianzun whispered. Now all he could do was to make Emperor Chen have some reservations.

"Emperor, this boy must not be left." Chen Duanyang said anxiously.

However, Emperor Chen did not move. He just stood there quietly and looked at Chu Yan.

For a moment, the atmosphere became extremely tense.

Zixuan, Luan Xiong and other juniors felt powerless. That was an emperor-level figure. In front of such a person, they didn't even have room to speak.

Chu Yan, on the other hand, was slightly calm. He didn't speak either. He looked at Emperor Chen calmly. The two eyes seemed to have sparks colliding in the void.

"Threat the Dragon League?" Finally, Emperor Chen spoke, and everyone looked at him.

"If I can kill him today, I will not hesitate to go to war with the Dragon Alliance." Emperor Chen said, and Chen Yuan's heart became nervous. Emperor Chen said that if Chu Yan could be killed today, he would kill him at all costs.

Then today, an immortal emperor wants to kill Chu Yan, who can stop him?

But the next moment, Emperor Chen did not move, but looked at Chu Yan and said lightly: "However, you appeared here and dared to kill my descendants of the Chen clan unscrupulously. Even after I came here, you can still act very calm and fearless. Then can I understand that you think that even if this emperor comes in person today, I can't kill you?"

Everyone's eyes condensed, and then they found that it was true. Since Emperor Chen appeared, the whole place was silent, but Chu Yan did not show a trace of worry, but seemed very calm.

"Call out the person behind you, and let me see who gave you such confidence, so powerful that you can protect people in my hands." Emperor Chen said calmly. He was an immortal emperor. At his level, his perception was stronger than others.

So he could find that Chu Yan looked at him without any fear, but full of teasing and murderous intent, which made him understand that there should be someone else behind Chu Yan.

That person was Chu Yan's confidence.

"Emperor Chen, long time no see!"

Just at this time, the clouds in the sky rolled, as if there was a terrible dark magic light covering everything, turning into a huge demon face. In front of that face, a figure appeared. This person seemed to have been standing there all the time, with long hair flying wildly, wearing a dark long gown, giving people an extremely mysterious feeling.

"Supreme Demon Palace, Longyang Demon Emperor." Seeing that person, Emperor Chen's eyes became colder, and he obviously recognized the other party. At the level of immortal emperor, even if they were separated by a distant immortal realm, they would know each other a little.

"I didn't expect that even the third Demon Emperor of the Supreme Demon Palace came out in person. It seems that the Supreme Demon Emperor really loves this boy." Emperor Chen snorted coldly. Longyang Demon Emperor, one of the three top immortal emperors in the Supreme Demon Palace besides the Supreme Demon Emperor, practiced the magic dragon immortal art and had unparalleled combat power.

"Since you know, then you should understand that Chu Yan cannot be killed by your Chen clan." Longyang Demon Emperor said calmly.

Emperor Chen did not deny that today, since the person standing behind Chu Yan was Longyang Demon Emperor, it would not be easy for him to kill someone.

Of course, if he tried his best to kill, Chu Yan would still die, but in that case, his Chen clan would suffer more losses today.

It is no exaggeration to say that if he killed Chu Yan by force, all the people of the Chen clan would die here today, and it might be even worse than this.

"I'm very curious. The Supreme Demon Emperor has never interfered in the affairs of the Immortal Realm. Why did he make an exception for Chu Yan?" Emperor Chen looked at Demon Emperor Longyang and said in a neutral tone. He couldn't hear any anger. Human, today He doesn't have to kill, but he needs to know what kind of power is behind Chu Yan to enable the No. 1 Demon Emperor in the Immortal Realm to protect his path.

"This doesn't need to worry Emperor Chen." Demon Emperor Longyang said indifferently. In fact, he didn't know that this was the most important thing. Of course, he would definitely not admit it, otherwise it would be too embarrassing.

Emperor Chen narrowed his eyes slightly and felt extremely unhappy. However, in fact, he had expected this scene, but he still came because he wanted to test the person behind Chu Yan.

