Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 1153: The Holy Emperor Accepts a Disciple [Three Updates]

"Boom!" There was another terrifying explosion in the sky, and the sky and earth were cut across by the golden Buddha light and the monstrous demon shadow.

"No need to fight, you can't beat me." Bathed in the magic light, the Nine-Precepts Monk looked solemn and inviolable, and smiled calmly.

Thousands of magic lights gathered and finally transformed into the huge body of the Supreme Demon Emperor, looking at the Nine-Precepts Monk with a slightly serious look.

In the previous battle, he did not use his full strength, but did the Nine-Precepts Monk use his full strength?

At this level, who would not keep some trump cards for themselves, and would never use them unless it was a matter of life and death.

But in this situation, he was obviously suppressed and was in a very bad mood: "Who are you?"

"The guardian of the holy way." The Nine-Precepts monk said lightly. The Supreme Demon Emperor frowned and looked down at Chu Yan across the 90,000-meter altitude: "Him?"

"Yes." The Nine-Precepts monk smiled and said, "I said that I came here today to give you an opportunity in the Supreme Demon Palace. You should understand what I mean now. Now he carries the inheritance of the demon way. In this fairyland, only you are worthy of him."

"But this is not your gift to him. On the contrary, this is an inch of opportunity for your Supreme Demon Palace. Within two hundred years, the fairyland will surely have an immortal king born. At that time, many forces in the fairyland will be reshuffled, and at that time, whether the Supreme Demon Palace can continue to exist depends on your thoughts today." The Nine-Precepts monk responded. The Supreme Demon Emperor was silent. He naturally knew about the prophecy of two hundred years, so he understood that the Nine-Precepts monk was right. Once an immortal king was born, the fairyland would be reorganized.

"There has been no Immortal King in the Immortal Realm for ten thousand years. Everyone thought that the era of Immortal Kings had passed, but who knew that there were still people like you. His identity must be extraordinary, right?" The Supreme Demon Emperor said. At his level, he naturally knew more than many people. He also understood why there had been no Immortal King in the Immortal Realm for ten thousand years. It was not that there were no Immortal Kings, but some people did not allow it.

Now, suddenly another group of mysterious strong men came. They guarded the Holy Way and created the Immortal King.

"I will promise you that I will accept him as my disciple, teach him the method of practicing with others and demons, and help him reshape his human form." The Supreme Demon Emperor said, and everyone's heart trembled. The Demon Emperor actually agreed.

"I just hope that he will not let me down."

"In the future, you will be grateful for your choice today." The Nine-Precepts Monk said calmly.

"I hope so." The Supreme Demon Emperor snorted coldly. The two figures slowly returned from the Nine Heavens and chatted casually, as if the battle just now did not exist at all. During this period, the Supreme Demon Emperor personally admitted that he was not as good as the Nine-Precepts Monk, and asked the Nine-Precepts Monk for some questions about practice, and talked to each other.

Everyone saw this scene and trembled slightly.

If you hadn't seen it with your own eyes, who would believe that a peerless demon emperor and a Buddhist monk could live in peace.

Looking at the Supreme Demon Emperor, Chu Yan sighed, this is the real demon, daring to face defeat and ask for advice from the opponent. Even if it is some Buddhist teachings, he will listen to the teachings with an open mind, and then think, find something suitable for himself, absorb and digest.

This made Chu Yan more convinced of his own ideas. Demons are just a way of practicing, not a great evil. As for those real demons, they are human hearts.

Afterwards, the Nine-Precepts Monk left quietly.

Chu Yan stayed in the Supreme Demon Palace and was accepted as a disciple by the Demon Emperor. This news also shocked the Immortal Realm. The Saint Emperor accepting a disciple is definitely a big deal in the Immortal Realm, not to mention the Demon Emperor of the Supreme Demon Palace.

