Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 1152: Arrogant Monk

"How dare you hurt someone from my Demon Palace!" A powerful demon lord shouted in the distance, and then more demon lords stepped out, vaguely forming a siege on Chu Yan.

"Destroy him." A powerful demon lord shouted in a low voice, and immediately many people stepped out. One of the demon cultivators summoned the thunder of heaven, killing everything, and smashed it at Chu Yan with a bang.

Chu Yan reacted very quickly, and the evil sword flew out, shattering the thunder of heaven. Then his face became unhappy, and he looked up at the many demon cultivators: "I said, it has nothing to do with me. He was the first to attack just now. If you continue, don't blame me for being rude."

"Stop talking nonsense, you hurt someone from my Demon Palace, and you must pay the price today." Another powerful demon lord stepped out in the distance, and in the sky, thousands of demon paths intertwined and roared towards Chu Yan.

In that power, Chu Yan's face became unfriendly. He was tricked by the Nine-Precepts Monk, and he was already very unhappy. Now he was attacked by the crowd. The clay Buddha still had some anger, let alone him.

"You forced me to do it." With the flapping of his demon wings, Chu Yan soared up to the sky. Then he lowered his head and looked at the countless demon lords, revealing an extremely arrogant look. Then he put his hands together, and endless demon spirits flashed in all directions. Countless demon cultivators were shocked. At this time, they looked at Chu Yan with a trace of fear.

"Stop!" Suddenly, the space in the distance fluctuated again, and a demon cultivator with extremely terrifying strength descended.

This person was a demon emperor. As soon as he appeared, many demon cultivators stopped, but glared at Chu Yan, very unhappy.

The demon emperor appeared and looked down at Chu Yan. Just now, he felt a trace of oppression from Chu Yan's body, and it was the same, which made him even more curious.

But after a moment, he calmed down and said lightly: "Little guy, this is the Supreme Demon Palace, do you know what you are doing?"

"Although this is the Supreme Demon Palace, it is also a paradise for demon cultivators. I am also a demon cultivator. I came here, but was treated unfairly. Naturally, I have to fight back." Facing the Demon Emperor, Chu Yan said. Although he has ten times the power under the evil demon, he is not confident that he can collide with the Demon Emperor.

"Do you think that if I don't show up, you can beat all of them alone?"

"I dare not say I will win, at least with this bunch of trash, they can't threaten me." Chu Yan responded, roaring, and many demon cultivators below showed anger again.

"You are arrogant."

The Demon Emperor narrowed his eyes and snorted coldly, but didn't say much to Chu Yan, turning to look at the Nine Rings Monk: "Buddhist monk, why did you enter my Demon Palace?"

"I came to give you a chance in the Demon Palace." Facing the Demon Emperor, the Nine Rings Monk smiled calmly.

"When will it be your turn to give my Devil Palace good fortune? I will not bother with you about today's matter, go back." The Devil Emperor said coldly, which made many powerful demon masters unhappy. Many of them were abused by Chu Yan just now, so let it go?

But the Devil Emperor spoke, and they could not say much, and could only stare at Chu Yan angrily.

"Good fortune is determined by heaven. If heaven determines it, it will be so. You, the Devil Palace, have to accept it or not. You can't refuse it." The Nine Commandments monk said calmly.

"My Supreme Devil Palace has never been bound by heaven, so how can it be determined by heaven." The Devil Emperor said arrogantly, what is the cultivation of demons? Naturally, those who go against heaven are demons, and those who follow heaven's will are not demons. Will they be bound by heaven's will?

"You have no right to decide today's matter, take me to see the Supreme Devil Emperor." The Nine Commandments monk shook his head.

"You are so presumptuous!" The eyes of the Demon Emperor turned cold, and with a hum, a terrible demonic energy surged in his body. A terrifying void demon appeared behind him. In front of the demon, the Nine-Precepts monk was extremely small, as if he would be swallowed up at any time.

"Amitabha." The ninth-level monk said a Buddhist word, and the next moment, golden light flashed around him. No matter how powerful the demonic light was, it could not break him at all.

Seeing the golden Buddha light, the Demon Emperor's eyes condensed: "Who are you?"

"Take me to see the Supreme Demon Emperor." The Nine-Precepts monk said calmly, and the Demon Emperor's eyes became colder. He was a fairy emperor, but he could not break the monk's defense.

"Let him come." At this moment, a very majestic voice suddenly came from the depths of the distant Supreme Demon Palace, causing countless demon cultivators to tremble slightly. That was the voice of the Supreme Demon Emperor.

Hearing that voice, the Demon Emperor snorted coldly and then stepped aside.

"Donor Chu, let's go." The Nine-Precepts monk smiled calmly. Chu Yan blinked above. Although he had long guessed that the Nine-Precepts monk was not simple, he did not expect that he was so strong that even the Demon Emperor could not threaten him. He nodded and followed.

Just like that, a strange scene appeared in the Supreme Demon Palace.

The Demon Realm Saint Emperor and thousands of demon cultivators rose into the air and lined up in two rows, but there was a Buddhist monk in the center who stepped towards the Supreme Demon Palace, and they did not dare to stop him.

Being with the Nine-Precepts monk, Chu Yan was also speechless for a while. He could feel the anger in the eyes of those demon cultivators. I am afraid that if the Nine-Precepts monk was a little weaker, they would have rushed up and torn the two of them to pieces, right?