Unexpectedly, there really is.

Demon Emperor Longyang looked at Emperor Chen: "Emperor Chen, I am willing to admit defeat and let your people evacuate. From today on, Brokeback Mountain no longer belongs to you."

"Did the hand of the Supreme Demon Palace extend a little further?" Emperor Chen frowned. He could let Chu Yan go, but the other party actually wanted to interfere in Zhongzhou's affairs?

"So what? Do you believe it or not, after today, I will go back to the Demon Palace, recruit a few immortal emperors to join the Dragon Alliance, and then go to your Chen clan to crusade?" Demon Emperor Long Yang said with a smile. In the Immortal Realm, it can be said that it is enough to walk sideways and talk to Emperor Chen without any fear and directly threaten him.

Emperor Chen's eyes flashed with a fierce light, but he was speechless. The reason was very simple. The Supreme Demonic Palace itself was stronger than the Chen clan. If someone with the Saint Emperor level existed, one person would be enough to destroy your entire clan.

"Go back and tell the Demon Emperor that I will visit him if I have the chance." With no choice, Emperor Chen snorted coldly and looked at Chen Duanyang and others in the distance: "Let's go!"

"Great Emperor..." Chen Duanyang was still unwilling to give up. He missed the opportunity today and wanted to kill Chu Yan again. He didn't know how long it would take.

"Let's go!" Emperor Chen scolded again, already a little displeased. Today, it can be said that the Chen clan has suffered a lot. A bloodline heir died and was humiliated. Even Chen Huangsheng was defeated here.

After hearing the emperor's words, Chen Duanyang turned around and looked at Chu Yan again. Finally, he had no choice but to leave.

Seeing everyone from the Chen clan leaving, everyone in the Dragon Alliance suddenly came to their senses.

Everything today is like a dream, so unreal.

They, who were bound to lose, actually won, and defeated them with force. Thinking of this, many people looked at Chu Yan. All the credit must be attributed to Chu Yan, who was too powerful.

"Thank you, senior, for your help." Chu Yan expressed his gratitude to Demon Emperor Longyang. He knew very well that although he was unparalleled in the battle today, it was Demon Emperor Longyang who really made the Chen clan retreat.

"Since I promised the Demon Emperor to keep you safe, I will naturally do it." Demon Emperor Longyang shook his head indifferently.

"Everything is about strength." Chu Yan sighed, feeling a little enlightened.

"Let's go back to Brokeback City." After winning today, Chen Yuan was in a good mood and said happily.

"Senior, after the battle is over, I will leave." Chu Yan said with a smile. He stayed in Brokeback City to resolve this crisis. Now that it has been resolved, there is no need for him to stay.

When everyone saw that Chu Yan was about to leave, they all showed reluctance. Chen Yuanjianzun also said: "There will be a banquet in the evening. Do you want to leave before you join?"

"No need, it's been delayed long enough. Everyone, take care." Chu Yan said with a carefree smile. Everyone also understood that a person like Chu Yan was destined to be Master Yunxiao, and Brokeback City would only be a small person in his life. Interlude, in the future, such people will definitely stand on the top of the fairyland, looking down on the heaven and the earth.

So no one tried to persuade him to stay, but they all said: "Brother Chu, if we meet again in the Immortal Realm in the future, I hope to fight side by side with you."

"Okay!" Chu Yan readily agreed. On the day of departure, he did not return to the camp. He just asked Chen Yuan Jianzun to tell Qingyang that his sister's revenge was avenged and that he should practice well.

Looking at Chu Yan's back flying towards the sky, everyone sighed, and Zixuan smiled and said: "The next time we meet, he may have become a giant in the fairyland."

"Well, in this great era, he will definitely be there."

Some people lamented that Luan Xiong was also deeply affected. It turned out that he had always been ashamed of that defeat, but now, he feels very proud. That was Long Mengchu.

Many years later, when Chu Yan had reached the top, Luan Xiong used this as a way to show off, remembering that he had fought side by side with the King of Immortal Realm.

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