Of course, the most shocked was Chu Yan himself. He had disappeared in the Immortal Realm for thirteen years. Now he appeared and became a Saint Emperor's inheritance, which made the Immortal Realm boil.

More people are speculating how strong Chu Yan is now and what realm he has reached.

In addition, some people are always paying attention to the movements of Ziyang Holy Palace. The last time Ziyang Holy Emperor was humiliated, the hatred was dead, but Chu Yan disappeared for thirteen years, and there was nothing they could do. Now that Chu Yan has appeared, the other party should not let it go, right?

As expected, three months later, someone from the Supreme Demon Palace came.

They were from Ziyang Holy Palace, and the leader was a mid-level immortal. This person was named Zhong Tong, a beloved disciple of Ziyang Holy Emperor, and he was extremely talented.

Ziyang Holy Palace and the Supreme Demon Palace were at the same level, and both had Saint Emperors. Naturally, they had to entertain the other party when they came here.

In the distance, the voice of the Supreme Demon Emperor echoed: "Zhong Tong, come in."

"Junior greets the Demon Emperor." Zhong Tong was brought to the hall by several demon cultivators and said respectfully: "Not long ago, I heard my master talking about the senior, saying that since he became a Saint Emperor, he has not fought with the Demon Emperor for a long time. I hope to have a chance to learn from him."

"If there is a chance, I would also like to learn from Zi Yang's way." The Supreme Demon Emperor said lightly.

"If so, that battle will definitely attract the attention of the heavens and immortals." Zhong Tong finished speaking and continued: "I heard that the Demon Emperor senior accepted a beloved disciple not long ago? Then I really have to congratulate him."

The Supreme Demon Emperor snorted in his heart, it was really rude, but he didn't care. He didn't have to fight with a junior, so he said lightly: "It's true."

"Does the Demon Emperor know the identity of this person?"

"When I accept disciples, I always value talent. As for identity, I don't pay much attention." The Supreme Demon Emperor pretended to be confused.

"So that's how it is. But as far as I know, this kid has a bad character. Ten years ago, the Holy Son of our palace died at the hands of this kid. My master was furious, but this kid cunningly escaped. Ten years have passed, and there has been no news of him. I didn't expect him to run to the Supreme Demon Palace. I hope the Demon Emperor can hand over this kid and let me take him back to the Holy Palace." Zhong Tong said calmly.

The Supreme Demon Emperor frowned, but before he could speak, a powerful Demon Emperor next to him shouted: "How dare you, a disciple of the Demon Emperor, even my Demon Palace Demon Son, you want to take him away?"

"I said, the Demon Emperor Senior may have been blinded by this boy before. People like this are not worthy of being the Demon Emperor's disciple." Zhong Tong said calmly.

"Okay, I have heard something about this matter, but it is said that Chu Yan killed Zi Shengyang because Zi Shengyang was arrogant and hurt his wife, so he went berserk. Now that the incident has been ten years, you will also tell Zi Yang Saint Emperor that he has been practicing for tens of thousands of years, and he should still have the proper demeanor, and stop arguing with a junior." The Supreme Demon Emperor said calmly.

Zhong Tong frowned: "So, the Demon Emperor said he is not going to hand over anyone?"

"Do you still want to walk out of the Demon Palace alive?" The Supreme Demon Palace smiled calmly, but Zhong Tong's heart sank, and he felt an invisible pressure. Then he nodded vigorously: "Okay, I will definitely convey the Demon Emperor's words."

After saying that, Zhong Tong wanted to leave. In fact, when he came here, he guessed that the Demon Emperor would not hand over anyone, but he still came. This is the attitude of the Ziyang Holy Palace.

"Wait!" At this moment, a voice came, Zhong Tong's eyes condensed, turned around, and saw a huge demon body, it was Chu Yan.

"Go back and tell Ziyang old dog that sooner or later, I will personally take his dog life for the grudge ten years ago." Chu Yan snorted coldly.

