Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 1144: Destroy Your Clan [Fourth Update]

As the voice fell, the hearts of countless people trembled wildly.

The faces of Li Chaoyang, Emperor Qingfeng and others suddenly became heavy.

They knew that it was the voice of the Holy Emperor.

Holy Emperor, are you going to take action?

Towering Taoist Temple and others showed sinister smiles. This is the moment they have been waiting for. As long as the Holy Emperor takes action, no one can save Chu Yan today and he will die.

Chu Yan's huge demon body froze. Under that power, even if he was possessed by the demon, he could not move at all and could only stand there. Then he raised his head and looked at the cart pulled by the nine-headed demon dragon.

Has what was supposed to come finally arrived?

"Little guy, you are too presumptuous." The Holy Emperor said slowly. In his body, the terrifying immortal power bloomed, and the space where Chu Yan was located suddenly collapsed. He only felt that his huge body was being crushed inch by inch. The suppression almost made him kneel down.

In the distance, King Leng also condensed his eyes and raised his head to look at the Holy Emperor: "Holy Emperor Ziyang, you are also a famous figure in the Immortal Realm for a long time. Don't you feel shameful when you show up today just to deal with a junior? "

"What's the shame?" Holy Emperor Ziyang smiled calmly: "It's no wonder that your Leng family chose him as the new generation of Holy Master. He has three color consciousnesses and seven ninth-level life souls. I have never seen such talent, but That’s why he can’t live anymore.”

"Are you afraid that I will survive?" Chu Yan raised his head and looked directly at the Purple Sun Emperor.


Emperor Ziyang nodded seriously and actually admitted it. He originally wanted to kill Chu Yan just to avenge Zi Shengyang and regain his face, but he had seen everything just now. If Shentian Taoist Temple and others killed Chu Yan for him, he would not bother to take action, but he did not expect it. , Chu Yan actually has such great power, even the Leng family, who has not been born for ten thousand years, came for him.

He couldn't let such a person go. He practiced as a Holy Emperor and naturally lived longer than many people, so he understood a truth better.

In the Immortal Realm, talent is often not the most important thing. Survival is the fundamental thing. For example, there were many people of his generation who were more talented than him, but... they all died long ago.

If a person like Chu Yan can be used by him, he will teach him wholeheartedly, but hatred has been forged, and if he continues to let it go, he will feed the tiger and seek his own death.

"What if I don't agree?" King Leng's eyes turned cold and he took a step forward.

"King Leng, although you and I are contemporaries, it's best not to do this." Purple Yang Holy Emperor said, and then he stood up slowly. In just a moment, the Immortal Realm changed, and his consciousness seemed to change. It is the power of this entire fairyland, and everyone must surrender.

"So strong...what kind of power is this?"

"The Immortal King Dao Tong!"

The Leng clan had once given birth to an Immortal King, so King Leng understood better what the power of the Purple Yang Holy Emperor meant. It was the power of Taoism that only the Immortal King possessed. Even if the Holy Emperor had not yet fully mastered it, he had It's entry level.

So, in this era without the Immortal King, that power is definitely bad news for them.

"Is that the power that the legendary Immortal King can possess?" Many Immortal Emperors also showed a look of piety.

"King Leng, you should know by now. I want him to die. No one in the Immortal Realm can let him live now." Ziyang Holy Emperor said with great confidence. King Leng roared, but he really felt powerless, because he You know, what Purple Yang Saint Emperor said is correct.

Li Chaoyang's eyes were red, and the Feng Liu Sword was buzzing and trembling. Unfortunately, he was bound by that invisible force, and even he couldn't break free.

Emperor Ziyang lowered his head and looked at Chu Yan, with a hint of appreciation in his eyes.

In the Immortal Realm, no one he valued had appeared in many years, including his descendants. In tens of thousands of years, no one with the same realm as him had been born.

But today, he saw a descendant who would become the Holy Emperor in the future. Unfortunately, he had already forged a deep hatred.

