Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 1143: Have you had enough of the trouble? [Three more chapters]

The huge Qingfeng Immortal Dynasty was shrouded in the dark demonic energy.

Thousands of demonic lights descended into Chu Yan's body.

At this moment, he was bearing the worship of thousands of demon spirits. As those demonic thoughts entered his body, his body also changed. He was no longer a human, but a terrifying demon that was more than ten feet tall.

The advent of evil demons can make a person's power ten times stronger, and his realm also grows to the limit.

At the top of the immortal position, the first-level immortal master, the second-level immortal master... the third-level immortal master is still getting stronger.

No, at this moment, Chu Yan is not very appropriate to be described as an immortal master. Now he is more like a demon master.

"What's going on?"

Everyone present was shocked by this abrupt scene, including some immortal emperors. This was the first time they had seen such a situation.

"He seems to have inherited some ancient demon heritage, and now, he has entered the devil's way." A powerful fairy emperor said that in the fairyland, there have been many such inheritances. For example, the ancient emperor's mausoleum of the Huaqing Immortal Dynasty once had an ancient emperor's inheritance, which could temporarily lead the spirit of the ancient emperor into the body, borrow the power of the ancestors, and exert the ultimate power.

This is why the Huaqing Immortal Dynasty has always attached great importance to the ancient emperor's mausoleum.

It's just that Chu Yan's evil demon seems to be stronger.

Chu Yan was possessed by the devil, and his whole body was burning with terrible demonic energy, and he wanted the eight demon kings to surrender. There were many demon cultivators who had practiced the devil's way in the distance. When they felt that power, they felt a sense of destruction.

This was the second time Chu Yan used this power. The last time, on Shangcang Island, he wanted to become a demon and messed up the six domains. But last time, he had the floating immortal secret to disperse the demon spirit in his body, but this time, he was possessed by the devil and would be a demon in this life, and there was no chance.

But those are no longer important. The huge demon body turned around and fell on the immortal, revealing a fierce light. With just one glance, the immortal felt like he was being stared at by a wild beast, and he actually felt a touch of fear.

"I said you would die. Now, you can die." Chu Yan roared hoarsely, and the terrifying demon power enveloped thousands of people, and madly killed the immortal.

Under the absolute demon power, the immortal roared and his will bloomed, but almost at the same time, the demon wings behind Chu Yan fluttered wildly, and his body turned into lightning and rushed out madly. In his body, there was also a consciousness that came into being. That consciousness was infinitely dark and contained endless demon spirits.

"Color consciousness...demon consciousness?" Someone else said in surprise. In this battle, Chu Yan actually comprehended another color consciousness, the devil consciousness.

The huge demon body was like a moving mountain, but his speed was so fast that under the demon consciousness, the immortal felt his soul tremble, as if locked by a pair of demon eyes, making him feel cold.

"Go to hell!" Chu Yan roared ferociously, and the demon power turned into a huge fist shadow, destroying everything. The sky seemed to collapse. Under the absolute power, the immortal felt that his body was about to collapse and twisted inch by inch.

"Thief, you dare!"

The Taoist monk Cantian roared. The immortal was one of his disciples. Yun Feiyang died in Chu Yan's hands, which was his shame. How could he let another immortal disciple die again?


A star spell fell from the void, and with a thud, it hit Chu Yan's huge demon body and flew backwards. A green peak in the distance immediately collapsed and exploded.

But the next moment, Chu Yan stood up again. The attack of the Immortal Emperor did not kill him. How terrible was the defense of that demon body?

Chu Yan stood up and threw out again, rushing towards the Immortal Venerable. The Immortal Venerable was completely terrified and crazy. This guy was crazy. He turned around and wanted to escape, but unfortunately, Chu Yan's power after being possessed by the devil was too strong, like the light of destruction. A huge arm grabbed the Immortal Venerable in the air: "You can't live, and no one can let you live!"

"No!" The Immortal Venerable screamed, and the next moment, his body was shattered. He died, and his throat was twisted.

Seeing this scene, countless people trembled.

At this point, Chu Yan actually killed another Immortal Venerable, and it was still a super-ordinary Immortal Venerable. The eyes of the Taoist Cantian turned red and roared angrily: "Beast, I must kill you today!"

"Buzz!" Just the next moment, Li Chaoyang also moved, the wind flowed sword light, the sword energy was ten thousand miles, the cold sky was endless, blocking everything.

"Everyone, this boy has been possessed by the devil. Cholera Immortal Realm, follow me and kill this boy!" In the distance, another immortal spoke up. He was a young immortal from the Supreme Arms Hall. He rushed towards Chu Yan with a silver spear in his hand.

"Go!" Someone from Jianshen Mountain also moved. In the Golden Immortal Dynasty, there were more immortals from more forces who kept rushing out.

Chu Yan's demonic body was too huge. Standing there, it was like a target, allowing them to attack anywhere and nowhere to hide.

"Chu kid...!" Seeing this scene, Chang Yunhou's old eyes turned red. He had forgotten how many years he hadn't cried, but at this moment, a tear fell.

It was too miserable. The peerless young man was bombarded by thousands of spells. His whole body was full of blood holes, and his huge body was a little shaky.

Even if he was possessed by the devil, it was still not enough.

Today, there were too many people who wanted Chu Yan to die, especially after Chu Yan showed such a peerless talent, those people would never let him live.

Even if several top forces such as the Dragon Alliance, Qingfeng Immortal Dynasty, and Tianhua Immortal Palace fought for him, it would not work.

"I won't give up!" Chu Yan's huge demonic body suddenly released another peerless demonic light. A young immortal in the Changsheng Palace in the distance had a cold face. The demonic light was too fast, killing everything and directly piercing his heart. The demonic flame kept burning and shattered it.

"This child must not live!" A cold light flashed in the eyes of the Lord of Changsheng Palace. He hadn't made a move for a long time, but at this moment, he raised his palm and destroyed everything with his ruthless imperial power, slashing at Chu Yan's huge demonic body.

"Buzz!" But at this moment, there was a crisp phoenix cry in the distance. Nanyu Nishang was sitting on the phoenix sedan chair. With a slender jade hand, she shattered the attack coefficient of the Lord of Changsheng Palace.

"Does the Nanyu Immortal Dynasty also want to intervene in today's affairs?" The Lord of Changsheng Palace raised his head suddenly and looked at Nanyu Nishang coldly.

"As a top immortal emperor, you should have some dignity." Nan Yu Nishang said coldly, and then she looked at Chu Yan again. It must be said that even she was moved by today's battle. Today's Chu Yan seemed to be a little different from the one she saw in the chaotic time and space in the past.

In the chaotic time and space, he was arrogant and stubborn.

But in today's battle, he entered the devil, fought against the Tianjiao, defeated the immortal, and had endless elegance. It's a pity that she sighed again. Such a person is a short-lived person after all. She can help him block the attack of the Lord of the Changsheng Palace, but she can't save him.

"Have you guys had enough trouble?"

At this time, a very majestic voice suddenly came from the void, and the bodies of everyone present trembled slightly. Everything in the immortal dynasty suddenly stopped.

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