Zhong Tong's eyes turned cold, and then he also showed a playful look: "Wushuangjie, you'd better not go."

After saying that, Zhong Tong turned around and left.

Looking at his back, the Supreme Demon Emperor had a powerful demon cultivator snort coldly: "Demon Emperor, the people of Ziyang Holy Palace are really presumptuous. They dared to come to my Demon Palace to ask for people?"

"It's normal. I was surprised that he didn't come."

"It turns out that the Purple Sun Holy Emperor doesn't care so much about his offspring." A demon emperor snorted coldly.

"Do you really think that he came to ask for people to avenge Zi Shengyang?" The Supreme Demon Emperor smiled peacefully, and the demon emperor showed a trace of doubt: "Isn't it?"

"Of course not, at our level, offspring are already as many as floating clouds, and Zi Shengyang and the Purple Sun Holy Emperor are separated by several generations. How much affection can there be? He came to ask for people just to save face, and he is also afraid." The Supreme Demon Emperor said calmly: "With the arrival of the great era, the unparalleled world will open, and the fairyland will inevitably face a change. By then, we will all be ups and downs, and how many people can survive?"

Many demon emperors trembled. When they reached the level of the Holy Emperor, do they still need to worry about life and death?

In the eyes of many people, the Holy Emperor cannot die.

But only the Holy Emperor understands that there is no such thing as invincibility and immortality in this world. Maybe there is, but not them. The Immortal Realm has produced generations of Immortal Realm Kings, and they still fell, let alone these Holy Emperors?

"Let's all go." The Supreme Demon Emperor smiled calmly and looked at Chu Yan: "Chu Yan, you stay."

"The Demon Emperor bids farewell." The Demon Emperors from all sides stood up and bid farewell. In a blink of an eye, only the Demon Emperor and Chu Yan were left in the hall. The Demon Emperor looked at Chu Yan from above.

"Release your magic inheritance and see." The Supreme Demon Emperor said. He promised the Nine Rings Monk that he would help Chu Yan reshape his body, but before that, he needed to understand what level Chu Yan's magic inheritance was at.

Facing the Demon Emperor, Chu Yan did not say much. Since he was here, he had absolute trust in the Demon Emperor. Besides, it was too easy for the Demon Emperor to harm him. He nodded and released his demonic power. In a blink of an eye, he saw the eight directions of demon spirits appear around him, which was very dazzling.

Feeling the eight directions of demon spirits, the Supreme Demon Emperor's eyes flashed with brilliance, and then nodded and said, "It's OK."

Chu Yan then took back the evil demon inheritance, and the endless brilliance returned to its place.

"Come with me." The Supreme Demon Emperor stood up and then walked towards the deepest part of the Demon Palace. Chu Yan followed closely behind. As he went deeper, he felt more and more wonderful. The world around him gradually changed, as if he had fallen into the body of a big demon.

Soon, the two came to a huge demon statue. The demon statue was ten thousand feet long, with six wings and nine eyes, just like a peerless demon lord.

Looking at the huge demon statue, the Supreme Demon Palace said solemnly: "This is the Lord of Ten Thousand Demons. All the ways of demons are inherited from him, but do you know who he is?"


"He is a human cultivator." The Supreme Demon Emperor said lightly: "Everyone says that demons are so evil, but who knows that in fact, our demon race itself evolved from human cultivators. In the past, the Lord of Ten Thousand Demons practiced too much and surpassed the world. As a result, he was feared by the world and was labeled as a demon."

Chu Yan's heart trembled wildly. The Lord of Ten Thousand Demons was actually a human cultivator?

"This is the legend of immortals and demons. If you practice it to perfection, you can assimilate the power of immortals and demons in your body. But now you have ten times the blessing under the power of evil demons, and your realm is comparable to that of a mid-level immortal. If you practice this method, the demon spirit will dissipate, and then your demon realm will be affected by the immortal power. Are you willing?"

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