He even regretted it. If he had known about Chu Yan earlier, he might have made an exception, accepted Chu Yan as his disciple, passed on his mantle, and treated him as a descendant.

"It would be great if you were my descendant." Ziyang Holy Emperor sighed with a little helplessness, which made countless people in the Immortal Realm sigh. Ziyang Holy Emperor actually said that if Chu Yan were his descendant, he should How good, it can be said that this is a great recognition for Chu Yan.

"It's a pity... you're not." Purple Yang Holy Emperor sighed, and then he shook his head: "So, you are going to die today."

Countless people stared at each other, and the terrifying power of the Immortal Emperor came down, and the Immortal Realm seemed to have sunk an inch.

"Ah!!" Li Chaoyang let out a low roar, and blood flowed out of his clenched hands, but he could not break free of the barrier.

The realm of Emperor Qingfeng is higher. Behind him, there is a vague shadow of ancient Qingfeng. Unfortunately, it is still not enough. Under that absolute power, he was suppressed and crushed. This is the power of the Holy Emperor. Everything is... It's so illusory, even the top Immortal Emperor is useless.

Shentian Taoist and others all breathed a sigh of relief. Is it finally over? The Holy Emperor ordered that Chu Yan would not be able to survive.

To be honest, they were also shocked by Chu Yan today, especially the terrifying fighting power and unparalleled elegance that he possessed later. It was so terrifying.

They even had a hunch that without the Holy Emperor, they might not be able to keep Chu Yan alive today.

Emperor Huaqing's eyes showed a ferocious look. In the end, he was still going to die, but the hatred between him and the Dragon Alliance would definitely not end because of Chu Yan.

Except for the top figures, the rest of the people were also like this, especially those of the same generation as Chu Yan, who were even more shocked. Today, so many Immortal Emperors participated in the battle, but in the end, the Holy Emperor had to take action himself to kill him. This also made many of them secretly lower their heads. Compared with Chu Yan, they were indeed far behind.

Looking at Chu Yan's miserable condition, Yu Qiong Xian'er felt heartbroken, but even the Immortal Emperor couldn't save him, what could she do? Unless there was another Holy Emperor who was willing to help him at this time, but...how many Holy Emperors were there in the Immortal Realm?

Feeling the pressure from the Holy Emperor, Chu Yan smiled with relief. He turned into a huge demon body, but he didn't have the slightest fear, and he had already looked down on it.

But he was unwilling. Today, his senior brothers and others fought for him, but in the end, he still had to die, but he didn't regret it. He asked himself, even if he knew this ending, he would still kill Zi Shengyang again if he had to do it again.

"Qingcheng, Qingyi, wait for me, I will come back!" Chu Yan turned around and looked at the two beautiful figures in the distance, his huge demon eyes full of love, and then he turned around and looked at the Purple Sun Saint Emperor, so arrogant and invincible, as if his words could dominate everything.

He wanted to remember the face of the Purple Sun Saint Emperor, because everything today was not over yet.

Sooner or later, he would come back, and when that time came, everyone present here today would have to pay the price for it.

At that time, he wanted these people to tremble.


The destructive force destroyed everything, making the immortal emperors feel powerless, and finally killed Chu Yan mercilessly at this moment.

Is everything going to end?

From the moment the Saint Emperor opened his mouth, this ending seemed to be doomed.

"Try to touch him." At this time, suddenly there was a terrible light of the Taoism blooming, turning into a radiance of destruction, sweeping across the Immortal Dynasty, and everyone wanted to feel a terrible cold light.

"Boom!" The threat of the Holy Emperor was shattered in an instant and disappeared without a trace.

I saw a figure appearing in the distant sky. He was wearing a black Taoist robe, with his hands behind his back, leaning against the sky. He seemed to appear out of thin air, and seemed to have been there for a long time, but no one noticed him. He was thousands of miles away from the Holy Emperor, but it seemed that there was a storm colliding in these thousands of miles.

"If you dare to touch him, I will destroy your clan. Do you believe it?"

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