Soon, the two passed through the demons and came to the main hall of the Supreme Demon Palace. There were 90,000 steps below, and 10,000 demon statues were built on both sides, as if they were on a pilgrimage.

The Nine Commandments monk and Chu Yan went directly to the Demon Palace. Inside the Demon Palace, there was a huge figure, a hundred feet tall, sitting on top, like a real demon god.

"Chu Yan? I know you. Not long ago, Zi Yang also suffered a loss at your hands." The Supreme Demon Emperor looked at Chu Yan. With just one glance, Chu Yan felt as if he was seen through. It was a pressure he had only experienced on the Saint Emperor Zi Yang. He lowered his head slightly.

"Senior, you are too kind. Saint Emperor Zi Yang has gone too far. I will fight back." Chu Yan said in a low voice.

"That is your business. I don't care. But today, you two have trespassed into my Supreme Demon Palace. You must give an explanation." The Supreme Demon Emperor said calmly.

"Since the Buddhist monk has entered my Demon Palace, you can say whatever you want."

"I will give you a disciple to inherit the legacy." The Nine-Precepts Monk said calmly.

The Supreme Demon Emperor's eyes condensed, and then he looked at Chu Yan with a smile: "Him?"

"Yes." The Nine-Precepts Monk responded.

Chu Yan was also surprised to hear the conversation between the two. He guessed that the Nine-Precepts Monk brought him here for some reason, but he never thought that he wanted the Supreme Demon Emperor to accept him as a disciple.

"Are you the opportunity you mentioned? What if I don't agree?" The Supreme Demon Emperor laughed. He, Ziyang Saint Emperor, and Leng Wang were from the same era. He had been in the fairyland for too long and even forgot how many years he had lived. Therefore, he had long lost that heart and had not accepted disciples for many years.

"You will agree."

"Why are you so sure?"

"Because you can't beat me."

The Nine Commandments monk said lightly, but the next moment, the atmosphere in the Demon Palace was suppressed, and many Demon Emperors beside him showed a hint of anger. The Supreme Demon Emperor was a Saint Emperor, and he was also a demon cultivator. Looking at the fairyland, even Ziyang Saint Emperor didn't want to provoke him, but this monk said that the Supreme Demon Emperor couldn't beat him?

Chu Yan's heart trembled, this monk...

Please, this is someone else's territory.

You are looking for death, don't implicate me.

Now Chu Yan had only one thought in his mind, he didn't know him, he didn't know him.

The huge demon eyes of the Supreme Demon Emperor shrank. He had been in the Saint Emperor realm for ten thousand years, which meant that he had never made a move in these ten thousand years. It was not for other reasons, but there were too few people in this fairyland who were worthy of his move. But today, there was a person in his own hall who said to him that he could not beat him?

"Monk, you are very arrogant." With a hum, a terrifying demon flame faintly erupted in the Supreme Demon Emperor's body. With just one thought, the sky was changed, the demon power was lingering, and all the demons surrendered.

"Go out for a fight?" Demon cultivators are all warlike. Since the other party made this request, the Supreme Demon Emperor also wanted to see how strong this monk was and how he dared to be so presumptuous.

"Okay." The Nine-Precepts Monk nodded, and then his figure flashed, and he turned into thousands of Buddha shadows and rushed directly into the Nine Heavens.

The Supreme Demon Emperor also stood up, with a surging demon light, and a huge figure carried out and rushed to the outside world.

Between heaven and earth, two dazzling lights immediately appeared, turning into black and gold, extremely dazzling, and everyone in the Supreme Demon Palace could see them.

The two kept going up, breaking through the clouds, and stopped only when they reached the world 90,000 miles away. At their level, if they fought to their heart's content, the power generated would be too terrible, enough to destroy the entire Supreme Demon Palace.

Even if the Supreme Demon Palace was made of extraordinary metals and could resist some attacks from the Immortal Emperors, it would definitely not be able to withstand the remaining power of the Holy Emperor.

The next moment, countless Demon Emperor-level powerhouses flashed their eyes and broke through the air. Even for them, fighting at the Holy Emperor level was rare, so they naturally didn't want to miss this opportunity.

"It's a pity that such a peak duel can't be witnessed in person." Some Demon Lords sighed, but didn't walk out, because they were not stupid.

The battle between the Holy Emperors was definitely not something that the Immortal Lords could get close to, even if they just watched from afar.

When he reached the Ninth Heaven, the Supreme Demon Emperor stood proudly, as if he was carrying the entire virtual demon world on his back. He looked at the Nine Commandments Monk: "Let me see, why are you so sure?"

"You will know." The Nine Commandments Monk said calmly, and put his hands together. Behind him, golden light immediately surged, as if an ancient golden Buddha was born, making a terrible roar and suppressing everything.

"Om!" The Supreme Demon Emperor also moved. At their level, there was no need to deliberately collide. Various terrible imperial lights were constantly transformed in the sky and rushed towards the Nine Commandments Monk.

As the battle began, a terrible roar immediately sounded outside the Nine Heavens, thundering, and everyone in the Supreme Demon Palace was shocked.

"What a terrible deterrence." Countless people's hearts trembled. The collision on the sky could be felt even thousands of miles away, and other demon cultivators were full of yearning.

In the Demon Palace, Chu Yan was also a little surprised. He knew that the Nine Commandments Monk was not bad, but he didn't expect that the other party was so strong that he could compete with the Supreme Demon Emperor.

The Demon Emperors who were watching the battle at close range all activated their shields, watching the light that kept streaking and colliding across the void, causing ripples.

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